This man will be the next Pope. How does this make you feel?

This man will be the next Pope. How does this make you feel?

Attached: Cardinal Sarah.jpeg (300x420, 23.4K)

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No we need something different.
A traditional Russian priest, with an orthodox background, a convert. To fix the damn roman Church.

Cardinal Sarah will save the Catholic Church

We can only hope.

If he is actually elected, this will be a good thing. But I need reliable sources.

If he'd become the Pope I'd be very happy, but I hear he can't become one because he is the Dean, the one who announces the name of a New Pope

Hopefully…but one mustn't underestimate that smoke Paul VI mentioned. Especially right now.

That would be…convenient, for some.

he's a tigger, that would be even worse than pedo-commie (((Francis)))

wow, such a great argument.

Doubtful. Francis already communized the cardinals.

that would be pretty good probably

Even if his race was an issue - one that could put the church in a critical situation - how would anything change precisely from the current situation? Rather, I think it's fairer to be concerned that in fact nothing would change on his election. All the compounded corruption elsewhere needs to be swept out, in order to see a positive alteration.

they're animals, user

people need to get with the program and leave (((The Church))) already

Attached: On-the-Jews-and-their-Lies-cover.jpg (246x369, 68.96K)

I would be extremely happy if Cardinal Sarah were to become the next pope.

Same. By every indication a holy and honorable cardinal.

Yeah I feel like the orthodox have some valid points, but we need unification under the holy see. I'd love to have that happen. Alas, don't call the church damned.

I think this would be the biggest indicator of the church's overall health. He's a righteous man and the best fit to lead the faith by all accounts. But it would be concerning if some other postmodern noodlehead was chosen again instead.

By communist, do you mean gift economy? I think the economy should be without money to those who don't want it, but available with currency depicting Christ and saints for those that do want money. I saw an illustration where st Judas had a coin with Christ's face, recognizing that a voluntary monetary economy would be honor bound.

…you utter dorks set up an autoreplace for "tigger"??

Absolutely winnie the pooh, guys.

Whatever you want to say about black people, the Catholic Church in Africa, ironically, seems to be the only part of the Church *without* AIDS.

Color aside, he's being chosen, like many other choices, to increase familiarity with non-Christians.
This strategy is so stupid. I really can't believe they actually think more people will come to parish if they do this, they ought to know what they are doing.
Apostolics, both papists and orthodox, can't compete with Baptist churches that use their buildings as a gym during weekdays on familiarity with the modern world. A better strategy political-wise would be to get the niche of disenfranchised young men and wait for them to build families. It's what Islam does, it works.
Young men are the most likely to join a completely alien community, once they build families, the wife and children join.

We're all, in the sense of taxonomy, animals.
Blacks are descended of Adam, and therefor human. If you don't believe anyone who is descended of Adam is human, you're not adhering to the bible.
Plus, if IQ scores decide what is human, you can argue that dolphins and elephants are human, you silly faggot.
Not only that, but you're presumably judging every single member of a race by their average IQ, which is not representative of any outliers of the group, of which this cardinal likely is one.

How did adaptation create other 'races'? I know Adam was white, and Christ is mostly white, subtly olive potentially (for killing the son of God). Are the black priests heavy sinners?

Though I'm sure the blacks are forgiven with indulgences. The idea of a reptilian pope like in Futurama is provoking though.

He's not a tigger. tiggers are the ones that listen to hip hop and say ooga booga and behave like animals. This guy is based.

Could you define white? Too many people don't know what they're even implying when they say white.
Also, genetics are not the only factor to determine one's likeliness to sin, and if it was, could you blame them for being born black? Nobody has any choice as to how they come into this world. Also remember that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Christ was an olive skinned Jew and not “mostly white” he was solidly middle eastern (So not Nubian either) and only insecure faggots try to appropriate Christ as being their race so they can subvert church teachings with their own preconceived racial superiority biases.

He isn't the Dean and the Dean isn't prohibited from being elected anyways, Benedict was Dean before his election

To be fair, there's likely brewing problems in the African branch. It's in a much healthier state than the European sections right now on a spiritual basis, probably, but there's still a share of problem we see elsewhere there (nuns behaving badly, unusual mass themes; a few videos of this have been posted here over the years). I would be wary, personally, but I'm always a little cautious.

But I've seen Christ and he was muscular and his skin tone was almost white. Maybe it was the devil looking like Christ because I was fearful, but that's how he looked.


That's a dumb rule

Either this is a poor attempt at rusing us, or that was a demon, m8.


But Zig Forums has assured me that Francis is the last Pope.

It was probably the devil, but it was a vision I got when waking up in my room. He was kneeling forward with gloom on his face, anointing me. I only assumed it was the devil because I didn't feel love, but he seemed down to earth about the grim situation of my life.

I wish I could sketch well so I could draw him, but the vision didn't last long and the details of it elude me. If we're still in the period analogous to the three days of hell for Christ, it makes sense he's almost absent from the situation. Plus it happened in early June, after Easter passed, so it's like Christ barely has any strength left to hang on if it was really him.

Although I suspect the non-liturgical calendar is incorrect because it's perverted with months like September, which is supposed to be the 7th month according to diction, but even then the other months before it have a connection to Rome at least.

The Prophecy of St Malachi?


i'd prefer cardinal burke please

Cardinal Sarah is against refugees

has he spoken out against islam, or does he love islam like pope francis. i don't think he has, burke has done a much better job on that. pope francis basically promotes it.

That would be awesome.
I'll believe it when I see it

My bad then. In that case, I still hope for his potential Papacy. Btw what do you guys think would be the next Papal name?


Scourge of Modernists

The best part is all the dumbass left wing racists would be cheering in the streets about how there is finally a black Pope only to find out he's the most conservative Pope in the past 50 years

Attached: YoungPope.jpg (633x356, 263.23K)

I wish. We really need someone like him.

Attached: 1456591379757.gif (275x207, 820.06K)

Just open his wikipedia page or just read
He's a cardinal from Africa. You tell me if you think he has spoken against Islam.

Not just any African country either, he's from Guinea, one of the most Islamic shitholes on the entire continent. Pretty sure Cardinal Sarah is well aware of the threat of Islam

God be praised.
Bonus that the media can't say shit about him because he's black.

I like him too but let's be realistic. We have a pedo ring in the church with enough influence and connections to make at least three Popes play ball. IF Sarah gets elected Pope, what could he conceivably do to stop these things? Wasn't it reported that Benedict once said that his authority ended once he left his office room?

He was afraid of a schims.
But its now or never. People are already unhappy with this new direction of the church. No one in their sane mind would join the pedo faction of the church in case of a schism. All the Pope has to do is speak in front of the cameras and say what he has to say. Even if they killed him, Jesus would be waiting for him alongside all the martyrs of the church.

Probably because another schism will create the nightmare church seen by Katherine Emmerich.

Who's that one?
Quick rundown?

I remember Young Pope got some leftists upset, since at least early on when I was hearing about it, the character in question is rather traditionalist. I don't know if it kept up that pace later on.

She was a beatified nun from Germany a few hundred years ago. She was very pious, however she also was said a prophetess who predicted Rome would fall into an apostasy; churches converted to bowling alleys, degenerate sex of all kinds happening in the corners, non-Christians preying on (for lack of a better term) "the remainder". And so on.

However in the 1880s through 1920s various Roman officials proclaimed those visions a hoax by a man who accompanied her and (supposedly) transcribed what she said in her last years. Apparently there were a lot of materials in his house that lent some credence to him faking the written visions. As such those entries were thrown out during the beatification process, but she still got her foot in the door in 2004.

Interestingly, one of the visions she had, a warmer and fuzzier biographical one was the post-Bible life of the Virgin Mary. She said after the documented excitement that John had built her a house to live in, and the structure was in a particular area of Ephesus, Turkey. Kate and her transcriber had never been there, but still made a detailed description of its construction. A French priest, Father Gouyet, went to Ephesus a few decades later and found a structure that seemed very much like what was described. Another expedition a decade after his trip firmed that up and also discovered that a Christian community miles away had been mysteriously going to this structure for pilgrimage for centuries; theoretically, since the days of the Early Church. Rome's never put an official stamp of approval on the site, but it's been visited and promoted by many popes since the late 1800s…most recently Benedict XVI. But that most recent visit was over 10 years ago…

So, as they say…officially Rome has said they think that there's strong evidence of the accounts being fabricated, and yet you have that level of endorsement on the other end. I'm not qualified to make a determination one way or the other, but it's certainly an interesting situation.

Interesting. Didn't know that one.

Lol a girl's name for a church

She was also the one whose visions of Jesus Mel Gibson relied heavily on for 'The Passion of the Christ'. The Jews were mad about it because those visions were supposedly anti-Semitic.


Not Catholic so as a Protestant, no opinion. Bet he won't do much on church sex scandals though.

I will pray for it.

underrated post

Half the cardinals responsible for the election of the next Pope have been appointed by Francis. That number will only increase

Behold, the actual next Pope

Attached: gallery1-20150331194615-cardinaltagle2-1.jpg (650x450, 296.96K)

Used to love Sarah but he's been dead quiet on this.

Burke or Schneider are better choices imo

What are you smoking

He's the most /ourguy/ cardinal in the College

Protestant please return to your snake-handling

Redpill me on schneider.

who's this guy?

A Filipino cardinal appointed by Bergoglio

Very progressive, pro-LGBT, pro-communion for divorcees and has a very liberal view of Vatican II

A traddie whos famous for rooting out corruption who's untouchable by the media because if they call him a savage and primitive backwards conservative theyll get hit with accusations of racism because he's from savage primitive and backwards africa?

Whats not to love.

Im all for it. Leo XIV - the first black pope.

I pray to God it happens.


Id also like George Pell but the media have already sunk their fake sexual abuse accusation teeth into him

He's squishy, but going over his bio I'm not sure he's in-line. Sure, some have said he's papabile in this environment but Tagle seems to have pull there so he might be left as an effective instrument locally. I think it's more likely someone with the established Corruption Crew is in line. Someone who will be aggressive against the anti-globalists and anti-liberals that have appeared as of late. More importantly someone who can deal with the new Italian government a bit better than they have up to now.

top kek

So in your deluded world, blacks are worse than pedophiles???

There’s a place where you’d fit in perfectly: >>>Zig Forums

Attached: cardinalsarahnazbol2.jpg (1200x1681, 58.69K)

Glad for the Catholic peoples, Sarah is a pretty cool guy.

My tigga.
Yes, please.

haha a tigger

(((CNN))) :