If israel changed its flag and stopped taking money from other country's and started being christian would you still...

if israel changed its flag and stopped taking money from other country's and started being christian would you still hate it?

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I wouldn't.

So long as this is it's new flag and the new name is the Kingdom of Jerusalem it would have my full support.

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Problem is Jews in general not just Israel. The bankers in New York and the adl and their lobbyists don't necessarily care about israel

… aren't we assured that's going to happen?


At least it wouldn't be perverted anymore. Perversions are what the devil faces in hell that he will never figure out.

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No, but this will probably never happen by their own will.

Probably if somehow current Israel is taken over by ISIS (or a new version of them), and the current government powers attitude of who'll retake the land changes, like some kind of strong Christian revival the west.

I don't wish this on them, but I literally can't think of any other way the scenario you describe would occur.

I hate the State.
I hate imperialism.
So it doesn't change much

Christians in Israel have more rights than any other country in the middle east.

to not support it. is insanity. or evil


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Maybe once they recognize my marriage with Anne Frank.

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whatever you consider yourself, a true christian you are NOT

Stop right there immediately. Pooh off. I won't read anything that involves something in favour of pisslam that perverts Christ to whom of some Arab pedophile.

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Are you saying Judaism is similar to Christianity? How so?

Necrobumping is a sin

Why is this board getting polluted with necromancers?

Honestly no, in fact I would turn neo-con-tier towards them if that was the case

If they do that and also stop subverting my nation's culture they have my support.

I only dislike it for how treats Palestinian Christians. And I hate that Zionist Evangelicals somehow choose Israel over their own brothers. They've got a completely bonkers idea of what God's children are under Jesus.

It should be a bannable offense for shit threads like this.

Pooh off, Schfield kike

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i would not, but blindness in part has happened to israel after the flesh as an edifice for the church. i think once the fulness of the gentiles happens and the churches continue to die, then everything will be restored. until then we are pretty much left with dying churches with dead works.

No, but that's A LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG ways away.

Yeah, Paul in Romans 11 says that the Jews near the end, envious of a Christian state of the world in general and jealous of their status of being God's first chosen people, will mass convert. Jesus also prophesied that He would not come back to Jerusalem until the Jews as a whole say "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord [Jesus Christ]" (Matt 23:39).

if everything you know suddenly changed and became the opposite of what it is would you have a different opinion of it?
What's the point of this thread?


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It depends on what you mean by (((christian)))

Oh, I see, THAT type of ((("chrystianity")))




Who do you think spread Christianity?
Can you think of a tribe that constantly cheats its own false god?
Can you now also think of more than one Christian denominations?
Can you realize what that must logically imply? That someone didn't really take "one true word of god" seriously, and just wanted converts to the teachings so the jews could live among the people as thanks, teachers and moneylenders?
Can you realize that the only people who take the one true word of god thing seriously is actual whites, since this entire board and every Christian on earth will say that their amended version is right, and that it's not jewish, etc?
Yet there are more than one denominations, something that wouldn't have happened if whites actually spread it since white take it so seriously that you will behave exactly as I just said?

Cause that's what Christianity is. A faith spread by jews who would just let anything in just so they could convert people (and no, not even orthodox are purely biblical, etc) and then pit the regions of denomionations against one another.

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Reminder that that area was christian before the Jews came.

Wrong board, bucko.