Hey Catholics

I think it's time for you to begooooooooome ORDODOX! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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Reminder that John XII did not cause Schism.

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Although being an Ortho, I didnt like this style.
We are basically becoming Australians of Zig Forums (baptists being leafs)

Heterodox detected. (You)

Ah, yes. They'll definitely become and stay Orthodox. They won't become Genuine Orthodox when they realize their church is corrupt, then atheist when they realize that church is corrupt too.

he who endures to the end shall be saved

this is what i signed up for when I climbed onto the barque of peter

Why is every non-catholic on this board so obsessed with the Catholic Church? Why don't they put half the effort into converting people from, say, the Anglican church or something? Really makes me thinkā€¦

Use the catalog you ape.

Because they're probably converts from the Catholic church

When was the last time you saw an Anglican here? Nevertheless, we are working on it too, and there are English converts (and tbh, it spawned some amusing theores to say the least)

Because their Orthodox and having the Church of Rome reunite with the body of Christ is a higher priority than having Canterbury or some other place. Rome is a very important Church, so they care more about affairs related to it than other places.

Depending on how this goes I would probably join whatever results of an hypothetical schism than a church that sold itself to the KGB.

Because our ship is reliable and we love the Catholics.
Although, just as I didn't like this style either.


Basically this as a Catholic I want our churches back in Communion. It will happen someday If by our hand or the Lord himself. Those who leave but stay faithful to the teachings will become whole again.

I like this title. Achieved by only a select few grandmasters of shitposting.

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I'm sorry, where is that title mention in the Bible?

I have the impression that the orthodox who are most vocal against catholicism are ex-protestants who grew up in an anti-catholic environment.

this is very true, especially these orthodox posters on this site who have called catholicism crypto-atheism and all sorts of other things. they pile on abuse about catholicism and seem to be pretty alright with protestanism, as though protestants are mostly alright, just a few errors here and there.

in general actual orthodox people (on average, there are still lots of salty orthodox people who think orthodox is so unique and great and different) tend to try and defend catholicism in general, because they know that being orthodox is almost unheard of in the states, and that what prottys hate about catholics they have it just as much too. but yeah i mean it's well known on this board anyways.

orthdoxes are the new prottys because protties have died out, they barely try to argue their crazy doctrine anymore cause it can't last, especially on boards like this where the members aren't afraid to be aggressive. they can only bare to survive on r/christianity and the like, where the atheist and trans lesbian methodists reign supreme.

they're either ex-protestants, or actual protestants pretending to be orthodox

why do you bear false witness?

Statistically, they are largest growing Christian movement and soon will overshadow Catholicism in Latin America. stop asserting your headcanon being true

Back off hypocrite. Here's the thing about the Orthoprot thing, people brought it up to whine about it far in advance of it even being a thing. We all noticed it, and spoke of it. Ever since this, there's been nothing but "orthodox" attacking the catholic church, even in threads defending "traditional doctrine" like the Eucharist.

Sorry, but I can smell your D&C tactic a mile away.

I dont think that you understand what this world really means. Especially since I mostly stood with Catholics in numerous threads. In that post you bore false witness for you assumed without evidence that all who criticized Catholicism are either "le OrthoProt" or LARPers, while you cant provide sufficient evidence to prove so, especially since I also, in real life know many Anti-Catholic people from my country and foreigners, as well as ones that are friendly towards Catholicism. But in this post, you are simply disgusting and slanderer.
You are being paranoic, I advice you to take your pills and calm down.

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