Google gave Android creator $90m as kiss off for forcing female underling to suck his cock

Reports say Google found credible allegations that Andy Rubin forced employee to perform oral sex – but paid him millions even after he left

Google gave a $90m severance package to Andy Rubin, the creator of the Android mobile software, but concealed details of a sexual misconduct allegation that triggered his departure, the New York Times has reported.

According to unnamed sources who spoke to the Times, Google investigated and found credible claims from a female employee, who said Rubin forced her to perform oral sex in a hotel room in 2013.

Soon after, Larry Page, Google’s former CEO, asked for his resignation. However, the company continued to pay him millions of dollars in installments of $2m a month for four years.

Page praised Rubin when he left the company, saying in a 2014 public statement: “I want to wish Andy all the best with what’s next. With Android, he created something truly remarkable – with a billion-plus happy users.”

According to the New York Times report, it was not the first time Rubin had got into trouble. In another instance, current and former Google sources told the Times, Google docked his bonus after security found bondage videos on his work computer.

==Rie Rubin, his former wife, who divorced him this year, said in a civil suit that he engaged in “ownership relationships” with several other women while they were married

Attached: andy-rubin-android.jpg (800x450, 46.85K)

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Chad and a programing wunderkin

My hero

Attached: C7kINQTV4AAdagq.jpg (1200x900, 126.43K)

Google owes this guy more than 90m

they owe him a few dozen child brides



Alpha male, this is also the same company that recently fired a bunch of employees over "sexual harassment", what a bunch of hypocrites.

>believing a fake story written by a (((NYT))) roastie to smear a man's reputation
Gullible retards

the accused is a kike too, retard

Really, Columbo? No fucking shit! What else did I miss out on?

women are cattle and they can be owned and traded

Attached: ANDY.JPG (32x32, 1.09K)

Android was named so because this guy's nickname was Android(Andy)
He was one of the main developers.
And(y) He's a fucking /robot/, but unlike them, he has enough money to get real women.

So they fucked him

And his larger than normal kike kock has fucked more Shiksas in real life than you have fapped over in your dreams, virgin goy boy.

Look at the Aryan beauty Jew gold can buy(see related pix)

Attached: g-and-a-chair.jpg (600x400, 136.77K)

Exactly white hoes are easy pickings.

BIG BLACK COCK and MONEY is all they care, poor whitebois left to hate on the internet.LMAO

Attached: white women love BBC.png (1080x1075, 1.56M)

Oy vey, it's not a crime to own shiksas


yeah, white boy? convert 2 islam and try not to get killed

MGTOWs are living proof of this

Who cares? So what if wealthy jews get to use women for their slutty bodies. It is a mutual manipulation. The women use their sugardaddies for the wealth, and are still out there giving that pussy away.

But the sugar daddy really has is a piece of paper saying she belongs to him. And who cares? Women that can be bought are not faithful to their contracts.

Shit… Most those dude probably can't even get their dicks hard because they know she is only a working girl when it is time for sex.

And women are like cars, the depreciate fast from the second you take them off the lot.


All women are traitors to their race. Take sheboons for instance, in their younger prime years they tailor their appearance(straightened hair, and slim figure) to appeal to non-niggers. If they don't attract a non-nigger then they get fat(become BBW) and target Jamals. Niggers are the backup(not their first choice) for sheboons.

Very true user. Exhibit a:

What I want to know:

Who are Andy Rubin's parents?

His Wikipedia has no real information. His bio is from this one article regurgitated about 100 times across the internet. There is no verification of any of his past. His personal info is on LOCK.

Attached: retard_keyboard_32519.gif (384x291, 53.71K)


Virgin gamer bois aint even on the list
Because 'Sheboons' have this animal 6th sense, and instinctively know that these /r9k/ types are pedos and/or homosexuals who fap to shota and/or lolis

i stay away from >>>/delicious/ >>>/animu/ and whatever the fuck else is on here

but the virgin gamer bois love this shit

>>>/delicious/ is full of pedo homo anime shit

this is the most innocuous thing I could find

Do The gamers imagine they're some type of lil blue thing sucking cock or vv?
I don't wanna know

Attached: 259d2b3926c5cff48a98c78b40ec9a8625de5b5d17d270f451703a5710fe2725.png (588x976, 420.39K)

why do you have that saved on your hard drive, fucking pedo faggot?

I went to one of afore mentioned boards to get it bright boy

sure you did

Is that pedo or beastiality? Or do you mean the babydick? I’m not in the habit of judging other’s cocks so it’s unclear.

You might wanna ask this closet homo:


You really can't blame anyone for wanting it to be true of Andy Rubin (pic related). It is pretty much living the dream.

Attached: Flash (aha!).jpg (922x1200, 200.94K)

We can all follow his example soon
Once artificial wombs become available to the public, there will be no stopping us and the days of all women will be numbered

women shouldn't even have jobs

Maybe I'm an idiot, maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic; but there's just something about the idea of taking a flesh and blood woman and taking her past the deficiencies and failings that define her and turning her into something you'd actually want to spend time with. Even if it doesn't work it should be a fun process.
