Real Lourdes water

For those interested , these people can send holy Lourdes water everywhere in the world

Attached: lourdespictures.jpg (141x184, 2.65K)

Has the Church approved of this, conforming it’s authenticity?

Explain to a non-apostolic. I know what holy water is, what's different about Lourdes water?

its like snake oil but with a slightly different chemical composition.

Attached: 012C6744-34D4-46F2-ADB7-E49A528543EC.jpeg (530x477, 85.82K)

what does it do?

Would order if it were free. Poorbro here

I really wonder when will people start selling air of Jerusalem. Poohing merchants.

Attached: jesus-with-a-whip.jpg (403x403, 42.63K)

Shit like this is why Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox churches are such a joke. The only reason these churches still have adherents is because for many it's just a sign of ethnic belonging.


Which is a very popular saying in Romania, yet most people who say this shit are just superstitious twits who barely understand their own religion and show not even an inkling of Christian spirit in them (from the lay people, all the way to the Church officials themselves, who are involved in all sorts of corrupt depravities, from money laundering to weapons trafficking).


Is this water blessed by a priest or something?

I could literally drive to Lourdes, get a bunch of water, and sell it at half of the price.

Mary appeared to a girl named Bernadette Soubirous, and the water has healed several people since.
So it's kind of like holy water, in that it has effect on spiritual things.
For the real miracles one has to go there, and that site is asking a whole lot.

Don't know who sounds more like a joke; the churches proclaiming miracles or the church saying gays and women can be priests even though the book they claim to follow clearly say they can't.

Even if there are that many, you realize this is the same meme atheists use as "proof" religion isn't real, right? not to mention, Apostolics are just as fractured.

There's only one holy apostolic Church, schismatics notwithstanding.

because they do not realize there has to be 1 true religion, and this religion has never endorsed endless churches of endless congregations. Christ has only one Bride.

Atheist arguments are of no concern to me nor your post calling apostolic churches a joke.

Yeah you're right, I forgot that we apostolics disagree with every letter in the bible and have thousands of denominations ourselves.
Oh wait, we actually don't, strange…
It's as if we have a tradition of 2000 years of saints saying how the bible should be interpreted with less emphasizing personal interpretation.
Still, we got a lot of differences between us that fracture us, like a pope, the specifications and definitions of original sin, purgatory, the…hmm, can't seem to find any other differences.
Maybe we aren't so fractured after all?

Neither does mine. The only denom I know that doesn't think their denom is the only true church are universalists, and they're not even Christian, really.

wasn't even me.

Having autocephalous churches doesn't mean that Orthodoxy is fractured into denominations, nor do they preach different things.
End this retarded meme once and for all

He should divorce it considering sexual unfaithfulness is the only permissible grounds for divorce and his bride has been running rampant raping children and covering it up. Why does the one church that’s literally working part time as s global pedophile ring always want to imply it matters?

Not surprised to be honest.
The 30k denoms meme is there because a denomination gets defined by their difference in doctrine and traditions.
You are either catholic or not, no inbetween.
Same with the orthodox churches, they are all the same in doctrine.
The orientals' only difference is the mia-monophysitism.

Meanwhile I can go talk with a dozen protestants and I bet €100 I'll find more than 4 different denominations.
Sure, you'll find people claiming to be catholics and go "Yeah but I think being gay is okay and they can marry" but here's the beauty of having a fleshed-out system with a hierarchy and written rules; not adhering to catholic doctrine makes you either lapsed or not catholic, and neither are a separate denomination.

Hey, they need someone to project on.

Except I gave multiple examples of it.

Written rules that change, you mean.

They don't even agree on which books are canon.

Except that deuterocanonical books don't really matter for theology in Orthodoxy. They are merely considered as a good read. There is no doctrinal differences here.

You didn't, sedes aren't their own denomination because they adhere to the same doctrine yet argue over the validity of the current pope.
Oh and they are a statistically irrelevant fringe group.
The orthodox churches all have the same doctrine, even the Old Believers who were first schismatic are back within the Russian orthodox church.

Denominations are defined by difference in doctrine, something you tend to get a lot with very personal interpretations.

Show me a rule that changed then, never saw any.
Well except that one that said gays can now marry, contraception is fine and women can become priests…oh yeah that wasn't the apostolic churches right.

Sounds like a new spicy meme, please do tell me which books they tend to discuss are not doctrine.

And? A Presbyterian who doesn't adhere to the Westminster Confession of Faith is a lapsed Presbyterian or non-Presbyterian, etc. Our churches have hierarchies and rules just as your particular denomination does.

They aren't protestant either since they deny sola scriptura.

I could care less about anyone’s opinion in this thread, and I could care less about your stupid memes and jokes, can someone please just answer my question?

8 "denominations" vs 28 000
Protestantist is the true church. Forgive me pastor Anderson because I've sinned.

This is simony and gravely sinful

That and bumping off anyone else for wrong-think until 500 years ago when you couldn't get away with it anymore

Aha, but that's where the real fun comes in.
Somehow it's easier to disagree with your local presbytarian church and create your own compared to disagreeing with the catholic one (or any apostolic church for that matter) and trying to create your own church.
of course it depends on your confession but protestant hierarchies are not worth much since it's not as difficult for one to create his own church and become the pastor of a few hundreds.
If you don't believe me go see for yourself; Pastor Anderson.
He has a video about how he started with just a handful of attendees and look what he has now.

I got to admit, we DO have some hard-heretics pressing they're still catholics like a whole separate church in the Philippines and a weird-ass closed-off sect in Spain IIRC.
Now, if a Westminster Confession of Faith Presbytarian stops adhering to this specific confession yet still bases this on his own interpretation of sola scriptura saying that this confession is wrong and his one is right, while also still adhering to the four other solae of protestantism, does it make him unsaved or just another protestant but not presbytarian?
I know that if you doctrinally disagree with one of the apostolic churches, you're deemed as a heretic and your state of salvation becomes very questionable at best.

They don't, they claim to use sola scriptura but have another interpretation of scripture than you (or me for that matter) on these things.

Unless explicitly stated with proof of approval it's not directly approved.

Rich coming from the guys who were persecuting and banning each other.
Lutheranism was forbidden in New Amsterdam, and was only allowed privately to a certain extend when some group or country (don't know which one anymore) who were Lutherans helped them and demanded open worship for it.
Oh and the persecution of catholics by the Dutch and English, but hey it only counts when we're doing all the persecutions I forgot sorry.