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is that directed to anybody who looks like pic related being associated with whats been going on?

i probably drink too much

I'm feeling far too depressed at the moment and have been stupidly lashing out at other people and victimising myself

Join an AA club, and seek help from others who are going through the same. God will guide you back to the light.

No sin is too great for the Lord to forgive. Study his Word and learn from His ways, and seek forgiveness from those you have wronged.

note: you have to go to a real priest in a real confession for a real absolution

just spent over 200 quid on a cam girl tonight smh, don't even know if i believe lord help me

God allows all His children to come to Him directly in times of need. All prayers will be answered if He finds them to be just.

Man returns to sin as a dog returns to its' own vomit. Take whatever steps necessary to distance yourself from all evil.

so are you praying, or confessing sins? there is a distinction.

Why is the father wojak fat?

he's big boned


have some respect for yourself

I'm homosexual but I can't bring myself to break up with my boyfriend, because we really love each other.

its a meme

oh really haha?
okay here's a meme
how's that meme?

Who do you love more: God or your boyfriend

All I do is play video games and indulge in escapism because I simply can not bring myself to care about anything else. I just want off this ride, but everyone around me keeps expecting something from me when I just want to be left alone.

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unironically me too.
Very well-stated
why do you feel ashamed about that?

Aren't Christian meant to live in this world and not for it as a beacon of light for others? Are we not meant to honor our parents regardless of whether we like them or not? Aren't we meant to serve others and treat them well, even if we are despised?

How can I serve as a beacon when I'd rather shut myself away from the world and even if I didn't do that, my light flickers and dims so much that it's meaningless as a beacon to others. How can I honor my parents when their wishes for me are either impossible to fulfill or I simply disappoint them time and time again. How can I serve others if not only I can barely take care of myself, but the more I interact with them the more I hate them and slowly start wishing the worst on them.

After a certain point, a part of me just stopped caring and wants to live life alone away from others, interacting with them no more than necessary. I don't think this is what God would want, but I don't know what he wants me to do or how to go about doing it.

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It's not about you or about anyone else. Honouring parents, loving neighbour… these aren't ends in themselves. Honour and love them for the sake of God – that is, allow your love for God to shine so brightly that it becomes love for all He has created. Pray, fast, give alms: these will help you to love. The rest will follow as a matter of course.

Roman Catholicism is a sin.

The Church doesn't even give decent spiritual counselling, lol.

It's just a big lame fraternity. The only thing good about it are it's userbase.

People who the Church always connives and screws over anyways.

I can't remember how many times I've been Gangstalked by the Roman Catholic Church. They are those who compromise with sin.

How am I ever going to consider "telling my sins" to be one of God's sacraments you horrible ugly liars, usurper of the peace and contentment of God and His Son.

I'll be honest my life took a downhill turn over the last two years and my way of coping is doing exactly what you just described.

Most people cannot and will not be reasoned with and generally respond and repent from a combination of silent contemplation and life circumstances.

What if God is using your shitty circumstances as a witness to other people to contemplate about? If you were killing it, rich af, slaying pussy etc. do you think you would be a beacon of inspiration or a stumblingblock to others around you?

Sucks, right? I just want to be left alone too but I'm also tired of the bullshit. Most people, even me to a certain extent, are legitimately powerless to help you despite wanting to but they still are infected by ego, pride and fear, so they lash out at you as a defense mechanism.


You can ask that question in regards to literally any vice/sinful relative.
This is a bad angle to attack the problem.
If we have a sinful loved one, God would want us to stay with them and get them on the right path agian. Running away is NEVER the solution, which is pretty much why protestants are all heretics.

All the precepts of the faith follow naturally from love for God. If your heart burns with love for God, your actions will necessarily reflect that. So, if working on virtues directly isn't going anywhere, simply abandon yourself to God. Grow in love for Him and He will direct you by the Holy Ghost.

so an appropriate frame of reference has to be identified and applied then.
if i participate in a system and pay my taxes to something that initiates aggression under false pretenses to the innocent, then my non-participation is more righteous than participation.

I just want all Christendom to return to the faith of the first century. Much of Catholic doctrine is simply trying too hard to be different from the Orthodox, the Orthodox try to hard to be different from Catholics, Protestant churches are trying to be too autistic, and all three are filled with lazy cultural Christians who don't take their faith seriously at all.

That would be extremely difficult considering that in the first century there was no Bible to act a common point of reference and no heresies had yet emerged against which to define and clarify the various tenets of the faith.

That's what I want.
I guess I'll clarify as Didache + St. Justin Martyr.

But the point is that the heresies emerged because there wasn't a concrete doctrine yet, so anyone could come up with a theory about who Jesus really was and the Church had to respond by cementing its doctrine to exclude heretical beliefs. If you went back to the first century with today's population and communication technology, you'd end up with something a thousand times worse than the absurd plurality of Protestant denominations.

Reeee, stop pointing out my inherently flawed thinking.

I feel like I'm going to hell because I keep being attracted to guys (I'm a virgin, I haven't done sodomy but in the heart) and I'm winnie the poohing terrified. I can feel the clock ticking one second at a time until I burn in Hell forever.

I am going to do so after Vespers on Saturday night.

When I was in high school I saw a young homeless man sobbing in the streets one day. Felt bad for him but didn't give him money, not because I didn't want to lose money but I didn't like social interaction in general. Felt bad for the whole day.

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I keep lying to my mom about going to job interviews…