I am Extremely educated I'll have you know. In fact, I have been developing my own theory of the universe for some time now, and I am ready to present it. I call it “Synchronous Harmonic Interference Theory”. As we all know, space consists of a virtual sea of quantum fluctuations. These fluctuations represent a virtual matrix of points in 3D space. There are three transition energy levels and four metastable states associated with this matrix that give rise to all observed natural phenomena.
The first state is the ground state. This is observed as the vacuum.
The second state after the first transition level is the force level. This is described by the special hypothesis known as “Force Unification in Compact Kinetic Energy Domains”. All forces can be visualized as varying degrees of local “distortion” of the virtual matrix. The strength of the force (remember there are four fundamental forces - weak-nuclear, strong-nuclear, electromagnetic, and gravity) is a measure of the metastable degree of distortion at a given matrix point.
The third state after the second transition level is the unstable particle level. This is the range of distortion of the matrix point field that gives rise to the unstable particles (particles with decay times of 10^9 seconds or less).
The fourth state after the third transition level is the stable particle level. This is the range of distortion of the matrix point field that gives rise to the stable particles such as protons, electrons, etc…
I have submitted my paper to a well respected science journal and hope to have a peer-reviewed presentation available soon in the Journal of Undestanding, Nature, and Knowlege (a publication of the Center for Research And Cosmic Knowlege at Pottsdam University).
I have gotten some technical feedback already. It was pointed out that my theory predicts the existence of Asymmetric Swartzchild Singularity type black holes and that these are not observed in nature. I assured them that with sufficiently powerful telescopes, ASS holes would indeed be found to exist. Also, if they looked closely enough, they would see that Synchronous Harmonic Interference Theory (SHIT) leads directly to the concept of “Parity Interference String Symmetry” which completely falsifies the two competing theories of the universe, namely:
“Cosmological Renormalization of Anisotropic Paths”, and “Dipole Universal Normalized Gravity”. These throries will surely fall under the overwhelming weight of SHITand PISS. CRAP and DUNG clearly do not have the explanatory power of SHIT.
Of course, “Force Unification in Compact Kinetic Energy Domains” is still only an hypothesis, but my colleagues at CRACK, Pott U. are confident that under the right experimental conditions, FUCKED will turn out to be the truth. Anyone interested in a copy of the journal JUNK, please contact the media center at CRACK, Pott U.