A year after the first Harvey Weinstein revelations, how can men show solidarity with women? One Swedish professor decided it was time for some deep reading
A year after the first Harvey Weinstein revelations, how can men show solidarity with women? One Swedish professor decided it was time for some deep reading
I should really do this.
more like how to be a cucked faggot
feminist literature is toilet paper
Go back to r/politics, Zig Forums cancer.
no you
He was probably jerking it whilst reading
How to be a tool for women to use and dispose like they do tampons aka their "real man."
Fucking retarded.
AKA a book that the NSDAP would have burned
Cuck Cuck Cuck Cuck Cuck Cuck Cuckboi!
Cuck Cuck Cuck Cuck Cuck Cuck Cuckboi!
I wonder what his wife's son will think of him, looking back.
Maybe a family photo album of him wearing t-shirts that state "I'm still with her!"
I think the end game for women is to make all sex nonconsensual because that sounds like the world they want to get fucked in.
This is good smut for a book about feminism.
Alternative title "How to Become Repulsive to Women".
It's weird how no one seems to notice the feminist when they fuck they never fuck the soy boys that obey them.
If you work all day and live in some bubble whether its the ghetto or hickville , and odds are you are never going to interact with a feminist , people are not going to find time to read a bunch of books. Not everyone has a trust fund. The majority of "educated" "political and social commentators" are people whose parents were middle or upper class (there's really just working class then lower upper and upper upper class but whatever) and had some path to a degree that was paved with healthy food vacations a car at 16 no part time job annual dentist visits cool toys sports and therefore higher class significant others etc. These people live in fantasy world. Slavery still exists. Murder rape theft still exist, but these people have insurance and priority so they might as well not.
For how much these people speak as if their word is that of Zeus, they should stop talking in a condescending tone to the people who have never had a day let alone years to reflect on human existence. I know people who are in their thirties , can spend weeks gossiping about the latest articles and celebrities, have a huge vocabulary to criticise other people, and they would be dead in a month without takeout car mechanics plumbers farmers and all the other people who have used their hands for something other than p90x. This is partly why the economy is so shitty , all these people got degrees yet only like 1/10 didn't just get "an office job". I bet at bilderberg they literally had to create a bunch of made up jobs so that people could even pay back their student loans and the npc status quo was maintained. That's why you rarely hear a doctor nurse engineer construction worker handyman whatever commenting on how everyone should be living their lives. It's always these narcissist yuppie philosophy majors with superiority complexes to mask their inferiority complexes working full time to basically just tell people what to do without providing any plausible solutions other than "BE ME, OR ELSE!"
Its like Tyler Durden said, we all grew up thinking we'd be movie stars, the next big social media faggot, and we are slowly starting to realize that we were duped and we are pissed the fuck off. The wave of rage from both the leftards and rightards coming to this realization will destroy the old power structure for good.
OP is a faggot.
It's perfectly fine to read books that you don't agree with, with a critical mind of course.
Reading "feminist classics" won't turn you into an effeminate leftist, at best you will understand their rethorics better. With that said, older feminist literature wasn't as pants on head retarded as what is produced today. I see the emancipation of women as another thing that was coopted by the chosen people, for obvious reasons : fucking this up would durably ruin western civilization. And man did they fuck up.
You can go ahead and call me a cuck now.
He should have read mein kampf.
Too bad that's not a man, that's a soyboy and he should be treated as such; beatings, whippings, humiliation, etc.
harvey (((weinstein))) was a good feminist ally when he was getting them movie roles and oscar awards. they discarded him and dumped a million inflated (and possibly false) accusations when he was no longer of use. this is feminism. not radfeminism, totally average common bargain basement run of the mill feminism. loyal to nothing, not even themselves, and certainly not to civilization.
they lie so much, it can't help but come back to bite them in the ass, but they're too stupid and selfish to stop.
these feminists rape fantasies they constantly go on and on about also double as anti-male blood libel, painting men as evil.
if you still respect women, you are a retard.
Sweden cuckcountry confirmed
I wipe my ass with it every day
I also use it as napkins, paper towels, tissues, etc.
Nice double dubs, user
I respect no one but myself.
Use the back of your hand
Given the author was frigging herself while writing it, it seems only fitting.
the brain can't really process what is "waste" information, and tends to retain portions of everything it receives.
If someone makes a comment about your nose looking broken, you'll be forever conscious of it, no matter how unqualified their observation.
The first lie you are told will stick better than the truth a week later.
Feeding your brain with poison will bring poison to your thoughts. Trying to understand the enemy, when the enemy is mentally ill, is only going to take you steps closer to being mentally ill.
>don't you evil straight white males just want to rush out and read feminist "literature" and become cucks good male allies now?
I'll ally my dick with your whore pussy, how's that bitch?