The Tampax Cup shows the politics of periods are changing – but still too slowly
If men had periods, tampons would have been made obsolete decades ago
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the current state of libtard news kek
So what you're saying is men get shit done while women complain until someone does it for them? Interesting
Feminists were nuts and retarded 40 years ago. More news at eleven.
Women are literally insane, imagine this level of insecurity, honestly make me feel sorry for these pathetic neurotic creatures.
Women, still assmad they don't have a penis since the dawn of time, special report next hour.
Sounds about right.
itt: bitter sexual frustration
Failed board /intl/
Failed life pajeet
fuck off
assblasted pajeet
/tv/ BO never ever
it goes further back than that, idiot
Leftism: the belief that if something can't be magically achieved with zero effort it's a conspiracy against niggers and women.
Why do women spend large amounts of money on disposable period shit when you can just use some cloth?
So why haven't women (who are apparently equal to men in every way according to every root chewing fruit that considers themselves a "feminist") stepped up and invented a more efficient and viable alternative? I would shudder to think they're not as good at engineering products as men are.
Also, this is just more proof that women's vaginas are the most important thing in the world to them. As if it were some holy burial ground that only a chosen fewhundred can "bury" their boners in.
Holes are too stupid to invent anything useful.
When you see a feminist tell her women don't have penises.
Because it's easier to force a man to do everything for them and then take credit for it after the fact. Every invention a woman has ever come up with has involved a great deal of collaboration with men.
Considering erectile dysfunction, balding, wet dreams and prostate cancer are all still a thing and not really things to brag about, I will call bullshit. Plus they forget that we do have a fix for menstruation, its called getting the tubes tied.
What a load of bullshit and delusion. Remind me again, which kind of cancer gets world wide awareness days, parades, giant events by big corporations and governments, is it breast cancer that affects females way more or is it testicular cancer which exclusively affects males? Women and their bitching are always preferred and come first, men are simply told to man up and deal with it.
Even the panties they wear have their own "cloths"
Maybe because holes have no brains, no hands or a corporeal form?
Sexy buffalo. What's wrong with it?
I thought you were supposed to be my equal? I guess you aren't, ladies.
Just proves that women haven't in their entire lives and generations amounted to jack shit and they know it.
So only men are capable of innovation and problem solving. Sounds about right. These feminists might be on to something!
Why is this news, just some opinion by some ((feminist))
Why are men needed to come up with these solutions? Why don't women make such things? Is she inadvertently admitting the inferiority of her own gender?