It has begun

It has begun.

Attached: q0ohfkf6fmj11.jpg (640x852 67.62 KB, 63.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Doesn't matter, he will not resign. Plus do you think that to even in 2 months we will talking about this?

He needs 95 reasons why Francis should resign in order to make this legitimate.

Did you just post these signs on two Catholic church doors and take the pictures yourself OP?

1) Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu
2) St Patrick Cathedral in Madison

I think that correct word is abdicate.

Still: why no news or otherwise outside sources on these whatsoever? Why are you the only source of these pictures? How did you get these pics from two far distanced Cathedrals? Did you just happen to go on a vacation to Honolulu and just happened to take a picture of it's front door, then come back to Madison and take a picture of it's front door? Or did you just make signs on printer/copy paper with a Sharpie, photograph or scan them in, and just shrink 'em down and slap 'em on the doors via Photoshop?

We're the first to know. News hasn't broken out yet. I can't reveal my source but I happen to know that OP belongs to a secret international brotherhood of Catholic traditionalists and they're taking back the Church.

Or, if you really did physically visit these Cathedrals, did you just put the signs up yourself and take said pictures?

What? If there is such a group I am not in on it. I just spend alot of time online watching catholic news. All of this just started in the last 36 hours.

I think what is described in the above link is what is spurring it. To quote a discussion that I saw; “the only statement of any kind, public or private, that we have gotten from the Pope on the Vigano testimony is the one reported by the NYT - that he did not know of the Kim Davis meeting in advance, and fired Vigano over it. Archbishop Vigano has released documents which purport to show that the Pope’s only response yet is a falsehood” and "Vigano must have set all of this up very carefully. It would seem that he has proof of some or all of his claims but will not release the proof until Francis comments, thus forcing Francis to remain silent or risk being proved a liar. If this is the case, Vigano is pulling off one of the most brilliant political moves I have seen in my lifetime."

Pic related.

You still haven't answered how you got the pics.

Attached: rofl_exmple_image_2.png (515x400, 322.51K)

If he has enough scratch and time to jet between Madison and Honolulu and glue notes to the doors…

Satanic Illuminati confirmed? Trust-fund troll with money and time to burn? Independent activist with money and time to burn? Some high official within the church? Or just some troll with okay Photoshop skills?

And all of that just sonhe could shitpost on Zig Forums. OP, you're my hero.

You could confirm that by looking at the JPG noise, probably. Everything else is conjecture if that part holds up.

Ran it through

The ELA analysis and Metadata on both pictures, indicate no obvious Photoshopping, though the ELA show some irregularity between the foregrounds and backgrounds, indicating possible multiple resaves.

The Honolulu pic has very minimal metadata, indicating that it's not a camera original. The Madison one is much more extensive in it's metadata. However, all we can really ascertain is that it was produced via an Apple Computer product. Which product? Doesn't say. Could be an iPad 2017 model, or one of the 2nd generation iPad Pros, or it could be an iPhone 7 (iPhone 8 did not start becoming available until September of 2017, and the ICC Device Profile Timestamp is 2017:07:07.) No Timestamps indicating when either of the pictures were taken. .

The resaves are more than likely the poster saving said images to a smaller file/quality size (75% quality JPEG according to the data.) so they don't take a millennium to upload to the site, considering how large iPad 2017/2nd Pro and iPhone 7 pics can natively be.

Overall, the pics seem to be legit and not shoops or other manipulations via camera or other programs. So the questions comes down to this: Elaborate high effort prank? Someone with time and resources trying to start something on his own? Or someone who just coincidentally happened to be in Honolulu and Madison to take this pictures in the aftermath of someone else having put the signs up? (highly skeptical of the latter, to be charitable.)


Though now that I think about it, the resave to a lower resolution quality could also be in order to hide very subtle photo manipulations (like a tiny "sign glued to a door",) as a higher quality image would reveal such subtleties. However, seeing as how original source pictures, sans signs, cannot be found online, these pictures more than likely have to be original. Giving credence to them either being a very elaborate troll or activism initiated by an OP who has the time and resources to do both… which is either legitimately incredibly passionate or insane (or a little bit of both) on the OP's part if true.

OP’s pics are from /r/catholicism. Text is from /r/traditionalcatholics.

and you fags didn't believe me when i told you an international brotherhood of traditional catholics was behind this

see? what did i tell you?

If they are going to ruin my life and my future if i have sex with animals then I might as well be dead already. When im dead i dont have a future and when i dont have a future im dead. When im dead i cant hurt myself but theres nothing stopping me from hurting them. Christians created the devil. Christians are playing god.

So…. the same otherwise original unsourced pics….. got posted by the same poster (InsomniaticFluid) at around the same time (both 9 hours ago according to Reddit) on Reddit, as well as Zig Forums. All this proves is that the troll or activist is posting to Reddit as well as Zig Forums. But it also shows that this troll/activist patient zero is more than likely InsomiaticFluid, since r/Catholocism is the only other place these pics have appeared on the entire Internet to my knowledge.

According to his posting record, he's been active on r/Catholicism for about 9 months. Briefly going through his posts, he comes of as a very earnest, sincere, and an intelligent contributor. Unless he's playing a very very obscenely insane long con, I think we can rule out trolling.

So it more than likely boils down to:

a) It really is a coincidence and Insomiatic Fluid just happened to be in the right place and the right time, twice, to take those pictures, and decided to post them both simultaneously, rather than immediately upon taking them.


b) InsomniaticFluid is trying to pull a quasi-Martin Luther, and has the time and scrilla to go to Honolulu and then back to Madison to post signs on Cathedral doors and take pictures.

Honestly, I have a lot of trouble buying scenario a). This is because I have trouble believing that a scenario like this unfolded.

Even if his hometown is actually Honolulu and he took the vacation in Madison, the underlying concept is the same. Either God is at work, or that is a bit of an overly convenient coincidence.

You sure do say a lot of words. You didn’t even have the skill to do a reverse search to find the images on the Reddit.

forget sauce, but I remember Frank saying he didn't think he'd be in the seat long. Maybe he saw this coming.

I used Bing, Google, TinEye, RootAbout, and even Karma Decay and - reverse image search engines that literally specializes in Reddit. All turned up nothing. If you used a better reverse image search engine that I don't know about, by all means, please tell me about it.

Attached: pope-francis-luther.jpg (470x381, 38.81K)

Had to narrow search paramators to last 24 hours.

Which search engine?

To be more precise, I'm not seeing this "narrow search paramaters to last 24 hours" option available in any of the reverse image search engines I've mentioned save Google, but with a caveat: I've seen this option for Google under it's Advanced search options, but not for it's Advanced Image Search options (you can't even do a reverse image search under it's Advanced Image Search menu.) I've also tried Yandex and Image Raider with no luck in terms of the image or this option either.

Other reverse image search engines I've found beyond this point are either specialize in something particular, like faces, or a part of an already uploaded photo (i.e. Pintrest) or are in a literal foreign language, or have to be paid for, or are a downloadable phone app or browser extension. The latter three of which I am unwilling to do, due to not wanting to spend money on a monthly subscription service, my phone being cheap and having a tiny hard drive, and viewing the browser add-ons as annoying and superfluous in the face of the major search engines that matter (and even some obscure ones) failing.

But maybe I'm wrong. Are you using one of these add-ons or apps? Perhaps I'll give it a shot if you recommend it.

HA HA HA, it's so hilarious, in a dark humor sense. But also so very sad. That in two months, i bet what's in my bank account. That people will just go back to, the *Huh, huh,huh where am i? What am i doing? Wot?* The attention mindset of a goldfish.

I searched for the text that was posted on the door. Narrowed search to “images”. Then narrowed the search to the last 24 hours. (I mis-spoke earlier when I said I used a reverse image search. )

I think that the search term that brought it up was “Francis resign”, But it might have been the text in the other image. I don’t remember which one it was, but only one of them came up.

Okay found both of them. Went into Advanced Search, and if you type in "Francis Resign images" in the "all words" field, and set the parameters to within the past 24 hours, only the Honolulu door comes up. If you type in "Francis Answer Vigano or Resign Images" in said field and set it to within the past 24 hours, both images come up on Reddit. Thus the results seem to be based on the titles of the Reddit posts. Thanks for the tip.

Still do not understand why a simple reverse image lookup (even on sites specifically designed for Reddit) didn't work, and that one had to do something so odd and unintuitive to find it. As in the results will literally not appear if you do not specifically put in the "only in the past 24 hours" parameters. You'd think setting the parameters to "anytime" would literally mean "anytime." I even scrolled down to the very end of the image results to make sure it wasn't a simple case of setting it to "anytime" just meant the result took a bit more time and effort to find, since Google was not isolating it's searches to such a specific time frame.

The most obvious answer might be that when you set the time frame parameters to "anytime", it limits the results due to not being able to handle so many finds during such a wide and almost infinite time frame.


Please based Lutheran we need this!

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