Trump Clocks in About Three Hours of Work on a Good Day
Back in January, Axios obtained an inside look at Donald Trump’s schedule, revealing that the president of the United States was doing far less work than in the early days of his term, and demanding large blocks of “Executive Time,” a euphemism created by Chief of Staff John Kelly so that White House aides didn’t have to write dick around on Twitter and shout at the TV on official documents. Now, nine months later, Politico has revisited Trump’s schedule, and it turns out that the most powerful person in the world is somehow doing even less work every day than he was earlier this year. Moreover, when Trump does deign to do his job, it’s mostly in the form of signing ceremonies and shouting at aides to craft policy around something he saw on Fox & Friends.

Last Tuesday’s schedule, for instance, reportedly included a whopping nine hours of “Executive Time,” or triple the time that was allotted for actual work. Trump’s first commitment of the day came at 1 P.M., and while he had a 30-minute call with C.E.O.s here and a quick briefing and dinner with senior military leaders there, the rest of the day consisted of doing whatever the hell he wanted, sometimes for stretches as long as two hours and 45 minutes.

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so what do you think he´s doing in his Executive Time? Playing Fortnite?

orange man bad


It's almost as though the "work" of politicians isn't very helpful


Why don't they understand that the harder they attack him, the stronger he gets?

So do I and I'm also in a government job.

Burger King is not a government job as it is not associated with a real monarchy.

orange man bad

He means he gets welfare handouts.


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best post in this thread

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the most ironic part is how he criticized obama for going golfing and claimed he would be "too busy" as president to go golfing. almost immediately after becoming president he went on golfing at a rate many times more than obama, and easily surpassed all the golf trips obama made over 8 years in his first few months.

When you're as inefficient as Obama, you really need to clock in the full day's hours.

if by inefficient you mean, pull the US out of the worst recession to record levels of economic prosperity that trump is still benefiting from, then yes, i guess he was "inefficient"

And yet Obama said Trump would need a "magic wand" to bring manufacturing back and bring growth to 4%. And yet Trump surpassed that mark and has been mocking Obama for saying that.

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So the US gov runs its self.

Good news for damage control

Trump say: If you so smart, why aint you rich?

Confusious say: If you so rich, why aint you smart

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Politics is warfare on a different playing field. Sometimes you need to step away and observe/evaluate.

Notice how they say 'clocks in' rather than works.
Because he works over 18 hours per day and that wouldnt suit the agenda they are pushing. Im in my 30s and I wish I had his high energy.

So he does three times the work obongo did?

Seeing that he’s working for free (he donates his Presidential salary to the Treasury) who give a shit? I say the American people are getting a bargain!

You're an idiot for believing this.

And you’re a fucking moron for believing that Trump actually “clocks in” 3 hours or less for “work”!

i absolutely believe trump does shit-all all day for america. remember the very first thing he swore he would get done - repeal obamacare. it was the single biggest point of his election platform and job number one for him and republicans. the very first bill he was trying to pass to repeal and replace, and he NEVER READ A WORD OF IT! he would be asked to give an example of a SINGLE thing in his bill that would make health care better for americans and his answers were always non-descript and full of vague generalities and non-answers like "it will be so great". "yeah, but what's great about it?" "There are soooo many great things!" "can you give an example?" "there are many great things!" etc.
it was disgraceful. for someone to make such a big stink about the biggest issue they had and then not even bother to read what he was promoting showed his work ethic. anyone that admires that kind of work "ethic" has completely had the wool pulled over their eyes. They probably believe trump is a billionaire too.

and still gets more done than Obangobongo, so I guess that 3 hours of good work is better than shit done by muslim negro from Africa

on which planet? trump has done nothing of note, except for a tax cut that has skyrocketed US deficit to record levels while 90% of it went to give "relief" to the richest 1%.
remember when he said "believe me, this tax cut is not going to be good for people like me!"
yeah, newsflash, trump is a liar.

He and his cronies are a bunch of low life degenerates
Fucked up the way you fags are all on his nuts
He golfs and schmoozes das judens
has some psychotic rallies where a whopping 4% of his cringe is truthful
God damn ya'll loyalists are some losers who have been used and abused. He is in cahoots with Sauda Arabia, Israel, Russia and the usual rag tag assortment of despots like no other.
This will not end well
Guess that's what you wanted?
What a disgraceful, lazy, compulsive lying piece of shit

A good example is his rallies.
He does more rallies in a week than the democlaps do in a year and then they wonder why they are losing so badly.

to be fair he's only getting paid a dollar for it

So true

But Obama was working, not attending fucking rallies you shit for brained Trumpeteer

but trump is doing it FOR FREE you niggerlover

it's not considered "free" if it's costing america money at the end of the day. trump's trade wars are kicking now as businesses have been forced to buy expensive, pass on the costs, and are now not selling shit. wait till the last quarter of this year comes out, or early quarter next year and you'll see the effects his trade war has had.

you realize trump is campaigning right? fucking retards.

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bumping REAL news