I think I finally understand what evil is

My 6th grade teacher from Catholic school always told me that daydreaming was a sinful act. I could remember how stupid I thought that was. How dumb a lot of things were to God when I was young:

It was not too long ago when I finally realized what they ment: People's disconnect with reality pulls them into sin. Tran people with their genders. The Larping Alt Righter. Everyone is susceptible to a fanatical mind set and can easily be lost in their false belief.

Where in the bible does it mention something of this ideal?

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oh shi-

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Ecclesiastes; all is vanity

Not this meme. D&D has/had (before it was infected by SJWs) many Christian values. Gary Gygax was Christian, there is objective good and evil, and you are fighting demons, not worshipping them.


I'm a race realist, but Vargfags are retarded.

Of course they are.

They are bottomfeeders even for pagans.

Why does this pooh me off so much?…

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Because God created nature, he is literally supernatutal.

It makes sense to me because God created all that is real and existant. The more we stray away from god's work the more we are vulnerable to sin.

I'm not trying to make a new religion, but just put some understanding with our mortal realm

The placenta thing is a bit hokey due to the trees growing from the root into a tree, not the other way around like the placenta does it, which transports lifeblood to the root, so to speak.

Otherwise, don't be so dismissive.
Tree worship is in our language, both English and Germanic.
Tree trunk, trunk of body.
Tree crown, crown of head.
Stammbaum (Family tree)
Stammtisch (the thing at the pub where working males talk to one another about life and hardships)
Stamm ( literal tribe, btw Stamm means trunk)
Trieb (Drive/urge, the rouse for action, the sapling of a tree.

Trees are connected to humans in the Germanic language, of which English is an offshoot. Another plant related word for something generative and relation describing, etc.

Lind/Linde (mild/mildness, from linden tree)
Lindes Urteil (mild judgment, oaks were grave offense courts, lindens were small fry stuff, mild stuff)
Et cetera.
These things are not randomly chosen, humans do not do random things unless they are insane, and even then.

A thing to note, though.
In German, words for Placenta are Mothers Cake and Fruits Cake
(Mutterkuchen & Frutchkuchen)
Fruchtbar = Fertile
Frucht = Fruit
Befruchten = inseminate
Samen = Seed (Sperm)
I could go on, but seriously, life and trees/plants are long long long married in our language(s).

For a reason.

Explain more please

I hope you're not saying God is trees.

Well if he is, then he's literally being a Schlomo. Look up "Etz Chaim" (eng. lit. 'Tree of Life') in the Jewish Kabbalah.

Those kikes steal everything!

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Right, same with the Doom Games. You're literally slaying demons, and if i remember in the doom novels, Doom guy is some Devout Catholic? Enough with this soccer mom crap lol.

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It's not the matter of a video game destroying demons is wrong, it's the fact you are immersing yourself in a false world not created by God. You're assuming false roles to fight false battles for a meaningless conclusion.

Imagination =/= not real
Both Christian and Satanic material can induce visions in the mind that can be conduits for knowledge and morals. I’ve seen a Megaman-like world in my mind’s eye and so have several people I’ve opened up to. The moral lessons I’ve been able to extract from it I found in the Bible later in life. I’m certain the visions of the saints also took place in their mind’s eye.

Of course that’s different from sjws and vargtards who convince themselves their own made up bullshit is real and try to spread their illness.

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Sometimes visions and fictional worlds are created by God or serve His purpose.

I think the basic idea to guide a person in relation to these phenomena is whether or not the medium brings us closer to or takes us farther away from God and the supernatural reality of our existence. We live in a radically anti-christian society now that in so many ways attempts to divert from our consciousness the deepest facts of our human experience. Given this, a person cannot be too cautious over what thoughts he allows into the range of his day-to-day mental life.

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Interesting point. Everything in moderation. The devil is often alluring, he can pull us in with temptations of what we love.

I get what you're saying, that there are lessons from the fictitious that can lend a hand to our reality. I never stated that imagination is evil, what I'm trying to state is immersion into the false world such as D&D, movies, video games, etc is allowing disconnect from the creation God created and putting someone else's work above the Lord's.

The Bible may have fictitious stories in it that serve the word of the Lord, but if we over indulge the stories and worlds that were created and not just simply take the lesson as the tools they are, we are missing the point of what those lessons are ment to teach us. Instead we are submitting ourselves to the gifts of a false reality. No longer do the lessons the story serves becomes important, but the stories themselves become a distraction to implementing the learned lessons.

I too have games that have spoken to me, Star Fox 64 is one to be specific, I remember the quote Peppy says: "Never give up, Trust your instincts" and that was something I took with me all the way today. But what instincts would I have if I spent 10 years of my life reading all the Star Fox books, playing all the Star Fox games, watching all the Star Fox cartoons etc. Just because a liar tells you a few truths, doesn't make him a trustworthy person.

From that point, it's fine to play Megaman and understand his teachings but move on. Once you start start collecting all the games, playing them days on days on end, idolizing his teaching as of that of Jesus, even getting into that degenerate speed running culture, I'd believe you'd be sinning in the eyes of the Lord

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It's important to note that sin is sin, and any medium that glorifies it should be avoided.

That being said, I did notice that certain things like games, music, and browsing certain websites make me feel spiritually impaired, even though they don't glorify sin. My only explanation for this, is that it is the result of carnality. Living for the flesh has a negative impact on our relationship with God.

Of course, anything (except things like prayer) is bad when done too often, but there's nothing wrong with getting together with some friends once a fortnight to play d&d for a few hours.

Well you're substantially right, but may be missing an aspect. What you're likely feeling is the social isolation that often comes with over use of technology, whether it be over indulgence of tv, internet, vidya, etc. It is generally not the moral content of said mediums, but that they fill an over-sized niche within our lives that rightly ought to be filled with social interaction (that is, ROBUST social interaction like interacting socially at church or with friends and family, whereas things like the over-abundance of sterile, transactional micro-exchanges in public or at work accomplish the same thing as isolation [it's worth looking at the results and commentary surrounding the "mouse utopia" experiment if you're unfamiliar]). In this way it is largely irrelevant whether the activity is in theory pro-spiritual, since without nourishment our social being will whither and die, taking our spiritual being with it.

It's not that you're praying too much, but that you're nourishing your social life to little, social ills beget spiritual ones and vice-versa. Even monastics and ascetics generally didn't live alone, they had a rich and fulfilling social life with their brothers. Those who did live alone had a deserved reputation for being (or going) nuts.

This is something that Christians and traditional people fail to grok, that the social and spiritual are closely related but synonymous domains, and that the social won't sort itself out with just more fervent prayer (absent an obvious miracle, but mostly God works through us). How did television and movies become degenerate? How has faith and morality been eroded further in spirit and in statute with each successive generation? It certainly wasn't that their prayers to Satan were more numerous or fervent than ours to God, it was through accumulating social capital, biding their time, and sticking the shiv into the public's back once they could get away with it.

So take a tactical lesson from the Satanists, and accumulate social capital, make friends and be active in your community, go to church, even make friends with members of the local police force and fire department, go to PTA meetings, run for local office if you can do it. If you're an art or tech or law fag, hold your nose and apply for positions within pozzed corporations and keep your mouth shut until you've got the position to start undercutting them, or the capital and know-how to defect and become a competitor. You'll be more fulfilled and you'll do a lot more damage shooting the devil in the back with a clear shot being a respected member of the community with a lot of friends than as a lonely NEET on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum. If all else fails then just be a good parent to well-socialized kids, teach them well and prepare them to have to do more, because the way things are going, they will.

Sorry for the wall of text but it's worth saying whenever it's remotely relevant.

Thanks for taking the time to write this, you do make some good points! And the 'mouse utopia' experiment was very interesting, I hadn't seen it before and it's similarities with human-society are quite striking.

You did give me some things to think about, I agree that a malnourished social life will most likely have a huge impact on our spirit, but I'm not convinced it is the biggest factor. At least, not in my case. To give you an idea of my situation, I'm a highly sensitive (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensory_processing_sensitivity) and introvert person, whose chains of extreme social anxiety have loosened only within the last couple of years. As of now, I have little problem interacting with others, but I also have little need for it. In fact, I cannot get sufficient mental rest if I don't spend the vast majority of my time alone.

I think the biggest impact generally comes from the nature of activities and the mindset wherewith we partake in them. The Spirit of the Lord is grieved by sin, and will obviously not be with the people who live in it. If we partake in activities that glorify sin (certain games, music, movies, series, etc), and if we delight in them, then we are glorifying those sins as well. I'm convinced that this has a similar impact as committing the sins themselves.

The carnal mindset has this impact as well, though I believe it to be more subtle. The carnal mind is enmity against God (Romans 8:7), so it's obvious that God's Spirit doesn't abide in those who have a carnal mindset. As you most likely know, carnality means 'worldly'. The 'carnal mind' refers to those who live worldly, to those who live for themselves instead of for God.

I think the biggest reason for the fact that so many "Christians" aren't experiencing (much of) God's presence, is that, while most of them try to get rid of all (well-defined) sin from their lives, they forget that they are no longer their own (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). They still (to a certain extend) live for themselves and want to stay in control of their lives. The only way to get close to God, is to surrender your life completely to Him. This is what it means to forsake everything you have (Luke 14:33), to trust God for everything you need (Matthew 6:24-33), and to acknowledge Him in all your ways (Proverbs 3:5-6).

To get back to my own case of feeling spiritually impaired after certain activities.. Spending hours, playing games, watching series, expanding my movie or music collection… that was me "living for myself". Those things were my treasures, which means that (in those moments) my heart was in them, and not in the Lord. This is in stark contrast with the days I largely spend reading and studying the Bible. In those days I feel more satisfied, at peace, and spiritually alive than ever.

Of course, things like playing a game, watching a show, or listening to music are not inherently evil and we don't have to give them up (unless they glorify sin), but if those things are our treasure, then our heart is not with the Lord, and His Spirit will not be with us, rendering us spiritually impaired or dead.

I guess I'm repaying your wall of text with another one.. but I thought this would be useful as well.

Brother, you spoke of myself. Thank you for your words.

As much trump worship help make Nu-Zig Forums happen. Varg faggoty single handily destroyer race realism. Varg probably done more damage to Zig Forums than trump. Varg the text book Definition of degeneracy. Black metal is the one music genre more degenerate than gangsta rap.

You're doing it wrong: Peoples' sin causes them to disconnect with reality (ie; God).

Pretty much the whole Bible, but I guess I'd start with Romans.

That said, Solomon was on the money: everything is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Why does this happen so easily?

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So dismissive! Sounds like someone doesn't want to stop playing Fortnite. Maybe consider reading the thread and having a bit more of an open mind before you way in your baseless, (1) opinion.

Besides reality is God's creation, disconnection with it is kind of a spit in the face to God. But who knows, maybe you can still find God at one of your tranny filled speed running conventions.

I'd advise if you want to be taken seriously and not as some edgy atheist 15 year old think out your replys first and consider what everyone else has said. Also "The whole bible" is kind of a stupid answer, you know I want a more specific reply and you're just being retarded.

did anyone actually answer this yet?

You are very welcome! Keep your eyes on the prize, brother. Don't let anything distract you from the beautiful things God promised to those who obey Him (John 1:12, John 15:14, 1 John 1:7).

My experiences are supported by the Bible.
Also, do you even read before posting?

>… I did notice that certain things like games, music, and browsing certain websites make ''me feel spiritually impaired …
Your personal experience is NOT the Bible.

You're not wrong that living carnally impedes our relationship with God. You're wrong to pick specific things that impede YOUR relationship and try to make them a universal rule for all believers. God comes to each of us as individuals, and made us all as individuals. We are not the same. Paul made this point clear when he wrote about temple meats: one thing that may lead you into sin may not lead your brother in. Your experience is not invalid. You are not wrong to share it. But you are overreaching if you imply that your experience about something very specific would be shared by all believers – these sorts of claims get people into trouble, into legalism, and you should be willing to be more willing to own these as your own traps and share them as your personal experience.

But, okay, maybe you feel that you did just that, that this was not an attempt to make any point other than a general one, summarised by your last sentence. Maybe it is a communication failure. My apologies if it is. But maybe this is Zig Forums and slapping each other for perceptions of minor transgressions is just how this place runs. (Refer below with how the OP replied to me.)

Does anyone? This is Zig Forums, after all, not /considereddiscussionswiththoughtfulreplies/.

>maybe you can still find God at one of your tranny filled speed running conventions.
What? I disagree with you on a theological point, and you sperg out accusing me of degeneracy?! WEW LAD!!

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You're being just a dismissive as a trans is about their God given gender. I can understand opposite opinions of my own, but when you come here screaming NOPE like some sperg with clearly no thought to the rest of the post you appear to have some sort of degenerate thinking. Possibly you think too highly of yourself or maybe you're stuck in a mindset that only your opinions are correct. Either way, you are acting sad. And yes I believe you are a degenerate if you believe being so aggressively dismissive is appropriate.

Proof that you are clearly butthurt that your 8 hours a day of Fortnite is placed into religious/spiritual question. Please go outside and appreciate the gift God gave you, brother.


You mean like religion?

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I like the idea that evil is a mindset, a proud mindset. Necessarily this leads to destructive and wrathful behavior because prideful thoughts are rarely congruent with reality. When the idols are cut down, the pagans get angry, so evil is rooted in prideful self-idolatry and anger and violence are only the symptoms.

It gets even worse though with people who get addicted to failure, through gambling or setting their goals to high generally. That's just the will to be repetitively evil.

pic unrelated.

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It's as simple as this: I disagreed with you; I told you that the OP (post) had it around the wrong way – inherent sinfulness leads to disconnection. That's all. And you got butthurt, sperged out and name-called me, accusing me of being a tranny … like a child does.

I challenged your slightly errant theology by reminding you of original sin. You lost your shit. It doesn't matter if you clarified or backtracked in a later post, all posts must be able to stand on their own feet, and that one, especially as the OP, needed to be challenged.

If you really cannot handle direct and challenging debate, Zig Forums probably isn't for you. Feel free to return to r/christianity.

Sure. Whatever. Enjoy your hugbox.

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It was indeed a general point I was making. I didn't mean to turn my experience into universal rules (or to make them sound as such). I was using the context of my experience to get to the root cause of the experience itself (carnality), which I elaborated here

That's okay, happens to everyone! It's bound to happen when using text to communicate. Pictures like your pic related do help, though. I read your post with a relatively calm but serious British accent.

Sad, but true. Out of all boards, shouldn't this one be like that?

See brother? You're creating your own false reality in your lies. Maybe that's why it's a sin. Stop that.

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I think in thomism, God is reality (not in a pantheist sense), but idk. maybe thats what you mean?