Is Jesus communist

He says to sell all your things and follow him to be perfect

If everyone sold all their things, everyone will end up being poor

Does Jesus want everyone on earth to live like monks?

Is Jesus communist?

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If everyone sold their things, everyone would not be poor, as SOMEONE would have to buy it all. This is winnie the pooh retarded. In addition to that, selling your things is not required for your salvation, there have always been wealthy Christians. Christians in the early Church would hold Mass in wealthier Christians homes. We are not all going to sell our things. He is not a communist. He is not anything politically, God doesn't care about such pathetic things.

Also isn't unstable to give all your wealth in one go to the poor.

Instead isn't it better to give little by little, or to use your wealth and set up a business for the poor.

I thought giving up your wealth entirely in one go was stupid way of doing charity

if not required for salvation why is it in the bible?

It's not dumb if you want to suddenly be free of the burdens of wealth. Having things is always burdensome, so someone might do that to focus on God more, rather than try to manage it all by doing all those other things.

That makes sense, but in doesn't seem like it is a choice though it is like we are obliged to give up all wealth in order to saved, otherwise if it was optional why mention it specifically in the bible, why not just say "give to charity whenever you can"


Jesus came before Communism

Yes, he's a communist. A spiritual communist, not a material communist like Marx.

It's called sharing stupid.

Do you know what "sell" means?

Please sell all your possessions and take up your cross.

Could be monetizing goods, could be bartering.

Jesus was definitely for the redistribution of wealth to create a more equal state.

meant for

nope otherwise he would have keep up the free food (fishes) and loaves. Cucks in church today are commies Jesus was opposite you had to earn it, even Paul said if a man won't work he shouldn't be fed.

Jesus was apolitical through understanding the natural sovereignty of all. Through this he was the communion in that time.

Jesus would want His people to fear God.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
It isn't wise to support communism.

Thus, Jesus doesn't support communism.

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Pretty clear what happens to those who seize the means of production.

I've been poor, and I think poverty is spiritually best. I have no problem with people doing this, and I think having any luxury is bad for Christians generally (from eating sweets, buying your children toys, buying clothes specifically for Church, TVs, most gas money when you could walk the miles, etc), I am just saying Christ =/= Commie.

voluntary charity =/= state-enforced robbery

Jesus is a communist, but replace the committees with God and the state with the church.

Our Lord and Savior transcends earthly socioeconomic titles, so no.
Posted by ChristCom Gang

Jesus says to if you want to be perfect to do this. He says when we fail at this because it is impossible just as it is impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, God is there and it is possible for him.

He also said that's impossible for man, but God makes it possible. That's the point of the section you are referring to.
Well, that would be a lot more sedate life…

Anyway that doesn't even touch on the secular attacks on the faith by Communism, which continues to this day. It's quite impossible to serve the both of them.

Communism together with the other messianic political movements of 19th century copied different aspects of Christianity and in the same time they rejected some others with passion, together with the person of Christ. The secularization created the different ideologies which eventually led to devastating wars, tyranical goverments and wiped out like 1/3 of the population of Europe. The reason for that is that you cannot take Christ out of the teachings of Christianity because then it become stupid and it doesn't make sence. So no, Jesus was not a communist.

He's saying it's impossible for men to get to heaven because they can't be perfect. Not God makes it possible to be perfect

can't sell things in a communism, money is no longer operative.
Jesus assumes money will remain in circulation.

Jesus didn't see poverty or class differences as existential problems, blessed are the poor, and kings gain their power by providence. Communism sees poverty as an existential problem and thinks all class hierarchies are illegitimate. Even when it comes to the family structure, yet Christianity teaches us that the husband is the head of the family, it is not egalitarian, neither are our Churches.

Jesus said to give to Caesar what belongs to him. Communism preaches revolution against Caesar, and often violent revolution.

Back to the dumb version of pol.

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He said for them to sell their stuff, not surrender it (and their lives and their children's lives) to the state for """free""".


That's indeed what I intended to say, although I should have added a few words to flesh that out a little more. But yes, that is what I was trying to point out to OP, he's not seeing the forest from the trees here.

This is borderline pathetic shilling. Look up what communism did to Russia, what it did to Europe.
Yeah,, spew communist propaganda, that will help. If you think communism has a christian backbone you should really read about what communism is.

the only time communism will ever work and be a huge success will be when Jesus takes his seat as supreme God king over all creation and rules along side it after the resurrection of the dead.

Technically the really early church under Peter resembled communism, but (((for some reason))) communism usually results in the massacre of christians and an atheistic government that suppresses the truth.

Hording wealth is said to have been viewed precariously by the medieval church though, so people would apparently donate large sums of money to the church after their death, all during the time of indulgences.
The Puritan communities who were categorized as radicals and could be considered to be scriptural literalists are said to have operated a communitarian society.
Although an anti-religious state government might not be what Christian tenets would favor, they would still seem to be largely given to allsorts of selfless and charitable acts, and more so than some mere donations, but an ascetic pursuit of humanitarian service and probably more importantly a shared distribution of resources among ones religious colleagues as evidenced through the organization of clergy.

The insistence on pitching communism as an ungodly form of government as opposed to the systems it has sought to topple logically when one takes a look at history only comes from the state of affairs the world was in at the moment in which modern communism first came about, with the existing powers using the church as a justification for their place in the social hierarchy and the churches themselves having been sanctioned by those powers in past ages, both having existed in a mutual relationship with eachother throughout much of history leading us to today with the popularly known corporatist, conservative parties being more strongly supportive of religious ideals and the alleged liberals sometimes though not always (such as the religious black democrat supporters in America) supporting more secular policies.

no. replace “caesar” with the state (and transitively socialism and fascism) in the bible and you will have your answer.

When? How?
Oh you mean resembled what communists claimed they did for people? All right then.
Early church might have been socialist, but in no way Marxist or communist. I hate this "communism is a nice idea but it does not work." BS. It's all lies used to make apologies for communism. Socialism is not the same thing as communism. You do not need to be Marxist to be a socialist. We do not need to endorse the capitalism vs communism meme.

Communism and socialism are straight up Satanism.
See what communist regimes have done to Christianity in the 20th century.