https:// archive.fo/zbMxm (5G Smartphones Cause Cancer, Big Tech Doesn’t Want You To Know)
https:// archive.fo/a9pag (Firefighters Suffer Neurological Damage After Contact With 5G Cell Towers)
https:// archive.fo/vlvdj (Dangers of 5G Exposed And The True Agenda of The 5G Kill Grid)
https:// archive.fo/5sRTX (Mill Valley, CA Bans 5G Due To Negative Health Impacts)
https:// archive.fo/QmalP (Mainstream Media Fires Journalist Who Exposes 5G Dangers)
https:// archive.fo/E85z7 (5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves as Pentagon Crowd Control System)
https:// archive.fo/Ckexd (Scientists Find Clear Evidence That Cell Phone Radiation Causes CANCER)
The mega network for mobile telephony, popularly called 5G, is currently being rolled out. However, there seems to be a horror scenario to play, because there is animal death in the vicinity of deployed 5G masts and transmitting towers … An example of this 5G mast on the corner of the Hoefkade in The Hague, is on the roof from HS telecenter a new 5G mast, low on the roof, but hardly visible. This antenna is not yet visible in the Antenna register.
A 5G test was done, in relation to Dutch railway station Hollands Spoor. To view the range of the mast and see if any adverse equipment damage would occur on and around the station. Immediately afterwards, the birds fell massively dead from the trees. What is going on here..? This is really a horror scenario, when these two facts are causally related to each other, which means that bird death is caused by the 5g-masts. Because we are on the verge of rolling out the national 5G network.
But we can probably go to sleep safely, or at least ‘radiant’, because it has all been tested well. Yes, surely? But the following days it will hit again in The Hague, in the Huygenspark, a stone’s throw from the Hoefkade .. Dead birds, with dozens on the ground .. As if we’re watching the thriller ‘The Birds’ by Alfred Hitchcock.
The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) is currently screening a number of birds in the laboratory of Wageningen Bioveterinary Research. Parts of the park have been deposited and dogs are no longer allowed to be let out. The dead birds are always cleaned up as quickly as possible, which in itself is a lugubrious scene. The Hague council member Robert Barker of the Party for the Animals had the feeling of being on a ‘crime scene’. “The fact that so many birds fall from the sky at this location must have a cause and must be investigated. If there is talk of poisoning, then we have to take a hard time. “
It can not be excluded that the birds have a disease. But that is bizarre, if you look at the way they die. “In any case, it’s going fast. The animals are not emaciated, do not seem ill. They just fall dead from the tree, “ says employee Sharon Lexmond of bird shelter De Wulp. This bird care ‘De Wulp’ reports on this insane situation as follows:
Friday, October 19, 30 dead starlings
Wednesday, October 24 30 dead starlings
Thursday, October 25 88 dead starlings
Thursday, November 1, 138 dead starlings and 1 living that also died within an hour, 2 dead wood pigeons, 1 of which had been killed and others with section fireplaces in liver. (Yersinia / avian TB / salmonella) abnormal cause of death.
Friday, November 2, 7 dead starlings
Saturday, November 3, 44 dead starlings. All of the same location Huygenspark, found in the morning under their sleeping tree.
Meanwhile, a section on 5 starlings has been done, every day. And this expresses the same and the conclusion corresponds to the sections that were performed in Utrecht. Well-fed animals, substantial fat reserves, virtually no internal injury, empty stomachs. This means that the birds have not eaten for 12 to 24 hours. And virus, such as Usutuvirus or West Nile virus are excluded.