A lot of people on the internet got a good giggle on Tuesday when the Democrats announced they were debating “Rule 34”, a change to internal rules affecting how the party will elect a new Speaker now that last week’s midterm elections have given them control of the House of Representatives. For those who don’t know why this was funny, Rule 34 is an ancient piece of internet meme-lore that states: “if it exists, there is porn of it, no exceptions”.
It is a foundational piece of internet subculture, and it is baffling – and troubling – that nobody in the Democratic party even seemed to know to suggest to anyone that this rule might have viral connotations. This is more important than it sounds. 4chan and other parts of the internet’s dark underbelly are incredibly influential in molding the culture of the web. People there talk of the “meme wars” – a subterranean synecdoche of the culture wars that have overtaken public discourse in recent years. In fact, the two are closely intertwined.
Democrats skew younger than the Republicans. How are they still losing the Meme Wars?
Easy Virgin loser gamers(who tend to drift to the far right) with no social life have way too much time on their hands, troll their life away.
Daniel Hall
I fap to figs falling from fig-trees
Austin Hill
Correction: You lose every game you were never playing.
Nathaniel Russell
Ethan Thompson
Since the ONLY losers who even use the term 'meme' are the .000001% of society, the Democrats don't give a flying fuck about Meme Wars…
Democrats are MUCH more concerned about where to dispose of their toenail clippings….
You live in a tiny, insignificant bubble
Ayden Foster
You're trying to distract from the fact that the Dems took the House, and more females were elected this time than ever before in history, which basically means Trump is fucked, which is exactly why he's been throwing his little temper tantrums all week.