Garlic Found To Destroy Resistant Bacteria

Some say garlic elevates savory dishes, while others avoid it like the plague. However, if you tend to shy away from eating garlic, you might want to think twice as studies show it works remarkably well at killing resistant bacteria and fighting chronic infections.

Closely related to vegetables with pronounced flavors like onions, chives, shallots and leeks, garlic has been used in cuisines around the world for thousands of years. While it’s full of nutrients like iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc, it is perhaps best known for its medicinal purposes.

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen carried out a study that showed a compound in garlic can destroy the important components of bacteria’s communication systems involving regulatory RNA molecules. This can also have the effect of helping antibiotics work again in difficult cases where it once failed to make an impact.

In addition to stopping DNA molecules in the bacteria, the garlic compound can also destroy the protective slimy matrix that surrounds the bacteria known as biofilm. Once the biofilm has been weakened or destroyed, the body’s own immune system and antibiotics can attack the bacteria more directly and get rid of the infection with ease.

The researchers say that they believe their garlic drug could help treat patients whose outlook is otherwise poor. A biotech firm is developing the compound for use against bacterial infections, and human clinical trials are expected to be carried out soon.

The group has been studying garlic’s effect on bacteria since 2005, when they learned that garlic extract can inhibit bacteria. In 2012, they found that it’s a sulfurous compound in garlic known as ajoene that is responsible for this effect. The new study, which is published in the Nature Scientific Reports, explores the ability of ajoene to destroy this bacteria in depth.

They looked at Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which are two very different types of bacteria that generally must be fought using different methods. The fact that the garlic compound can address them both at the same time is extremely promising.

As aggressive multi-resistant infections continue to challenge medical professionals around the world and put patients’ health at risk, this natural treatment could prove quite useful. While the researchers emphasize that garlic contains such a small amount of ajoene that people would need to consume mass quantities of it to get the benefits, there are still plenty of reasons to start using more of it in your own kitchen.

For example, it can boost heart health, regulating cholesterol levels and preventing blood clots from forming. Its antiseptic properties make it useful in treating infected wounds, ear aches, and other infections, and raw garlic can also be used to address colds and coughs.

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This is Good! news for me, because /killcen/ LOVES his garlic! I even eat it with my veggies and meat, raw sliced pieces all over the dish. Also do this with ginger root (which is also very healthy)! LONG LIVE /KILLCEN/ AND OTHER BASED BOOMERS!

Ever wonder why the Chinese, Japanese, Indian poopers and many other cultures happen to live so long? Its because they use 'ancient medicines' ie super healthy foods and lots of healthy spices. If the average White man would learn this, we'd be all a lot healthier too.

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The sad thing is so many people still don't know this. Maybe most here do by now, but its vastly ignored and that does not help with the issue of mass coma. In order for enough people to wake up and realize this, it needs to be spread, somewhere…. anywhere…..

You know what I should do someday before I die? Rent a helicopter, print out a SHIT TON of real news, boxes worth of it. Then have a flight take me around the country as I drop one printed article after another after another after another all across the US.

I bet a lot of people would love to see this, think of it. Articles about the following:

Vatican pedo exposure.
5G Kill Grids.
Agenda 21.
Toxic Vaccinations.
White Genocide.
Gun Grabbing / Subjugation.
Child sex trafficking rings.
Zionism / Satanic elites.
Central Banking ponzi schemes.
College student loan racketeering.
UN preps for invading America.
Deliberate Destabilization / Amnesty.
Mass govt spying.
Big Tech censorship.
War crimes.
Suppressed cures for cancer.

people who cannot intrinsically understand these basic concepts (like people who are confused by the concept of evolution despite it being blatantly apparent when you do something as simple as observe how animals interact with each other) are in my opinion too low intelligence to consider Homosapien proper, the human ability to abstract is what has allowed us to become superior to every other animal that exists and humans who are not capable of abstract thought are only useful to a species as manual workers; manual workers are soon to be replaced with robots leaving millions, perhaps billions of "humans" who do not posses the ability to innovate, acting only as consumers of resources producing more "humans" who will likely also suffer from a lack of abstraction ability and will consume.
Hitler should have won if i'm being perfectly honest with myself and how the human race will continue to grow in this timeline without any attention paid to genetics other than "Muh interracial children"
They will meet the end they deserve whether they know it or not.

The fact is robots will not be able to completely take over for one simple reason: it defies ALL human economic theory.

Think of it, if you lay off (conservatively) 80% of the working class, how will people pay taxes without income? Welfare can't be funded without taxation, and if there are few workers and a mass in need, those workers won't have the means to support or fund all that welfare. So there can be no consumerist society without workers. There can be no massive welfare system without workers. There would be no "free gibs" without workers paying taxes. How would corporations maintain profits without consumers? So anyone (~80%) without work would die off… but not until there would be mass chaos, unrest and regime changes. And the mass lack of workers (taxpayers), would lead to mass amount of merchants and corps going broke because there would be no consumer base (because welfare couldn't be funded for those to consume from).

You mean contaminants being left in the vials from the production methods used and the factories having improper cleaning methods?
This has never been hidden, these things are openly talked about in MSM, it's people who read these articles and don't understand that the vaccines are not what is causing the negative effects in the vast majority of the cases it is infact contaminants not intended to be inside the vials.
Also the UN has not prepared to invade America, the UN peacekeeping force is barely 50k basically volunteers armed with rifles and anti tank/air weapons supplied by the USA at it's most powerful state.
The UN has about 150-200 APCs (mostly USA produced M-Raps) and has several MBTs on loan from several NATO countries which never get used in combat situations because the cost of 1 tank shell being fired would almost double the cost of the local peacekeeping operation.
Everything else you've said is spot on though.
The UN peacekeeping force in africa (where it sees the most deployment) is still equipped with hand me down FALs and Galils. When the UN makes unilateral peacekeeping decisions and decides to send in proper military organised units instead of volunteers it requests that each UN member state contribute manpower, this is why in the 70s you would sometimes see irish soldiers equipped with outdated maxim machine guns and Enfield rifles and a few FALs if they were lucky.
The UN has gotten worse than those times, the UN is barely able to conduct a peacekeeping operation against tribals without it turning into a bloodbath they're not going and are not plotting to invade america, especially when the USA holds joint veto power the the Russians and the UN is jew controlled and most jews live in the USA.


I do understand that, and that is why I would encourage safer, cleaner vaccines. Its NOT out of the realm of possibility, it is however more costly for Big Pharma to make cleaner vaccines (and since they care about profits so much, they won't do it unless forced to). Thats the issue I have with it. We should not allow contaminates in our vaccines, taxpayers already are paying a massive burden due to "vaccine injury compensation" by the govt.

Perhaps its theory, but tell me how robots can take over entire work forces, millions no longer get any income (meaning they cannot pay taxes either), and somehow we keep a consumerist society going to advantage these major corporations that invest in these robots.

It can't be done unless you tax the living shit out of corporations, re-distribute the wealth among everyone, so that everyone buys stuff made from them. But where does this money come from? A fiat printing press? And who provides us the commodities needed for robots to manufacture these things? How long would that last in agreements with other nations and how would that interest them?

Garlic and ginger are my two favorite spices to use while cooking. Turmeric is also good for you (because it contains curcuminoids and curcumin is extremely healthy for the body and brain in many ways) although I don't cook with turmeric I just take concentrated curcumin supplements every day.

Well duh, we’ve known garlic was anti microbial before we even knew microbes exist

What's stopping you from spreading info like that digitally in normie spheres right now? Sure you might have to work around bans, but if you care then go for it.

I have an older browser which some sites don't seem to load, plus add-ons like Noscript which can get in the way.

The bigger hassle is the fact that most mainstream social networks require actual IDs like phone numbers to "text" you and I ain't doing that, I ain't giving them ANY real info - NO WAY. Besides, I don't have one of those 'smartphones' and never will. I have a flip phone and don't even use it to text, I only use it to call folks I know.

Encase you don't know, popular social media services now mandate real phone numbers so they can spy on you. There is a "verification text" they send, so if I ID myself and did what I do here, then they know who I am. Won't let these cocksuckers get me like that. No way.

If others who are tech savvy know ways to get around this by stealth, let us all know the secret or at least help spread the truth elsewhere and don't get caught (because they will try to kill you).

i tried garlic up my nose to cure a sinus infection
no abs would work

the garlic works


That sounds like it would hurt your nose, I'd just recommend chewing on a raw clove or two instead. It would cure it just as well because your nasal has passage ways to your throat.

This has been well known for fucking thousands of years.
Scientifically proven decades and decades ago.
Really fucking stupid.

So collecting and printing a ton of stuff, and renting a helicopter, getting someone to fly it over large parts of your country is less of a hassle than getting a new browser, maybe even on a burner pc? And supposedly something you can do with more anonymity than what is possible online?
Some years ago there were programs that would let you receive texts to use when making accounts on twitter, though I haven't used any social media myself for years.

I respect your concern for privacy though. I'm just not very sure if there is any from the moment you even go online, but I know nothing about such things.

Why do you think that automatisation forbids manual work? There still probably will be a bunch of oldfags who use labor. Besides people could start to spread “handmade” product meme. Many people are already spending their money in local craft markets and what not

It would be inevitable communities of people would merge into 'get-away societies' as black markets and bartering would occur in order to survive and make a living. People need some kind of income to live, and without any income they can't pay taxes either. So killing enough jobs will inevitably lead to the death of welfare as well (most people seem clueless about that but hardworking taxpayers do fund all the govt budgets!)

Tech enthusiast know a whole lot about technology and programming but they don't seem to grasp how basic economies function. Take away most of the jobs, you take away most of the taxes as well as the potential consumers and thus bringing an end to many corporations which depend on consumption to make their money. Take away all the jobs and all you get is third world lifestyles - just look at many places in Africa as example, thats what we would have.


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As The Frugal Gourmet (Jeff Smith, RIP) once said, "garlic, garlic, garlic, you can never have enough garlic!"

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I stuck a dozen whole cloves up my ass in hopes that it will cure everything that ails me. Will report back..

C++ is too sophisticated programming for bots. They're probably coded in javascript.

You already drop a ton of shit here

We take the bullet so the rest of humanity don;t

Good! That only means your more well informed than the rest of humanity, unless you deliberately deny the truth. And the REAL NEWS is being spread elsewhere by others too, on other networks. I'll stay here and use this place to wake up Zig Forums and the National Guard.

Ur already in trouble mate, I bet you have a ssn and Medicare tax. That's all they need, cell phone spying is just cherry on top. You are legally owned, that's all is about. Phones and phone numbers ect are just attestation of U.S. citizenship. They are trying to replace state citizenship with a federal one. The United States is like the EU. Several Sovereign countries give their decision power to unelected faggots (in our case we have Washington DC or the U.S. as it's commonly referred to)

Stop paying gay medical "taxes" this will get rid of Medicare and social security "tax"

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Pic is of the new "social security" because the only one is failing, now states are offering the same thing but are going through business to offer the same plan everywhere. They automatically enroll the employees and tell them they get new benefits but don't tell them it's VOLUNTARY. It costs almost 2x as much as federal social security. You may be receiving this at your job soon

I know they can spy on ALL phones, thats been done since the prohibition era back in the 30s, they were wiretapping phone booths and had vans parked outside monitoring calls in real-time. So I know they are spooks and are spying.

Point is this: I'm not voluntarily handing over every damn thing they want me too, or telling them my life story. If they want my info they can get it the old fashion way.

I am so glad I'm retired. Fuck this gay ass corrupt world.

but muh gut flora…

Threaten to kill your loved ones?

They can use a sting ray to intercept my calls or something. As far as the internet, I'm not posting my life story and family pics and address and all that for them to glance at and see. They'd need a warrant to rummage through my stuff, and its pretty much all offline (excluding my shit posting here and the calls I make on my flip phone).


Its better than the TV junkie's articles.

Homeopathy is bullshit.