White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS stud

"Vast majority of most crimes are committed by a person of the same race as the victim, Bureau of Justice Statistics reports.

In a report released Thursday titled Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-2015, the DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics found that a majority of most violent crimes are committed by people who are the same race as their victims. Indeed, the rate of white-on-white violent crime, it found, is about four times the rate of black-on-white crime."


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Other urls found in this thread:


So if they are using cross racial crimes as a point, why don't they list what the black on white crime rate is compared to white on black?

Jesus read the fuckin thing

"Indeed, the rate of white-on-white violent crime, it found, is about four times the rate of black-on-white crime.""

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And dropped

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you have a problem with that?

black hung

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Racist 'assassin' indicted as terrorist in NYC murder of black man


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It still doesn't change the fact niggers will harm more Whites than Whites will to niggers. How does 12% of the population do 50% of the crime?

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>unironically linking to (((splc)))
https:// tinyurl. com/die-Juden
Page 119

wait a second.
black males make up 7% of the US population
men make up 74% of the violent crime perpetrators, but since we're looking at violent crime in both statistics and a similar proportion of men vs women in both ethnic groups, assuming a uniform rate of criminality for women as well as men is simply easier than looking at women offense rates as well.
white (non-hispanic) men make up 30% of the US population
the ratio of white men to black men is 1:4.3 black to white.
white on white crime is 4x higher than black on white crime.
all population data is from 2016 census records.

adjusting for relative population, blacks perpetrate one quarter of the amount of violent crimes against whites relative to white on white violence, yet have less than 1/4 the population relative to whites.
assuming two significant figures, and an error of 1 sigma (13%, which is 0.1) because lol census, determines that black aggression against whites is at least on the level, if not marginally higher than white on white violence, according to this report as well as publicly available census records.
Keep in mind that this SPLC report does not take into consideration black on black crime, which is at rates much higher than either statistic (63% of self victimization according to the same statistic, as opposed to the roughly 56% range for whites was at for self-victimization), the SPCL report also separates people identifying as two or more races, which has a white victimization rate of 60, which is quite anomalous as it is the only other figure of total victimization which reaches into the 60's, however no judgement can be made on that because "two races" is far too nebulous for a proper definition. Regardless, it appears that the SPCL is misconstruing data to fit preconceived notions, a shocking and surprising turn of affairs, obviously.


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debunk this:
protip: u cant

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nice try, but you fail, nigger.

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I was going to post the report itself if people wanted to skip the SPLC article but it looks like Zig Forums doesn't recognize pdfs anymore.

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4 times?
As in 4 times less

Have these people lived around the average black person? Have they been to cities all around the country and seen what black people are really like? I actually wish I could live in this bizarro dimension where black people are all nice and peaceful and whitey is just paranoid.

kikes should be forced to live in nigger ghettos.
anyone can virtue signal, but actions speak louder than words

funny how similar nazi faggots are to feminists, both groups of failed bitter ugly losers blaming anything and everyone else for their ugly failed existences

The issue is women are retarded adult children and all of their feminist stats come back verifiably wrong, and Jews who make up 2% of the population DO control over 90% of north American media.

So you can fuck right off back to Zig Forums


Also - debunk this.


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Why do white people own so much wealth? Guess it needs to be forcibly redistributed

Wouldn't even matter if you did. Shitskins would still squander and steal it all away amongst themselves and be right back at square one in their impoverished, squalid shithole ghettos. Sub humans cannot ever rise the the level of a White man, no matter how much they are given or steal.



no one could see this coming

That's why there developed nations in Africa right now that you choose to ignore to focus on the poor ones like Somalia and blanket all africans right? Ironically they are almost all right wing leaning christian nations who are very anti-western and anti-gay, maybe you should go live with them, you would like it a lot more than the western society you complain about all day.

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But we already knew this ages ago, and doesn't change the fact that black on white crime completely dwarfs white on black crime. Do people really fall for this shit?

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Lmao get the fuck out of here commie faggot

Shhh, you are using logic. The commies hate that.

Uh no sweetie, clearly the decision is to outlaw males. You said it yourself, its purely logical

12.3% of the U.S. population is black

about 9:1

so rate of white-on-white violent crime, it found, is about four times the rate of black-on-white crime."

Seems like blacks do a lot of crimes against whites in comparison to their % of population

suck black cock OP

But who is going to hold up the liquor store for your forties and KFC money then Sheneequa?

If you hate it in a white country so much move to one of the utopias ran by the niggers you're so desperate to service.

Kinda hard to subvert this great nation from across an ocean. Even (((best ally))) keeps AIPAC over here for that reason.

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Jews aren't white.

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*White Cultures listed here. Jews didn't create any great culture. They just take what already existed and use it for their own gains.

That's what we've been saying the whole time, nigger.
2% of the population does 51% of the crime.
It's almost entirely niggers, I don't care if it's nigger on nigger violence.
The part we give a shit about is the inordinately large nigger vs. human violence.
If a dog acts up, you beat it.
If a dog bites a human, you kill it.

dont attack the 1% richest, thats anti-semetic goy
what are you a nazi or something?

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Let's look at white on animal violent crime.
Should be fucking huge given how much they rape our women, and if it's not it should be huge.

Because blacks are over 10x more violent and murderous and truth is "hate".

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>no mention of all the spics and kebabs that get labeled as white thoug to be fair, anglokikes aren't white either

Haven't you heard? Math and "per capita" is racist.

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It's not the rates or percentages that are of concern, it's the actual numbers that matter. Whites commit an overall number lower than that of their black counter parts. That is important because Black males only make up 6% of the overall population.

It takes a lot of extra murdering to do that.

it doesn't mean that black people need to be punished for this. It means they need to be sequestered from otherwise peaceful societies.

They do:
Black on white - 3.1 per 1000
White on black - 2.8 per 1000

What I LOL the most about is that they say the BJS study is consistent with NCVS data. I should hope so, given that the BJS study is based on NCVS data.

so 13% of the population commits 25% of the crime that 50% of the population does

true, it proves that some races are better than the others, the question is, so what?

It's far less than 12% because 99.999% of those crimes are committed only by Black youths. In reality, it's more like 3% of the population committing 50% of the crimes. A menace2society, indeed.

Back to the synagogue OP.

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What a disingenuous fucking cunt.


White people don't like to live near black people, SHOCKING NEWS!

I always knew theyre black.

yes but your not taking into account POPULATION DIFFERENCES
RETARD blacks make up 13% of the population about 6% are black males 13-45 and they account for over 50% of all fucking MURDERS

GTFO kike.

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Stastistics say there's a 97.7 % That the anons here are bigot scum
(Standard diviation point of 1.7)

Bigot scum= \I∑​∣x−μ∣2​
​ _

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You are encouraged to leave your safe and comfy home in a White neighborhood to move with the niggers you love so much.
Go ahead, give the example.

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While I agree with this quote, it's been proven to be misatributted, don't be a jew, don't spread false shit.

The biggest beneficiaries of the government safety net: Working-class whites

"Working-class whites are the biggest beneficiaries of federal poverty-reduction programs, even though blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher rates of poverty, according to a new study to be released Thursday by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Government assistance and tax credits lifted 6.2 million working-class whites out of poverty in 2014, more than any other racial or ethnic demographic. Half of all working-age adults without college degrees lifted out of poverty by safety-net programs are white; nearly a quarter are black and a fifth are Hispanic."


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Now include the total # of blacks, whites, and Hispanics in the population along with those figures and calculate the percentage of each exploiting welfare benefits.

It's such an obvious oversight. It's almost like these jew-owned media outlets have a vested interest in delivering a skewed message so as to underplay the effectiveness of the very narrative they are presently indulging.

welfare without ambition or work ethic doesnt lift anyone out of poverty, no.

"Developed nations in Africa"
A few big cities with working electricity most of the time is not "developed"

Whats hits have ever been taken? The author of that piece needs to be dropped off in a ghetto.

Jews aren't white.

yor great granpappy wuz hidin' in the woodpile

I'll take "what is a per capita statistic" for $1,000 Alex….

When comparing two different populations that are vastly different in size, such as the white vs black population you have to adjust for population size to get a true idea of what is going on. That's something groups such as the SPLC never do because it blows up their narrative.

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Yes, that's the platform of intelligent people. Stop letting hoodlums in the gates. I've never heard a "white nationalist" say anything violent or to the contrary.

(and stop funding them to breed)

daily reminder deliberately disingenuous measuring and misrepresentation of statistics is part and parcel of undermining the ability of everybody to make qualitative and quantitative distinctions about anything, in this case niggers

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thats the tell

"90% of the population commits more crime against 90% of the population than 10% of the population commits against 90% of the population."
brilliant analysis. very helpful.

you realize thats how justice was carried out back then, right? especially in rural areas, especially after the civil war when the southern govt infrastructure was destroyed.
do you honestly believe all of the niggers they killed were innocent? you think none of them were raping, killing, and stealing whites?

just look at what goes on today and ask yourself its its remotely plausible that none of the accusations hold water.
the north flooded the south with niggers because niggers caused too much crime and wanted to punish the south. they sent them south and the niggers continued doing what escaped slaves do, rape, murder, steal.
just like today.

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Hey Jamal, did this thread strike a nerve?

That would be racist, user.

why not give your data more validity by including the rate of program use by each demo by national population and then compare? It's almost like bezos blog is tripe horseshit propaganda for useful idiots.

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Anybody that believes those statistics on white on white crime are retarded. Pic related.

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Just some comparisons.

Are you a time traveller from 1900?

Good to know me and you both think Hitler was right about everything.

That isn't what he asked you stupid kike. He asked for black on white crime, you listed white on black crime.

Is the white population in the US only 2.214285714285714 times that of the black population? No. It's like 4x the size, so change those numbers to percents of their parent population.

All liberal.
Some white.
But I digress. Okay? Point? Because that's like a month's set of weekends in Chicago's worth of deaths.