40% of women younger than 30 would like to leave the U.S

While Donald Trump has spent much of his presidency focused on the number of people who want to get into the U.S., since he took office, record numbers of Americans have wanted to get out.

Though relatively average by global standards, the 16% of Americans overall who said in 2017 and again in 2018 that they would like to permanently move to another country – if they could – is higher than the average levels during either the George W. Bush (11%) or Barack Obama administration (10%).

Desire to Migrate in the U.S.
Ideally, if you had the opportunity, would you like to move PERMANENTLY to another country, or would you prefer to continue living in this country?
George W. Bush 11
Barack Obama 10
Donald Trump 16
Gallup World Poll

While Gallup's World Poll does not ask people about their political leanings, most of the recent surge in Americans' desire to migrate has come among groups that typically lean Democratic and that have disapproved of Trump's job performance so far in his presidency: women, young Americans and people in lower-income groups.

During the first two years of the Trump administration, a record-high one in five U.S. women (20%) said they would like to move to another country permanently if they could. This is twice the average for women during the Obama (10%) or Bush years (11%) and almost twice the level among men (13%) under Trump. Before the Trump years, there was no difference between men's and women's desires to move.

The 30% of Americans younger than 30 who would like to move also represents a new high – and it is also the group in which the gender gap is the largest. Forty percent of women younger than 30 said they would like to move, compared with 20% of men in this age group. These gender gaps narrow with age and eventually disappear after age 50.

Desire to migrate among the poorest 20% of Americans during Trump's first two years is also at record levels. It is more than twice as high as the average during Obama's two terms. So far under Trump, three in 10 Americans (30%) in the poorest 20% say they would like to migrate if they could, compared with an average of 13% under Obama.

But more than anything else, Trump himself may be the primary motivator. Regression analysis shows that regardless of differences by gender, age or income – if Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president, they are more likely to want to leave the U.S. Overall, 22% of Americans who disapproved of Trump's job performance during his first two years said they would like to move, compared with 7% who approved.
Destination Canada?


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Womans may come to Canada

Mens stay away

Apparently, 40% of women under 30 have heard that im planning on leaving the United States within a year.

not really surprising

daddy issues

Let them do it and fuck themselves over

They said they want to move to another COUNTRY

not to a giant pay toilet

fucking yourself over: thinking america suffices

Ive been planning on leaving America since before the caveman was elected. His election simply solidified my resolve.

Good, I don't see a problem with them leaving

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I bet you're one of those fucks who only agrees with his Zionism

Good, then get the fuck out.

Wants to leave != actually having the BALLS to leave

Talk is cheap, and besides where are they gonna move? mexico? brazil? egypt? oh wait let me guess: """socialist""" countries there are actually WHITER than 56%-land

They can always go to Morocco. It's safe there, because no Drumpf meanie who wants to build wall.

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New Zealand

and on

All place better than U Ass of A

Poor people wants move, rich stay

Fuc you fascist pig

Conveniently ignores "countries there are actually WHITER than 56%-land". We realize "soclialism" works without lazy, and dumb ,niggers and spics.

…aren't we all fucked over

None of those countries consider themselves socialists, and many are ranked higher than murrica in the business freedom index you commie faggot.

Also nice how you totally avoided how those countries are whiter and have less minorities, I'm sure that has nothing to do with your decision now that you're seeing the results in your homeland.

Why don't go to japan or korea? those are first world and not white………….oh right they don't want fucking white piggu freeloaders cumbuckets like you

So, spics and niggers? Please do!

The other countries are not gonna let the dumb Americans in unless they have money. The migration rules and border wall are to keep us in.

FACT : Trump supporters are the least educated, most inexperienced white trash WWE fans in America

They make Niggers and Spics seem like Einsteins

The requirements to be allowed into another country are definitely more stringent than the requirements to be a trump supporter

All that's required to be a trump supporter is to be gullible and uneducated with no real life experience



Of course, this is the part where you claim Robert Reich is an idiot and he's a liberal and he's a moron and he doesn't know what he's talking about etc etc etc etc

HOWEVER, you are unable to claim anything he's saying in these videos is incorrect

Because it's all one hundred percent true

again: its all 100% TRUE

I would like for my loved ones to escape the US. But I have to stay here until I’m dead.

Well memed newfriend, excellent infotainment. Keep spreading the bluepills, we ARE the resistance!

Then leave.

resistance?… lol… No, sir…..

YOU aren't jack shit

youre a powerless follower

Power to the people, man. Hearts and minds. One man one vote.

I always enjoy a good laugh, especially these days

That's why I love watching lonely introverted computer geeks erroneously assumed that they are suddenly part of something, like they have some sudden mysterious power….

If only you knew how quickly Trump would shit on you

Your image boards, video games and anime exclude you from his ranks.

One man one vote?… LOL

You're more gullible than I thought

Citizens United isn’t really a thing.

I hope you’re not implying we should go Direct Democracy. The demos make so many bad decisions the oligarchs are justified in stepping in.

What level have you reached in OverWatch?

What’s a good screen name with kittens in it? My daughter keeps getting the shoah on Twitter and insists that any rebrand have something about kittens in it.

I'm implying that the powers that be have successfully 'dumbed down' the population to the point that people will fall for ANYTHING

Then it’s a perfect time to give them their Casio-Cortez, crash the FRN with no survivors, step in and rule eternally in austere brutality.

It depends on how old she is….

If shes an adult, 'smittenwithkittens'

If shes a business professional, 'i❤kitties'

If shes 7 years or younger, 'finger my pussy'

Ok, we’ll take that last one. I want her to make new friends.

you ġemǣded, bro ?

Denmark leads the world in upward mobility, as defined by people born in the bottom income quintile who make it to the top. " The land of opportunity" is now seventh.


countries with the highest ranking personal freedoms

The jurisdictions that took the top 10 places, in order, were New Zealand, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and Denmark (tied in 6th place), Ireland and the United Kingdom (tied in 8th place), and Finland, Norway, and Taiwan (tied in 10th place). Selected countries rank as follows: Germany (13), the United States and Sweden (17), Republic of Korea (27), Japan (31), France and Chile (32), Italy (34), South Africa (63), Mexico (75), Kenya (82), Indonesia (85), Argentina and Turkey (tied in 107th place), India and Malaysia (tied in 110th place), United Arab Emirates (117), Russia (119), Nigeria (132), China (135), Pakistan (140), Zimbabwe (143), Saudi Arabia (146), Iran (153), Egypt (156), Iraq (159), Venezuela (161), and Syria (162).

If AFN Technologies would get some of their products to market America might literally be reborn.

Yeah, that's how you fail and become a normal fag.

Nice list, faggot.

A bit more oppressive than the US but not by much.
75th place? That corrupt hellhole? Not close, its it would be among the bottom!
US - even though a police state - would likely rank within the 10 range, if not the top five still. Yes, we lost a lot of freedoms, but we still had a SHIT TON more freedoms than most other nations on Earth, and still do (even though that might soon change).

spotted the closet homosexual

If you consider heterosexuality to be a failure

id be proud for you to call me a normie

you're a faggot ABNORMIE weirdo

go play Zelda, princess

the adults are talking

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It’s a sinking ship. Most of the white people I know have thought about moving to a country in Europe

tbh, women evolved as caretakers and rape food for invading tribes. They are disloyal hypergamous creatures who can’t conserve or mobilize material resources properly. In a better world they would not have a say in important matters.

I've been doing this long enough to know that the first thing you're going to do is deny that video made you a faggot…..

In fact, if you don't deny it, then something is wrong

HOWEVER: your thinly-veiled latent homosexuality, disguised as a 'knowledgeable disregard for women' is just another mimicry you have learned from image boards…..

But you didn't start off in image boards

You started off with a video game controller in your hands….

You're a video-game faggot

That's how you got here, faggot

tbh, no woman wants you

I could have been much more loquacious about it, but there's no need…..

No woman wants you…..

And that speaks volumes

Doesn’t change the fact that women are unfit to participate in matters of national or even tribal importance.

What the fuck is this CIAnigger shit?

When I was young, if somebody had told me that one day in the future there would be a thing called the internet, and there would be tens of thousands of socially inexperienced sexual failures, all gathered in imageboards, patting eachother on the back to reassure themselves that their latent homosexuality was normal and acceptable ?…

I wouldve never believed it……

i have NEVER seen a larger group
of creepy homosexuals in my life

Doesn't change the fact that you were born to have a dick in your mouth

Darkies are also unfit to run a white civilization, as we saw with Obongo. Let him strut around Kenya begging the West to invest fiat in prophylactic and population control measures.

There's a 97% chance that I'm older and more experienced than you…………………………

and so far, ive never seen anybody
qualified to be president get elected

grow up

You believe in a fundamentally erroneous premise, that wealth is created by the natural resources at a nation’s disposal, whereas in truth it is created through human capital, knowledge and skills and growth.

Women think that so long as there are resources they can go on consuming, same as darkies. Such beings never made a space alien in their lives, and neither have you.

Keep resting on them.

It's coming now you like to pretend that you know how women think…

how the fuck would YOU know how they think?

Your entire premise is built upon a foundation of not having any experience with women, apparently BY DESIGN

Keep relying on it

LOL !!…. hahahaha !!!……

Yeah, that's exactly what i said, right ?……..
( I have no idea how you extrapolated that bullshit from my words )

Are you trans? How would you know?

Oh, you have experience, all right. Drinking and drugging and being a con artist and rape. Wherever you go, you must also rape.

Ok that list is bullshit, Canada, UK, USA, and Germany are way too high.

No need to quote you precisely. All anyone needs to do is read Mein Kampf and they’ve got your number, JEW.

btw, what is coming?

I live in switzerland and we are cucked as fuck
you need a permit to buy a gun
this is the "freedom" you want?

What's coming is the further continuation of the ongoing process you might call the end of the world, although that process has been happening for thousands of years, and it's going to continue for thousands more…..

You thought it was going to be an 'event'

It's actually been a sequential series of steps taking us further and further into a world we recognize less and less with every day

Nevertheless, 100 years after you die children will be enjoying the sunshine as they play in a park

More Charles Lyell bs.

more imageboard trendiness

Lyell was to Hutton what Spencer is to Gottfried: garbled, distorted, entirely missing the mark.

Can’t you into Geological history, cuck? You go and apologize to your woman for manspreading on the computer.

Nah not the stupid Americans, but the sub 80 IQ Africans and inbred Arabs. Not that retards fleeing the US over bad orange man makes any difference between dumb arabs and niggers.

Popularizers are always about their Twitter subs, the diffusion of their purposely crippled and bastardized signal, their women. They are the people arguing that getting laid gives them intellectual authority over others.

Oh please.


No need to kill yourself, because you've never really 'lived' in the first place

Getting laid didn't give me intellectual superiority over you…

quite the opposite, in fact…………….

My intellectual superiority is what got me laid, and exactly why you can't figure out how to

Shoah this kike

time spent on this planet = experience

but only if you're paying attention

(and out of those three things, apparently you haven't mastered any of them)

What non-news.
Every country everywhere has people who want to go and see the world.

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Wind Up The Predictable Trendy Parrot

and watch him squawk

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Wind Up The Predictable Trendy Parrot

and watch him squawk

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the king sperg of Zig Forums

Nice. If leftist roasties, the most deranged and poisonous people on the planet, are unhappy, then Trump must be doing something right.

Wind Up The Predictable Trendy Parrot

and watch him squawk

like the bitch that he is

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Bullshit list.

Wind Up The Predictable Trendy Parrot

and watch him demonstrate that
he's SO unfamiliar with vaginas,
that he actually believes labia are
'created by having too much sex'

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Reminder that the commies are the dumbest people on this site.

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Its not 'BECAUSE' you don't get pussy

it's 'AND' you don't get pussy

If you say so, but I’ll put my PhD and having been married to the same woman my whole life against that kind of superiority.

I don't care about your gaping, diseased dick-hole, roastbeef.

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We’re literal high school sweethearts.

Good News For You:

If 40% of young hot women left America,
then you have a 40% better chance at
successfully hiding your homosexuality

because as it stands, you're not doing a
very good job of trying to blend in