FOX: Here are the 10 worst things Trump did in 2018

==10. His comment about "sh–hole" countries blew up negotiations for a deal that would have given Trump his border wall.== Nearly a year ago, the president made a bold offer to Democrats – putting not just legal status but also a path to citizenship for nearly 1.8 million young illegal immigrants on the table. Then his abhorrent comment undermined Democrats who were serious about cutting a deal and gave those who were not a pretext to walk away.

==9. His offensive tweets continued to undermine his presidency.== Calling former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman "a dog" and Stormy Daniels "Horseface" – among countless offensive tweets – is not just unpresidential, it drives away potential supporters who like his policies but then are reminded how much they don't like Trump.

==8. His misuse of power turned critics into martyrs.== Revoking former CIA director John Brennan's security clearance and CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta's White House press pass turned partisan critics who were embarrassing themselves into victims – and gave them an even greater platform from which to attack him.

==7. He drove away suburban voters and caused the GOP to lose control of the House.== That's because the president has sought to energize his base in ways that drive those voters away. If he wants to win reelection, Trump needs to bring suburban Republican voters back into the GOP fold.

==6. His graceless handling of Sen. John McCain's funeral was a new low.== Trump didn't like McCain, but when you're the president, sometimes you must honor people you didn't like. McCain was an American hero. Trump's inability to muster a kind or generous word reflected poorly on the president.

==5. His handling of Jamal Khashoggi's murder harmed America's moral standing.== Trump is right that a permanent breach with Saudi Arabia is not acceptable, because there is no other country in the Middle East that can serve as a counterweight to Iran. But it was unseemly to declare that "It's all about 'America First'" and "We're not going to give up hundreds of billions of dollars in orders."

==4. His news conference with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki was an embarrassment.== His meeting with the Russian president came on the heels of Russia's attempted assassination of a dissident on British soil using banned chemical weapons and the indictment of 12 Russians for 2016 election meddling. Instead of condemning these actions, Trump publicly sided with Putin over his own intelligence community.

==3. His policy to separate migrant children from their families at the southern border was an avoidable tragedy.== There is nothing wrong with a zero-tolerance policy for illegal crossings. But his administration's failure to anticipate and prepare for how to deal with migrant families was gross negligence – a symptom of the chaos that is undermining his presidency.

==2. His planned withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan is a gift to the Taliban and Al Qaeda.== In 2017, my Top 10 Best list praised Trump for reversing President Obama's disastrous withdrawal, which he said "would create a vacuum for terrorists." But in December, Trump ordered the military to start planning the withdrawal of roughly 7,000 troops – about half the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan. The news came just as U.S. officials were holding talks with the Taliban, whose No. 1 demand is … the withdrawal of U.S. forces. Hardly the "art of the deal."

==1. His pullout of all U.S. troops in Syria will take America's boot off of the terrorists' necks.== Trump's claim that "we have defeated ISIS in Syria" is as bad as Obama's dismissing them as the "J.V." squad. The Islamic State still has up to 30,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria and about $400 million in their coffers. The Islamic State is not defeated, and not one member of Trump's national security team agrees with his decision to withdraw. If he lets the Islamic State off the mat like Obama did in Iraq in 2011, our nation will pay a terrible price.

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This shit is mostly muh PR. Cry harder, bitch nigga.

These are all reasons he still has any support at all.

Haha I like how they end it with the idea that pulling our boys out of endless muslim wars is somehow a bad thing.
The other points are mostly about hurt feelings are thus highly subjective. But pulling us out of foreign wars that have been raging since before the US was even a country is always good.

What are the smoking
these are the only good things he's done all year

Neocons gonna neocon. When will fox finally piss off some muslims enough to get shot up like charlie?

I can't wait to break this down!

#10. Good! He's right, most of these countries ARE shitholes, and NO the democrats never insisted on funding that wall so that is a LIE.
#9. Crybabies. Can't handle debates then don't start 'em.
#8. Not martyrs, just spoiled brats. Check yo privileges!
#7. Trump drove away SOME voters for being too much of a kiss-ass in reality. You niggers are lucky someone like me ain't president. Oh the purges would have started Day 1 and ALL these kikes driven the fuck out of their positions of power including ANY Obama holdovers.
#6. Fuck Insane in the Brain McCain! Burn in hell war mongering neo-con fuck! Corrupt ass closet democrat Agenda 21 globalist Zionist stooge, burn in fucking hell and die!
#5. CIA asset dies? Well cry me a fucking river!
#4. Good! We should get along with Russia. They did nothing wrong and you assholes know it. You just want to rape Russia of their resources like a bunch of greedy socialist glowing niggers - THERE, I SAID IT - BITCH!
#3. They have no right to invade our country, I don't care it its men women or children! You either follow the immigration laws and get properly vetted or go back to where you came from!
#2. TOTAL BS PROPAGANDA LIES. You lying sack of shit, it was the US/Israel funded and armed ISIS to overthrow legit governments in the Middle East! Syrian Army and Russia were fighting them off! That is a FACT, its been documented, admitted and reported over and over and over again. You lying glow in the dark sacks of defecating bags of puke! Go back to TV land and stay there!
#1. Good, refer to #2 you lying assholes! Assad and Putin have mostly defeated ISIS, no thanks to you glow in the dark pieces of shit!

Nothing. It's a neocon concern trolling piece. Fox is no friend of the president

Fox and Trump are the same, granted what Trump has been doing recently has been interesting but he did waste the house majority without getting the wall

Remember Fox was 60% negative towards Trump in the 2016 election.

That is obviously much more fair than the other networks that were over 99% negative.
But dont think for one minute that they dont hate him. Trump never went to the bohemian grove or wore the silly robes like every other President.. He doesnt need to give huge amounts of money to the press he gets attention by trolling people on twitter and they fucking despise him for it.



Its propaganda for TV junkies is what it is.

You mean Assad and Assad, Putin has been a useless Crypto-Israel shill

If it wasn't for Putin helping arm up the Syrian Army and helping set up air defenses then Assad would have been toast!! Regardless Putin being a kike, you need to be aware of this because its absolutely true. Russia helped save Syria.

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This. The entire list is tedious nonsense.

10. His comment about "sh–hole" countries blew up negotiations for a deal that would have given Trump his border wall.== Nearly a year ago, the president made a bold offer to Democrats – putting not just legal status but also a path to citizenship for nearly 1.8 million young illegal immigrants on the table. Then his abhorrent comment undermined Democrats who were serious about cutting a deal and gave those who were not a pretext to walk away.

This is unintentionally hilarious, for many reasons. So much bullshit. Democrats were never going to fund the wall. He spoke obvious truth, and public life in America needs more of that. Amnesty sure as hell wouldn't be good for the country. They even censor "shithole." Marxist cunts over at Fox.

The Ruskies provide a lot of the military hardware and training to use it.
I dont know what the balance of troops really is, but It suits them for us to believe that Assad is doing all the heavy work. How well its gone for them makes me think Assads forces are not entirely incompetent arabs.
Like in Ukraine all the Russian soldiers 'resigned from the Russian army' then went and fought in Ukraine. Then rejoined the army. So technically there were no russian forces inside Ukraine.


It makes the democrats seem really childish.

trolls can SPELL

And despite all of this, he is #stillyourpresident

tl;dr fuck off, faggots

'president' ?…. lol sure he is, dude….

sure he is



Sound like it could have been compiled by CNN.

It sounds like it could've been compiled by any one of the 86% of Americans who think he's an idiot

Heres the real list:
Good things Trump did:

you can really tell those two flaming alt left never trump liberals run fox news now,

sections have already been finished

you mean 23% and their all idiots

lol he has more support now when when he was elected

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you mean the fence?



He is, though

nope…. 86% of Americans say that
Trump is the stupidest
president in history

(and if you ever have any free time, i'll be glad to teach you how to differentiate between THERE, THEIR and THEY'RE*, you illiterate dipshit)

actually, he doesn't

Best thing he ever did.

Stopped reading there

Orange man bad.


Oh look, another retard with a messiah complex who is still a Trumptard.

I wonder if you'll still support him after he fails to win reelection and immediately slides into either obscurity or (more likely:) a resort-like prison cell.

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This is because normalfags are stupid and buy into the MSM.
Trump is a kike, but he's not an idiot. He may act foolish, maybe, but he's not stupid. And quite frankly, most normalfags act in such a stupid way anyway, and are actually as moronic as they seem.

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Zig Forums detected.


4. His news conference with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki was an embarrassment. His meeting with the Russian president came on the heels of Russia's attempted assassination of a dissident on British soil using banned chemical weapons and the indictment of 12 Russians for 2016 election meddling. Instead of condemning these actions, Trump publicly sided with Putin over his own intelligence community.





stopped reading there

you forgot

Here's a real list:

Bad things:
Good things Trump did:

that's really all you need to know.

and it's funny to see the very last dregs of support at the stupidest end of the iq scale defending trump from fox news, of all sources, who can't even spin away how bad trump is.
every post in here that tries to counter any of these "worsts" i honestly believe 100% is a redneck, trailer living, dog and family fucking moron.

you'd have to be blind to think trump is not a moron. he never reads any of his intelligence briefings ( wonder why he believes putin instead?), actually doesn't read ANYTHING his aides give him of any importance, and just fucks up on a near daily basis. the government shutdown is just the latest. first it's "i'll take the blame and PROUDLY (he used that word) shut down the government" then he does it and all of a sudden it's the "dem's shutdown" over an idiotic wall that will never work, that he promised mexico would pay for, and is now demanding that american taxpayers pay for.
he relies on his own "instincts" instead of the advice and research of thousands in his own agencies on everything from the environment ot intelligence.

plus, his iq is 86, which explains everything.

Mattis actually prevented him from doing that

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Fox Jazeera is owned by a leftist, Rupert Murdoch

is that what you tell yourself to get a good sleep at night? we're coming for you, you underdeveloped amygdala npc. the world is laughing at you, and history will remember you as a brainwashed degenerate.

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God damn it the USSA is so fucked.

no it didn't. stopped reading there.

I will never approve of any US president that continues to give money to Israel. We need to pull out all troops, shut down the US military bases, and send them a bill for the money we've given them so far. Let Israel deal with its own problems.

Additionally pull out of the Middle East, as a whole. Let the sand niggers have their religious wars and kill each other. It should not be our problem. And deny all immigrants from the region, unless they are trained professionals that can only benefit the US economy. Direct all of that money we saved towards alternative energy research so we need not rely on them for anything. And let those shitheads tear each other apart.

Same as above. Let them burn. Redirect money toward internal problems like reinvigorating our dead industrial system.

Dont forget Pakistan.
We give them a few billion in aid per year and they fucking hate us.

They also helped fund the 9/11 hijackers and hid Bin Laden next to a military town.