Mueller's Desperate Agents Caught Digging Through Roger Stone's Garbage

Trump confidant Roger Stone says he is being harassed by investigators who he claims have interviewed 19 of his friends and even tracked down his temporary maid to question her over his alleged ties to Russian operatives.

In an exclusive interview with, Stone reveals agents working for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office also showed witnesses photos of a two-year-old child they believed he may have fathered with infamous Manhattan Madam Kristin Davis.

'And that's when they aren't pulling my garbage,' Stone said in a far-reaching, exclusive interview Thursday night in Florida.

Stone, 66, touched on a variety of topics, from Melania Trump's style to his relationship with the far-right, violence-prone Proud Boys, and his ability to raise money for his legal fund through autographed rocks.

Oblivious to the political storms he usually kicks up, Stone spent the evening entertaining members of the tiny Republican Club of Indian River in a golf clubhouse in Vero Beach, Florida.

He is a draw in an area where aging voters cast ballots for the GOP two to one, even if the Republican Club had to pony up $3,000 and a half gallon of Russian Standard Platinum vodka to lure Stone two hours north of his Fort Lauderdale home.

'There are 130 people here to meet Roger who paid between $65 and $90 each to hear things from the horse's mouth,' said Florida political consultant Bill Lewis.

'Roger's a celebrity and, let's face it, there's not a whole lot of things going on in Vero Beach.'

Despite the fact he has not been arrested or indicted by the Mueller commission investigating collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, the former Richard Nixon campaign advisor has been portrayed as a central figure in a fictional election interference scandal.

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what a load of shit

Roger Stone is pure slime, there's no way they have nothing on him

then why were they digging through his trash?

Just wait till the leaks come out soon ;) so says someone who warned about the DNC leaks before they happened…….


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Its a far cry from what they initially said the investigation would unearth.
Heck the one dude who was convicted was for something that happened in 2006.

process crimes and the manafort stuff all occurred years before Trump was ever ran for office. If this is the best they can come up with, they are doomed. it explains why they are stooping to dumpster diving.

"fictional election interference?"
what kind of bs journalism is this user? the kind that also takes the word of putin over that of its country's own intelligence services? hang, traitor.

If you keep lying to Americans too many times, no one is going to end up believing you guys anymore, glow in the dark nigger.

And guess what? News was NOT meant to be propaganda, the press was intended to EXPOSE corruption, and thats what REAL NEWS is about.

ah, the good old trump defense! you know, thousands of people who are going to work trying to do a good job are not liars, you traitorous scum. go back to whatever country you stand behind.

At this point Putin deserves this country, because by spending a few thousand dollars he had thrown it into turmoil. Not a single link between Trump and Putin has been found, yet the dossier has ties to him and this is the reason the investigation is happening in the first place. We're getting played and it's people like you enabling it. Ironically we have flag carrying Left wing Communists fighting people in the street and yet Trump is the one with ties to Russia, a nation that was communist just 30 years ago. Really boggles the noggin don't you think?


this, and any 'russian collusion' would be peanuts comparing to the corruption in US government, corporations, and MSM

It's amazing how stupid Americans are. Did they simply not report anything about the investigation? How about Trump Jr. who arranged the meeting with the Russians that promised to help him interfere with the elections? You know, the one that Trump Sr. said in a tweet was not a problem because people commit treason all the time!

spoken like a true trumptard, who somehow believes the spiel of the greatest liar in history.


war hero investigates draft dodger. finds out he dodges taxes more than he dodges drafts

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if there's anything on the dossier that's not true please point it out. remember cohen saying the dossier said he was in prague and it was all a big lie then he got no knock raided and we found out the dossier was right? good times

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At what point did the FBI, CIA and NSA get such a good reputation exactly?

im on to you ivan

They did the minute they started investigating Donald Trump… remember when Comey outraged the leftists by going on TV and saying "Hillary is still under investigation" during the election? Her fans flipped the fuck out, they hated him and hated the FBI! Conservatives cheered the FBI. Now the tables have turned and its the exact opposite.

Remember Snowden? Leftists praised Snowden, they hated the NSA for spying on them. But…. now that the NSA is considered part of the "deep state" they love them! Its all primitive political bias and reverse psychology in action.

do you think anyone that doesn't believe what's on their tv will be issued dual passports one day ?


The legitimacy of the dossier isn't even the point. The point is the dossier was created by a Kremlin linked source and pushed by the Democrats. There is more proof of Russian collision from the Democrats than Trump and yet we're spinning wheels on a never ending investigation led by these same Democrats that has divided the country and destabilized us. Putin won, and Trump isn't to blame. People like you are

no you're the problem for trying to defend a traitor

Trump is a fraud, there's no doubt about it, but so are all the other compromised assets on the television.

The dossier wasn't even going to be investigated until Comey leaked it to get picked up by the news, and when it did Comey suddenly said it must be investigated now that it's leaked. The dossier has very little legitimacy as it's not even being investigated anymore. They're trying to get Trump's children on meetings with a Russian lawyer who literally meet with Democratic congressmen before and after their hotel meeting. This is an investigation leading to unrelated convictions solely to keep a very lucrative investigation running. Mueller's lawyer friends are making hundreds an hour during the duration of this. Millions of taxpayer dollars are padding the pockets of people who only want to get richer, who don't care about unbiased justice. Who are the traitors here?

it's just hard to take any of it seriously as a real thing when you consider that no one in any position of power gives a fuck about the truth anymore, they're all just spouting pure virtue signalled poison. No one is holding them accountable for anything, even though everyone knows for sure by now whether they admit it or not that 911 was an inside job (just one example!)

Trump is shit, he's a fuckin fraud. Mueller is a fucking fraud, Comey is a fucking fraud, all this shit is fraud.

Apparently Hannity believes that the media lies, what a nut !

nobody said freedom would be easy to attain. we are almost there for they nearly defeated themselves.

Look at the stars

look how they're all paedophiles

now i'm gonna call you the coward

diddle diddle diddle
diddle diddle

faggot joke

diddle diddle diddle

wibble diddle pedder diddle

still waiting on those 9/11 black boxes. seriously tho what the fuck is wrong with the guys running this dog and pony show?

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i don't have a plan for leadership
i don't have a plan for the country
all i know is i need to get bad orange man
and run this fucked up government.

-Hillary Clinton 2020

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fucking vietnam vet who got shot and returned to serve longer along with taking down 4 mob bosses
yea what a fucking hack. glad we got bonespurs mcdraftdodge to set us straight

(((Mueller))) turned down info on Seth Rich's killer.
(((Mueller))) turned down infor on who hacked the DNC and why.

did you just completely shut your brain off for the past 2 years?