Trump’s Wall Reportedly a Gimmick Campaign Aides Came Up With So He’d Remember to Talk Immigration

President Donald Trump’s obsession with a border wall with Mexico has now kept the government partially shut for three weeks. But the commander in chief didn’t always think it was such an essential idea. In fact, it started out as a gimmick, or, as the New York Times calls it, “a mnemonic device of sorts.” During the time when Trump was weighing his presidential candidacy, aides wanted to come up with a way to help him remember to talk about getting tough on immigration, which was always seen as a key issue in his campaign.

Political advisers Sam Nunberg and Roger Stone apparently came up with the idea. “How do we get him to continue to talk about immigration?” Nunberg claims he told Stone. “We’re going to get him to talk about he’s going to build a wall.” The plan worked like a charm. Trump talked about immigration in his speeches, and the wall narrative got huge reactions from the crowd, which obviously thrilled Trump. So he kept pushing the idea harder and harder.

The laser focus on the wall, though, makes even some immigration hardliners nervous, because most don’t actually see it as the most important priority. And some who agree with Trump that immigration needs to be curbed worry that he’ll be willing to trade away things that are far more important in order to get his wall. “I’ve always thought it created a danger that he would trade almost anything in order to get the wall,” said Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies. “I’m still worried about that now.”

Michael D’Antonio, a Trump biographer, says the wall is naturally appealing to Trump because of his background in real estate and the idea that he’d leave behind a legacy. “I think he’d like it being called the Great Wall of Trump,” D’Antonio said, noting he’d probably like it even more if there was a plaque honoring the president who built it “every mile or so.”

For now, it seems the wall remains an impasse, and negotiations to reopen the government aren’t really getting anywhere. “We didn’t make much progress at the meeting, which was surprising to me,” acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said Saturday. In a meeting that included Vice President Mike Pence, the administration continued pushing for cash to build the wall. Negotiations are set to continue Sunday. Trump wrote on Twitter that “not much headway made today” before continuing with his message: “After so many decades, must finally and permanently fix the problems on the Southern Border!”

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For pols have fences and the trumptards use it as an argument

Attached: chumps.jpg (1160x967, 308.36K)

Trump's campaign borrowed a lot from the likes of UKIP and AfD. Talk about immigration, no one else was. Promise big things and positive things when these unfair globalist deals were ended, when the borders were closed.

You retards hes literally shut the whole government down to get the wall. He is using it as a negotiation tactic for the next election. You act like 4d chess meme came out fo your ass.

In what way?

Over 200 weapons. 100 maps. Map editor. Free. Opensource. Runs on Lin/Win/Mac/etc

(Has nukes, vehicles, city generation, building ,etc)

What about replacement migration have you still not understand?

Is this a new meme? I don't get it?


Fuck off, leftypol spammer.

Attached: truth.jpg (500x480, 112.5K)

Attached: sadge.png (518x934, 120.88K)

Source? I don't see the sample size anywhere.

wall never ever

Slate has established in the past that they hate anything right of communism. They run a weekly hit piece on libertarians, for fuck's sake. They're more fake news than shit like ZeroHedge/Infowars.

Attached: 0e6e49a5f85a97893a7ef3cdd4bb00cbb7f66f7aa0122006c06698ec462a2827.gif (480x270, 424.31K)

Hey dummy, remember the wall
Hey, dummy, forget the wall

Obstinacy and ego set in

Attached: NG_2018_04-26-18_004.jpg (600x337, 39.01K)

ZH is not 'fake news' jackass.

Yes it is you nigger.


Hey dummy

you stoopiderder than the gayness pixs you post

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this just in, trumptards think everyone is a deer

Slate,MediaMatters,and DailyKos do nothing but pump out false news reports!! Why won't folks,who share these links do research.The first layer of the internet is nothing but fake news.Take some time and check out a story before you share it.People make themselves look like idiots,when they publish a story,that's riddled with bullet holes.It makes those who publish this bullshit propaganda look stupid.

"shut down the whole government"

Courts are open.
IRS is open.
All toll roads are open.
Schools are open.
The armed forces are in operation.
CIA is doing CIA things.
DEA is doing DEA things.
The U.S. Treasury is printing money.
Everything is moving along as usual.

You sir are watching way too much CNN.

Remember, if you don't also see ewsplus/ in the URL after the /n, its not news.

Pelosi, build this wall

Attached: Untitled.mp4 (960x540, 3.66M)

c'm on fuc face

I dare you to remove it again

Ms Pelosi, build that wall

Fucked faced Zig Forums mod removes some OC

Burn this faggot….now

Attached: Ms Pelosi, build this wall.mp4 (960x540, 3.66M)

The Americans want the Wall you retarded pieces of shit…

They don't care about Americans our America. That is not their concern. Get with the times, they're fucking communists.

t. still thinks it's 2004

You are SUCH a fucking idiot

lol @ videogame faggots

back to YOU

you're literally one of the stupidest people I've ever seen in my entire life, and I've had to deal with some real fucking idiots in my life.

You would be such a douchebag to hang out with, I can't fucking believe it. I would hate you in real life. I can't imagine you having any real life friends.

You're like a retarded sponge that has soaked up a mixture of everybody's urine on the floor of a public restroom.

You forgot Salon and buzzfeed.

LoL @ the IRS is open.

tell that to the hundreds of millions
of americans who wont be getting
their income tax returns, idiot