Trump Willing to Build Steel Border Fence Instead of Concrete Wall, Still Demands Funding

Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney on Saturday said that President Trump is open to building a metal fence — rather than a concrete wall — along the U.S.-Mexico border, signaling the White House’s “desire to try” to end the government shutdown.

“[President Trump] was willing to agree, and he mentioned this at the Rose Garden press conference, to take a concrete wall off the table,” Mulvaney told Meet the Press host Chuck Todd in an interview scheduled to air Sunday.

Mulvaney cited the proposal as “evidence of [the White House’s] willingness to solve the problem.”

“Because again, what’s driving this is the president’s desire to change the conditions at the border,” the top White House official continued. “And if he has to give up a concrete wall, replace it with a steel fence in order to do that so that Democrats can say, ‘See? He’s not building a wall anymore'” that should help us move in the right direction.”

White House officials met with congressional aides on Saturday to discuss plans to re-open the government, which was partially closed on December 22.

President Donald Trump vowed Sunday not to cave in the shutdown fight with Democrats over border wall funding.

“There’s not going to be any bend right here,” Trump said, reminding reporters that his voters and even some Democrat voters supported the idea of stronger border security.

Trump spoke to reporters at the White House on the ongoing shutdown as it entered its 16th day.

“Do you think I like doing this? I don’t like doing this, but we have no choice,” Trump said, calling the wall “desperately needed.”

The president traveled with staff to Camp David in Maryland to work on agenda items for the upcoming year.

Trump said it would be easy to end the shutdown, calling for Democrats to negotiate.

“Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and myself can solve this in 20 minutes if they want to, if they don’t want to, it’s going to go on for a long time,” he said.

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At least someones posting some REAL NEWS.


At least he's standing firm. This is what I like to see, some dedication. It would have been a slap in our face to see him cave once again and sign another budget without anything to show for it. Secure our fucking border already, you traitorous pieces of Anti-American shit congress. We all know how much you hate this country.

so brave! what a great president!

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Jimmy, I don't think reactual is an actual word.

Chainlink next?


It's the fucking border patrol and Transportation Security Administration that are'nt getting paid!!!!

let the strike go for yrs, so My cousin Chico can sneak in

I always said a fence would be just as good as a wall and quicker to build.
Hungary put up a fence to block muslims breaking in to the EU from shithole countries and it was incredibly effective.

Yes it is very effective, but it also needs to be patrolled properly too. Hungary did it just right, they have two barbed wire fences with patrols.


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Trump is a Zionist kike-lover, but as long as he gets a wall built for our border I'll forgive him for that.

Steel fences will slow migration down to a hault and give LE the upper hand at stopping them. If we get a large fence instead of a wall, then whatever, thats good enough to do the job.


The wall will actually pay for itself, give or take two years. Do you know how much those 'migrants' cost US taxpayers when they come into our country? A LOT.

that some low energy posting jeb. try harder next time

The fence is the first step. The wall can follow later, if needed.

Let's say it can stop 200,000 food stamp collecting migrants from getting in, and let's say that each food stamp collecting migrant lives for 50 years after they get here. Food stamps cost $125/month or $1500/year.

200,000 * 50 * $1500 = $15 billion the cost of the full wall

So the wall only has to stop 200,000 useless migrants getting in to pay for itself, and this is only considering foodstamps.

It's a no brainer.

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Personally I'm eager to see who caves first, if anyone caves. Its going to be one hell of a sight to see big govt start to panic without their budgets. But hey, if it means forcing them to do whats right for the country, I'm all for it!

i think we can all america collapsing is the best

Let chaos reign.

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Why? America has the potential of being the LAST free republic on Earth. If we fall, you anons will likely fall too, like many other nations have already. And do you think Israel won't be around without us? Sure they will! Don't be naive, the whole goal is to destroy the Western World and then subjugate the shit out of the world's disarmed cattle class. Thats their goal and your cheering it on!?

of course! trumps goals have aligned with israel and russia

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He'd get much more use out of a minefield with drone bases every hundred or so miles (and volunteer spotters to direct the drones).

Ms Pelosi, build this wall

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lmao niggers, get dupped.


Perfectionist Fallacy.

not perfectionism on the slightest unless you are okay with going to mcdonalds asking for a big mac and then be given the fries on the floor all the while you having to pay for the price of the hamburger you never got.


who was a better candidate in the 2016 election
id love to know

that election was when americans should have rioted but love corporate cock in their ass so they voted the biggest corporate cock to ram their ass

Fucking stupid. It's like wanting a burger but only having $2 instead of $5 so getting the chips instead.


bUt MeXiCo PaId FoR iT!

Is the government being shutdown really all that bad?

You're wrong.
Literally, Antisemitism is a Communist Psy-Op..

Do you honestly believe that the Atheist Revolutionaries, of Jewish descent, were actually Jews? THEY WERE ATHEIST COLLECTIVISTS YOU FOOL. THEY KILLED COUNTLESS JEWS.

If you have been orbiting around a girl leading you on for five years, news flash; you got conned and you are wasting your time.

The dude is a fucking puppet holy fucking shit stop spamming your fuckint fake ass shit here every fucking day infowars faggot