Zig Forums Resident Hides Gun In His Ass, Still Let's Cops Take It

A man known for making youtube videos on how to successfully hide guns in your ass to hide them from the government has finally been apprehended by law enforcement officers.

During a pat down of Savoie, officers found a concealed handgun, meth, and a pipe used for smoking meth, WGNO says.

Officers also located a homemade "zip gun" in his truck and several additional firearms and homemade suppressors inside the vehicle.

While Savoie was undergoing a strip search during processing into the Lafourche Parish Jail, deputies found two small guns concealed in his butt, five dummy handgrenades and an authentic 1929 Thompson submachine gun.

Savoie was charged with first offense possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, a felony charge of taking contraband to penal institution,a felony charge of improper registration of a firearm, and posting gay videos on youtube.

He was released after posting a $10,600 bond.


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oh noes I could I let's that happen?

I can't delete it. S'orry.

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not as important as the bu'tth'urt it causes you

must be hard living with autis'm

Nearly 30% of Ash'ke'nazi Jew's born since 198'0 have been di'ag'nosed' with auti'sm before the ag'e of 6, with the mos't common disor'der being 'Asp'ergers S'yndrom'e'. Over 60'% of Ashkenaz'i Jew's are diagno'sed with a per'sonality or cog'nit'ive ps'ychol'ogical dis'order, with close to 1'8% of those d'iagnose's being r'elated 'to psy'chopath'ic or so'ciopat'hic tenden'cies'.

why are you posting on Zig Forums anyway you're not planning to hurt anyone are you?

Attached: 300px-Jim_dog.jpg (300x225, 13.87K)

This boar'd is /n'/, not Zig Forums, ' but in my h'ometown I am' actual'ly known as 'Zo'dia'c' 2'.0' by some pe'ople.' I wi'll let you' guess whic'h are'a, but he're is a hin't: I''m re'sponsible for 8' unsolv'ed murde'r cases' starting 'in 2000, all of w'hich occ'urred with'in a 75 mi'le radiu's of my cu'rrent l'iving add'ress.


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Zig Forums Resident Hides Gun In His Ass

Isn't that where they pull all their stories from?

Wo'w, RIP Jo'hnny. We kne'w thee well'.

J*sus Chr*st dude if your going to fr*cking censor yourself at least g*ddamn do it right you n*glet

There's no fucking way this is legit. The goddamned magazine is like a wheel of cheese. Unless you can gape 8" across you aren't getting that thing in there.

What is it about meth and butt stuff. Every time, like the jews.

I wanna say they only found the two little guns up his butt and then found the other stuff elsewhere, but it's funnier your way.


No way he was a Zig Forumsommando

meth is the faggots drug of choice. look up what slamming is, or go to meth.org

giving up their guns is exactly what the average loud mouthed Zig Forumsroleplayer will do when push comes to shove.

Attached: What Eventually Will Happen To Your Little Babies And You'll Be Powerless To Stop It.webm (480x360, 11.23M)

Keep telling yourself that, socialist.

>>>Zig Forums638362
talk is cheap, just like Zig Forums's guns.

Jesus christ meth whores are loose.

Headline: Mentally ill Jew #3602666 posts his bizarre kike-o version of a news story that, like the Holohoax, has no connection to reality.

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Uh, no. A drug addict, or maybe a drug dealer considering he could afford that kind of bail.

The caliber and make of the gun have not been released

For his sake

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You sure are MAD

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that's a squirt gun

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