"Free Market" My Ass! Mainstream Media Says Someday People Will Only Be Able To Buy 'Smart' CRAP

One day, finding an oven that just cooks food may be as tough as buying a TV that merely lets you change channels.

Perhaps we should stock up on older electronics then!

Internet-connected “smarts” are creeping into cars, refrigerators, thermostats, toys and just about everything else. CES 2019, the gadget show opening Tuesday in Las Vegas, will showcase many of these products, including an oven that coordinates your recipes and a toilet that flushes with a voice command.

No thanks. I'm keeping my old stuff!

With every additional smart device in your home, companies are able to gather more details about your daily life. Some of that can be used to help advertisers target you, as well as spooks — more precisely than they could with just a smartphone.

Big Tech companies are glowing in the dark!

“It’s decentralized surveillance,” said Jeff Chester, executive director for the Center for Digital Democracy, a Washington-based digital privacy advocate. “We’re living in a world where we’re tethered to some online service stealthily gathering our information.”

Companies say they are building these products not for snooping but for convenience, although Amazon, Google and other partners enabling the intelligence can use the details they collect to customize their services and ads.

Whirlpool, for instance, is testing an oven whose window doubles as a display. You’ll still be able to see what’s roasting inside, but the glass can now display animation.

The oven can sync with your digital calendar and recommend recipes based on how much time you have.

I don't have a digital calendar, and I'm certainly not buying that fucking stove either!

As for that smart toilet, Kohler’s Numi will respond to voice commands to raise or lower the lid — or to flush. You can do it from an app, too.

No. I don't own a fucking smartphone and never will, and I am certainly not using your stupid fucking "smart" toilets! In fact, if I ever see one, I will be sure to take a piss on its circuitry!

Other connected items at CES include: a fishing rod that tracks your location to build an online map of where you’ve made the most catches. A toothbrush that recommends where to brush more. A fragrance diffuser that lets you control how your home smells from a smartphone app.

You know what? No thanks! I'm NOT buying any of that crap! Fuck out of here you glow in the dark CIA niggers!


Attached: Mainstream Media Says Someday People Will Only Be Able To Buy 'Smart' CRAP.jpg (634x331, 52.12K)

I have an idea, and its rather brilliant. Why not have companies that also keep manufacturing regular old fashion products too, you know, for those consumers that don't want all that digital crap in all our utilities?

For some strange reason, I'm starting to get the feeling government regulations are the cause of this problem. What happened to the once-massive industry of selling NORMAL goods that are not digitized?



m in d le ss c o n s er
u m i

You can tell they are trying so desperately to push this shit on us. Its shilled everywhere in the corporate media.

Hold up let me do a calculation here. *9/11= inside job done by MOSSAD / CIA*

Hmm. It turns out that Judaism is still in fact a thing.

We live in an oligarchy where cops can murder steal rape and lie and the government can print money backed by nothing. All they need to do is target who is resistance , which can be done with all their Lizardberg face cuck data, drain all their resources and integrity , then they rig the game so only their companies have power.

We actually currently live in a socialist system. Obama was there to sweet talk idiots and advance that. The same thing that always happens happened though, instead of the socialist systems doing what they are supposed to do which is structure the economy to favor the working class over CEOs, everything is structured in a socialist way (centralized everything, deviate from norm and you are a NAZI) , but it's still rigged for the CEO.

A socialist could have identified and explained this year's ago , but they are literally fucking retarded. I have never met one socialist person who ever used any socialist mentalities while dealing with anything. They are just greedy fuckheads who like to look like the savior. It actually makes me sick how much these people are frauds because I believe in compassion and think greed is the root of all evil, but these zombies ruin fucking everything.

Those older style products will still exist, they will just be hand-crafted, artisan blah blah blah, and cost 10 times as much as the networked spy on ya shit.

Attached: house-old-kitchen-range-home-garden-original-victorian-fashioned-rhbluecreekmaltacom-erika-price-handcrafted-artisan-jewellery-wordless-wednesday-rherikapricecouk-erika.jpg (1264x948, 67.19K)

If I can't get a normal refrigerator that isn't spying on me 24/7, then I'm going to buy older used refrigerators and learn how to maintain them. Can't be too hard too hard: keep it clean, dust behind it every year, make sure you fill the freon tank back up every 10 years or so, make sure the gasket seal is not weathered or stripped (you can always replace them), etc. Its time we start learning how to maintain these older products, maybe having some spare models and parts to maintain them. That is, unless we want to rely on IoT and I sure as hell don't.

Attached: Old Time Fridge Repair.mp4 (720x576, 7.44M)

I'd pay more for the old stuff if I have to. I'll be honest. And this is one reason I collect a lot of older electronics (like toasters) but its not just toasters I'm collecting (thats the meme by JN), it's a WHOLE LOT more stocked away and I'm saving it all for the future when they outlaw this stuff and force that spying "smart" crapola onto consumers.

This must be true. Back in the day governments didn't control the markets and if consumers didn't like a product, then the company would sell something else and discontinue what was unpopular. Now days they don't fucking care if we like it, don't like it, buy it or not, they'll shill the hell out of it and if they lose money, they get bailed out by the government. Thats not a free market: thats a controlled market, a fixed market, a rigged market.


Just how many mindless consumers are there?

I was visting my cousin’s house over New Year’s. He was complaining about how he kept having to get his ‘smart’ refrigerator fixed every three or so years. Meanwhile I still have the same fridge I had from 1991 (before NAFTA was signed, i.e. before they moved all the factories to Mexico) and aside from changing the lightbulb a handful of times, I’ve never had to get it fixed once. It works just as well as it did the day I got it.

A metricton, user. Plenty of people are going apeshit for the "new" products.

Lol. Go figure. Yah, I got an old fridge too and it works great!

No reason not to suicide now. This is our only future. Ashes and echoes.

Well I still prefer ashes and echoes to anything Big Tech is shilling these days. If I'm the last guy on an image board, I'll post with honor and dignity.

Likely yes.

Older products back in the day worked very well. Made In the USA: the days before all this cheap foreign digital CRAP flooded the markets. I wish we could go back, the truth is we must now hang onto the old necessities in order to survive and thrive.



why do things keep getting worse?

Likely yes.

Older products back in the day worked very well. Made In the USA: the days before all this cheap foreign digital CRAP flooded the markets. I wish we could go back, the truth is we must now hang onto the old necessities in order to survive and thrive.

Young people who know about these threats should start a movement and make it 'trendy' and 'cool' NOT to purchase this crap. Make it popular to go retro. This will tank these glow in the dark consumer markets and we won't have to deal with it anymore.


Yeah, that's not how the free market works. As long as their is demand for disconnected devices thier will be a market for said devices and plenty of vendors and manufactures.

Besides OP is right, its all smart crap that nobody really needs. Fuck Im done with my smart phone, Im going back to the beeper.

Beepers are good as long as you have access to OTHER phones, many of the phone booths have been taken down from what I've heard.

However a simple flip phone or burner phone would be a lot cheaper and its not nearly as "smart" (aka its for text and/or calling people up). Phones should be for calling only, not for social media and botnet-level spying.

Well said.

I had resisted owning a cell phone for years. I carried a magic jack v2 and a small buttset around when I needed to make a call.

An article that was banned by the BO on Zig Forums for some strange unknown reason:

Mindless Consumer Woes: Samsung Spyphones Won't Allow Users To Delete Facebook Apps


Attached: Samsung Spyphones Won't Allow Users To Delete Facebook Apps.png (1000x667, 468.21K)

Its true the facebook app, even if you disable it, still runs in the background and collects data. Root your phone, go into super user mode and open a filebrowser. Then go to /oem/app/ and delete the 3 facebook files you see there. Goodluck rooting a Samsung with the knox security subprocessor though. Although some international versions can be rooted. check out XDA for more details.

I can tell you some shit about app store apps that facebook releases and does not brand under the guise of collecting data. Stuff like camera apps, menstration cycle tracking apps, and what I have witnessed connecting to Facebook servers.


Whats next? Rectal probing from the doctor by apps? Good thing I'm not a fag and don't need those kinds of probes!

If you root your phone you can no longer update security patches.

I wouldn't expect ANY security on those 'smart'phones what-so-ever. Thats why I don't buy one in the first place. If the NSA wants to listen to my boring conversations on my flip phone with other old people my age, well then they can waste their time if they really want to.

I paint over my cameras with black nail polish.

Why talk on the phone and not go visit them?

Oh thats a good idea, nail polish if you have a wife or gf that is. Or use regular black paint. On my old laptop I just cracked open up the monitor and physically ripped it out. My flip phone has a piece of black electrical tape over it because I can't open it up.

My tape kept coming off so I tried dollar store polish. Good thing is you can wipe it off if you really must.

I do sometimes, but I like to call them once in a while too. Face to face is always much better I agree.

I wish I had a soldering gun so I could cripple my laptop wireless and mic.

It’s hard when you’re married because women insist you’re reachable in case they get raped by a pack of wild niggers. Even the faraday bag is unacceptable to a woman.

Pox on their box.

Oh you don't need to do that. The wifi cards are disconnectable from the inside. Open it up, unhook the two tiny terminal plugs, unscrew the card from the metal thing, and then pull it right out. Very simple.

The hard part is finding the mic and knowing what to disconnect!

This is what you should look for.

Attached: OLD WIFI CARDS.PNG (1024x768, 1.99M)

These are a big older, the newer ones may be a lot smaller and harder to disconnect. Note that newer laptops have 3G imbedded in the core processors and can't be fully air-gapped (designed to spy on users basically). Look for a laptop from 2005 to 2010 and you'll see these kinds of wifi cards.

My laptop isn’t the least bit modular. Everything is hardwired, onboard, proprietary. I would replace it with something better but I’m a crip and unwilling to do a single minite of labor under ZOG.

That sucks. An option you COULD potentially do is backup your entire harddrive, then wipe it completely. Sell it to a used computer shop or on Ebay, and use that money to buy a used older laptop instead, one that you could work on (say a laptop from 2008 or 2009).

Older computers and laptops are the only thing I really need hooked up to an internet. Not anything else and I'm not buying anything else that is connected to the internet unless its absolutely necessary.

They want toilets with cameras and mics.


Is there no end to this invasion of privacy? Anything goes with them? Anal probe apps next? They already have menstrual cycle apps according to what I've been told. What the fuck do these consumers think their doing? Might as well send naked pictures of yourself with your name and address to post on facebook and tweet to us every time you need to take a shit!


True definition of sheeple.