FRANCE BURNS: Banks Burn, Economic Downturn, Martial Law and Macron Absolutely Hated

France In Free Fall As Unrest, Riots, Police State Tyranny and Distrust Reigns

Banks Burned, Riots Everywhere Over Weekend
>>>Zig Forums12645862

Ministry Broken Into Amid Fresh Protests

Yellow Vest Protests In France Sends Economy Into Downward Spiral

Macron Threatens ‘Martial Law’ to Thwart French Revolution

Macron's Approval Rating Drops To New Low of 23%

Riots In Paris Over Carbon Taxes Causing More Carbon Pollution As Paris Burns:
Mass Riots Everywhere, Injuries and State Murder of Citizens:
Ambulance Workers Join Rebellion, Riots Spread:
French MPs To Launch No Confidence Vote Against Unpopular Macron:
Riots Spread Across Europe, Citizens Fed Up With Bolshevik Jews:
President Macron Declared A Traitor by His Own Military:
Yellow Vest Protesters Attack Media Collaborators:

Attached: Banks Burn, Economic Downturn, Martial Law and Macron Absolutely Hated.jpg (474x605, 84.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is a real wake up call to Europe: your carbon tax scheme is wrecking nations.


they are being allowed to revolt.

The moment Macron passes the martial law is the moment he loses, since it'll be the waking call for the normies. What will happen is the same as in 1789 - A total, bloody revolution, with Macron and his macronies as well as all the EU leaders available as targets.

And it'll be the moment Europe as a whole dies. Which means Germany, Sweden and perhaps England will collapse on themselves in the following year, while countries like Italy, Spain, Belgium or Portugal will grow stronger from it thanks to old alliances coming back and EU laws falling apart.

And (un)surprisingly, EU citizens will only see their lives improve when it'll happen. With the fall of EU laws, countries will boot migrants out or force them to plow to their own laws, while lots of jobs will open up due to EU regulations falling off (as they're the reason there's an incredible lack of job creation around Europe).

Mark my words. It'll be a great year for EU citizens and countries, but not so much for EU itself.

Hip, hip, HURRAH!

No shit sherlock, the police took one look at the whole thing and said "fuck this you are on your own" to Macron. The military is laughable because the EU relies on the US so even if they didn't share a similar sentiment they can't do anything when 2/3rds of the nation riot.

do us a favor and get back to your former glory and finally start decapitating those shitheads

Socialism LITERALLY caused all of this.
Change my mind.

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Go green vests!

This vid is filled with nuggets…dating back to Robbespierre.

Also mentions of Schiff, Little Rock and others.

Has anyone seen anything on france isssuing a gun confiscation order?

I've searched on gun confiscation in France and haven't found anything that specific. They are working to crack down on the protests and they are upping the punishment for participators who are caught.

I did come across this however:

Translation of leaked doc:

Also found here:

However, as stated, this is purported to be a leak - can't confirm or deny authenticity.

What is more likely,
Illuminati or Global Socialist Alliance?

Seriously, think about it. What do collectivists do? They conform to authority and follow orders.

What do greedy people do? They make profit to the full extent that their system allows.

Who would be more capable of taking over the world?

It seems like the wealthy Elite who started the Global Communist League lost control of it over 100 years ago; the original elitist backed revolutionaries were all assassinated by unaffiliated sociopaths. lol

Let that country fall. It now has the face of "globalism" all over it. And people will see what "globalism" has truly accomplished!


Wrong. Think bigger. The majority of western military was deliberately filled with women and different nationalities to make them weak and disfranchised. This is completely in line with weakening the citizens from each and every direction.

The plan is enslavement by social credit system, cash-less currency and universal income. And to achieve it they're gonna weaken us to the maximum by constantly producing new stuff to outrage about, until the point where they gonna kick our feet away by crashing the economy. This has two reasons for them a) it covers up their entire usury scam up to the collapse of their debt bubble and b) it makes for a profitable way to restart the whole process with a fresh new cast of replacement migrants. Killing the economy, something the capitalists are anticipating and build towards for years now, will create violence, hunger, and large scale conflicts (plus some added horrors in terms of germ warfare or whatever else they can get away with). At this point Russia and China, who are in active military training for quite a while now, will step in and secure the situation swiftly and violently. Afterwards the kike beasts themselves will present themselves and generously proclaim to resolve this unfortunate situation by introducing the 3-pack enslavement combo, and by then the remaining citizens will gracefully accept their own enslavement.

Mostly true. But these are not capitalists, they're communists who want the world to go back to feudalism, only a higher tech form of feudalism. They're system has no resemblance of free market capitalism: NONE what-so-ever. The free market promotes economic freedom, consumer choice, fair and equal competition…. these communists want none of that. They want a 100% dictated, controlled and governmental enforced economic slavery.

This. If Macron declares martial law it's open season ON HIMSELF. And Madame Guillotine grows thirsty.

23%, my ass. Like all official infos, this number is false. It would mean that over 1 person out of 5 approves him. It is actually way below 10%. I do live in France and, no kidding, I know only ONE person who doesn't hate him, only one fucking person ! (and that person blindly believes everything he sees on TV, this explain that…)

He NEVER had 23% approves, even before the elections.
And by the way let me remind you that the elections were fake, those who pull his strings did bribe the people who count votes in some cities to cheat. There were cities with 0 abstention and 0 blank vote, as if it was possible, and guess who was big winner everytime in all those cities, and only in those cities, while a big looser everywhere else ?

Not a chance. Why is it that people still underestimate the jews? Even after thousands of years of them managing organized crime? It only took them to make a threat about putting on the financial thumbscrews to make China slaughter their own children in the 1989 student protests. All that to secure the communist enslavement so that china could be the main manufacture for the west. So everything you see in France, in terms of fires, large property damage, specific attack on banks etc , is done by communists on the behest of their masters. the cops are getting paid to take a beating, so that communists can rile up regular hotheads to participate, which will be picked off one by one until just regular citizens are left. The burning banks are specifically in line with crashing the economy, same with the high taxes in Canada or the free healthcare program in New York. All to rob the middle class of their money, drive the poor into suicide or homelessness and force the wealthy to migrate to greener pastures. And it works like a fucking charm…people are facing the reality of ongoing genocide against them, but still not a single attempt to go after the jews in all the western hemisphere.

Froganon please tell us more. It's not easy to get info in English about what's going on on the ground there. Do people actually know what they are up against? How much of this is over giving gibs to immigrants? Despite the media reporting that the protests are dying down, they obviously haven't. What's the general feeling overall among people?

From the people I know in France, they all share your opinion against Macron. Including that fact about cheating in elections.

And why is it that people still underestimate the reaction that should happen ? True, jews gonna jew, but you can't jew effectively when you're outnumbered 50 to 1 at best.

Also, since the latest economy crisis, nearly everyone who has something of value keeps it secured at home, so banks burning only hurts the morons who thinks money is still safe there.

Not him, but I can answer.
They expect another French revolution, with the chaos and deaths that'll follow. Yet they persist, because the alternative is much much worse.
Partly this, partly the fact Macron wants to ruin the poor even more to please the rich, and partly the fact Macron thinks he's French king and thus has absolute power over the people.
They're waking up. They're seeing more and more Yellow Vests on the streets, and many share their feelings. Many are bracing themselves what they call "the next 1789" too.

Thanks for the replies. How long til cops start to walk off the job? I know ZOG pays them well enough that the majority will keep smashing their fellow citizens' faces in but some have got to be fed up, no?

I live countryside, there is nothing here, the next protest is like 50km away. So I do not know if it is dying down or getting worse, I just heard that it is worse.

The only thing that happened around here is a group of people who thought they could take advantage of the chaos and decided to "attack" my niece's highschool with.. fireworks… '-_- and got arrested right away… ( LOLed my ass off when she told me )

I do not participate myself in protests, not only because they are far, but mostly because I have severe heart issues now. This is unfortunate, I am a former kickboxer and, if only I still could, I would have enjoyed beating up some of these corrupt cops who prefer the safer option of obeying a dictatorship than protecting people who pay for their salary. To me, they are traitors, they really deserve to be beaten up like shit and I would have been very proud.

Most people I know fully support the yellow vest movement, they feel it is in the same spirit as the Revolution and may 68, people fighting for their rights against nasty rulers. A few disagree, like my neightbor, because they say it will cost money and be useless, they hate the gov too however.
But nobody I know participate, it's always like that, you agree but you do nothing, only if they win you will proudly say that you helped though you did not.

It is true that at the very beginning, the protest was against a new tax. We already had plenty of taxes because of that climat change joke, which is a lie to begging with, so people had enough.
Soon many other ones came and started protesting about various other things.
Now everybody protest about just everything, even things the president is not responsible of at all. It turned into a "we want change" global movement.

Unfortunatly, most people just think that the president decides everything, they do not realize that he is just a disposable puppet and the problems are actually from those who pull his strings and European Union. So no, overall the protesters do not know who the real enemies are.

At the beginning the protesters were peaceful. The guys you see in videos causing trouble and breaking stuff were actually paid by the gov to cause trouble so cops are legitimate to come and beat up everybody.
People grew really pissed off, not only because of the beating, but because of the politicals behavior of course, and now real protesters are breaking stuff too.

It seems to me that there are quite a lot protesting against immigration, but official news will NEVER show it, and politicals will go on ignoring it. They have blacks/arabs and whites hate each other on purpose, so they always ignore complains about this problem they made themselve.

To me, the protesters can't win being nice and peaceful, I really would like some assassinations to happen. I mean it.
Those who pull Macron's strings, and who pulled France's strings for long, are mad billionaires who cause wars, who waste millions of lives just to get always more and more money even though they already are disgustingly rich. They won't stop just because a few people complain. At best they may just replace him with somebody else.
They need to all be killed, this is the only way of changing anything, and unfortunatly I seriously doubt it would ever happen.

Oh by the way, I never watch or listen to official news, to me they are only lies and disgusting propaganda. Everything I said is based on discussing with real people.

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They should just surrender it worked the first time

Attached: Macron-must-go.jpg (640x425, 30.6K)

Thank you user.
Everyone always calls this authoritarian/fascist when it's not. It's totalitarian/tyrannical. Learn the difference, the former is good while the latter is bad.

Fuck off Ezekiel.

That probably won't happen, if only because cops either want to keep the advantage of being among the few people who have the rights to bear weapons, or being among the few who actually want to protect citizens.

You're right in the sense that the EU leaders are the ones who cause trouble, but you're wrong in the sense that people do realize there is a puppetmaster to target. There wouldn't have been Yellow Vests moves against the EU leaders themselves in Belgium otherwise.

You want things to be done ? Find a small group of trusted people and the means to charge straight into a building. Search a bit for the EU buildings in Namur/Namen, in Belgium. You found your prime targets, and all you need to do is strike them where they're the most vulnerable.

If Macron starts murdering his people left and right who is going to save them–the other countries are part of the EU and you can bet kikes would tell they can't aid the French people…so who is going to save them?
USS of A?
UN? but kikes control the UN.

You need to read Ian Fleming's short story "Quantum of Solace". (Ignore the movie that only uses the title because they ran out of Bond movie titles.) The story demonstrates that there's only so much you can fuck with anyone before they start fucking back with interest. It may take a while, but even the biggest pushovers have a point at which they will turn on a dime. (((They've))) been testing the theory of the slow approach, but I think it's fairly obvious that the frogs have noticed they're being boiled alive.

I'm actually a little eager for this. Hopefully other nations will follow suit.

I remember seeing footage of police removing their helmets and joining in a week or 2 ago.

Precisely. The energy is better spent on nuking new york, washington dc, chicago, detroit, los angeles, san francisco, seattle, miami and texas, along with tel aviv.
World peace in 2019.

there were only a collection of juden to "choose" from in the elections anyway.
macron's head on a spike at the gates of paris is one step, the others have to follow.
then burn down every last ghetto in France. no more negroids or juden. France for the french

…What? The only reason most countries don't go to war with their neighbors these days is because the U.S. has military bases literally everywhere. If that stopped happening, the world would fall into absolute chaos. Not even the U.N. could write letters fast enough to "condemn" attacks while being the useless cucks they are.

I wish, but this is a bit crackpot.

Also, death to la republique.

The the ZOGbot Open Season will begin.
One way or another ZOG will loose.

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reminder that the french revolution was a juden plot to remove the rightful monarchy and nobility, so that they could take power via bribery, extortion and blackmail and be unchallenged.
same as they did in russia.
the french only remember it as a good thing, that they are told to celebrate every year, but that was the true fall of France into juden control.
Currently there are 950,000 of them in France, more than any other place in Europe. France is their powerseat, everywhere else was left with a skeleton crew while they relocated their base of operations to the US starting in 1900 until 1950.
if this is legitimate, and won't be corrupted, it might be an opportunity to rid Europe or external influence, finally.

You clearly watch a lot of television and have been fully (((educated))). Good bot.
The US is the centrepoint of the like infection of the planet. With the US gone, the rest of the world will start living again. The (((UN))) will be gone too as that is a primarily US scheme set up as another cancerous control method.
What are you doing here, did you migrate from facebook two days ago, brainwashed cunt.

Good goy.
You are repeating every point of your programming exactly as it must be done.
The kikes and their golems couldn't be prouder of you.

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I didn't say I agree with that policy, retard.
Personally, I couldn't care what happens to the rest of the world, and it shouldn't be the job of the U.S. to babysit literally everyone else.
But that is exactly what would happen if the U.S. pulled out of everywhere, not "world peace" you delusional psycho.

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This is the exact reason you are called NPC.
You are a newfag needing urgent redpilling.
The best place where you can get help is lurking 2 years >>>Zig Forums
Perhaps is not too late for you.

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Fair enough.
What you don't still realize that the fate of the rest of the world is already planned for the States.
Every American president and the Congress have plotted to empty the American industrial capacity (globalism) and to turn the country in a third word one by replacing its White population with foreigners.
If you think you are safe and giving a fuck is a luxury you can afford, then you are fuck mistaken.

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It is not about world peace.
It is about to gain freedom and retake the country.
We are doing the dirty laundry for (((them)) with our money and our blood.

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(Sigh) Do you have any idea how better off the countries are that made peace with israel?

Couldn't agree more.

Sweet, sweet, puppet government, and private central banking…WHEN?
No your the NPC you brainwashed commie hadji fuck.

Not if they plan to or have already attacked us first. Guess the invasion of Normandy was a pretty bad idea too eh.

…evry statement, in here, is incorrect, on so many levels. Actually, half the stuff mentioned here, we probably should've done, and would've been beneficial for evrybody. 'Murica never aims to harm innocent women and children. But I guess isis gets a free pass cause they're badguys anyways huh.


It seems strange that the Jews are the enemy if they just banned kosher food in Belgium. It's not the Jews, it's people passing as Jews or Christians in public but indulging in a mystery religion in private. It's Satanists.

no, it's the jews.

Why must it be the Jews?

Amusing how the slave thinks he is a good guy. I can tell based of your accusations, I know you are just a useful slave rather than part of the tribe.

As you are now you will serve and be tossed out when your masters tell you to and you will do so of your own will. Funny given that our founding fathers tried to warn you, but you ignored them. Still take comfort in knowing that your masters will not outlive you for long. A parasite can not live without it's host for long and with Europe in it's miserable state right now I give it a year after the US is betrayed by it's own puppet leaders. There will be no third great war, just posturing and idiocy before the supplies run out. I am not looking forward to China running the show while the West is forced to retreat into whatever rural enclaves it can make as it's cities become a flashpoint for riots. But I suppose if there is an upside is that rebuilding is always possible, might take a century, but it is doable. Genocide is hard after all. Whitey will live on and Judea as well, if in a reduced state.

Enjoy what time you have left, blame the Islamists and the Communists if it comforts you. In the end you are just another slave, it is up to you if you want real freedom or not, but I believe you have already rejected it.

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This video is some footage from last Saturday. It's still going strong, despite the cold weather.

Attached: GJ VIII samedi.webm (640x640, 13.24M)

If I were a jew eliete I would be setting up a puppet to kill macaroni so they could be a national hero all the while pitching the same shit just in a more gradual fashion. But jews have never been known for long game.

Fascism might be nice, but authoritarianism and tyranny are one and the same

they call it synagogue of satan for a reason

bumping real news

It's all plain bullshit seen from France. Disinformation for not saying fake news. Problems are really limited and localized and protests are peaceful mostly everywhere. It's a grassroot movement with nobody to exclude infiltration from extremists from political groups including rights wing complotists like op

*Plain bullshit disinformation fake news**** like I said above

====Plain bullshit disinformation fake news===== like I said , nothing of these seen from france, you're stupid to believe this without checking the facts

Macron had to publicly address this on NATIONAL TV in attempt to calm everyone down…. and still failed.

However >/pn/
This politics and news board fits better that

Zig Forums is a news board too, and quite frankly it stinks without this kind of news. I am real tired of coming on here having to go to the catalog and scroll through all the TV-ridden propaganda and newspaper feeds just to find NEWS such this OP provides. I think maybe there are two - maybe three tops - anons who post actual news and not corporate/state propaganda.

I will check out /pn/, and maybe post a couple threads there as well and see if they are interested. Right now I'm focusing on recovering Zig Forums and that takes a whole lot of REAL NEWS.

I did post at /pn/ along with a few other reports. I'll check to see if they're still up later and maybe I'll post more there too.