‘Largest in the world’ armored car & combat ‘EXOSKELETON’ unveiled in Ghana
Niggers In Ghana Accomplish Technological Singularity Before Whitey
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I wonder how many leftist cucks masturbated to this
Someone post the comic of the nigger jaeger please
Nvm i got it
Boring as shit
Well what did you expect form a shithole like Ghana?
imagine how pathetic your race has to be to be given credit for something like this.
if i was a nigger, i bet they'd credit me for building a time machine when i was a kid.
Must you always say the n-word? I can’t go ten minutes without saying it anymore.
I'm sure this will do great against the local spear chuckers, but how is it going to stop a drone cooking them up inside with a HEAT missile?
Reminds me of the African Helicopter.
https:// invidio.us/watch?v=k8sQQ03cKaw
Why would you use standard inflated rubber tires on something that big and presumably armored? Oh yeah, cause it wouldn’t make sense and niggers think it actually fools people. God damn this shit is funny. Tbh I’ve seen better costumes on Halloween around the neighborhood. Thanks user, proving once again the groid is the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
Anyone remembers the genius nigglet who "invented" a PC by assembling bougth components?
Wheres the Halo music!?
I feel embarrassed for them. Poor, broke ass, ignorant Ghanaians…
God damn, these demonstrations are always hilarious. The slow-ass motorized back mounted guns here would be absolutely wrecked by recoil if they put live ammo in them, and would be impossible to aim even if the rig did hold up. The paper-thin sheet metal body of the "armored" personnel carrier would barely protect the idiots inside from small arms. The, what are they supposed to be, mortar tubes on top? Undoubtedly purely decorative, they launch fireworks at most.
Did anyone else catch the nig dressed as a fucking menorah?
I am absolutely astonished by this nigger achievement.
This is the truly Wakanda spirit and its superior IQ.
Humanity must look to this greatness as the future and inspiration for new and further advances.
Everybody kneel!
By the way OP.
You made my night.
Oh bless their hearts.
I'm sure they're not just made to look like exoskeletons.
well that much tinfoil will offer 100% to alien mind control
>implying it wasn't coopted after GLR was assassinated
I say it at least 100 times a day. Sometimes I chant it. The wife and I get a laugh out of randomly yelling NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER! It's a wonderful deprogramming tool. Follow the rule "do the opposite of what jews say" and you will live a happy life.
maybe this is just a way of getting new recruits
do you think those are standard tires user? are you from ghana?
white nationalism is bad!
wew, rabbi. can you atleast try?
tbh it'll probably protect them against most of the feral niggers they end up having to battle.
Whoever wrote that article is clearly trolling a bit.
Anyway this is just cargo cult stuff that goes on in Africa all the time. Imitating the form of the white mans machines but not understanding the function at all
You guys couldn't even be bothered to do a search to find out this was just a fun parade. They're not serious you know. Do a search for "ghana military" and "ghana military equipment" and you'll see they have a perfectly normal, if third world, military.
Yes, blacks have a lower average IQ, but they are not completely retarded children, certainly not the people tasked with building equipment. This was a joke parade for a laugh, much like other examples of so called African technology like those ridiculous helicopters and so on. It's all just a funny joke.
The absolute state of soyboys.
I even said I know niggers have lower average IQ, because they do, that's a fact, but this looks fishy. Check out the normal state of African military equipment and you'll see it isn't THIS bad. Niggers are a fair bit more retarded than whites (average IQ 80), but I refuse to believe this because it contradicts other stuff you'll see from these countries. This is drooling on the floor retarded if it's serious, not just regular nigger retarded.
Apparently, it's made by this guy:
The website reads like a satire. I'm going to assume he's some kind of comedian playing a character like an African sacha-baron cohen. It's gotta be a funny haha joke. Find a Ghanaian and they'll tell you he's a popular celebrity who puts on silly fake parades and stuff. I refuse to believe they are THAT dumb. This is like something Zig Forums would make up as a parody of niggers.
Just look at this stuff:
"During creation, God breathed into Adam and he became a living soul. Gaining inspiration from this, Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo manufactured Televisions, Sound systems, air-conditioners and many other gadgets that are powered by human breath. Breathe on them and they are turned on."
There's no way that's serious.
Im fairly sure I fucked the greentext up.
Nice.. I didnt.
To all the anons 'avin' a giggle at the Wakandans, let me point something out that you might not have realized: This is good enough to take over most parts of the African continent.
Imagine being some clicking motherfucker out for his morning rape and you see this shit coming over the hill towards your village. You're not going to start laughing and asking if you can rape Cortana. No, you're going to run like fuckery, screeching warnings to the village if you remember to do so, and do your best to hide behind a lion…who is ALSO terrified. Whoever is behind this took an advanced degree in African Engineering and Black Psyops. We are looking at the Ghana version of Dr. Evil.
Requesting that Zig Forums article about how niggers think you just point and guns kill shit (and how they don't believe in bad aim- if you point and they don't die it's witchcraft protecting them).
JIDF damage control
Jews promote this shit retard.
Anyone that uses "nigglet" as a vocabulary word is likely lower IQ that most in Ghana.
"combat" exoskeleton
Fucking Dead
2 guys in a humvee with a mounted 50 cal would destroy that thing.
How can w*ite boys even compete?
Any nigger inside that coffin with wheels is already dead.
At least it did 15 years ago when oscilloscopes still used CRTs
This is indeed confusing.
If woulnd't be for Hitler, Europe would be multiracial communist hellhole.
Read some books nigger.
Hitler destroyed Europe with his invasion of the Soviet Union. The drug addict leader wouldn't listen to his generals.
What we have today is because of Hitler.
Europe is a now a multiracial hellhole because of Hitler.
Lying kikes.
Hitler stopped (((communism))) from spreading to western Europe.
Hitler was a Messiah send by God to derail satanism.
Okay now lets see those "exoskeletons" in action
why is it all niggers get mad when they are exposed as the parasites they are? it wasn't a week ago there was a hate whites thread about whites all using social programs more than niggers and you were rekt.
I don't know what possibility is worse:
All of those statements are probably true to varying degrees. Such are the Niggerlands.
One again thank you Zig Forums for making me love/hate a nigger today and getting a belly laugh out of it.
This thing would get its tires shot out and set on fire the moment it rolled into a battle.
Relatively speaking, this is a goa'uld level of fakery.
Black people always remind me of the animal men from Dr. Moreau’s Island. The book describes them as beasts that Dr. Moreau carved and trained to look, think, and act like humans, but he could never get them just right, so they were just unintelligent parodies of man. When he eventually dies and isn’t around to keep them trained, they all slowly revert back to their animal ways.
TL;DR niggers are just bad copies of white people, and without whitey around revert to being animals
In particular, the monkey man. Parts (not the full ) of the description of him:
Sounds awefully similar to blacks. Niggers make the big thinks
nothin personnel, cracka
At least they're making progress.
How can white bois even compete?
her man-hands always bothered me.
It is likely made of wood or fibreglass.
if it was really armoured it would sink a foot down in the dust it was driving on.
I'm guessing none of the above.
moro(n)ccan cgi?
Are you talking about the sand nigger child who took the innards out of a digital clock and threw it in a pencil case and claimed he invented something? He brought it to school and caused a lot of controversy because it was vaguely bomb-like.
Dude they try and conquer african it will be annuduh shoa since they wont stop there, and the jews will let some of their lessers die so they can throw america at them. But as it was pointed out, this is a military recruitment stunt.
Anyone who considers this human should be lobotomized to prevent future thinking.
Cosplay has finally reached the bowels of Gaia.
Butthurt nigger manlet detected
No, that was made on purpose to start outrage for the "poor muslim boy who built a clock"
I've seen better homemade props at a cosplay convention you faggot.
those suits were outclassed 500 years ago, at least wearing this you you would be safe from the average machete wielding wog and a lot more mobile
he could have bought a pre assembled PC cheaper than that