USSA: 78% Americans Are Now Debt Slaves And Federal Workers May Feel The Sting First

In just a few days, this will officially be the longest government shutdown in U.S. history, and there is no end in sight.

President Trump is pledging that he will not sign any spending bill unless it includes funding for a border wall, and the Democrats are promising their supporters that they will never agree to a single penny for a wall. This could be the confrontation that ends up defining Trump’s presidency, and whoever backs down now is going to look incredibly weak.

But the longer this shutdown lasts, the more painful things are going to become for the hundreds of thousands of federal workers that are going without pay, and for the hundreds of thousands of workers that are employed by government contractors that rely on business from the federal government.

You should never play a game of chicken with somebody that is crazier than you are. In this case, it looks like both sides fully expect the other party to blink first, but the truth is that neither side is likely to yield any time soon.

So the days ahead are likely to be exceedingly painful for most federal workers, because just like the population as a whole, most of them are living paycheck to paycheck.

In fact, one survey found that 78 percent of American workers are currently living paycheck to paycheck…

Government workers are far from alone in feeling stressed about not getting paid. Nearly 80 percent of American workers (78 percent) say they’re living paycheck to paycheck, according to a 2017 report by employment website CareerBuilder. Women are particularly vulnerable: 81 percent of them report living paycheck to paycheck, compared with 75 percent of men.

As I have repeatedly stressed, living paycheck to paycheck is something that you do not want to do if at all possible. When you live paycheck to paycheck, you are just one major disaster away from financial ruin. For example, if somebody in your family has a major accident or a significant medical emergency, it can quickly render you completely destitute.

That same survey also discovered that 70 percent of all workers are currently in debt…

Just more than 70 percent of all respondents say that they’re in debt, and a quarter of workers say they weren’t able to make ends meet at the end of every month of the past year.

If you are scrambling to make debt payments every month and you have no financial cushion to fall back on, then you have no room for error, and that is where most Americans find themselves today.

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that wealth will trickle down any day now

But will this be the final straw? Will folk finally organize? Will people finally stand up for themselves?
Hell no, and that's the scariest part.

I think we have hit the times of red dawn, the communists are here and they have taken over our country by stealth over the last few decades.


Lol niggers, liberty ain't free and if you don't want to pay the price of it's continued maintenance then you are free to fuck off.

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this. just horde all the wealth at the top and it's guaranteed to make its way to average joe.

Nothing will happen because gov people will get their paycheck at the end of the shutdown.

Now, if starvation and massive inconvenience becomes a thing, maybe. Just maybe.

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real news

This is the real put up or shut up for Americans. Do Americans go to war with their government, or sit down and hold their assholes wide open?

What? This is about a shutdown that effects federal employees.

that means no tax returns for you, and no court cases.

it also affects government contractors and unlike regular fed employees they aren't guaranteed back pay


Federal employment is now the only work Americans can find now days? Well thats part of the whole stinking problem then.

you can find a nice job picking fruits for min wage or scrubbing toilets now that immigration is being cracked down on

oh my God THEY really are here…………….

A lot of Americans had those kinds of jobs back when immigration wasn't a serious problem. Sure its been getting worse for the last 30 years and increasingly so, but Americans used to work a lot of menial jobs. Its not a bad thing. Americans deserve productive jobs, its what helps our economy and helps create revenues, it helps Americans not become so dependent on the government too.

this is late stage capitalism. time for production is over in the race to lower prices. america is now a service economy with all major production outsourced and if it is in house its all min. wage to try and compete. enjoy being serfs crowing about how great the economy is as you eat your potato ration

Its the Federal Reserve that did this, our Founding Fathers warned about them!

opinion discarded lol


I'm 30 and have no debt and a career as a plumber. I've never used a credit card, just took out a few grand as a loan once because I took a criminal justice course, which I paid off. People who have debt are people who make bad decisions. You have to sign contracts to accrue debt. If you don't know what you are signing, that's your own fault. Be smart with your money.

How do you become endebted?

Don't have kids before marriage and don't become addicted. You'll never have debt unless you get cancer.
(Unless you go to cancer center of the Pacific for free cancer treatment in the USA)

well i guess you get to suffer for the mistakes a quarter of americans make then huh?

No because I saved my money and raised my credit and bought a house in my home town. I can grow food if need be and have a base. If shtf, like larping faggots want it to, I would bunker down and wait it out. The problems of others are not mine and I made sure never to put myself in a position where I have to deal with others problems. It's called being responsible. You can weather a storm easily when you prepare.


well why would our adoring senate and house and president stop getting money goy? only regular americans deserve to be cut off

-Take out student loans for a degree that you can't get a job in
-work a part-time and/or part-time(but full-time hours) job with no benefits
-buy a new car because you gotta impress the ladies
-buy or rent a home because only creepy incel losers live with mom and dad
-eat out more often than eating in
-travel and take unpaid vacations
-buy the latest electronics and gizmos

Following these simple steps you too can live the illusion of the American Dream™ and live on the razors edge of fake prosperity and certain doom.

They're cancer. Nothing but neoptism and bullshit.
As a state employee who hasn't gotten cucked yet, I enjoy working with the federal contractors who make my job harder.

It worked well for many many years WITHOUT the Federal Reserve system. Wonder who could be stealing all our wealth? Wonder who could be behind outsourcing all the jobs? Wonder who could be behind all the Fortune 500 wealth consolidation and wealth redistribution?

(((Wonder Who)))

This is actually a VERY good point, a lot of Americans have 0% clue how to manage their finances. However, I do partly blame the Federal Reserve for a lot of the problems we have today. Our currency's value has been significantly devalued since the foundation of the Fed.


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the best is if you got a job in something like women studies

then the universities have to lobby the government to give you a job

then you get a job doing nothing but nitpicking things to death until there's actually no one doing anything

They won't let me have sex with their horses and cows because they want me to go into debt "buying my own" property and animals with leverage. Does anybody realize these people are putting me in a position where I'm about ready to kill somebody? I'm not allowed to have sex with animals when nobody would do it anyways, unless I destroy my life working for it and they'll destroy my life for doing it anyways? Do people realize they're pretty much forcing me to want to kill lots of people so I don't feel like I've wasted my life for nothing?

Really I'm just going to end up dead or in prison anyways why am I going to work so hard for it when I can just do it? If I'm going to ruin my life it might as well not be for something like animal sex somebody has to get hurt really bad. That's how this works.

So you're gonna kill people because they won't let you fuck a hooved animal? Interesting. Is it really that bad for you? I assume you could buy a pygmy goat or something, right? Or maybe go on trips to mexico/whatever other 3rd world shithole you live near.

What’s this thread about? College debtors vs dumbfuck know it all tradesmen?

Yeah why not kill them? They're poisoning my life. I'm just going to end up with nothing anyways doesn't make sense to work hard for poison, be baited along and end up doing nothing anyways. I live here might as well clean up the white trash not like those nigger in the inner city who let it pile up. I'm on the east coast and I'd rather fuck with animals that don't harbor tropcal diseases.

Real estate development, white trash. The difference between white trash and a nigger is the nigger throws trash in our way but the white trash are the trash in the way. Trash has feet and breeds and accumulates more expensive trash we can't do fuck with. Just getting in the way.

Ohh yeah good point! What if this is the catalyst to organize federal workers to protest the shutdown. The protest being directed at whichever party is seen being the obstructionist, last time i checked i think a wall had 80% approval.

Also consider the "fight club" factor. These federal workers, these boots on the ground rank and file regular folks are largely responsible for keeping the system the higher up politicos reley on to get work done. What happenes when these be politicos piss them off so much they start dragging feet or simply not doing request.