Pentagon To The Rescue? Preparing Options To Build Border Wall, Save America


When there is a foreign invasion, the least the strongest military on Earth could do would be to protect its own nation from it.

Maybe the good guys in the US Military have finally decided to step up to the challenge.

The Pentagon is preparing options to build barriers on the southern border in the event that President Donald Trump declares a national emergency there, the latest indication such a move is gaining traction within the administration.

"The Department of Defense is reviewing available authorities and funding mechanisms to identify options to enable border barrier construction," said Navy Capt. Bill Speaks, a Pentagon spokesman. "As there has not been such a declaration made, it would be inappropriate to comment further on those efforts."

Trump is considering a declaration of a national emergency as a way to free up funds for a border wall if talks with Democrats fail to yield a deal on his signature issue.

Attached: Pentagon Preparing Options To Build Border Wall, Save America.jpg (1200x798, 101.19K)

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hahaha youre so fucking GULLIBLE !!!


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Pentagon prepares to lose more money, build socialism.

I'm just posting whats been reported. NOTICE:

Don't like news? Don't lurk here then, because this is a NEWS board!

Socialism? What the FUCK are you talking about? Protecting your own fucking nation is now considered "socialism" to you? Fuck off commie faggot!

What a retard. Not even going to placate you.

remember user: report, sage, and hide all troll posts/threads. do not reply under any circumstances

Attached: MOHAMMED NO.jpg (600x532, 42.4K)

2/3 of the troops are already home they could start this tomorrow.

I am smarter than you jackasses will ever be, and I didn't even need college to learn whats going on in the real world! Again, you don't appreciate news but thats too bad because you are on a news board. Zig Forums stands for NEWS not Johnny Neptune.

I don't report trolls, or anyone for that matter. I don't mind people speaking their mind, but I have a right to post what news I desire and speak my mind. I don't hide from jackasses I confront them.

So smart. Behold.


Socialism? I'll tell you what socialism is! Allowing illegals to flood into your country and receive welfare benefits for breeding on the US Taxpayer's dime costing Billions $$$ every single year!

Once this wall is built, this will pay for itself in the next decade and save US taxpayers TONS of wasted money!

funny thing is, that soviet union didn't allow illegals, but we're supposed to, lefties today are really fucking strange people

Follow the plan.

Attached: Reason.JPG (522x481, 29.1K)

Apparently no one remembers the Pentagon scandal during 9/11.

Guess what, everyone? I don’t need your help. I can do it on my own. And from the looks of it, much better.

I'm afraid we're living in a Society of Morons…
Even the 1% of Geniuses are mostly misinformed; rendering their intellectual capacity useless…

The Propaganda strategy worked…

Are you refering to the missing Trillions $$$? Yes, I am aware of that and it needs to be investigated, I agree.

Here's the TRUE STORY……….

White House Insiders have privately admitted did Trump never actually thought he would be elected, and he was even more surprised than the rest of America when it happened.

His campaign staff realized that Trump wasn't capable of focusing and remembering certain talking points. It's as if he's a 5 year old with A.D.D.

The entire 'border wall' campaign promise began as a way to keep him focused, so he could remember to talk about immigration.

The border wall concept was developed by his campaign staff, simply to keep him focused, so he wouldn't keep going on egotistical tangents.

Soon, Trump had made RIDICULOUS assertions, like how he was going to have Mexico pay for the wall he never intended on building….

AGAIN: TRUMP NEVER INTENDED ON BUILDING A WALL, and that's why he never said anything about it for two years after being elected.

fast forward to the end of 2018- - - - -

Trump's lawyers realize Robert Mueller is wrapping up his investigation, and Trump is about to be proven to have been in conspiracy with the Russians, guilty of obstruction of justice, campaign Finance law violations, etc etc etc

Suddenly the border wall becomes an issue again

The most amateur distraction technique I've ever seen, and you fell for it….

There is no invasion
There is no National Emergency
There is no crisis

This is just a distraction technique

And the only reason it's being discussed is to prevent people from focusing on the Mueller investigation which is about to proof that Donald Trump is guilty of treason among other felonies

Fucking MORONS… The USSR was locked down to prevent any flow of information to their ignorant masses. If you stepped out of line, you were sent to a prison camp to be enslaved to death.

Modern Socialism is a Communist Trojan horse. Oldest trick in the fucking book…

……says the guy who thinks there is an 'invasion caravan'

Lucky we have insiders like you who can literally read peoples minds for us.
This is why I always get my news from Zig Forums. Or the goldwater.

You’re a good man, but sometimes I think you can be overly literal.

There still is as far as they are still trying to get into the country illegally. I'll admit if they follow the immigration laws then it wouldn't be considered an invasion however they were caught over and over trying to rush the border illegally THUS invasion!

Lol @ 'reading minds'


michael cohen is about to testify in front of congress, and mueller has DEFINITIVE PROOF that Trump conspired with the Russians.


I'm concerned about our country's future and thats why I'm so edgy. I don't want America to fall into a third world subjugated hellhole like so many other nations have. If that makes me "overly literal" then I'm proud of it.

Have you ever been to an elementary school talent show?

Any 7 year old 'magician' nows that you need to misdirect he audience's attention, use a distraction technique, or they will notice you pulling the bouquet of nylon flowers out of your sleeve.


no sir……. you are mistaken….

I've never said any such thing

In fact, unlike you, im SO familiar with the game, that i realize he's never going to be impeached or indicted, certainly not while in office, because that's not the way things actually work in real life

…. all I am saying is Mueller has Rock Solid proof Donald Trump conspired with the Russians…

… fact, i never said you were stupid, killcen…..

I don't know why you thought the word 'gullible' means 'stupid'….

I'm simply saying that you I want to believe a certain concept so badly, that you are willing to allow the wall to be pulled over your eyes regarding this topic

If Trump colluded with anyone it would have been Zionists from Israel, not the Russians. And there has been NO proof of any conspiracy or collusion as of yet. From Day 1 they've been planning to remove Trump from office, because they're scared to death of Trump actually growing some balls and fixing the damages done to this nation from years and years of corruption and bad actors! Whether he will is still up to debate.

I say overly literal because the fact this decline and dissolution is all but inevitable seems lost on you.

Yet part of me feels guilty for being so certain. Civilizations are born, reach their apex, and die. Empires fall, typically around the 250 year mark. Ours is in no position of thriving prosperity and hope.

But, sure, anything can happen if you go on ignoring a distinction between ‘country’ and ‘nation’. No one’s suggesting we should let it happen.

All of the work you put into your INVASION threads

Simply because Trump used the word invasion

Trump said 'Caravan', so you said 'Caravan'


And you're telling me that you think for yourself?

The first step to correction is admitting all the problems we have. But thats not enough. We need to try to expose the bad actors and try to support fixing this mess we are in no matter who's fault it was. NOTE that this destabilization of the US has been going on for a LONG TIME! 40+ years now.

LOL. The Invasion series came out BEFORE Trump ever addressed the caravan, take a look! And look at the long ass thread BEFORE the Invasion series called Deliberate Destabilization (started when Obama was still president!)


Started 11/20/15 (Fri) 20:48:17

Nope…. Theres proof alright.

Mueller is completing the report as you read this

(trust me, you're going to be eating your words soon)

Dozens of trump campaign Officials were exchanging information with the Russians.

Paul manafort gave the Russians top secret polling information.

Trump gave a public speech, in which he told the russians to get Hillary's emails, and they hacked the servers that same afternoon….

The term collusion means nothing from a legal standpoint

The actual charge is CONSPIRACY


There's another terminology that applies:

Of course he's not going to be indicted or impeached at the end of the day, but his remaining time in office is going to be colored with impeachment hearings

I'm well aware that you have been a paranoid schizophrenic for many decades

Your organic psychiatric disorder usually manifests between the ages of 17 and 25

The destabilization of America began in 1776, and never really stopped

It kicked into high gear during World War II

"Former NSA Spy John Schindler: CIA Is Trying To Take Trump Out Right NOW!"

When was this posted? 01/14/17 (Sat) 22:53:17

Attached: Killcen's Logo.png (1614x1073, 1.52M)

When was this movie released?


Attached: 220px-Invasionusa.jpg (220x341, 26.29K)

I keep track of these events, much more than you or others can even realize. If that makes me "tin foil" then I'm the Tin Foil King!

By the way, im not proud of this, but i was an extra in 'Invasion USA'

it was filmed in atlanta

It was an AWFUL movie, almost as bad as this thread

I like you, killcen….

I know that you're very intelligent

im waiting to hear your version of how this has improved the quality of your life

What do you think, Nepitune?

Straight out of the leugenpresse.

Schindler is a CIA nigger, and not a very bright one.

They are exposed every day. Why doesn’t someone try hanging them?

My cat has hyperthyroidism. It’s treatable but I might have to put him down anyway.

Its improved the quality of my life because I'm well prepared in case there is a disastrous crisis and/or civil war/economic collapse. I also enjoy what I do now that I'm retired and I'll admit I think I'm contributing more than I did to society than when I was working. Do I get frustrated at many events taking place? Sure! But thats normal when you pay attention to all the crap going on today. But we must be prepared and we must remain vigilant. If we don't do that, we stand no chance resisting the evil in this world. I'm not backing down anytime soon. I'll back down when my heart finally caves in and forces me to.

Resist evil all you want. If there is no good worth promoting then you live only for spite.

The ones in power are very well protected and thats why. Plus I think people are a bit too comfortable… once they can't feed themselves or their families, then you'll start to see unrest like we see in Paris right now. Thats just my conclusion.

I think that the invasion of violent criminals and gangmembers can be found on any street corner in america. I think WE are the problem, not a handful of migrants.

I understand everything youre saying, because i used to be an ALARMIST just like you.

but it was making me miserable… I finally realized that I wasn't helping anybody, and in fact it was very selfish of me to focus on my need to feel like I was 'teaching people' and 'helping them' by sharing my paranoid fears with them.

You need to step back every once in a while and take breaks. I have to do this every now and then.

You likely DID help some people wake up. You just didn't notice it or get personal notification of it. Thats normal.

We could always try drafting more kids to fight in Afghanistan. Someone has to win at some point.

Illegal immigration has a lot to do with this believe it or not. Many illegals join the drug and arms trade / gangs & cartels. Poverty also plays a roll in this which there is plenty of due to outsourcing American industry which began in the 80s. Illegal immigration also takes away jobs from average Americans too, and lowers the wages. So keep that in mind.

How are we the problem? Too optimistic and inclusive? Bad at sharing? They have subhuman intelligence therefore we’re responsible for their behavior?

The very idea that these stone age peoples have our militaries on the ropes is proof that nuclear weapons aren’t real; moreover, neither is the moon landing, the stock market, quantum physics, or anything about us.

inb4 illegals do work Americans don't want or need

I'll tell you for a fact there is a lot of Americans right now homeless that would love nothing more than to have one of those jobs making minimum wage doing something like construction or even janitorial work. At least they'd be able to provide a roof over their head.

Sorry, but i was busy
with a REAL story

they found the kidnapped 13 year old girl

Attached: 190110215159-04-jayme-closs-missing-wisconsin-large-169.jpg (460x259, 17.86K)

I hope she is alright. This world is pretty fucked up and cruel.

Poverty and the unraveling of our education system had NOTHING to do with mexicans

this country is filled with gangs and violent criminals

WE are our own biggest problem

not a family willing to risk their lives by walking here from Equador

Jake Thomas Patterson
aged 21
Charged with two counts of murder
and one count of kidnapping

Attached: 20190111_112138.jpg (4160x2080, 1.98M)

I'm not talking about families, I'm talking about those sneaking in with malicious intent (gangbangers / drug dealers / violent criminals) WHICH DOES HAPPEN!

This isn’t your opinion though, to be fair. It’s a well worn right winger talking point. The left collapses, the right steps in and rebuilds.

If there is nothing to do but wait for food to run out so we can organize and mobilize ourselves, I see no need for political discussion.

Alternatively, Johnny is also dead wrong because he unironically believes our mafia oligarchs have special privilege when it comes to journalistic authority. Whereas Killcen strays off the MKUltra path enough to be aware of what the dissidents think and feel, Johnny is asking us to bury our heads in the sand and trust the powerful to bring Trump down, or make blacks more civilized, or protect us from Earth’s natural cycles.

AGAIN: we are the problem

but we arent fixing the problem

we are being distracted by Trump (an amateur)
into looking at the border, while our own citizens
are murdering robbing and kidnapping eachother at dizzying rates.

98.9% of crimes in america are committed by americans

They’re not innocent victims because they come from Ecuador. Frankly, you don’t know a thing about them.

This issue goes beyond Trump, its you being distracted by him. This is a REAL issue, it is a REAL threat. I've been calling this an invasion for a lot longer than Trump was even president!! "Deliberate Destabilization!"

Trump focusing on the millions of
gangbangers / drug dealers / violent criminals
who have never been south of the border

nor do you

We need proper border security to deal with the criminals sneaking in. And we need proper vetting too, to make sure their kind don't get in.

If you're suggesting that IMMIGRATION is the fundamental element in our undoing, you'd be sadly mistaken.

Anyone who shows up in the country is given the honorific title of ‘American’. But you can’t see how that might be a more serious problem?

Absence of information does not support your rose-colored view that they are innocent.

Illegal immigration is only PART of the problem. Rampant political corruption is too. Lobbyists are too. Endless war is part of that problem as well. Outsourcing industry is a major problem. Too much bureaucracy can be a problem. The Federal Reserve system is a problem. Debt insolvency is a problem. Lots and lots of problems, and all need to be fixed: one thing at a time!

No one’s suggesting that. We already know it’s jews.

Foreign lobbying by Zionists is a big problem, which has led to endless wars for ZOG (which has no benefits for us as a nation). So you are also correct. We got LOTS of problems, and Jewish special interests most certainly play a big roll.

Oh boy, this thread has really rattled some yarmulkes.

Except there are multiple groups of jews, Zionist Israel Firsters and Diaspora jews to name two. They work the dumbfuck goyim from both angles.

What we need to do to REALLY fix our country is three things: 1) end these senseless wars in the Middle East, 2) crack down on foreign lobbying, and 3) secure our damn borders already!

If we can do just those three things the USA would fix a whole lot of problems!

That I'm not too aware of. Can you explain this to me?

These migrants enter into AMERICA

The most violent wasteful mismanaged country on Earth, where two-thirds of all the worlds detainees are imprisoned……..

America is a piece of shit

And it always has been

America was never great to begin with

Diaspora jews are those happy to live and prosper outside Israel by practicing parasitism as a reproductive strategy against successive host nations. When you see social and political revolution alongside creeping socialism you’re dealing with the Diaspora.

OK, perhaps prohibiting dual citizenship would help curb this problem, which I am also for.

Absolutely. They ought not to be allowed in government.

AIPAC must also finally register as a foreign lobby. And the Fed must die.

Little things. No pogroms yet.

I bet your in your mid 30s, Im going to say 34. Am i right?

not only does Zig Forums stand for neptune, but 8 represents how neptune sat back and laughed as Zig Forums ate his shit


This is the one thing I do not like about Trump, he has put too many Zionists that have dual citizenship / foreign lobbyist connections into his cabinet and staff. I think this is the main reason he hasn't lived up to many promises, these neo-con globalist/Zionist stooges are negatively influencing a lot of his decisions (minus the Syrian withdrawal and the border issue as of now). You can tell his staff are in panic mode trying their best to convince him to "stay the course" and keep moving forward with their corrupt agendas. I also believe it really would be in (((their))) best interests to remove him just because they don't have total control over him like they had of his predecessors.

It took Ann Coulter of all people to convince him he needed to grow a pair of balls when it came to the border issue. So maybe if we push him enough, and take a wrecking ball to his ego, maybe this will work in making Trump stand up to his promises. Who knows? Just a thought.

Way way off I can tell you that. I'm retired.

I agree, his tenure is very schizophrenic. I won’t hold my breath because his children are married in. The Trump family from this day forward will be known as a jewish one.

Why do you even come to this board? Anyone who comes here for the first time can see no one takes Zig Forums seriously, so why bother? This shithole makes /b/, /r9k/, and /bant/ actually pleasant to browse.


and NO, the 'wheel' is not 'older than the wall'

what a fucking IDIOT

He is either a liar of epic proportions or one dumb sonofabitch to actually try and convince the American people that the swamp is only comprised of the people who want out daughters blacked and our sons on a pedosexual catwalk for traps at 10yo.

It’s also the world financiers and war mongering drug and arms dealers who topple civilizations in the name of markets.