Anti-American Wannabe Gun Grabber Dianne Feinstein Drafts New Gun Ban Bill

Senator Dianne Feinstein has unveiled plans to impose a nationwide "assault weapons" [READ: semi-auto] ban in order to further erode the Second Amendment.

The Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 bill is cosponsored by an array of anti-Trump Democrats, including Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.) to name just a few. reports:

A statement from Feinstein claimed Americans “are asking Congress to reinstate the federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”

A press release from Feinstein’s office lists several items anti-gun dems want to see banned, including 205 “military-style assault weapons,” “assault weapons” which accept detachable ammunition magazines and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammo.

Introducing the bill, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) claimed, “Military-style assault rifles are the weapons of choice for mass murderers.”

“There’s just no reason why these guns, which were designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible, are sold to the public,” said Murphy.

Stats published by the Rockefeller Institute of Government, however, show handguns are more commonly used in crimes than AR-15 rifles, which Democrats typically refer to as “assault weapons.”

“The Rockefeller Institute looked at 50-year time frame–1966 to 2016–and found that mass shooters preferred handguns to rifles of any kind by a nearly 3 to 1 margin,” writes Breitbart’s AWR Hawkins.

Luckily, this has little chance of passing the Senate.

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Luckily the Senate will likely vote this down, but even if they did pass it we could lobby Trump to veto it. Still, it shows their never ending desperation to disarm and subjugate America.

The chick who employed a Chinese spy for twenty fucking years keeps on trucking like nothing happened.

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And Mueller won't investigate THAT, now will he?


Geez, I wonder (((why)))

There is the face of evil. There they all are, the elite politicians who “know” better than you. They steal from us, exempt themselves from laws, and live a life as far removed from the average American as can be. Shine a light on all of the Sponsors and Co-Sponsors of this bill. They want to disarm Americans and turn us into compliant Wage Slaves!

I'm so sick of this Jew

As much as I want this bitch and everyone in league with her dead in a most violent and possibly pornographic public spectacle, I feel a duty to remind myself and others that the only way to actually win is to refuse to rise to the bait. You need to play the long game, impeding their progress and dismantling their spurious arguments as many times as you possibly can, in a manner that cannot be portrayed as "terrorist action" or the like.

Make no mistake. Feinstein is not the head of the snake, and the head of the snake WANTS her murdered for the same reason that ISIS and all those fags throw untrained, poorly-equipped dipshits at the might of the U.S. military. People rally around a martyr.

Bring it on.

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Once they take down the second amendment they're going after the first. Fight for your rights, burgers.

Oh Diane, Diane
wheres your driver who was spy-yan

This Israeli citizen needs to go back to Israel and quit trying to take our guns away.

the thing about stomping on a yellow jacket nest is that it usually takes a few kicks to really get them pissed off, although it may take a second for them to zip the fuck out, when they do you had better be already running


"Let's see if they notice we deceived them by vastly expanding the definition of assault weapon… If not, we're gonna need a bigger cast of crisis actors for the coming shooting season," thought Diane Feinstein.

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"Happily the treason had been timely discovered to prevent the fatal misfortune."

"[…] nothing is so bright an ornament in the Character of the American soldiers as their having been proof against all the arts and seduction of an insidious enemy."

-George Washington


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Again the alt left seeks to disarm law abiding citizens so that their MS13 and jihadi cohorts can have an easier time conquering a defenceless population. Soon those shit libs will be drafting laws to seize our wives and daughters to service gangbangers and jihadists.

Look how well it worked with ISIS supporters like Alek Minassian and the Toronto Danforth shooter.

Hey, retard. Why didn't he age?

Vitamins, Exercise, Calorie Restriction, Genetics… Some people age slower than others. Judging by looking at the pictures of the purported search of the Adam Lanza's house, one sees 2 caches of vitamins, one in the kitchen, and one in his bedroom. See? There's also a treadmill, weights, Dance Dance Revolution mat and lots of organic natural food and water. There's plenty of people who age that slowly, it's not at all uncommon.

The big turd in the crisis actor punchbowl to me though is the planted reprint of an old newspaper article about a senseless shooting of some youngsters with a shotgun…

Attached: RidiculousSmokingGunOldNewspaperOfShooting.JPG (1104x731, 137.2K)

Vitamins in Adam Lanza's room.

Attached: AdamLanzaRoomVitamins.JPG (1109x735, 67.06K)

Never listen to Rabbi Shekelstein. This is solid proof jews want to take away your guns.

Clearly the dwellings of a health nut.

This is the ugly face of tranny*

Clearly fucking staged. Why the FUCK would a teenager be obsessed with health? Are you fucking kidding me? Teenagers drink and do drugs. Period.

A health nut, who wants to stay healthy, yet is willing to risk his life by shooting up a school? SORRY. That is pure utter nonsense BS propaganda and anyone with some brain cells to rub together knows thats a staged psyop to make you think "health nuts" are loco and bad goyim.

Don't ever give them the guns. We know damn well the hellish nightmares they release once the population surrenders the guns. They go full on power trips and start wrecking every single freedom we still take for granted like our right to speak our minds, they'll arrest you if you defend yourself or family from criminals (or even foreigners), they'll mock and ridicule the population too, they'll treat you less than dog shit till you'd start considering taking your own life over it. Ask the Germans. Ask the Swedes. Ask the Chinese. Ask the Russians. Ask the Australians. Ask the British. They're so scared they don't have the balls to come on here and complain like we Americans do. And their lives are 10,000x worse! So yah, NEVER GIVE UP THOSE GUNS EVER. You would be better off taking out a few gun grabbers and dying during a standoff.

My question is do they realy think they wont be on the reciving end of the m13 or islamic guns all the same?

Bitch is drafting bills as if the government shut down.
I hope it never re opens.

They've already taken every American's Social Security money. Just go by your local SS office and get into a conversation with the representatives there about who that money belongs to..
Hint: They claim the money they take out of your pay cheque belongs to the government and that they "let" you have it, you're not entitled to it. It's not yours. This same sentiment was expressed by a Congressman a few years ago when it was discovered that the government virtually wiped out the Social Security account.

This is why EVERY American needs to stash away some goods as well as plenty of firearms and ammo. We'll be needing them if/when we decide to stand up and fight back. The time is ticking and at some point a major crisis is going to happen and this piece of shit communist government we have today will push us all a little too far. Its happening in France, just not nearly as successful because they don't own guns over there. Imagine if the American people got that fed up and didn't give a shit what happened and were armed. Thats why they really want our guns, total control.

Especially if they're white. White people do every kind of drugs there is.


Hey newfriend, this is a thread about gun control.

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You know, I'd be okay with the disarmament of American citizens, if government officials had to comply with the same exact laws as the average citizen.
No armed security.
No tax money spent on protective services at all.
Cops are disarmed of all non less-lethal weapons.
US Military can't use firearms the civilians are forbidden to own.

If the gander will be fine with these restrictions, so should the goose.

You sound like a gigantic faggot

Democrats are probably trying to cook up some subversive bullshit like gun-grabbing bills as trade for the wall so they can claim they ended the shutdown and "stopped shootings".

True. They do sell weather-proofed cases for guns for that very purpose, caching your ammo and guns away from gun grabbers. It would be a smart idea to have some cached away just encase. You never know what will happen or how you will really feel the moment they actually DO come knocking.

Christ. Anybody autistic enough to still be playing their N64 would take far better care of it. This image is clearly staged.

This animated gif has equal scaling. Jaw agape and forward with lips touching (Lanza), jaw less agape with lips touching (Hogg). There are fewer pics that show better similarity, however Hogg's ears have been spirit gummed or taped in this, so the ears are off, but if you look at other Hogg pictures, the ears match Lanza exactly.

Attached: hogglanza.gif (317x430, 432.48K)

No, I agree. You want a peaceful unarmed society? Prove it to me, disarm the army, police and three letter agencies first. Nobody needs guns, after all.

Exactly what I was saying. If a politician wants to remove the rights of the populace they need to give those rights up before the people.
The best definition of Tyranny is something the government can do but forbids the citizens from doing.

The kikes will never give up in their struggle to destroy liberty for all goyim. They are so disgusting.

They're clearly different people. Besides, surely they could find an actor who looked different from school shooters.

Attached: Adamn Hogza.gif (1024x665, 3.34M)

It's probably a genetic similarity. Different person same makeup. Like the makeup and hairstyle trend people follow… But this is a genetic thing.

Don't starve on guns.

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"Cough cough sneeze" people with no access to guns buy more gun video games "cough sneeze cough"

lol dumbass

sages negated

Vitamin deficiency

sage for you

again, denied

