Facebook Hires Soros Organization to Curate Your News Feed


Facebook has hired an organization funded by George Soros to ‘fact-check’ what users will be allowed to see on their news feed, the BBC reports.

The organization named “Full Fact” was confirmed on January 11 as one of Facebook’s new fact-checkers. According to the BBC, it will “review stories, images and videos and rate them based on accuracy.”

Newsbusters.org reports: archive.fo/hxDkQ

But these fact-checkers might have a bigger agenda, according to their funding page. Google and liberal billionaire George Soros have donated extensively to Full Fact in 2018 alone. It is also funded by a radical leftist, Pierre Omidyar, who funds the Never Trump site the Bulwark, headed by Bill Kristol.

Perhaps the move was meant to placate Soros, whose organizations, including the Color of Change, have lobbied to have Facebook undergo a civil rights audit. Facebook has been under fire following the New York Times report, which said that Facebook hired a right-wing group to do opposition research on Soros.

However, there are no conservative fact-checkers left in the Facebook fact-checking family. With the close of the Weekly Standard, Facebook has yet to name a conservative successor to fact-check.

While Full Fact strenuously objects to any criticism regarding partisan politics, it wrote on its website, “Ultimately, it is for our audience to judge for themselves whether we succeed.”

In 2018, Google donated 210,445 British pounds, plus a 20,000 pound direct donation. That equals $269,175, plus an additional $25,581. Open Society Foundations, funded by George Soros, (who has called for Facebook to be split up), donated 71,917 pounds, or $91,987.

The lead editor at Full Fact is Tom Phillips, formerly editor at Buzzfeed UK. Phillips had written extensively on the alt-right at Buzzfeed, and wrote a piece about the 2016 American election (despite being in the U.K.) In that piece, he referred to the race as a “churning hellscape,” and shared a picture of a weeping woman with the caption, “It’s okay. We can get through this nightmare together! Grab your favorite crying pillow.”


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On the 12th of February, you're going to see Trump officially accused of conspiracy with Russia to sway the election process……


not collusion….. CONSPIRACY….

Your hero conspired with the Russians…

LOL at you and any other gullible fool who voted for Trump…..

just filter this desperate attempt at damage control by derail.

lol idiot

shut up CNN

Facebook still sucks!

Zuck the Cuck still sucks.

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Paranoid schizophrenia is the most common type of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is defined as “a chronic mental disorder in which a person loses touch with reality (psychosis)." Schizophrenia is divided into subtypes based on the “predominant symptomatology at the time of evaluation."

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Paranoid Personality Disorder


Excessive distrust and suspicion characterize this condition. People with paranoid personalities rarely confide in others, and tend to misinterpret harmless comments and behavior as malicious.

The word personality describes deeply ingrained patterns of behavior and the manner in which individuals perceive, relate to, and think about themselves and their world. Personality traits are conspicuous features of personality and are not necessarily pathological, although certain styles of personality traits may cause interpersonal problems. Personality disorders are enduring patterns of inner experience and behavior that deviate markedly from the expectations of an individual's culture. They must be rigid, inflexible, and maladaptive and of sufficient severity to cause significant impairment in functioning or internal distress.

Paranoid personality disorder is an unwarranted tendency to interpret the actions of other people as deliberately threatening or demeaning. The disorder, surfacing by early adulthood, is manifested by an omnipresent sense of distrust and unjustified suspicion that yields persistent misinterpretation of others' intentions as being malicious. People with a paranoid personality disorder are usually unable to acknowledge their own negative feelings toward others but do not generally lose touch with reality. They will not confide in people, even if they prove trustworthy, for fear of being exploited or betrayed. They will often misinterpret harmless comments and behavior from others and may build up and harbor unfounded resentment for an unreasonable length of time.

Concern with hidden motives
Expects to be exploited by others
Inability to collaborate
Social isolation
Poor self image

People with this disorder typically exhibit a strong need for self-sufficiency, are rigid and often litigious. Because of their avoidance of closeness with others, they may appear calculating and cold. Usually men are diagnosed with it more than women.

Paranoid personality disorder should not be diagnosed if the pattern of suspicious behavior occurs exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder.

The specific cause of this disorder is unknown. It appears to be more common in families with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and delusional disorder, which suggests that genes may be involved. Paranoid personality disorder can result from negative childhood experiences fostered by a threatening domestic atmosphere. It is prompted by extreme and unfounded parental rage and/or condescending parental influence that cultivate profound childhood insecurities.


Paranoid Personality Disorder


Treatment of paranoid personality disorder can be very effective in controlling the paranoia but is difficult because the person may be suspicious of the doctor. Without treatment this disorder will be chronic. Medications and therapy are common and effective approaches to alleviating the disorder.

The social consequences of serious mental disorders—family disruption, loss of employment and housing—can be calamitous. Comprehensive treatment, which includes services that exist outside the formal treatment system, is crucial to ameliorate symptoms, assist recovery, and, to the extent that these efforts are successful, redress stigma. Consumer self-help programs, family self-help, advocacy, and services for housing and vocational assistance complement and supplement the formal treatment system. Consumers (people who use mental health services themselves) operate many of these services. The logic behind their leadership in delivery of these services is that consumers are thought to be capable of engaging others with mental disorders, serving as role models, and increasing the sensitivity of service systems to the needs of people with mental disorders.


Medications for paranoid personality disorder are generally not encouraged, as they may contribute to a heightened sense of suspicion that can ultimately lead to patient withdrawal from therapy. They are suggested, however, for the treatment of specific conditions of the disorder, such as severe anxiety or delusions, where these symptoms begin to impede normal functioning. An anti-anxiety agent, such as diazepam, is appropriate to prescribe if the client suffers from severe anxiety or agitation where it begins to interfere with normal, daily functioning. An anti-psychotic medication, such as thioridazine or haloperidol, may be appropriate if a patient decompensates into severe agitation or delusional thinking which may result in self-harm or harm to others. Medications prescribed for precise conditions should be used for the briefest interval possible.


Psychotherapy is the most promising method of treatment for paranoid personality disorder. People with this disorder often have deep-rooted problems with interpersonal functioning that necessitate intense therapy. A strong therapist-client relationship offers the most benefit to people with the disorder, yet is extremely difficult to establish due to the dramatic skepticism of patients with this condition. People with paranoid personality disorder rarely initiate treatment and often terminate it prematurely. Likewise, building therapist-client trust requires care and is complicated to maintain even after a confidence level has been founded. Most patients with this disorder experience symptoms for the duration of their lifetime and require consistent therapy.





No, translation: fuck off!

THIS is the archive of all archives that BTFO Zuck and his dimwit cattle of cucks.

People choose to be stupid on the internet when they use glow in the dark spy gadgets and state-run social media that tracks everything they do.

Facebook is pure evil and I REFUSE to ever be a part of it.

Soros, fuck off and tell the TV junkie here to go back to Facebook where you two belong.

What does curate mean?

/killcen/ curates the news by shitting on it first and then posting it hre

burn the jews
hang the niggers
I'm glad I'm not on an evil site too.

Attached: think.jpg (515x700, 56.2K)

What is this site?

Any internet-capable gadget fits that description though.

This site allows free speech (for the most part) which is the ONLY reason I am here, because I can post anonymously and say what I want to say. Thats what makes the chan culture great.

Trap porn

We know.

I wouldn't waste my time posting news if I were here for porn. I'd be on a porn site.

Fake Boogeyman rallying call buzzword for simpleton useful idiot Type A. Trump is the spell they use for idiot Type B.

Holy fuck the government is so fucked up that they kill people for whistleblowing aka revealing their crimes because their agenda is enslaving everyone , its proven that those with money are above the law…

But let's vote our way out of this because the television created by these people said do! Just ten more elections and Rome will fall!

And Trump has nothing to do with this, its about Facebook hiring a Soros group to censor conservative news.

I like a way you talk, reckon.

I left that shithole years ago. Back then, my feed was filled with garbage. Now the feeds are being set on fire to prevent real news from spreading.

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on one hand this seems typical for leftists.

otoh, this also seems like a giant waste of time. if I was a leftist, I would at least spend my money on something more sensible. then again, if I had sense, I would not be a leftist.

I mean yea, censoring conservatives on social media seems to make sense at first, until you realize it only builds legitimate resentment and makes them a bit more tech savvy (something they desperately need) as they research alternatives to your platform. it's almost like there's a conservative plant in either faceberg or the soros organizations attempting to sabotage them from within.

I have a stupid cousin.

He had many an opinion about stuff he had very little knowledge about.

I'd say, "oh , is that so, cousin?, gotta go!''

When i went on the internet, I didn't know that I had so many cousins!
gotta go.


this has been the narrative for almost 3 years now

Important reminder:
Soros cant curate your news feed if you only browse the Goldwater.

I don't use social media at all. Except for this site because anyone gets to post what they want, and read what they want. ONLY reason I'm here. Otherwise I'd be on the Zero Hedge comment blogspace.

I cant even imagine why someone would read the BBC where they dont even allow comments because they know deep down they are wrong about everything.

well cured shit

I only post the facts. Thats it. If I see blatant lies, I remove them. If I see something that needs to be addressed, I'll add it in.

The mainstream press is shit. However most of the independent sites do a pretty good job.

Facebook still sucks.

typical kike behavior! one jew ass licking another for the love of humus! :D

like alex jones and natural news.
completely factual and not at all working for the feds.

back to facebook you fucking faggot.


Curate that, Soros.

And how do we know anonymous people like you dissing other dissidents aren't feds?

Personally I care about the quality content, not the personalities behind the content. Those two sites have some good news once in a while, and when they do I'll post it, I do not care about fitting in with stereotypes here.