The Kremlin has long denied that it had anything to do with the infiltration of the NRA and the broader American conservative movement. A U.S. intelligence report reviewed by The Daily Beast tells a different story.
Alexander Torshin, the Russian central bank official who spent years aggressively courting NRA leaders, briefed the Kremlin on his efforts and recommended they participate, according to the report. Its existence and contents have not previously been reported.
While there has been speculation that Torshin and his protege, Maria Butina, had the Kremlin’s blessing to woo the NRA—and federal prosecutors have vaguely asserted that she acted “on behalf of the Russian federation”—no one in the White House or the U.S. intelligence community has publicly stated as much. Senior Russian government officials, for their part, have strenuously distanced themselves from Butina’s courtship of the NRA, which she did at Torshin’s direction.
This propaganda is fucking alarmingly STUPID. Oldest civil rights organization in the country. The most pro-American organization out there, supported by veterans. Supported by hard working Americans.
Michael Cox
Let me you leftist tards something, there are now over 100,000,000 Americans that own guns today and by ridiculing us with these bullshit accusations you are making sure 1/3rd of the country fucking hates your guts. Just keep it up. You are asking for America to become extremely divided and pushing for a war that would make every school shooting look like a fucking picnic in a park. Thats my warning chumps.
Hunter Cox
Oliver Evans
If Russia wants to support the US constitution, am I supposed to tear it up and say it's bad? Does this tactic work on leftists?
Jackson Baker
Ryan Russell
Exactly. If Russia were EVER on board with our constitution I'd declare them allies ask them to dump our corrupt politicians into a river one by one. Same goes with any other country.
America = Constitutional Law. No Constitution = No America.
Christian White
Caleb Russell
Funny when Russia is (according to the official story) respecting your rights more than our (((representatives))) in the west