Thanks To Their Student Loans, Most Millennials Will Die In Debt, Never To Retire


Adulting, the now common idiom goes, is hard. And to many millennials, the grim realization that debt will always be part of their lives is not making it any easier.

In some cases, their debt load is so soul-crushing they expect to die without ever paying what they owe back. So how much does this problem have to do with the higher-education crisis the country is facing? As it turns out, everything.

According to a study by Northwestern Mutual, educational loans are the leading source of debt for millennials ages 18 to 24. And according to a report, over 60 percent of millennials aged 18 to 37 are completely unsure when, or if, they will be able to pay their debt off. Among those who responded they are uncertain about their ability to pay off debt, 20 percent said they expected to die in debt.

But to those with only credit card debt, the prospects aren’t as grim, as 79 percent of millennials said they had a plan to pay it all off, expecting to be completely debt-free by age 43.

While many of the news outlets reporting on these findings urge young people to get a plan in place so they can pay off their debt, the reality is that government’s push to give everyone a college education is what has greatly contributed to young people’s debt load. And what’s worse, degreesare not actually helping many young people get a job.

Will bureaucrats and those who pushed for more government-subsidized education ever admit they created a monster that has finally gotten out of control?

When government and elected officials push college education as a right, they imply that the government has the duty to help provide it to the populace. With grants, subsidies, and easy, risk-free loans going out to 17-year-olds with no credit history, young people think pursuing the career of their dreams is a piece of cake. But once school is out and all they have is a diploma, they finally realize things weren’t as easy as they expected.

The problem is that when government enters the picture and makes it easier for consumers to pay for college, it artificially increases the demand for college. With a greater number of students demanding higher education, schools have to raise their prices. After all, they have a limited supply of what they offer.

As explained by economist Ryan McMaken, “Were it not for the subsidized loans and — in the case of public colleges — directly subsidized tuition, the number of students able to afford such degrees would shrink considerably.” With fewer students knocking on their doors, colleges would have to slash costs and, consequently, prices, just so they could fill up their empty classrooms. But to bureaucrats, the solution doesn’t lie with letting the market work. Instead, they want more government interference.

Pushing for better loan deals, more regulation, or penalties for students who can’t pay the loans back, bureaucrats and their supporters are only worsening the problem they created.
There has been one previous thread about this article.

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The modern generations between the ages 21 to 40 really done got fucked, but partly because of their faith and trust in such a fraudulent failed system. Too bad. Thats what propaganda does. It acts to con you… and when some finally wake up….. its too late.

The late Gen X generation (41 to 55 years of age now) will likely be the last generation to have the luxury of retiring. If your that age you might be able to retire if you have enough savings that you can put to use (before another crisis happens that is).

The trades are the future. Just like they were the past. Most people ignored our warning. Maybe someday they're going to listen up.

no one forced them to go for a degree especially if its in shit like womans studies or any of the other useless subjects,

learn a trade and you wont spend your life in debt

Amen. Thats what a lot of us have been saying but they just D O N O T listen….

Oh well! Their loss I guess!


"Trades" have been given a bad rep. But by whom exactly? Hmmmmm….. ohhhhh, by the educational system of-course! And the mainstream media too! And of-course the federal bureaucracies that push students into taking the loans! Huh…. its almost as if they all work against us…..

For a long time, a 12k debt was a pain in my ass. I've whittled that down by 10k over the years but now I wish I didn't do that before I read books on how to invest in real estate, stocks, and commodities.

I'm getting liability insurance and a lawyer to help me draft up lease option memos so I can wholesale houses. After tax season, I'll form an LLC (or maybe a C Corp. They're subject to "double taxation" and I've heard that, in spite of the name, it's actually a huge boon) for even more protection against litigation and to minimize my tax payments.

For me, the stock market has also proven to be more reliable and beneficial than any savings account or mutual fund because, over the course of four months, I've netted $100 and I'm only a novice at it. After what I've learned through my experience and books, I make sure to read the company's financial data and I'm limiting myself to just a handful of stocks (the most I'll ever have in my portfolio is 10 different companies) and I now spend $100 every Friday on the knife that's fallen furthest (or the one that has dropped furthest in price that day).

It will take a little time and work but I will be able to live off of income passively generated through these avenues and, not only pay off all of my bad debt, but also not have to work at all, which is highly desirable in a job market where unskilled labor is being taken over by robots and, for any job you apply for, you must bear a lot of scrutiny and live up to the expectation of having already gained three years of experience at it in order to get paid or being willing to work for nothing as an intern.


Not forced but all through public schooling we’re taught that college is the ticket for a career. If you’re 18 years old and this is all you know, what else can you do?

life's good

Think for yourself and question what you are told, instead of believing things blindly.

I got my ged and became a registered security officer. All I do is stand around with a pistol. I knew I wasnt destined to be more than I am.

Learn a trade, maaaan. The money will be there.

And a bridge collapses in the distance.

Just because you dont have the discipline to work with your hands doesnt mean you should knock the idea.

Fuck off, retard. You don’t know a goddamned thing about me.


whats the difference between liquid assets and solid assets? is it similar to solid snake and liquid snake?

Apparently I knew enough to get that reaction. Kek


Don’t flatter yourself. It’s more a commentary on the pattern among your ilk. No money in the trades without investment from somewhere, and no money in the trades if this generation saturates them or H1-B gets used for infrastructure projects as opposed to Silicon Valley. But what do you numbnut niggers focus on? Discipline. It’s not a question of resource or opportunity to have a “job,” no, it’s one of the will. Because where there’s a will there’s a way…to get hired by someone else and work on their projects. Stupid motherfucker, you sit there so smug in your certainty that the solution to other people’s problems is as simple as dipping your forearms in a barrel of shit. But it shows, if nothing else, the low iq of a tradesman—assuming you even practice what you preach.

No, you haven’t triggered me because you’re right and I can’t stand it. You’ve done it by being another ignoramus in the echochamber.

Fuck you.

I pay my loans off next year. I'm 27 with a master's degree.

Calm down dude, jesus. Im just a stranger. I dont know you, you dont need to prove shit to me.

Im 27 with a GED, lol

As someone that has no debt im glad that these people will die with debt. Couldnt be more smug

There it is, the elitist ivory tower soft handed boy who thinks everyone around him is a fool. Shame.

Anyone who has a debt earned it. To get a loan you have to sign a contract. Stupid people sign bad deals. If they know they cant comprehend what they read, I dont get why they sign.

I love this attempt to blame the state of the economy on people who just entered it.


For someone so "intelligent" it's surprising that you don't know about the bell curve. The masses have a low-mid tier iq. Trades are perfect for that. Geniuses have to come up with their own plans. And they tend to. If they know what they have.

That’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Good Christ, there are some bull simple people on this site. “You’re unaware of the Bell Curve book,” as if any racist is. “The trades are for middling types,” in an economy with a brutally shrinking middle class. “You think you’re “intelligent” but I define intelligence as having read the Bell Curve.” Okay?


Dont buy into the trades meme bullshit like I did. Making 40 thousand a year as a welder in a high stress and harsh working condition aint worth it. Every company treats you like a replaceable piece of shit. On the flipside office personal are making 60k straight out of college. They spend their days flirting with girls they work with and browsing facebook. I spend my day with literal retards and gotta be focused on work 24/7.

It aint worth it at all. Rn wprking on everyway possible to gtfo and be a programmer

The reason trade jobs sucks is cause of how bad they are for your health. Construction being a goos example

That is a problem, definitely. Especially painting cars. But my small point is this: ZOG sees white men as its enemy. Flock to IT and it will crush you, flock to trades and it will crush you. There is nowhere to hide. Besides, the US empire is collapsing. Everything will continue to rot under foot.

Useful skills are worth having. Go through bootcamp, learn a trade, pick up some programming languages, foreign tongues, some mathematics. But don’t expect to be middle classed and comfy because this is a war, stupid assholes.


lock yourself up in an old house, isolated from your family & friends, ostracizing yourself with disproportionate fear and paranoia….

then, have a yard sale, and earn $47 for a shitload of old toasters ?

IT is also stressful and full of retards

Food for thought. If the vast majority of the coming generation are doomed no matter what they do. What reason do they have to not rip this world a new one out of spite?

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Dude, you know i love you, and i respect you, and i don't think you're stupid….

(i really don't…. i know youre a smart man)

but sometimes people can overthink shit
to the point that it takes all the fun out of life

…………….and forgive me if i don't take life advice
from someone who's created a life that
is void of enjoyment………………………….

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What is your opinion on pointillism?

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Good advice

I've taken plenty of Life Advice before

From several different people………….

…….but to be completely honest with you,
I've never taken Life Advice from anybody
who's life wasn't one that I'd like to strive
to attain, because i wouldn't want to waste
my existence trying to eventually become
an unhappy individual………………………….

and although i realize that you are a
good man, and an intelligent man,
I also realize that you don't have the
time to be happy, because you have
intentionally created a pattern of
behavior and a neurotic thought
pattern of worry, fear, and needless

That's definitely not appealing to anybody

Nobody wants to live like that, not even me

I am also equally aware
of all the things you fixate on

I used to be very much like you

and that's exactly why i stopped fixating
on all of those things, why i decided to
stop living that way…………………………..

In Summary :
If anybody ever asked me for Life advice
the first thing i would tell them is to

My best life advice is to stop trying to control things that you can't control, and stop worrying about things that you can't prevent….

Otherwise you're going to waste your entire existence with needless fear and worry

And that's not the behavior of an intelligent man

When I was a child I actually went through a period of pointillism

Both with paint and with quill pen & India ink

It's fascinating and beautiful if done correctly
And it's quite psychedelic to be quite honest
It's like an elegant archaic pixel vectorization

Its trippy……
( I prefer black on white pointillism )

He means Tony Robbins, specifically, as a successful man he’d like to emulate (and practice anilingus upon).

You don't even need a degree to get into Information Technologies. I'm a college dropout and now I manage enterprise class networks as well as do systems programming.

…. strangely enough, I have taken most of my life advice from cats (although i dont expect you to understand that) and also from myself back when I was a child, because As I Grew into an adult I realized that I already had most of the answers inside of me the entire time, so i simply reconnected with my inner self and relied on truisms that remained recessed in my cellular memory…

I also took life advice from thousands of LSD Journeys

And fortunately I have known some absolute fucking Geniuses in my life

(and I'm talking about the real fucking deal geniuses)

all in all, i believe experience = intelligence
so ive always tried to experience as much
as possible, both good and bad, and ive
never been one to shy away from any
given situation, no matter how awkward
or uncomfortable it may have been.


whatever pathway takes you to that point, follow it

Explains a lot, my dude.

I'm already ded.

I’ve known women like this. They convince themselves that traveling will lift them to another plane of human existence. All to see a foreign McDonalds or get culturally enriched. Plenty more experiences to be had in books, and depending on your believes about reality they are just as authentic and paradigm changing.

What's really the difference ?


You can’t move 15 people into your diploma and park your cars on its lawn.

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You can't have your education taken from you. And, if it is Enginerring or Design, it is quite valuble even if shtf.


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I wonder if the bot can read the caption

250k of those shekels came from me.
Don't say I never gave you anything, jew.

What SHTF scenario have you been through? How do you know? Personally, I wouldn’t need an engineer to live in the national forest; I’d need a hunter and a botanist.

Regret is the worst kind of stress and causes an inescapable ptsd problem.

I've created 99% of my problems for myself

But ive also created 99% of my own happiness

i wouldn't change a god damn thing
i wouldn't erase a single mistake i made
they were all part of my journey
I learned….
I grew….
I elevated….

im a massive fuck-up
and an complete idiot
but i can live with that

because im also incredibly honorable
and im fucking brilliant

I respect the reflection that i see in mirrors

i have EVERY REASON to worry, to be unhappy
but oddly enough, i laugh all the time.
in real life, im silly like a little kid
my wife and my friends are always
goofing around, playing silly games,
joking and laughing…………………….

i wasnt always happy and lighthearted
I used to be a conspiracy fanatic
I was convinced that i knew more
about the future than others knew
and my vision of the future was
sewn from a fabric of menacing
statistics, negative facts & figures
that guaranteed doom and gloom

i was convinced i was helping people
by 'warning them', and 'educating them'
with these depressing statistics and
little-known secrets, thinking i was
assisting them by 'informing them'

but one day i finally realized
that i wasn't helping anyone

and i realized i was actually self-gratifying
because misery loves company

and i was patting myself on the back
proud of the fact that i 'knew more'
than the average person knew

i was driving people away from me
I was making them unhappy
unhappy like ME

so i stopped
and i started
enjoying my
time on this

You can wind up in a ditch and not regret it. Do sociopaths regret serial killing?

Nonsense. Survival is a measure of success, and prosperity is one higher.

Buddhism is a species of victimology.

got it

And you. This diatribe is starting to look like copypasta. You say the same things over and over as if rehearsed.

Know what you need? Tony Robbins Personal Power Lecture Series.

I corrected my error long before you called it out. How does that pyrrhic victory feel, faggot? Probably as good as your sense of creative fiction.

the successful ones don't


hee hee !!!


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im still wondering if anyone here will be so stupid
that they won't understand what i meant when i
said i have taken a lot of life advice from CATS

bump bc fuck jews

hint: when something is true
it gets repeated
there is no need
to modify it
or tailor it

Sociopathy and Stoicism are very different things having to do with goal-orientation. The former type is a messianic lunatic whom reality slides off of like water off a raincoat. The latter accepts the crushing weight and keeps moving in the best direction available. One’s success in life is not simply a matter of taking the good with the bad or choosing to keep your eye on the prize. It’s about temperament and environment in equal parts.

Are you sure it's student loans because those don't have intrest
The fucker would be house loans seeing as an average house is over 700k now here

College doesn't provide an education, it provides a credential. Credentials can be revoked.

But apparently there is a need to store it as text in stylistic format and trot it out whenever appropriate.

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RE: fuck jews

most women do
especially the white chicks

for generations, mother's have given
their daughters some advice:
"Find a Nice Jewish Guy And Settle Down"

for several very good reasons

but you'll NEVER hear any mother say
"Find a Nice White Guy And Settle Down"

your low-tier genetic lineage has had
360 million years to find your niche

and here we sit………………………….
………………..with you complaining
about how we jews run the world
……………from behind the scenes

but you'll never see jews complaining
about how goyim secretly run the show

i dont blame you for being pissed off
most losers are

(better luck next life)

I don't store jack shit

You type all that out every time? Nice ego, Johnny.

im an expressionist

A… what?

Living the dream.

as long as youre happy.
thats the only thing youll remember

You are like kids, "capitalism is so cool lol", but when something goes wrong "moooommmyyyyy gov help!"

What shit tier country are you from?


The usa south. Only way u making more than me is working for energy company or out on the road in the union. I do stick pipe welding. Code tig welders make a dollar more. Top out is 25 an hour. Like i eat pbj 5-6 times a week cause im so broke. Aint worth it.

If you don't live in a city, that's a lot of money. Keep in mind things are cheaper down south and out west (Cali/Washington aside).

…wtf r u doing mate? I'm making that amount in an invariably more expensive region to live in and I'm eating pretty decently while setting aside money. Do you have kids or something?

To be fair, I'm basically not doing anything else.

you should really be holding a good amount of cash now that the Fed is tightening credit to an economy acclimated to zirp, see >>>/doomer/5383

97% of USD is actually pure credit, and when debt-repayments overwhelm demand for more credit (which the Fed is keeping artificially tight) the system stops growing and starts shrinking, aka debt-deflation, very dangerous. This is what has been the true cause of just about every financial bust. Cash is the most demanded asset during a market correction since there's only 3% liquid currency to 97% credit. Cash is #1, moreso than treasuries or gold.

jews got us good. keep at least %20 your wealth in cash, on top of your daily expenses. short term treasuries are also liquid enough that it shouldn't be any problem in the encroaching central-bank driven debt-deflationary panic.

consider the attached image, everything above the green portion is pretty much pure credit. only exception would possibly be real estate but roughly 70% of bank credit extensions (aka loans) is against mortgages, so even RE isn't exempt.

banks create money on demand, and that money must be repaid (plus interest) lest you default and they seize the collateral. it's good to be a bank.

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