Famed Doctor DIES From Vaccine Within Minutes After Shot, Media Rushes To Cover-up!

Vaccine shot killed famed cancer doctor in mere minutes from “total organ failure” … state-run media desperately tries to cover it up!

Dr. Martin Gore, a widely celebrated cancer doctor credited with “saving thousands of lives” died from “total organ failure” just minutes after receiving a vaccine shot yesterday. Dr. Gore was a professor of cancer medicine at the Institute of Cancer Research based in London. He “died suddenly yesterday after a routine inoculation for yellow fever,” reports The Times (UK).

“His death highlights the increased risks associated with the vaccine for the growing number of older travellers visiting exotic destinations,” the paper explains.

It also underscores the horrific price of believing in Big Pharma, chemotherapy and vaccines. Throughout his career, Dr. Gore oversaw the harming of tens of thousands of children who were subjected to toxic chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Ultimately, he was killed by his own false belief in the safety of vaccines, another weaponized form of toxic medicine. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

So far, the U.S. media has completely blacked out the story in yet another effort to silence any truth about the deadly dangers of vaccines. There isn’t a single establishment news outlet in the United States that has accurately reported on this vaccine-induced sudden death of a cancer doctor. In truth, vaccines kill people, yet the CDC-directed U.S. media pretends no one ever dies from vaccines in order to deliberately mislead the public, resulting in more people being killed by vaccine injuries.

Even the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity where Dr. Gore also worked withheld the truth in their own Facebook announcement about his death, saying, “It is with deep sadness that The Royal Marsden announces the sudden death of Professor Martin Gore CBE who died this morning,” utterly failing to mention he died from a vaccine jab.

The BBC also tried to hide the truth about this vaccine-induced fatality by eliminating any word of "vaccine" from the headline of the story announcing his death. "Royal Marsden's leading cancer expert Martin Gore dies," states BBC News, deliberately misleading readers because the BBC is, of course, state-run fake news.

The BBC even goes on to misleadingly claim, "The cause of his death is not known." We wonder what Dr. Gore would think if he knew the BBC was using his death to promote more vaccines that will kill more people, all while burying the truth about the serious risks associated with vaccine shots.

Regardless of what your position on vaccinations is, any rational person cannot deny that the ingredients in vaccines are toxic. In fact, almost every single ingredient in any immunization is toxic to the human body. Besides the vitamins and minerals, nobody in their right mind would drink a concoction with any one or combination of most of the vaccine ingredients. Most vaccinations are directly injected into our bodies, allowing the ingredients to directly enter the bloodstream, which rationally, seems like an even more dangerous approach.

Vaccine ingredients (adjuvants and preservatives) and substances used in the manufacturing process, including vaccine-production media that are present only in trace quantities, include: sucrose, fructose, dextrose, potassium phosphate, FD&C Yellow #6, aluminum lake dye, fetal bovine serum, sodium bicarbonate, monosodium glutamate, aluminum hydroxide, benzethonium chloride, lactose, aluminum potassium sulfate, peptone, bovine extract, thimerosal, ammonium sulfate, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, bovine extract), calf serum, aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxphosphate sulfate, squalene and ethanol. Vaccinations also contain many inorganic minerals, vitamins, amino acids, salts, and sugars.

Much of the vaccine material will not leave the body without assistance, especially with a typical modern lifestyle and diet.


Attached: Famed Doctor DIES From Vaccine Within Minutes After Shot, Media Rushes To Cover-up.jpg (600x337, 33.21K)

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well well

expect this to be slid into an abyss here as well

right you glow in the dark fucking negroids?


He got killed by what he shilled.


Oh no, I'm scared

As a rule of thumb…whatever a jew sells equals death in one way or another.

Those by far are less toxic than the other ingredients but whatever. Ignore it for all I care. Your body, not mine.

maybe he was lactose intolerant

He shilled for ZOG's poisons, he died because of them.
Good, those selling themselves to Satan have what they deserve.

Attached: poison.jpg (960x741, 120.59K)

Lack of vaccines and millions of dead from that is a ZOG poison.

Most vaccines are not needed.
To change our DNA to be complaint with the overlords' agenda is preposterous.
This is a matter of trust, and ZOG doesn't have it.
To put it in other way, it is about who will be subordinate to who, the government to the people… or the people to the government.
Make your bets.

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Copypasta from another board:

Meanwhile on mainstream sites where newfags push propaganda memes, they're talking all kinds of shit about "anti-vaxxers" with actual doctors who hold the same tired old belief that vaccines help even with proven toxic additives. Different types exist for different vaccines, which include formaldehyde, (used to be) mercury-based Thimerosal (Methylmercury to be precise), aluminum (replacing mercury and it is neurotoxic) Neomycin and MSG to name the most prevalent. Most know these may bring long-term effects to deal with later. Few dare challenge Big Pharmacy, even though patient premiums are on the increase and golf vacations are on the rise.

You aren't often given an explanation on whether you're being injected with inactivated vaccines (dead viruses, bacteria and/or pathogens) or live attenuated vaccines (living weakened viruses). On top of that, there's a small possibility of contracting Guillain-Barré syndrome. Quite a list of complications exists to deal with involving immunization error-related reactions.

All of this is known as, "don't scare the patients, we have enough problems with anti-vaxxers and we're instructed to do this so we have no choice". Bare bones, it's simply to stimulate your immune system to build up the antibodies so they'll fight a more virulent strain. I'd prefer if society relied on survival of the fittest myself and not greed-based corporate giants that get boners when fatalities net them a profit, but it is what it is.

You can be immunized against boring sports?

True. Its vitamins and other essential nutrients that can be found an many vegetables, fruits and meats (as well supplements) that help strengthen your immune system. Your body - everybody - already has cancer cells. The truth is you only get cancer (meaning it become malignant) ONLY when your immune system to too weak to fight those cancer cells off anymore. Plenty of sunlight, exercise and a healthy diet is all you really need for a good immune system, that and avoiding bad habits (drugs, drinking, smoking, internet addiction, toxic vaccines, eating crap food, etc.) Live well and your body will treat you well.

Mother fucking shill deserves it.

I bet
the doc


>>>/prepare/53 | archive.fo/31Ylw
web.archive.org / web / 20181110155804/

Well, no. The CDC's fact sheet here cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/yf.html says that 1 person in 250,000 suffer a severe illness with organ failure after a yellow fever inoculation. A 2016 study found 62 confirmed cases resulting in 35 deaths, and notes that few first-world hospitals would miss such dramatic failures. The risk factor is higher for the elderly, who are more likely to have weak immune systems. If you want to laugh at the dumbasses, you might want to ask what a elderly white-bread suburbanite is doing in the Amazon.

Meanwhile, how many under 60 years old medical professionals got this vaccine and are still alive?

A whole fucking lot.


Take note also that the references in the above link go to peer reviewed studies instead of self referencing obscure hippie blog posts, because I'm not a dishonest hack like OP.

Yer its not like the whole peer review system isnt a huge smoldering pot of nepotism and "i scratch your back you scratch mine".
It's a deeply flawed method of validity and it assumes that the people reviewing will ignore potential biases. They are human, biases are rampant.

What these quack "peers" are reviewing are the papers handed over by the (((pharmas))).
Only the companies developing and testing these poisons know for sure the results on the field and not mentioned consequences.
And if most of the sheeple get inoculated, what is the fuzz about the ones refusing it?
If vaccines actually work, why not vaccinated children's parents are bullied and threatened?
Children are parents' property and the government have no business on them.

Attached: middle finger pony.jpg (525x525, 61.66K)

Stop trying to let facts get in the way of a conspiratard circlejerk.

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While I appreciate your right to not get vaccinated, could you please stop pushing this bullshit? I could turn your entire argument on it's head by claiming that all your (((facts))) are just jewish lies intended to dissuade whites from receiving life-saving vaccines, and I'd have just as much proof to it as you do to your argument.

To my knowledge, this sense of danger about vaccines only Whites "feel" it.
Something in our genes tells us about this threat.
Call it non sense, stupidity, and even ignorance; but my guts rarely are mistaken.
This relentless campaign to get everybody inoculated with unknown substances is fishy.
Therefore, please, by all means take the ZOG's shot if you please.

Attached: T_2017_HRR_Vaccine_industry_desperation_propaganda.jpg (1280x720, 250.28K)

If that person was an on-duty medical professional and the apple had a very high chance of curing contagious, life-ruining diseases, then frankly I'd be more concerned about the naturally-occuring cyanide present in the apple.
Everything is harmful in the wrong dose. Even fucking water results in more deaths per year then all administered vaccines combined could possibly do. I'm not knowledgeable or arrogant enough to pretend vaccines have nothing that could be harmful in them, but it's better than fucking smallpox. Avoiding flu shot? Maybe that could be reasonable. Avoiding measles vaccine? Kill yourself.

that image is beyond stupid. a couple of parts make some sense, at least a rational argument where you can say there is some risk. those two bubbles on the bottom right though. what the fuck. the person who made this had too many vaccines and developed full blown AIDS of the brain.

Eradicated, it doesn't exists anymore in the wild.
Overrated. Huge outbreaks occurred in the past and complications are not usual.
The best part of those outbreaks was that millions of infected children passed their resistance to the next generation. For the record, any human getting sick with this pathogen gets lifetime immunity.

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You might want to look up the measles outbreaks of 2019. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

Past vaccines are different from the modern ones.
Now children are getting "combos" containing many unexplained components not needed for their industrial manufacture.
The (((pharma))) industry and the authorities shielding it, dodge the concerns with the same arguments you just said.
If you still don't get it, your logic doesn't nullify my concerns at all, on the contrary, it makes them more solid.
And that is great. If the sheeple got vaccinated there is nothing they have to be afraid of… because vaccines work. Right?

Attached: Makes_You_Think.jpg (1268x713, 124.19K)

So do all the top jews take these same vaccines or what?

Yeah right.
Get your shot from the same (((government))) who wants you gone.

Attached: Dp6He_aXgAA7Hnm.jpg (960x646, 75.93K)

NPC logic repeating ZOG lying propaganda.

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Do you want to know how that happened?

Some of us feel bad for OTHER people.
Our generations already have enough reasons to hate our parents without contracting easily preventable diseases.

i'm not american. and im a state worker so they kind of need me.

With old fashion conventional vaccines.

If you are not White, leave this board, shitskin.

Attached: cytiukv.jpg (648x383, 53.95K)

Probably you are trolling us or you are a newfag, but chans are for Whites.
If you are working for the (((government))) indeed, don't get too cocky thinking you have rights on our land.
Zogbots are protecting you for now; but it won't last.
Soon or later we will reclaim our land and rights, and invaders like you will get the bullet.

Attached: yuvuyv.jpeg (850x480, 22.88K)

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Check them.
Nice trips of truth.
Non Whites place is -→ Reddit.

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CNN is running article about it. But you say mainstream news is covering l it up. So if you would lie about that, what else could you be lying about?


Well there is a first time for everything!

And why do you think that happened?

It killed lots and lots of children around the world back before the vaccine was invented, but I guess that's okay if it means not using vaccines.

Yeah, no.
You can write fanfiction all you like, but people will always instinctively see the evil in those who seek to kill innocents.

The measles outbreak was among a bunch of people who didn't get vaccinated. The entire incident serves as proof that vaccines- even the modern ones you claim are intended to kill the white race- are preferable to the alternative.

Are you insinuating governments don't kill innocents? Hahaha!

Guess what? If your vaccinated then you should have nothing to worry about. The point is not that vaccines themselves are bad anyway, you morons just do not ever listen: its the fact they have TOXIC adjuvants and preservatives laced into them.

You can't hide this forever. The more deaths because of these vaccines, the more exposure they end up getting. SO GET ON OUR SIDE AND CALL FOR CLEAN THE VACCINES ALREADY!

Attached: WACO.jpg (992x558, 75.87K)

Mind to explain your evil and twisted logic?

Attached: Consider the following - The rope.jpg (1024x1024, 103K)

Yes, God truly exists and he took care of this criminal! Oh wait, if God did this then the vaccine didn't. Never mind….

Hmm… Would I rather a 100% chance of getting yellow fever…
Or a 1:100000 chance of having problems from the vaccine?

Don't try to reason what is beyond your reach.
And by the way, spreading heresy will not help you either.

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Only if you inject it into your body lying kike.

Almost exclusively in mass murder laboratories like the military ones you will find that kind of pathogens.
Did you watch kike's movies and judenpresse news about the subject?
Because your arguments comes from an alternative reality; the probability to get any of those exotic viruses and bacterias is astronomically low.

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I can't take any red pill image seriously if it mentions GMO. That absolutely wrecks any credibility it might have had.

If Russia doesn't want that merchandise to be consumed by her inhabitants, must be because Putin is an evil ignorant, right? /s
After Banning GMO, Russia On Track To Become The World’s Biggest Exporter of Organic Non-GMO Food.

And who exactly is an invader? I agree with you that illegals and lawbreakers should be kicked out, but if they respected all immigration laws in coming here and respect our laws while living here, then there's no problem whatsoever.

We should trade with Russia. Lets say coal or steel for their organic foods!

While yellow fever is just a bog standard illness 85% of the time, about 15% of people with it end up developing fun stuff like "shock" and "organ failure". If you're going somewhere where yellow fever is found, then it's only a sensible precaution to receive the shot considering that the chances of a reaction to the shot is drastically less than the chances of having an adverse reaction to yellow fever.

Vaccine shill dies from vaccine, what a shock.

The anti-vacc mentality everyone. youtube.com/watch?v=DmdQRWIb-gk

Regardless of what your position on vaccinations is, any rational person cannot deny that the ingredients in vaccines are toxic. In fact, almost every single ingredient in any immunization is toxic to the human body. Besides the vitamins and minerals, nobody in their right mind would drink a concoction with any one or combination of most of the vaccine ingredients. Most vaccinations are directly injected into our bodies, allowing the ingredients to directly enter the bloodstream, which rationally, seems like an even more dangerous approach.

Vaccine ingredients (adjuvants and preservatives) and substances used in the manufacturing process, including vaccine-production media that are present only in trace quantities, include: sucrose, fructose, dextrose, potassium phosphate, FD&C Yellow #6, aluminum lake dye, fetal bovine serum, sodium bicarbonate, monosodium glutamate, aluminum hydroxide, benzethonium chloride, lactose, aluminum potassium sulfate, peptone, bovine extract, thimerosal, ammonium sulfate, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, bovine extract), calf serum, aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxphosphate sulfate, squalene and ethanol. Vaccinations also contain many inorganic minerals, vitamins, amino acids, salts, and sugars.

Much of the vaccine material will not leave the body without assistance, especially with a typical modern lifestyle and diet.


There should be limits in place so they can't replace the domestic population. They breed like rabbits and this changes demographics, like it or not. If you don't want the US to turn into Mexico then we must have some limits in place.


I don't really need to go to the doctor, only get a checkup every so often (maybe once every five years). I will never get vaccinated again. Only time I was when I was a kid, and I only had like 4 or 5 basic shots. And I do stay clear of hospitals unless its an emergency (such as a severe injury).

Here's the thing to do: eat healthy and learn how to cook (preferably organic non-GMO certified foods), stay away from processed sugars/snacks/junk food/fast food like the plague, exercise routinely and get some sunlight. Also take quality vitamin supplements. Thats how you stay healthy and how you have a strong immune system. Depending on shots is absolutely moronic.


Leading cancer expert dies suddenly following routine yellow fever vaccination

Matthew Robinson, CNN

Updated 10:37 AM ET, Fri January 11, 2019

CNN had it Fri, so you lie OP.

YOU are a dirty little liar.

But i wont get a yellow fever shot, because i'm never going to the Amazon you dirty stupid little liar

Well I didn't lie, I don't consider CNN news anymore. Thats all.

Op stays clear off people also in little shack in the woods.

Can't catch anything from a tree

Actually I'm OP, and I don't live in the woods by myself. I live in a small town that is an hour distance away from the nearest populated city (which I will not name due to OPSEC).

You forget that the horrible reality you reference exists because your god lets it. Your all powerful, all knowing god who is also all loving. It has less to do with atheists and more to do with impotence or capriciousness. Of course, that's only if you believe in such a god. Else things are the way they are for more believable reasons.

God is not all loving. Thats bullshit fed by the Catholic church. Most Christians say God is the Ultimate Judge. He judges every one of us. Our fate is up to Him.

Copypasta from another board:

Meanwhile on mainstream sites where newfags push propaganda memes, they're talking all kinds of shit about "anti-vaxxers" with actual doctors who hold the same tired old belief that vaccines help even with proven toxic additives. Different types exist for different vaccines, which include formaldehyde, (used to be) mercury-based Thimerosal (Methylmercury to be precise), aluminum (replacing mercury and it is neurotoxic) Neomycin and MSG to name the most prevalent. Most know these may bring long-term effects to deal with later. Few dare challenge Big Pharmacy, even though patient premiums are on the increase and golf vacations are on the rise.

You aren't often given an explanation on whether you're being injected with inactivated vaccines (dead viruses, bacteria and/or pathogens) or live attenuated vaccines (living weakened viruses). On top of that, there's a small possibility of contracting Guillain-Barré syndrome. Quite a list of complications exists to deal with involving immunization error-related reactions.

All of this is known as, "don't scare the patients, we have enough problems with anti-vaxxers and we're instructed to do this so we have no choice". Bare bones, it's simply to stimulate your immune system to build up the antibodies so they'll fight a more virulent strain. I'd prefer if society relied on survival of the fittest myself and not greed-based corporate giants that get boners when fatalities net them a profit, but it is what it is.

Some ZOG operative just bumped in 5 minutes at least 27 threads (YES 27 THREADS) to make this one to go away.
Go figures why it would do that.

Attached: 41dc73ed45f14aac2fcc7babf082314649998eeb.gif (500x280, 1.14M)

And now, after 20 minutes 21 threads were bumped with more nonsense garbage.
This has to be an bot script to bury the inconvenient discussions.
Mod, tell the anons you have nothing to do with this. Hahh?

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It's like a distilled manifestation of Zig Forums strawmen.

Yep. We all see the same thing.

Poor people naturally have more children, regardless of race. That's why white trash and black hood rats both still exist.


that was me

i hate anti-vaxxers

they killed kenny

And yet - let me guess - you STILL don't have a clue WHY they boycott Big Pharma's vaccines, do you? You might as well go work for a TV network at this point because you won't fool us.

The ultimate karma. All the pro-vaccine shills should be required to be injected ((((themselves))))