Antarctica is losing ice 6 times faster today than in 1980s

Antarctica is melting more than six times faster than it did in the 1980s, a new study shows.

Scientists used aerial photographs, satellite measurements and computer models to track how fast the southern-most continent has been melting since 1979 in 176 individual basins. They found the ice loss to be accelerating dramatically — a key indicator of human-caused climate change.

Since 2009, Antarctica has lost almost 278 billion tons (252 billion metric tons) of ice per year, the new study found. In the 1980s, it was losing 44 billion tons (40 billion metric tons) a year.

The recent melting rate is 15 percent higher than what a study found last year.

Eric Rignot, a University of California, Irvine, ice scientist, was the lead author on the new study in Monday’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He said the big difference is that his satellite-based study found East Antarctica, which used to be considered stable, is losing 56 billion tons (51 billion metric tons) of ice a year. Last year’s study, which took several teams’ work into consideration, found little to no loss in East Antarctica recently and gains in the past.

Melting in West Antarctica and the Antarctica Peninsula account for about four-fifths of the ice loss. East Antarctica’s melting “increases the risk of multiple meter (more than 10 feet) sea level rise over the next century or so,” Rignot said.

Richard Alley, a Pennsylvania State University scientist not involved in Rignot’s study, called it “really good science.”

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I have a friend in the oil industry who's been drilling up in Siberia. The way he tells it, Russia is generally a fan of climate change because it'll open up access to a shitload of previously inaccessible natural resources out in the Siberian tundra. Also, Russia and many other nations would have a lot to gain by the Northwest Passage opening up.

Climate change makes people more money? Yup were fucked.

geoengineed by the jews

………..those who claim climate change is untrue

also claim trump is an effective president…………

Unless of course the direction the climate change is towards global cooling.
Then the Russians will be fucked and the Middle east will become fertile.

See, when i was a kid there were these things called SEASONS… and there were FOUR of them. They were each unique from one another, and they each lasted THREE MONTHS….

I had a front row seat to the one generation that it took for those four seasons to become TWO.

spring and fall each last about 45 minutes.

with all of the other destructive shit we've done to this planet, it would be stupid as shit to assume that we arent also responsible for the destruction of our climate through the pollution of our atmosphere.

Yeah when I was a kid the evenings went on forever. Nobody locked their door and we never had any crime or black people. And the good guys always won like in the movies.

Its called nostaliga mate.

i call it a 'blessing'

i consider myself quite fortunate
that i got to experience life before
it became unrecognizable

we didnt know how much ice it was losing in the 80s. we didnt know in the 90s. and we can barely estimate right now.

fuck these liars.

By the way, my wife and i still sleep with our doors unlocked, the good guys still win in movies, and the nights last the exact same amount of time as they always have.

however, you can only fart into a balloon so many times, and in the past 50 years (a very short amount of time) the human race has managed to treat our atmosphere like an infinite toxic landfill, effectively tipping the scales with our seasons, and the future of my children and grandchildren will hang in the balance.

lol @ the atmospheric expert

sitting in his stinky anime chair

do you understand how stupid you sound?

Im completely with you on the whole overpopulation thing. I think maybe 20 million people should have been the maximum.
Just dont confuse your anecdotal childhood experiences with real evidence and we'll be good.

anecdotal (real life experience) is all the evidence i need

There's not ANYTHING on this planet that we haven't negatively impacted or completely destroyed


from the extinction of thousands of species of plants and animals, to the misuse of antibiotics, making the single greatest medical advancement in history useless in only 60 years, and the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on…… …

HUMANS are a cancer

and the only cure is the elimination of the entire human race

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its almost as if people that buy into this shit have no idea what the scientific process is, and just take news reports of scientific findings at face value.

good goy.

just get rid of all the non-whites. theyre the most harmful to the planet.

failure is a pattern for you, huh?

When ultraviolet light waves (UV) strike CFC* (CFCl3) molecules in the upper atmosphere, a carbon-chlorine bond breaks, producing a chlorine (Cl) atom. The chlorine atom then reacts with an ozone (O3) molecule breaking it apart and so destroying the ozone. … A single CFC molecule can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules.

Cats would do all of those things and far worse too if we gave them the opportunity.

by the way, Hawking……………..

How's that latest video game working out for you?

I call it hoax, but that doesn't matter, because someone calling it someting is fucking irrelevant, what matters is the evidence and how much money they want to continue their work

Although cats are by far THE superior form of life

i love all animals… Id be a giraffe freak if i could hang out with some giraffes. The only animal that needs to be extinct is the human animal.

thats the big red herring greenhouse gas.
i figured you listened to the people you believe, defend, and regurgitate the information from.

so what greenhouse gas are you referring to specifically?

ironic :
how you sit in your sebum-stench chair
in your cyber cocoon, eating frozen pizza
and insisting that there's no evidence

all while the researchers have been

Luckily we replaced CFCs with HFCs at the start of this century.
HFCs cause no ozone depletion at all.

You dont even have evidence for that guys frozen pizza or coccoon chair. Let alone your attempts at spewing pseudoscience.

(as if you arent also guilty of this)

……forgive me if i put more value
on the opinions of thousands of
respected scientists over the
predictable pomposity and need
to compensate for inactivity
by a bitter shut-in computer
geek douchebag in Zig Forums

Mathematic probability proves your theory wrong

You mean the jewish animal

Hey guys! The trios are back. How are you?

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they figured out that calling it a layer is inaccurate years ago. its full of holes and isnt consistently thick. we have no evidence it ever was.

im not, i did my own research. you on the other hand, appeal to authority and believe whatever youre told, then repeat it as if you have any actual knowledge.

To be fair I never said CFCs deplete the ozone layer.
Just that HFCs dont.

Feel free to show me the photos of you on the ice shelf, Professor Overwatch

Speaking of Overwatch:

i bet all the girls love to come over and watch you sit on your ass playing sissyboy video games


nothing in your greentext is true. greenhouse gases have only warmed the planet. I'm pretty sure scientists who study these things know more about it than you. they don't just pull ideas out of thin air. you're like an idiot who has an opinion on a movie he's never seen.

egg zack lee©

Thank God for that. The next ice age was going to kill us all back in the seventies.

yes we do have evidence regarding the ozone layer. there were holes in it 3 decades ago, then we started banning the stuff that was affecting it and it's recovered to being much thicker than before.

Here in the UK loads of people got in trouble for doing exactly that at the university of East Anglia. In a scandal known as 'climategate'.

They were only forced to admit faking data because a hacker got in and leaked all their emails where they openly talked about it.

LOL. Yep I remember that hoot back then too.

As long as it doesnt end up too thick.
Most non scientists are unaware that the ozone layer really spoils our ability to see in to space with a telescope.

people who dismiss 'anecdotal' evidence:

apparently have very little of it
because ive been on this planet
for a fairly long time
and ive paid very close attention
along every step of the way
and i will always trust
my personal experiences
over any other source

and youd be a fool to do otherwise

Your mum is gay based on my anecdotal experiences

I recently had a real life friend
(who is a very intelligent man)
tell me that global warming
is a false concept, because
he claims that we are entering
a new ice age……………………..

obviously, opinions mean very little

so i base my personal beliefs
on my hands-on real life experience

and like i said……………………
anybody who doesn't realize
that the weather patterns on
earth have been twisted inside
out in the past 50 years is either
in denial or a complete idiot

follow the news, retard.

you wouldnt believe me if i was, because its your religion. thats why this happens:
nigger, the kyoto agreement petition still exists, signed by top scientists including the head of meteorological studies at MIT saying global warming is a crock.
but you wont believe any of them until CNN , NBC, snopes, reddit, or whatever trusted media you worship comes out and says it.

Yep….. So is my wife, actually…..

at least she used to be….
wendy was a lipstick lesbian
for 11 years until i met her

(my wife has fucked more hot chicks than you could in 8 lifetimes, trust me)

And because she likes fucking other women
she's helped get other girls into bed with us

what level are you on in Overwatch ?

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When we do enter a new ice age Im gonna come on here and say I told you so.

lmao youre pretty funny & cool

i like you

This image represents my feelings towards overwatch.

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Climates change. They always have. But humans aren’t the cause.

Good. The faster it goes, the sooner we cam find our way to the entrance of the hollow earth.


because ive never played a video game in my life, i have no idea what video games are currently popular. So for the past 20 years, whenever i wanted to ridicule adult males for playing these pathetic games, i have relied on Ms. PacMan and Super Mario Brothers to illustrate how effeminate and childish video games are.

But out of respect to you guys, i recently asked a real life friend to tell me what idiotic sissyboy faggot video game he was currently wasting his life playing, and further eliminating any chance of ever getting a girl to suck his dick.

He told me OVERWATCH……….

I don’t have any friends that play video games. What a fucking faggoot you are.

yeah, scientists, researchers, university students around the world, in every country, across all religions, in economies that depend on fossil fuels, in economies that don't depend on fossil fuels, in warm countries, in cold countries, communist, capitalist, socialist, have all conspired to doctor their numbers the same way. every few years they have meetings in greenland, where they rent out the greenland national stadium, call themselves the "warmerburg" group and figure out what numbers to publish.

good job there buddy! so your evidence against the thousands of scientists that say otherwise is ONE scientist who is a shill for fossil fuels. do you see the problem with your reasoning? I sure do. I see it with EVERY denier post ever made.

Yes, climate change is much like any other biorhythmic cycle…………..

unfortunately, there has never
been such an exponential shift
before in such a short amount
of time………………………….and
I would be remiss if i failed to
mention that the driving force
behind trying to debunk the
science has been (drumroll)

w h o d a t h u n k ? . . . . . .

It wasn't really necessary to quantify it with 'that play video games'

I was a jailhouse faggot
And because I like having niggers fuck me,I've helped get other men into bed with us

We're all/almost all dead in 5-10 years. 18 of the past 19 years hottest on record. co2 hasn't been this high in millions of years, and we managed it in around 250 years. 4.7 BILLION Hiroshima bombs worth of extra energy that we've added into our environment in 250 years, via our pollution etc. Our planet is a mostly closed system, and much of it is trapped here. That extra energy has consequences. You are a dumbass if you disagree with that fact.

Extinction event happening a magnitude faster than any known comparison. Rate of change a magnitude faster than any known comparison. Dozens of net positive warming feedbacks. 30+ year lag-time between cause and effect means we still haven't even felt the full effects of the pollution from the 90's until the present.

IPCC reports are disingenuous. Paris accord is irrelevant. We're fucked folks. We can delay the inevitable and prepare to deal with the global collapse coming within the next decade or so, or we can stick our heads in the sand and not even talk about reality until one day there's no food left to go around.

i was eating lunch and your post
made me laugh and i almost choked
to death on my eggplant parmesan

not kidding…. you almost killed me . .


Dude, I’m kidding. I was playing the “absence of evidence is evidence of absence”. And if someone says “muh computer models,” I call them scientismists and emphasize the unempirical nature of mathematics alongside the known issue of variable creep in social science. Works most of the time.

I’ll always have a wife and a couple cats, but yes it’s true. I don’t have any actual friends.


we are in a bubble……

i compare our atmosphere to be
like the glass of water in this photo

and i consider the effects of humans
to be very much like the chunk of
Goldwater that has been added to
the water

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it was actually over 30k scientists that agreed with him.

but nothing will ever convince you until its the status quo. scientists wont convince you. science wont convince you.
youll only believe it when whatever media outlet you listen to decides its true.

……..and while at first, the damage seems negligible….. soon its easy to realize that something's gone terribly wrong…….

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then by all means, drink up…..

you faggot

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Must be nice to sit at home shitposting all day, while your whore brings you your pimp money.

Scientists hide behind non-falsifiable math nowadays. This is the new priesthood. Meanwhile, the science is shit. Look into Bill Gaede’s thoughts on the subject. I at least think they have some merit.

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Err what about the start of the cambrian period?

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hold on…. brb

yes….. yes it truly IS…..

Im back…..
yeah, all the statistics, facts & figures on earth can only carry so much weight, when compared to what i have personally experienced in my life.

like i said, i think someone who discounts their own real-life knowledge base formed from experience is a fucking dipshit

A lit of people are doing experiments to proove a flat earth and are satisfied with the results. Not sure that experience is the best barometer.

its money thats to blame. the govt actually offers grants if they prove things towards a certain point.
you get $0 for finding a flaw in the shitty global warming theory. you also risk your career.
you get $10000s for finding out that after the earth warms, cute animals will die and gross animals will overpopulate.

and forget about how broken the peer reviewed system is basically just reddit upvoting popular opinions since nobody actually checks eachothers work, and if you dare you risk being labeled "anti-science"
remember that falsified cancer research put out into the peer reviewed system with obvious errors as an experiment to test the waters of the peer review system?
it got so far that other scientists used it as the basis for their research hundreds of times, and it got so far that pfizer and bayer were about to drop hundreds of millions in cancer research towards something with a completely fabricated basis until the original tester had to make waves in the scientific community "it was just an experiment bro!"

I'm 62 and here in Toronto, within 7 yrs of each other, we had the warmest winter on record and the 2nd coldest.
In the 60's when I was a kid, snow was on the ground from Dec 7 to April 1st.
Not anymore..big time

In other words, facts are mediated through concepts. Otherwise the scientific idiot would make the best scientist because he’s the most radical interpretor. Basically, I’m saying not all creation myths, conspiracy theories, or scientific claims have equal explanatory power. Shame though because that tidbit is the very reason we enter into intellectual dark ages.

How embarrassing.


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Yes, a good scientist doesn’t try to reinforce his belief as anomalies surround it. Rather, he practices ordinary falsification and doesn’t tough anything that can’t be empirically verified.

It is neith round nor flat. But congratulations on thinking in simple binary. The political dialectitions of the media matrix salute you, cocksucker.


Sorry, my left leg is asleep and annoying me.

Yep…… Here in georgia it is going to be increasing up until Friday & Saturday, when its expe ted to be in the upper 70s

then they say Sunday its dropping to the upper 20s

totally normal January

what would really bother me is if the middle one fell asleep

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exactly. scientists are supposed to run experiments to find truths, or verify/disprove previous findings.
they should approach research with the mindset of "i wonder what happens to Y, if i do Z"
instead we have a bunch of faggots that go "im going to prove X… now what should i do in order to prove X…"

are you going to fight?


Well, I meant to add that we definitely get the science that looks like what the people who finance it are after. In the history of science there’s a little story about Vannevar Bush convincing gov to invest in “basic science” during peacetime/cold war time, because he noted how WWI and WWII were the chemist’s and physicist’s wars, respectively. He urged ongoing research to ensure technological suppremacy on grounds that the public would benefit from “spinoff” technologies like servomechanism, cellular tracking devices, emf weapons, and a pupil of 1000 eyes staring down the new target of the national war effort: the US citizen. All very predictable. We got weapons from weapons researchers.

actually, while im sure there are 'scientists' n both sides who do this (and unfortunately, that has become the norm in almost every aspect of medicine and science) im still confident that humans have drastically expedited climate change.

AGAIN: I don't base my decisions on the ice shelf

My opinions are formed by looking out my window and walking outside my door… With these simple actions I am able to glean my own knowledge base about the climate.

And if you think I have an agenda, you would be sadly mistaken. If anything, I would love to be able to turn back the hands of time, for many many reasons, climate change being the least of those reasons probably…..

But it's not like I'm determined to prove that the weather is unrecognizable from when I was a child a mere 50 years ago….

Reality speaks for itself, and the reality is right outside your door.

Everyone promoting simulation theory looks jewish to me, and I’m nonplused by its reliance on quantum theory. Likely, the universe is not probabilistic, not like the metaphor of a digital computer, not electromagnetic at all, but newtonian, corpuscular. And no intelligent life is out there to help us off this rock. Maybe even no afterlife. But I digress.

The trios are back. How are you?

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Absolutely disgusting since even humanities majors know that’s not how science is done. These are public figures/gatekeepers, or something.

Everyone promoting simulation theory is a fucking idiot who watches way too many scifi shows and has minimal real life accomplishment

Would you really describe Nick Bostrom in those terms? I mean, there are incompetent people on the internets, but there are also people in the cathedrals of the ivy league promoting this.

philosopher: the least important title on earth

Are we going to get the same news coverage when the ice magically expands and covers a greater area than last year?

what an ugly flip

Silly user. Whether the ice contracts, expands or stays exactly the same it's all irrefutable proof of man-made global warming.

Disagree. If we had better philosophers there would be less fake science and less people claiming racism is empirically demonstrably “wrong”.

This culture is utterly lacking in philosophy. It has been replaced with intersubjective consensus; in other words with impassioned sophistry.

Who could have imagined civilization would degrade so fast under such conditions. :^)

Who could have imagined indeed. Who could have conceived of such a thing?

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