Feds Can't Force You To Unlock Your iPhone With Finger Or Face

A California judge has ruled that American cops can’t force people to unlock a mobile phone with their face or finger. The ruling goes further to protect people’s private lives from government searches than any before and is being hailed as a potentially landmark decision.

Previously, U.S. judges had ruled that police were allowed to force unlock devices like Apple’s iPhone with biometrics, such as fingerprints, faces or irises. That was despite the fact feds weren’t permitted to force a suspect to divulge a passcode. But according to a ruling uncovered by Forbes, all logins are equal.

The order came from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in the denial of a search warrant for an unspecified property in Oakland. The warrant was filed as part of an investigation into a Facebook extortion crime, in which a victim was asked to pay up or have an “embarassing” video of them publicly released. The cops had some suspects in mind and wanted to raid their property. In doing so, the feds also wanted to open up any phone on the premises via facial recognition, a fingerprint or an iris.

While the judge agreed that investigators had shown probable cause to search the property, they didn’t have the right to open all devices inside by forcing unlocks with biometric features.

On the one hand, magistrate judge Kandis Westmore ruled the request was “overbroad” as it was “neither limited to a particular person nor a particular device.”

But in a more significant part of the ruling, Judge Westmore declared that the government did not have the right, even with a warrant, to force suspects to incriminate themselves by unlocking their devices with their biological features. Previously, courts had decided biometric features, unlike passcodes, were not “testimonial.”



How about molestation, can they still do that? Or stealing shit if you don't give them passwords? Or killing and breaking stuff?

What about fucking WHITE MALE alt-right neonazi drumffftards guilty of ANTI-SEMITISM?

Thats kinda Good! news but it still isn't all that great, these "smart" phones are still gathering everything you do and that data IS available for the federal government (and others with access) to rummage through.

I'm still sticking with my flip phone.

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Here's my perspective on this: lets say you are pulled over. Which would you rather have, a "smart"phone or a regular flip phone?

The "smart"phone is going to have TONS of data on you, not just caller ID logs. Its going to have fingerprints, face scans, internet history, anything you store on there which could be just about anything now days!

The flip phone? OK officer, have a look! OK: a boring caller ID log list. Thats it! Wow, I'm sooooo embarrassed! No social media, no accounts, no internet history, none of that shit!

So guess what? If I'm pulled over, I'll make them snooze by giving them my caller ID logs, which they get NOTHING much out of at all!

Thankfully they can make me sign into icloud dot com

I prefer a slider with a qwerty keyboard, like the LG Env3. Except for the butt dialing, this is much better when your social contacts are smart phone users.

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Only if they know you have an account, and they won't if all you have is a basic flip phone!

The point I was trying to make is that the government (including police) don't have much data to steal off regular flip phones. Thats WHY they want everyone using those iPhones, because then they can know everything you are up to. Why give them that chance in the first place?

Agreed. But flips are hard to text and drive on.

It’s getting harder to buy a flip phone new. Go to a carrier and they have only one to choose from, or they’ve farmed it out entirely to prepay cards or sim plans. I live in a metro and can only find one style of tracfone in a twenty mile radius.

You should not be driving and texting at the same time. In fact, its dangerous and rude. Should be against the law.

A cop doing a routine pull over. say for speeding, failure to signal. isn't going to ask to see your phone.

License and registration

I'm a negro

True. But according to this report thats not all they do. And just in case having a flip phone would be much more preferable.

Get a white phone, it's easier to distinguish it from a gun in your filthy ape paws

Border crossings
Drug use in your car

Lawdy, youse iz rite, missuh!!!!

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dis here wus my ol phone
i wus shot 3 time for i figured it out

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I knew there was a reason engineers removed the old school cigarette lighters from new cars. Now there's no quick way to sear your fingerprints off if you get pulled over.

good news with courts being shut down nobody cares. open your ass wide america and say you love it

It is against the law.


because the federal agents have complete
unfettered access to the NSA's data.

why waste time 'unlocking your home screen'
and manually snooping through a phone…..
when the NSA can use algorithms to automatically
provide EVERY single questionable electronic
communication you've made since 2005 ?

only a douchebag uses a flip phone

but only a FAGGOT goes shopping for one

Unlock your phone NOW!

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Bullshit. 'Smart'phones are total botnets for the zombie masses.


*gets shot*

Not sure how this matters. It isnt like a face or fingerprint cant be duplicatex from both you submit upon being arrested.

Thats a joke. Right? The NSA is that asshole rich kid that has all the toys but doesn't share anything.

Nigger plz.you get coddled with silk gloves by cops.

your sissyflip phone can be
monitored and located just
as easily as a smartphone

you're delusional……………………….


the NSA offers access to the data to all other intelligence and federal agencies

they also offer access to local law enforcement jurisdictions. court systems, certain attorneys, etc etc etc

In fact, if you're willing to take out 12 minutes 29 seconds of your hectic imageboard schedule, this interview with William Binney explains exactly how and why they do it…..

Keep in mind that William Binney actually wrote the software for the Thinthread NSA program
(and then he quit because they were going to use his software in violation of our constitution)


Nothing on there except for basic caller ID logs. BIG DEAL. And the camera is covered up so they can't spy on me. No internet on it either, so no texts or anything like that.

If they want to break into my phone, well they'll get bored pretty fucking quickly.


when a law enforcement agency uses the requested info from the NSA, (usually without a warrant) then fabricates a plausible explanation for how they obtained the info

they will create a 'fake investigation trail' nd make it appear they gleaned the information themselves.

My phones are always full blast with all the bells and whistles

I actually WANT them to watch me through my cameras. That way, theyll know who the irritating asshole is with all the ELVIS & CATS on his devices.

I feel sorry for anyone who has to trudge through my data… Elvis, Cats, Elvis, Cats, Elvis, Cats

as im sure you've noticed…..
im kinda 'not shy'
im pushy
im intrusive
im a class clown

im an upside-down performance artist

if they didnt monitor me trough my camera
Id probably take videos of myself
sitting around shitposting
and email it to them

Johnny, do u
any o n e 4rom

the N S A

comes here to C
what we p
& t h i n k s
w e R fucking

Your phone is just one of many many means they build your folders of data with

theyre using EVERY electronic mode of communications

and no matter what kind of computer youre using
no matter if youre on a vpn or tor

A: thats not how they do it

they dont need to 'go anywhere'
they dont need to 'come here'

every…. single…. thing…. is….
being….. funneled…. TO THEM

they have successfully breached every level of encryption

however, the NSA isn't operating 'just one' monitoring program…. the NSA has hundreds
of sub-level divisional programs running

and as far as 'coming to Zig Forums' and ALL chans?

there are other 3 Letter agencies who do that

I must be giving them a headache because I hop around A LOT of different IP addresses every day via my private VPN. I know they have access to all that, but still, I could speculate I've used over 200,000 different IPs accessing Zig Forums over the last few years.

Do you think they try to build profiles on us the best they can?

sure……. of course…..
i understand, of course

they can trace every one of them back to you

Pfft… amateurs

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absolutely. and as william binney so clearly
explains it, they not only categorize us all
individually, but they also have us grouped
into clusters, connected by our communications
with eachother, our contacts, by phone fax email website whatever, a social network, like a spider
web, each link quantified by how frequently and
how recently we communicated with eachother

people like us?……….

lol of course
we make a habit
of 'standing out'

and admit it…….. we ARE crazy…..
at least i am

as i look out across the vast horizon
and i witness the masses

i am suddenly reminded………..

if THOSE people are 'sane', then im proud to be insane

Killcen ?……

if there was any advice or words of wisdom
i could ever give you…… it would be…..

relax…. you're going to be okay
yes, things are bad…..
but smile for us, sir
inspire us to smile too

we are ALL going to be alright

How everyone learned how to text under the desk. Every letter is a number clicks and right on the pad then takrs you away from options of what letter your clicking for. Its literally easier then qwerty screenboard because it has the ridges of a actual keyboard. Ya know f and j

if you or i know a technique…..

42,000 advanced NSA programmers and computer engineers dealt with it a long long time ago

if you turn on a garden hose
for the water to spray out the nozzle
it must first be funneled through the hose

same with internet traffic
same with fax machines
same with phones
(smartphones, flip phones, landlines, payphones)
same with satellites

ANY electronic communication

they use a splitter on the 'hose'
that diverts the 'water'
and they funnel every 'drop'
EVERYTHING into their own 'bathtub'

so while you 'water your lawn'
for every drop that lands on your grass
an identical drop
waters the NSA's lawn too

I have bad thoughts.


life is beautiful
skies are gorgeous
billowing clouds
children are laughing
birds are chirping
lovers are kissing
the stars are mesmerizing
the moon is entrancing
music is enchanting
people still help eachother
animals still roam
waves still crash
passions still exist

whoever your god is
you are a child
of the universe
and youre a good man

we are surrounded by darkness and evil

but we are stronger than that
because we love our children
and our determination to
do the right thing
is the light that
shatters the

we all do……

its a good thing
it means you exist

when you have none
that will mean
that youre
dead so

i used to be overwhelmed
by myself
by my perceptions

until i finally realized that
i was the problem, that the
worrisome external events
and factors that concerned
me would always exist, or
continually evolve into even
more troublesome world
events, and i was never
going to be able to change
them, i would never be able
to control the uncontrollable

and my REAL problem was
that i have a habit of always
overthinking everything

so i finally gave myself the permission
to simplify things, to let go and relax
and a funny thing happened:

i became much much MUCH happier

i learned to lighten up

and give myself a break
from myself

because i finally realized that my worrisome
personality was not fun to be around

so now im not worried about the future

im too busy enjoying RIGHT NOW

these are strange, strange times

but only if you acknowledge it
and the more you focus on it
the more overwhelming it gets
and soon, you can't enjoy the
sunset because you've become
so obsessed with the possibility
of an eventual thunderstorm

time is fleeting and youll never get it back
and although we are very intelligent, as
humans we are capable of behaving like
idiots and wasting precious moments
that could be spent smiling in the splendor
of the sunset instead of worrying about
rainfall that has yet to occur…………….

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the uncertain future fades
when you step outside
and step outside of your head

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That was the joke. That flips aren't going to catch on in the majority since they tend to be the kind of retards that text and drive, and will go for short term convenience and Kikebook access over something more reasonable.

I'm joking. It's a line from that show Alaska Troopers. One of the inuits was all strung out on drugs and freezing to death in the cold. So he tells the blue meanies "I have bad thoughts" and they take him someplace warm. Suicidal ideation is a meal ticket, man.

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Hoo, a friend got a $700 fine and 3 days license suspension for talking while driving here in Toronto.

Cop pulled her over and she had hung up but still cradled her phone inher hand on the center console

Cop said don't even argue, he took of a video

She hired an e trafiic cop for $250 to fight it

she gonna owe 950 plus court costs

she should sue the "e trafiic cop" for the full amount plus damages

Watch out everybody, ee cummings in the HOUSE!