Neo-con ZOG-bots BTFO! The Syria Outcome Will Haunt Those Who Started This War


The Middle East is metamorphosing. New fault-lines are emerging, yet Trump’s foreign policy ‘hawks’ still try to stage ‘old movies’ in a new ‘theatre’.

The ‘old movie’ is for the US to ‘stand up’ Sunni, Arab states, and lead them towards confronting ‘bad actor’ Iran. ‘Team Bolton’ is reverting back to the old 1996 Clean Break script – as if nothing has changed. State Department officials have been briefing that Secretary Pompeo’s address in Cairo on Thursday was “slated to tell his audience (although he may not name the former president), that Obama misled the people of the Middle East about the true source of terrorism, including what contributed to the rise of the Islamic State. Pompeo will insist that Iran, a country Obama tried to engage, is the real terrorist culprit. The speech’s drafts also have Pompeo suggesting that Iran could learn from the Saudis about human rights, and the rule of law.”

Well, at least that speech should raise a chuckle around the region. In practice however, the regional fault-line has moved on: It is no longer so much Iran. GCC States have a new agenda, and are now far more concerned to contain Turkey, and to put a halt to Turkish influence spreading throughout the Levant. GCC states fear that President Erdogan, given the emotional and psychological wave of antipathy unleashed by the Khashoggi murder, may be mobilising newly re-energised Muslim Brotherhood, Gulf networks. The aim being to leverage present Gulf economic woes, and the general hollowing out of any broader GCC ‘vision’, in order to undercut the rigid Gulf ‘Arab system’ (tribal monarchy). The Brotherhood favours a soft Islamist reform of the Gulf monarchies – along lines, such as that once advocated by Jamal Khashoggi .

Turkey’s leadership in any case is convinced that it was the UAE (MbZ specifically) that was the author behind the Kurdish buffer being constructed, and mini-state ‘plot’ against Turkey – in conjunction with Israel and the US. Understandably, Gulf states now fear possible Turkish retribution for their weaponising of Kurdish aspirations in this way.

And Turkey is seen (by GCC States) as already working in close co-ordination with fellow Muslim Brotherhood patron and GCC member, Qatar, to divide the collapsing Council. This prefigures a new round to the MB versus Saudi Wahhabism spat for the soul of Sunni Islam.

GGC states therefore, are hoping to stand-up a ‘front’ to balance Turkey in the Levant. And to this end, they are trying to recruit President Assad back into the Arab fold (which is to say, into the Arab League), and to have him act, jointly with them, as an Arab counter to Turkey.

The point here is obvious: President Assad is closely allied to Iran – and so is Moscow and Turkey. To be fashionably Iranophobic – as Pompeo might wish the GCC to be – simply would spoil the GCC’s anti-Turkey ‘play’. Syria indeed may be (justly) skeptical of Turkey’s actions and intent in Syria, but from President Assad’s perspective, Iran and Russia are absolutely crucial to the managing of an erratic Turkey. Turkey does represent an existential Syrian concern. And trying to lever President Assad – or Lebanon or Turkey – away from Iran, would be absurd. It won’t happen. And the GCC states have enough nous to understand this now (after their stinging defeat in Syria). The Gulf anti-Iranian stance has had ‘the burner’ turned sharply down, (except when their need is to stroke US feathers).

They can see clearly that the Master of Ceremonies in the Levant – putting together the new regional ‘order’ – is not Mr Bolton, but Moscow, with Tehran (and occasionally Ankara), playing their equal part ‘from behind the curtain’.

Presumably, America’s intelligence services know, (and Gulf states certainly are aware), that in any case, Iranian forces are almost all gone from Syria (though of course Syria’s ‘Iranian connection’ remains as firm, as ever) – even as Pompeo and Israel say the precisely the opposite: that they are pushing-back hard at the ‘threatening’ Iranian military ‘footprint’ in Syria. Few in the region will believe it.

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The second notable emerging regional fault line then, evidently is the one that is opening between Turkey and the US and Israel. Turkey ‘gets it’: Erdogan ‘gets it’ very clearly: that Washington now deeply distrusts him, suspects that Turkey is accelerating into Moscow and Beijing’s orbit, and that DC would be happy to see him gone – and a more NATO-friendly leader installed in his stead.

And it must be clear to Washington too ‘why’ Turkey would be heading ‘East’. Erdogan precisely needs Russia and Iran to act as MCs to moderate his difficult relations with Damascus for the future. Erdogan needs Russia and Iran even more, to broker a suitable political solution to the Kurds in Syria. He needs China too, to support his economy.

And Erdogan is fully aware that Israel (more than Gulf States) still hankers after the old Ben Gurion ideal of an ethnic Kurdish state – allied with Israel, and sitting atop major oil resources – to be inserted at the very pivot to south-west and central Asia: And at Turkey’s vulnerable underbelly.

The Israeli’s articulated their support for a Kurdish state quite plainly at the time of Barzani’s failed independence initiative in Iraq. But Erdogan simply, unmistakably, has said to this ‘never’ (to Bolton, this week). Nonetheless, Ankara still needs Russian and Iranian collaboration to allow Bolton to ‘climb down his tree’ of a Kurdish mini-state in Syria. He needs Russia to broker a Syrian-led buffer, vice an American-Kurdish tourniquet, strapped around his southern border.

It is unlikely however, that despite the real threat that America’s arming of the Kurds poses to Turkey, that Erdogan really wants to invade Syria – though he threatens it – and though John Bolton’s ‘conditions’ may end by leaving Turkey no option, but to do it. Since, for sure, Erdogan understands that a messy Turkish invasion of Syria would send the delicately balanced Turkish Lire into free-fall.

Still … Turkey, Syria, Iran and Russia now all want America gone from Syria. And for a moment, it seemed it might proceed smoothly after Trump had acquiesced to Erdogan’s arguments, during their celebrated telephone call. But then – Senator Lindsay Graham demurred (against the backdrop of massed howls of anguish issuing from the Beltway foreign policy think-tanks). Bolton did the walk-back, by making US withdrawal from Syria contingent on conditions (ones seemingly designed not to be met) and not tied any specific timeline. President Erdogan was not amused.

It should be obvious now that we are entering a major regional re-set: The US is leaving Syria. Bolton’s attempted withdrawal-reversal has been rebuffed. And the US, in any event, forfeited the confidence of the Kurds in consequence to the original Trump statement. The Kurds now are orientated toward Damascus and Russia is mediating a settlement.

It may take a while, but the US is going. Kurdish forces (other than those linked with the PKK) are likely to be assimilated into the Syrian army, and the ‘buffer’ will not be directed against Turkey, but will be a mix of Syrian army and Kurdish elements – under Syrian command – but whose overall conduct towards Turkey will be invigilated by Russia. And the Syrian army will, in due time, clear Idlib from a resurgent al-Qaida (HTS).

The Arab states are returning to their embassies in Damascus – partly out of fear that the whipsaw of American policy, its radical polarisation, and its proclivity to be wholly or partially ‘walked-back’ by the Deep State – might leave the Gulf unexpectedly ‘orphaned’ at any time. In effect, the GCC states are ‘hedging’ against this risk by trying to reconnect a bifurcated Arab sphere, and to give it a new ‘purpose’ and credibility – as a balance against Turkey, Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood (Syria’s old nemesis).

And yet – there remains still another layer to this calculus, as described by veteran Middle East journalist, Elijah Magnier:

“Indeed the Levant is returning to the centre of Middle East and world attention in a stronger position than in 2011. Syria has advanced precision missiles that can hit any building in Israel. Assad also has an air defence system he would have never dreamed of before 2011 – thanks to Israel’s continuous violation of its airspace, and its defiance of Russian authority. Hezbollah has constructed bases for its long and medium range precision missiles in the mountains and has created a bond with Syria that it could never have established – if not for the war. Iran has established a strategic brotherhood with Syria, thanks to its role in defeating the regime change plan.

NATO’s support for the growth of ISIS has created a bond between Syria and Iraq that no Muslim or Baathist link could ever have created: Iraq has a “carte blanche” to bomb ISIS locations in Syria without the consent of the Syrian leadership, and the Iraqi security forces can walk into Syria anytime they see fit to fight ISIS. The anti-Israel axis has never been stronger than it is today. That is the result of 2011-2018 war imposed on Syria”.

Yes. This is the third of the newly emergent fault-lines: that of Israel on the one hand, and the emerging reality in the Syrian north, on the other – a shadow that has returned to haunt the original instigators of the ‘war’ to undermine Syria. PM Netanyahu since has put all the Israeli eggs into the Trump family ‘basket’. It was Netanyahu’s relationship with Trump which was presented in Israel as being the true ‘Deal of the Century’ (and not the Palestinian one). Yet when Bibi complained forcefully about US withdrawal from Syria (leaving Syria vulnerable, Netanyahu asserts, to an Iranian insertion of smart missiles), Trump nonchalantly replied that the US gives Israel $ 4.5 billion per year – “You’ll be all right”, Trump riposted.

It was seen in Israel as an extraordinary slap to the PM’s face. But Israelis cannot avoid, but to acknowledge, some responsibility for creating precisely the circumstances of which they now loudly complain.

Things have not gone according to plan: America is not shaping the new Levantine ‘order’ – Moscow is. And Israel’s continual, blatant disregard of Russia’s own interests in the Levant, firstly infuriated, and finally has provoked the Russian high command into declaring the northern Middle East a putative no-fly zone for Israel. This represents a major strategic reversal for Netanyahu (and the US).

In other words, Assad remains in power. US/Israel are helpless to prevent another destabilization of Syria ….AND the US & Israel lost three allies all in the process.

Good job war mongering fucks.

>US/Israel are helpless to *foment another destabilization of Syria

Fixed that.

SO JOHNNY! What do YOU think about Syria?

I'd love to here you kvetch about this.

For once the war hawking brats didn't get their way!


death to zog

America is a powerless cuck

Call me lazy, worthless. But I don't like having to read the entire article for what's important about it. Normally the thread title would do this, but "BTFO" and "Will" are no help whatsoever. In fact, I despise board culture hyperbole and journalistic predictions.

Plus I can be fairly certain that if it's ZH it's blatant fear porn. The only thing good about ZH is the comments section.

The gist is simple: Assad is still in control and actually better off now that they have Russia on their side. US/Israel were BTFO and so were their ISIS proxies. War hawks tried their best to stop our withdrawal from Syria - FAILED miserably. And to add insult to injury, both the US & Israel lost allies over this and more countries have flipped East towards Russia-Iran-Syria alliance.

ZOG / Mossad / CIA / Deep State / Obama drones / Neo-cons & libtards ALL BTFO.

No fear mongering, none here. Just brutal truth that these wars done backfired on us and Israel BIG TIME.

Are you suggesting Blumpf prevented us remaining in Syria? Because I've seen articles remarking that the US is in fact not pulling out anytime soon despite Trumps bravado.

Also, you say the US lost allies over supposedly pulling out and that additional countries have flipped their allegiance toward Russia-Iran-Syria as though that is a good thing. Keep in mind, a Eurasian century is the point of deindustrializing the US and transferring all its intellectual property to gooks and Ruskies. How can that be good? ZOG loses, the US citizens lose.

I suppose the US empire has to be retired at some point, but this doesn't look graceful.

You think? The juden haven't been bothered by all the other wars they've instigated.

*stumbles into thread*

Ahhh Killcen !! How are you ?

funny you should ask……….
Because just like always, Assad used to be 'our boy', supported and backed by the CIA…..

in fact, we used to praise him…. But as always, just like every other regime the CIA props up or supports, all too soon we turn on them.

My current opinion on Syria is very different than it used to be…. Of course, i still don't believe a god damn word our government tells us, but now that we are in Syria, with Russia and Turkey in the mix, blindly pulling out is a questionable decision.

It's not the type of kneejerk decision that should be made on TWITTER without consulting our military, and without having allpossible contingencies 'think-tanked'.

And i find it odd how Trump's sudden decision bends to the wishes and demands of Russia and Turkey.

Im anti-war……………………

however, im even more 'anti-treason', and i believe in my heart that Trump IS indeed a tool for Russia, and at the very least, he is an unwitting pawn.

Im absolutely convinced trump will face criminal charges eventually, and i think the decision to pull out will create a vaccum that will be detrimental to our interests.

It's a fucking fixation. Muh Drumpf is a crook and Deep State/Permanent Civil Service niggers are the Good Goys.

Simultaneously I also think we should nuke Syria and throw Trump out of office, putting him in prison or perhaps I'm just play in a cage in downtown Washington DC

I invite you to provide even ONE tiny shred of evidence that Trump is a 'skilled negotiator', or that he has managed to deal with putin on a level field, let alone to stand up to him

However there are literally hundreds of examples of him bending and cowering from Putin

How many times do we have to do this? It doesn't come down to whether he cowers to Putin. It doesn't come down to whether the two are in an international jewish mafia together. What's important is whether the Clinton machine is worse.

I argue yes, it is, because of Uranium 1, because of Haiti, because of the Kalergi Plan, because of creeping Socialism, because of nihilism and all the rest.

All our leaders are evil. All our leaders are engaged in criminal enterprise on a level unseen in human history. So far, no one has proposed a solution for that much more severe and pressing problem. You all prefer to function at the level of political theater.

Oh, and your hundreds of example no doubt come from CIA propaganda under the guise of a "free press." Get real.

Feel free to paste the transcripts of his 5 closed door meetings with putin



Are these in the public domain, or is it that "they should be"?

I find it hard to believe someone who would want our borders defended so much would be someone who is working to benefit a foreign enemy (who could exploit those vulnerabilities to infiltrate within).

And let me tell you ONE major indication of a real TRUE enemy within: they'll want to disarm the citizenry. ;)

Hey, its all fake cia news', right?

He didnt hide his discussions with putin


Nationalist rhetoric is a release valve for angry whites who might otherwise revolt as did the French (apparently). A wise political operative could use this to hollow out the country of its natural resources or otherwise buy it up.

Why is any evidence of corruption Trump's corruption? I'm annoyed with your surprise at what this president does as if his predecessors were blameless.

Why do you tread such shallow waters so happily?

Blah blah shut the fuck up

Personally I would laugh hard if Putin and Trump were scheming behind the scenes to BTFO the war hawking, wannabe civil gun grabbing 'deep state' which is openly spying on all of us, which is openly working against our economic interests and openly trying to flood our country with foreigners and drug cartels. IF such a conspiracy that insists Putin is against all this treason and working with Trump to stop it, then I'd fucking support both of them for their efforts. Thats my two cents! And I CARE for my country!

Yeah, I thought as much.

Well maybe they stop pissing off the population for once and give us a fucking break with their BS?


You claim nationalism as subversive takeover. I disagree. What I'm saying is nationalist uprisings happen when people are PISSED THE FUCK OFF at all the retarded bullshit bureaucracies are subjecting them to. So…. if they want to stop nationalist uprisings…. then its simple! Bureaucrats need to stop being absolute dicks to their citizenry. Stop trying to flood our nation with third world "migrants!" Stop trying to disarm us! Stop pushing all this CRAP we clearly fucking don't like or desire!!!

as i said……..


(STILL being the operative word)

Meaning I never did believe it
not with Obama
Not with bush
Not with Clinton
Not with bush
Not with Reagan
Not with Carter
Not with Ford
and not with Nixon

you asked me my opinion
and i obliged

Well its the FBI and CIA think tanks that claim Trump is a Russian stooge. Thats government buddy. You believe them?

You're thinking left/right bullshit still. If you can't entertain the idea that Russia could use nationalist rhetoric through Trump to get the vote, to grab and misdirect the attention of citizens away from the problems created by the Democrat Party and their RINO pets, we have nothing to talk about.

May as well fantasize about a 40 year plot to disarm all the nuclear powers of the world.

Over the weeks I've known you, you don't seem to understand where government ends and the public begins.

The pullout in Syria
(which will require more troops being sent in)

And Trump being an asset to the Russians

are two different subjects
experience has taught me not to
believe what hasn't happened yet

who knows what will end up happening in Syria?
certainly not me

and i don't 'know' what will happen with Trump
the only thing i DO know is that he's a disgusting
repugnant idiotic bumbling repulsive human being

and i can 'guess' what will happen:
even more division
more tweets
more shitty negotiating skills
more hatred
more doubt
more investigations
more of the same

thats because ____

fill in the blank

and no matter what your choice may be
i can live with that

I'm curious as to why you take politics seriously if all you're going to say is: "He's disgusting. He disgusts me."

Very strange.

"I am an agent of ZOG."

No, what I'm saying is if - as YOU claim - nationalism is a form of foreign subversion (aka muh ebil Russia) then the way to avoid it is to be extra kind to the citizenry and NOT stir the pot: aka stop trying to do things the citizenry do not appreciate such as trying to grab the guns or creating endless wars or increasing taxes or whatever it may be that's pissing the citizens off. Do you understand? It was a lot of policies under both Obama and Bush that had the American public pissed the fuck off!

In a nutshell……

In democracy, when the citizenry gets fed up enough with the status quo, throws a fit at the establishment and places an ASSHOLE like Trump into power…….. typically the government that held power for so long deserves a good kick in the rear and for a reason!!!!

I hate politics. because i used to be an avid political enthusiast…….

the same way i hate conspiracy theorists
because i used to be one (bigtime)

I cured myself of those ailments
and now i deal with my
feelings about the MAN
not his politics…………
opinions about the

You don't need national citizens when you have global citizens, so to speak. They can impose all the austerity, do all the fucked up shit they want. They think they don't need whites.

Obviously, nationalism existed long before these last few years. So you're underestimating my intelligence. Thanks for that.

But neither dimension of the US oligarchy benefits from happy US citizens. And empires are by necessity multicultural. They want a global empire, so that's where you get gun grabbing, endless wars, progressive taxation, cultural enrichment, etc. It's not the least bit mysterious.

The citizens didnt elect trump

He LOST the popular vote

Electoral College.

Your argument is invalid.

I could understand this if your attacks were psychoanalytical. But they're merely aesthetic. But, hey, that is also fine–except your audience are the old you.

Because of the major cities and voter fraud by the DNC and thats the ONLY reason why.

Luckily all the rural areas across the country ALSO get a say. And we done did said it!!

This is one example of the "deep state" getting their ass handed to them. And it was mostly because Russia got involved to defend Syrian territory during Obama's intervention. I think Trump actually did try to undermine Assad for a while too till he finally realized that its too late and the US/Israeli Empire already lost that war and it was time to bring the troops home (where they really belong, defending our own borders).


one way
other way

The middle east along with russia needs to be nuked. It's the only way to silence the eternal cries of these babies.

t. dindu burger

I sometimes have difficulty reading.

please, would you mind retyping
your comment so i can try reading
it one more time ?……………………


If I had a hammer,
I'd hammer in the morning
I'd hammer in the evening,
All over that mid-east land

I'd hammer out danger,
I'd hammer out a warning,
I'd hammer out fear for my yid brothers and my sisters,
All over that mid-east land

If I had a misse,
I'd bomb it in the morning,
I'd bomb it in the evening,
All over that mid-east land

I'd ring out danger,
I'd ring out a warning
I'd hammer in fear for my Isis enemies and liberal sissies
All over this land.

If I had a war song,
I'd sing it in the morning,
I'd sing it in the evening,
All over that mid-east land

If I had a hammer,
I'd hammer in the morning
I'd hammer in the evening,
All over that mid-east land

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you CAN handle deez nuts

I hope Assad secures Syria's borders so this crap never happens again.

Good! glow in the darks BTFO!


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