1 in 4 Russians don't have an indoor toilet

Staunton, January 7 — According to a new report by Russia’s state statistical agency, Rosstat, 35 million Russians live in houses or apartments without indoor toilets, 47 million do not have hot water, 29 million don’t have any running water inside their residences, and 22 million do not have central heating (ehorussia.com/new/node/17679).

In fact, only 62.7 percent of the Russian population has the usual accoutrements of modern existence – water in the house, plumbing, heating and gas or electric ranges, Rosstat says, a fact that must seem incredible to those who visit only Moscow or St. Petersburg but a fact of life for those who lives beyond the ring roads of the capitals.


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So Russians are street shitters like pajeets?

but they do have toilets

Attached: take that shit to the streets.jpg (1400x1050, 173.06K)

no they have an outhouse, mostly rural villages that could pass for the 1800's apart from the rusty lada on the side of the street

So basically a little over a quarter of Russia is rural or else just hasn't seen the need to modernize to that degree. It's not like they're actively being kept in poverty or something, they can move to the cities and find modern training and employment I'm sure. If people want to live like that power to them. Rural living like that worked for humanity for more years than we've actually recorded.

I don't see an issue. I'd actually see more of an issue if they moved to forcibly update these people whether or not they were willing. As in Ontario, Canada, where they're considering outlawing building homes without central heating, on top of the fact that they've already made it illegal to build a home off the grid.

Why sign in English in India?


i've been playing spintires:mudrunner, and am now an expert on russia as a result.
most of them live in small run down houses in rural areas completely disconnected from civilization connected only by muddy roads, swamps, and bogs, and their only cars are trucks from the former soviet union.
this article is 100% true.

Attached: mudrunner-a-spintires.png (1920x1080, 3.13M)

When my parents lived on a farm way back in the day when I was very young we did not have indoor plumbing. We had an outhouse, water came from a well, for bathing we had an old portable tub that two people could pick up and move around when needed, and water had to be heated over a fire or old wood burning stove. Thats when I was very young though, eventually we moved from the farm into a small town which by that time we did have indoor plumbing.

What you would do is you would take a really big pot (typically used for cooking stew), fill it with water and heat it up till it boiled. You'd pour most of the tub full of water pumped from the well, and then you'd take the pot of boiling water and dump that into the tub. It wasn't extremely warm, but warm enough for a comfortable 20 minute bath.

Russia is huge as a result of that most of the area are remote.

Would Russia actually be a good place to bug out then and live self-sufficiently if SHTF in America? Just wondering………

Yes but the life will not be easy so don’t set your expectations too high.

I'll tell you the truth, I was actually thinking about it during the Obama era, where maybe a safe place to move to, it had to be somewhere with lots of land and I could go homestead and become self-sufficient off-grid. After Trump was elected I changed my mind and decided I'd just stay in the states because we MIGHT have a chance to save our country. Now I'm not so sure about that anymore and starting to think of a place that might be better just in case America turns against itself and civil war breaks out. Still not sure if I should flee or just die fighting for freedom and whats right for future generations.

even the cities in russia are quite run down

Russians are like Africans but wrong color by mistake

Maybe you can become Alaskan nationalist.

Strong ruskan need not gay paper coveted by jews and their slaves, only water true way for true humans and true withe poelple.

My uncle Seth's house and his ol' Ford pickup

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Uncle Seth's toilet

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You don't need indoor toilet, hot water or running water or central heating or power.

Those are all luxuries that can disappear at any moment

Russians would be so welcoming of an American living in their midst.

Russia is a shithole.

news just in, 93% of americans do not have electricity, only 12% have a television, there are 72% without a kitchen or cooking facilities, 220 million do not have a front door or a bed.

In fact, only 1.3% of americans can climb a staircase of greater than 2 steps. Fortunately, 6,730.3% of americans live within 1 mile of a macdonalds. Note that multiple macdonalds within a mile may adjust the statistic slightly.


English is the lingua franca of the world.

butthurt Russian detected

India used to be British ruled from the 1800's - til 1947 and Gandhi. Learn your history, nigger.


oops meant to post this

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Sounds like a comfy life.

But English shit in toilets?

4 out of 4 Russians are dirty cocksuckers. This isn't an opinion it's a fact.

Dirty Untermensch

Aboriginal Brits do

I demand clearly enunciated rights for all Aboriginal Brits

Detached shithole, apparently.

I admire your sense of humor, Ivan. Pretending 100% of America is like Palm Beach. I can't wait until you try and take the Appalachians.

Infinite weapons + infinite pain pills = indestructible hillbilly army.