INVASION INCOMING PART 17: New Caravan Of Illegals Depart Honduras Headed Towards America


Hundreds of migrants have left Honduras, the latest ‘caravan’ hoping to enter the US.

Trump tweeted: “A big new Caravan is heading up to our Southern Border from Honduras. Tell Nancy [Pelosi] and Chuck [Schumer] that a drone flying around will not stop them. Only a Wall will work. Only a Wall, or Steel Barrier, will keep our Country safe.

RT reports:

The US government has been partially shut down for over three weeks, as Trump has so far failed to secure $5.7 billion in funding for a border wall from House and Senate Democratic Leaders Nancy Pelosi (California) and Chuck Schumer (New York). Despite several rounds of negotiations, Pelosi and Schumer have outright refused to fund the wall, preferring what Pelosi called a “technological wall” of drones, infrared sensors, and security cameras along the 2,000-mile border with Mexico.

Trump has countered that a wall or physical barrier is simple and more effective than an array of sensors and devices.

As the partisan bickering in Washington drags on, the members of the latest caravan gathered in the Honduran city of San Pedro Sula on Monday, preparing to set off on a journey of over 2,500 miles that will take weeks or months. Migrant rights group CIPRODEH is accompanying the caravan, and reported some 500 members, including pregnant women, gangbangering thugs, terrorists, kidnapped children and prostitutes gathering in San Pedro Sula.

Of the three caravans or more that left Honduras for the United States last year, the migrants have always given the same reasons for making the journey. Fleeing Honduras’ lawlessness and sky-high murder rate, they set off for the US seeking jobs and stability. President Trump, on the other hand, has characterized the caravans as an “invasion,” and warned the migrants to stay at home and apply for asylum legally.

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Just more proof we have total traitors in Congress, on BOTH sides.

Glad we at least have the military putting up barbed wire. At least SOMETHING is being done.

Oh killcen.

I sense this being slid.

have another bumparoo







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