Anti-vaxxers retards are the top 'threats to global health' in 2019, WHO declares

Anti-vaxxers have been named one of the top threats to global health in 2019 by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The anti-vaccine movement joined air pollution and climate change, HIV, and a worldwide influenza pandemic on the list released on Monday.

'Vaccine hesitancy', as the WHO calls it, 'threatens to reverse progress made in tackling vaccine-preventable diseases.'

The organization added in its statement: 'Vaccination is one of the most cost-effective ways of avoiding disease - it currently prevents [two to three] million deaths a year, and a further 1.5 million could be avoided if global coverage of vaccinations improved.'

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propaganda and discarded

Regardless of what your position on vaccinations is, any rational person cannot deny that the ingredients in vaccines are toxic. In fact, almost every single ingredient in any immunization is toxic to the human body. Besides the vitamins and minerals, nobody in their right mind would drink a concoction with any one or combination of most of the vaccine ingredients. Most vaccinations are directly injected into our bodies, allowing the ingredients to directly enter the bloodstream, which rationally, seems like an even more dangerous approach.

Vaccine ingredients (adjuvants and preservatives) and substances used in the manufacturing process, including vaccine-production media that are present only in trace quantities, include: sucrose, fructose, dextrose, potassium phosphate, FD&C Yellow #6, aluminum lake dye, fetal bovine serum, sodium bicarbonate, monosodium glutamate, aluminum hydroxide, benzethonium chloride, lactose, aluminum potassium sulfate, peptone, bovine extract, thimerosal, ammonium sulfate, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, bovine extract), calf serum, aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxphosphate sulfate, squalene and ethanol. Vaccinations also contain many inorganic minerals, vitamins, amino acids, salts, and sugars.

Much of the vaccine material will not leave the body without assistance, especially with a typical modern lifestyle and diet.

Here's the thing to do: eat healthy and learn how to cook (preferably organic non-GMO certified foods), stay away from processed sugars/snacks/junk food/fast food like the plague, exercise routinely and get some sunlight. Also take quality vitamin supplements. Thats how you stay healthy and how you have a strong immune system. Depending on shots is absolutely moronic.

well said

I saw reports of Italy replacing their entire medical advisory board, and once it wasn't filled with compromised or evil shills, they did a study on vaccines and found the one they looked at so far did not actually do any of the things it was supposed to, they did not go as far yet as to say it was toxic, but hopefully that comes next. Italy is not a third world country, this could help lead to a global talk about the issue where hopefully some truth can come out about, and laws changed regarding, the dangers of vaccines.
Vaccine induced issues such as autism are a real thing that many parents have noted. anybody who attempts to push forward without addressing issues like that either has no heart, or no brain, or neither.

Being this threatened only proves that the vaccine realists are right.

Thimerosal. Look into it.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect-Look into it.

Vaccines are jewish and not using them could save millions of people

However, using them saves billions.

You mean the people who have been right all along and the US government finally admitted just a small fraction of what's wrong with vaccines?
If this is news and isn't (((news))) then why is opinion inserted in threads?
Oh right. Because there's nothing here except niggers, kikes, spics, and leftycucks.

Vaccines are by and large irrelevant and useless in a clean society. It's only when you import niggers, spics, and jews into your country that disease floods in with them.
You know because of all their swimming in shit… literally they swim in shit.

The first is so easy to stop. Moral behavior plus gas the degenerates.
The second is a con job, flu virus mutates every year, it is found even in whales, to vaccinate against it, is like to try to stop the wind with your hands.
By the way, the source (((WHO))) and the messenger (((dailymail))) is everything we need to know about the fake subject.
OP, eat shit.

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How about instead of demonizing people that are begging for transparency, you actually give them transparency?

Why is this so fucking hard? Why are vaccines not open sourced?

And one bigot scum

Die cunt.

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That's fairly easy in non-city areas, but otherwise that's quite pricey, especially for a student/low-level employee

Fucking WHO is homophobic.

Those diseases stem from shit-laden water which is typical in 3rd world societies, if you can even call them societies.
Since white people have fixed the shit-laden drinking water problem, vaccines are less and less important as long as we stop bringing in fresh strains via unchecked immigration.

Hahaha keep believing that buddy, I'd love to see the look on your soy-addled face when SHTF.

I aint yor buddy, friend


I'm not your friend, you degenerate faggot.

gas yourself kike

This is like the holohoax, the jews curating the hoax amusement parks say it's not six bajillion, still claimed so in jew propaganda, the "mainstream" researchers come out admitting vaccines are filled with all kind of poison, jew propaganda still claiming anyone rejecting the poison are retards.

Citation desperately needed, boomer.

OK faggot answer me this. What should vaccines be composed of? What in your expert medical opinion would be the least toxic way to produce vaccines? Maybe if you cucks were more concerned with medicine production being outsourced to fucking India and China (were safety and regulatory standards are lax) this wouldn't be a problem.
Do you even fucking understand what that means you knuckle dragging retard? Even your precious organic food is contaminated with trace amounts of bug shit, rodent saliva, toxins in rainwater, etc. But no i'm sure all of yours is lab grown in a hydroponic vault and watered only from triple distilled reverse osmosis Alex Jones certified pure water.

This is not an answer. Redskins had arguably the healthiest of the health-fag lifestyles (ALL NATURAL NON-GMO DIET AND EXERCISE HURR DURR) and that didn't stop them from getting wiped out by smallpox, typhoid, measles, scarlet fever, etc.

Anti-vaxxers are disingenuous nutjobs who seek to undo 100+ years of the white mans heroic medical advances to chase a hippy pipe dream where every ailment can be cured with "muh vitamins and muh $50 organic supplements that you can buy from muh hemp and tie-dye t-shirt shop"

Maybe because doctors don't want you stupid fucks taking up their time, resources and hospital beds treating easily preventable diseases. Do you think money and time grows on trees you subhuman ape? You think anti-vaxxers are logically consistent enough to let themselves and their retard children die without seeking medical assistance because they are honorable enough to stick to their position on the off chance they get sick?

NOPE! because anti-vaxxers are all talk and as soon as they do get sick and realize that smoking a joint and eating a stick of celery won't cure them they are the first in line to waste doctors time with their idiocy.

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Go back to reddit you lazy retard

The Washington measles outbreak is because of all the Mexicans and Jamaicans imported by the orchards. There’s also a whooping cough outbreak, again because of the Mexicans and Jamaicans.

You are preaching to the wind.
There is no way your ZOG propaganda will work.
But please, get your shot by all means.

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>(((legacy media))) links
>pushing (((U.N.))) and (((W.H.O.))) programs.
Is your post genuinely motivated in the health of those refusing to be inoculated?
Or you are shilling the ZOG's line because you are paid?

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When it comes to this debate, I always go with the Darwinian method. Let the vaxxers and anti-vaxxers do their thing and let the child mortality rates decide who is right.

If you weren’t from facebook then you could probably come up with better insults.

WHO? More like WDO

I aint yor degenerate faggot, amigo

Pretty soon Disney won’t allow children in unless they have vaccinations

No vaccine no airplane ride

Most research shows that parents who reject some or all vaccines are more likely to be white, college-educated, and married, with higher family income. They also do so for personal reasons — which tend to be concerns about vaccine safety.

That squares with Reich’s findings. She interviewed a group of parents over 10 years to learn about their vaccine views, and found “the university-educated ubermoms who favor organic food and have a tendency to avoid gluten and dairy products” were among the vaccine-hesitant

So, well off educated airheads

Literally "Clueless"

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Bill Maher spoke out against flu vaccinations in 2009: "Why would you let them be the ones to stick a disease into your arm? I would never get a swine flu vaccine or any vaccine. I don’t trust the government, especially with my health."

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Britney Spears

Britney Spears was spotted at a 2008 fundraiser for Jenny McCarthy's autism charity, which critics say advocates against vaccines.

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Donald Trump

In 2012, Trumpt thought there might be something to the idea that they are linked to autism. "I think that when you add all of these vaccinations together and then two months later the baby is so different. … I’ve known cases," he said.

nuff said

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I can't tell if folk are actually being serious about denying vaccination or not, so I'm just going to assume this is pic related.

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there's a lot of trolling but for real there's an anti-vacc community, ive met a few in real life

….and that is a bad thing?

Hear me out:
Abortion Was never a Problem, for Millions of Years Older woman passed down Know how of how to have a Safe abortion by drinking Herbs that in todays Scientific world messed with a woman's hormones causing an early miscarriage.
But Acording to the EFFED UP TO HELL American Medical system. You must have a butcher stick Murder stainless steel into a womans body and rip a baby apart. 20% chance to turn the woman sterile on the first time, Tearing Flesh from Flesh. These are Killers that can be replaced with Old world knowledge. Knowledge that costs pennies compared to 800%+ taxpayer funds… How much of this goes to the doctor/butcher 100?

Vax WAS a good thing 20 years ago. Now its a weapon.
Watch TED talk 2011 of how a woman Cured HER MS Syndrom.
Vax WAS good. but watch how many people get sick today compared to 20 years ago. the system is fucked.

Vaccines are the biggest contributors to human overpopulation. We should leave the weak and sick to die.


First legitimate argument I've ever seen against vaccines. It's a cruel and inhumane argument. But it's far more compelling than the tinfoil hat shit we usually get around here.

I Spit Fire.
Join us. Just let it all out it feels greate.
Turn on 10 hours of Donald Trump Make America greate and Just Let God Guide Your Fingers. Just Shitpost Blast the Truth

Reminder that an ex director of the WHO was caught twice selling billions of vaccines for an imaginary virus that he had totally made up. And though he was caught, two fucking times, and there were thousands of people developing serious deseases because of the vaccine, he remained in power for a while, he was never jailed, he kept the thousands of millions of $$$ he had made selling the useless vaccines accross the whole world, and almost all govs still blindly trust the WHO. This goes without saying, each time almost no media talked about it.
Now the real question is : are you a brainless normal who blindly believes everything your corrupt gov wants you to believe, or are you able to think ?

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Ha Ha…heee

You wanna know what's so funny(and frightening) about that quote?

I don't know if i'm a pretend idiot.

I did come here a little late and emulated and mocked the idiots(and least I thought they were idiots, but they could have been the pretend kind) that posted on Zig Forums and here.

Now I just confused myself

If you question your idiocy, than most likely, you're not an idiot, just a fool.

When You Socialize with other people Your mind Transforms. it becomes Social compared to anti Social.
Anti-Social is Violence. Somebody who is afraid by Nature.
This hehe-haha. That You start off with says Much. Way to much. Thank You.

Benifit outweighs the risk /thread

I heard you out..not shut yor ignorant Dunning-Kruger effected yap

I wonder (((WHO))) could be behind the (((WHO)))

Thank You.

Your welcome.
Glad to meet an inferior that knows her place…wait a minute, you just admitted your fallibility, which means the Dunning-Kruger effect dosen't apply to you, which means you just double flipped the insult.

Fuck you

Projection and inability to grasp time and the basis of what shapes wrong and right.
Thank You.

Are You a Nigger that lives around Whites and not accepted?
Hmmm… I wounder Why..

I just feel like ruining your shitty disinfo thread while you got BTFO on Zig Forums in three different threads.


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How? Some peaple get vax some peaple don't . the peaple that don't may or may not die, the peaple that do_ nothing happens . it's a non issue .

I am not sure, but the more people are not vaccinated the more likelier vaccinated ones to become ill (vaccine doesn’t always work because viruses undergo mutations).

Is this like islam being the religion of peace?
Do kikes not understand declarations like this create more of the thing they're trying to indoctrinate against?

Not really.
Learn to use coupons.
Learn to shop only on double coupon days.
Sign up for store rewards card. fuck off with that schizo BUT THEY TRACK ME
Cut all alcohol.
Cut all sugars.
Cut all useless snacks.
Only eat for sustenance and nutrition.

Eating healthy is exceptionally cheaper than eating unhealthy.
Oh right and the health care/dental savings are fucking enormous.

There is a tombstone in the state of George and it faces all 4 hemispheres. On that tombstone, someone has carved in stone some message about earth, like they give a good goddam about the planet after their oil spills, nuclear meltdowns, deadly waste products enter our air, soil and water, the result of cost containment on their part.

These fucking people are out to kill us. It’s pretty obvious to anyone who has spent a year focused on current affairs that we have a bull’s eye painted on our backs, and that includes the children.

Half sick, financially strapped, emotionally impaired by identity crisis never resolved, alone in a complex world and at the mercy of who feeds us - that is how they want us - ON OUR KNEES.

If we cannot take them down, then take the whole shebang down or watch civilization be ripped apart by fools in fine clothing who are little more than master thieves and accomplished liars. Their version of the world is flawed and because of their failure to realize mankind shuts down when locked down, the whole fucking planet will be left in ruins, for the “meek” to clean up. Fuck That. Stop them now rather than clean up their mess (again) later. I am sick of this shit.

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billions of dollars

So if I'm 28, I got the good shit?

This was such a pathetic attempt to save face it was funny. And that man….was Albert Eisenhower.

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Guys, all the cancer, AIDs, and paralysis are just a cohencidence. Stop studying the vaccine constituents or we'll have to jail you for questioning Science. For your own good, goyim.

Wasn't it the terrible ManBearPig yesterday?
'Globohomo retards are the top threats to human health', no one in WHO declares.

News Punchdrunk
Where retards love to tread

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Attack the argument, not the source shill.

OP is a retard.


nice thread title you low life piece of shit