US Army Struggles Recruiting New Troops Because of Endless Wars, What A Big Surprise

Army recruiters are having a challenging time convincing Americans born between 1995 and 2005 to sign up and serve. The situation is so dire that Army Recruiting Command has turned to e-Sports video game tournaments.

“It is incredible, the amount of coverage that you get and the amount of the Z Gens that are watching these games,” Gen. Frank Muth, the head of Army Recruiting Command, told NPR.

Sponsoring video game tournaments is an effort to boost recruitment after the Army fell short of its 76,500 recruitment goal by 6,500 people last year.

“Calling the Z generation on the phone doesn’t work anymore,” Gen. Muth told NPR. “We’re really giving the power back to our recruiters to go on Twitter, to go on Twitch, to go on Instagram, and use that as a venue to start a dialogue with the Z generation.”

NPR noted that a recent e-Sports tournament featured an Army recruiter as an announcer and went viral with more than 2 million views, adding that "Half [the views] were from people aged 17 to 24."

To further implement the strategy, the Army is now screening more than 4,000 applications from soldiers who want to play video games.

Army Recruiting Command will select 30 of the service's top gamers to be on the new Army e-Sports Team to compete in national gaming tournaments.

Generation Z soldiers are part of this subculture, according to Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Jones, a noncommissioned officer overseeing the Army e-sports Team.

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The Brits tried that sort of nonsense and it was cringey as shit and will not do a fucking thing.

I hate this buzzword.

You know what happens when governments want to enslave their citizens and get involved in endless wars? Normfags no longer want to be a part of any of that anymore. And THAT is what is happening, all around the Western world!

would you prefer "the campaign memed across the internet"

don't worry it'll just change to be more like god's chosen and mandatory

Yah, and then you have a shit load of expats and draft dodgers again. Rightfully so. People are sick of these endless wars. They are a waste of our tax payer money and a waste of innocent lives too. Fuck the MIC.

they don't want to be molded into brainless ZOGbots? good for them :)
hopefully this is because the youth are waking up, not just getting more lazy and apathetic

I think that would be more than a little presumptive. Youth lately are just more likely to be red pilled thanks to various online subcultures. And that is reinforced by seeing how retarded their Millennial parents are. It makes them one of the most informed generations ever, which makes it harder to coerce them into doing stuff that is against their best interests. But they are still children and extremely naive. I think the relatively higher amount of red pilled individuals of this generation is a big part of the push to destroy underground cultures and push them as far into the fringes as possible. Part of that is the influx of SJW faggots into the game industry to push liberal thought into games. Along with being posted as admins in nearly every online space.

Likely both, face it, still plenty of lazy retards out there too.

If things keep up at this pace everyone's going to start fighting against the army.

Fighting and dieing to expand Israels borders for slightly more than minimum wage while doing nothing to protect our own is a real turn off i would imagine.

It is, and thats why they are getting so desperate recruiting literal fagots, SJWs, gamers and former criminals. This country has gone to hell in a hand-basket and it has accelerated since 9/11.

maybe a decade ago

fuck it idc

Apart from who is stupid enough to join the armed forces to fight ZOG wars, they let cunts enlist and not keep them separate from the males. Putting cunts into male spaces destroy such spaces; suddenly guys can't be themselves anymore talking shit and shooting the breeze because a cunt might offended and run to authority figures to complain–the next thing you know you're getting disciplined and there's shit now on your record.

They're always doing that stuff. My old school had a bus with ddr, snacks, and 30y/o adults acting like children courtesy of the army. ROTC autism was through the fucking roof that day as well.

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Good. I will join wars if they are defensive, or if we are in such dire straits that we need to aggress in order to secure basic survival through imperialism. All the wars the West has waged since WWII do not fit those criteria, therefore I cannot sign up.

A-all wars are defensive goy!

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Couple this with turning the millennials into a generation of soft, cry baby, faggots and us red pilling Gen Z about the JQ and the ZOG machine and it's no surprise that nobody wants to fight for (((America))) anymore. Further, every brown person flooding US borders hates Israel. The kikes did this to themselves. They poisoned their own attack dog and there's nobody left to fight their wars for them and soon, nobody left to protect them. Once America collapses, Israel will collapse shortly after.

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after what went down in Iraq i'm not surprised it's hard for them to get people to join.

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Why would they want to die like cows? Young Americans aren’t totally patriotic right now because of the stupid endless warmongering good goyium and the degeneracy destroying USA.

I'm overwhelmed with a desire to beat that child senseless. If he died from it, it would be a blessing compared to the life he is heading towards.

One day you will execute the useless degenerates as the commander of your death squad so be prepared for the day of the rope.

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jesus christ, spoiler that shit


Looks like the armys recuiters just

*moves glasses*


how does he have aids already?

You don’t want to know. The answer is obvious.

Wow this sounds fun, can I join your clan?

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The fat boy won’t last a half day.

careful, if this wizards power flows forth from his fat then his is powerful indeed.

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Among the youth left wingers are too lazy and right wingers hate Israel and then they ask why
Also not in the us but here in Australia they are rejecting males in favour of lower standard women

At least it's not as bad as "blahblahblahGATE". I swear, nobody even remembers that the Watergate scandal was named the Watergate scandal because it occurred at the Watergate hotel.

What are you guys on about? The reality of an Army enlistment is fixing pipes for a few years. The infantry is currently washing rocks. The only real way to die for Israel is to become a Ranger or go Special Forces, but even then it's not a guarantee you'll see combat.

Don't die for the jews and commies that run America, young men. Don't let them use you for the destruction of your communities.


I don't mind having a strong military but the US has used the military to prop up a Soviet-style empire around the world, based on the US petrodollar and working hand in hand with ZOG's central bankers.

This is not the kind of Empire I'd die to fight for.

figures this was slidden too

and another

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