"Already reeling from tariff war, some farmers aren’t receiving government support checks amid shutdown"
"The Trump administration had promised to help farmers like Boyd, those who suffered as a result of the international trade war after Chinese purchases of soybeans — once 60 percent of the market — plummeted to next to nothing. With farmers on the edge of ruin, the U.S. government offered $12 billion in support since September, checks that had become a lifeline.
But with the government shutdown moving into its third week, Boyd was left waiting for his support check to arrive. Other farmers who still must have their crop totals approved by the government to receive aid were left with no way to apply for it."
It's not really a Trump shut down if the government is needing something- and the Democrats are blocking a spending bill. The block is the shutdown.
Gavin Taylor
Its kinda inevitable really with this new fashion for soy milk and almond milk. At least Trump got a deal to protect US dairy farmers within North America.
By the way, i freely admit that I havent read your thread
Noah Russell
and i have no intention of reading it
Xavier Jackson
I guess Fox didn't air the meeting where Trump said he would proud to shutdown the government and would own it. Then he did. Then he turtled and pointed fingers at someone else.
Aiden Diaz
America produces something like 4 times more milk than it consumes. American farmers were selling all that excess milk at far below cost to make it just to get rid of it. Trump tried to make Canada seem like a bad guy for not opening up their markets to american dairy farmers and criticizing some 300% tariff on dairy products, not realizing that the reason they had to put that high a tariff on it was because American dairy farmers were trying to dump all that excess milk in other markets at far below cost, and 300% was how high the tariff had to be just to get the price of the milk back up to market price. It's funny that Trump would criticize China for "dumping" cheap products like this, but when America does it, he's angry that a product has to be tariffed 300% just to get it back up to a regular US price.
Hudson Brown
canada has a supply limit that's set each year and that tariff is only applied to things over that limit so the canadian market also doesn't flood with shit it doesn't need. so its not even like canada was doing it in bad faith, its just going "we're buying what we need and if you wanna give us more than we need we'll take it but expect to be taxed because it will more than likely be thrown out and not sold"
Sebastian Powell
fuck canada
Gavin Butler
When Mitch McConnell won't even let a budget that passed the House come up for a vote in the Senate, it is pretty clear who is "blocking". Even if we have representative democracy instead of direct democracy, votes happening at some point is pretty vital to the process.
Christian Price
Trump Supporters are going to milk this story for all it's worth
Yes Tammy. Because you and yours continue to give breaks to trillion dollar banks. Because you and yours continue to let mega-globalist-coprorations like Monsanto illegally hire and import 3rd world shitskins causing prices to drop far below that required to make any profit. Because you and yours continue to push efficiency and low prices at the cost of jobs and worker's pay which further ruin the economy. protip: low cost and efficiency ruin economies
Connor Miller
So tariffs are costing american companies billions in extra costs. they're losing money because the shit they imported from china costs more. also, the chinese have put tariffs on their products, so because it now costs more for chinese to import their american products, they're buying a lot less of them (almost 60% of the market, GONE for soybeans) so they lose money there. WAIT IT GETS BETTER! because they're losing so much money, now the government is stepping in and giving them welfare checks paid for by the american taxpayer to try to keep their failing businesses afloat. so all around it's like america is trying to find out how many different ways it can lose out economically. this is the genius of trump, the master negotiator.
Angel Wilson
I thought he was supposed to be a really successful, self-made businessman who… oh wait, he never was. His daddy gave him hundreds of millions of dollars and banks refused to loan anything to his failure of a son because all he did was fuck things up. Trump's dad had to use his influence to make them give his son a loan, and only after Trump's dad agreed to co-sign the loans, did the banks give it to him. But Trumptards think he's some kind of financial genius because he was on a TV show. I actually watched that TV show, and honestly, even with what must have been the most flattering edits of those boardroom meetings, I still thought Trump came across as a superficial idiot who made decisions based on the stupidest premise. Now we get to see Trump's genius in action. For some reason he's always supporting losers. Dairy farmers that produce way more milk than they can possibly sell. Coal plants, over 40% of which lose money in a dying industry. Where's the genius?
Hunter Jenkins
That's wrong though. American farmers have been subsided for years.
Jaxson Rivera
It cost a quite lot of lot of Americans’s tax money to keep them in the farm businesses. If they cannot manage without the government to rely on then they need to go. The farm is supposed to be a symbol of self sufficiency and food wealth.
Parker Mitchell
hes the kind of business man that america thrives on. buys out existing business to brand with trump, drives into failure with embezzlement and corruption, then moves on to the next to ruin. right now he's running america like his business
Levi Sullivan
Apparently there's an oil pipeline going through here that was recently built. Apparently those things leak like mother fuckers all over the place and they have to run helecopters with sonar over them frequently to plug leaks. Apparently that oil gets into well water and makes local farmers sick, but oil pays so well whoever owns the shit can pay the farmers to fuck off.
in two years you might have to suck canadas dick because there's investment going on to make plastic coated pucks of oil that also float if dropped in water no longer needing pipelines to transport
The issue is Canada selling milk for cheap In Australia we had the same issue with the fuck Kiwi bastards
Hudson Wilson
Gotta support that oil got We need our distraction reason for middle eastern war
Christopher Young
Free market my ass. Might as well introduce the kolkhoz.
Jonathan Ortiz
Ethan Hall
Clearly you've never heard of the words "climate" or "geographically locked" Agreed.
Zachary Robinson
you didn't read the thread. the US is selling it cheap. BELOW what it costs to make. So cheap, canada had to put 300% tariffs just to make the price match the actual market value.