Attention Whore Falls to Her Death LOL

A Taiwanese hiker known for posting bikini clad photos from her summits has died after falling into a ravine during a solo trek.

Gigi Wu managed to contact emergency services but bad weather delayed rescue operations, local media reports say.

The 36-year-old is thought to have died of hypothermia.

She was a popular figures on social media figure and messages on her Facebook pages pay tribute to her as an inspirational hiker.

Ms Wu was alone on a multi-day tour of a mountain range in Taiwan's Yushan National Park, the reports say.

While she was famous for posting pictures of herself in bikinis from summits, she was an experienced hiker, appearing to use proper equipment and precautions during her expeditions.

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Oh look, another pathetic D+ beta male celebrating a literally who's death just because she's a woman.

this guy is so pathetic he defends women on anonymous imageboards and uses sage as a downvote

t. D -


dumb bitch

Noice. Women deserve everything bad that happen to them.

You'll need to go back to your normie safe spaces user; we don't white knight for thots here.

kill yourself faggot

Aww this was a cute chick with a cute idea. This could have been avoided had she brought a strong Taiwanese male along.

Nobody's gonna post some of her bikini pics? fags.

You shouldn't mock the normalfags, user. You are one. You use their lingo and everything.

t. normalfag


All of the cool trannys are necking themselves…DO IT TODAY!

This thread is pathetic. You arr all the exact same type of faggots.

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Arr matey! Care to be a pirate of the butt variety?

More normalfag lingo.

Stop sexualizing semen, please?

Only after you stop sexualizing my penis.

Apparently she really was a shitty attention whore too.

social media a shit

I just vomited in my mouth.

We're being invaded by normalfags, roasties, white knights and orbiters. Remember anons, all women have going from them are their depreciating looks and vaginas. Don't let any of them trap you in a relationship or a million times worse a marriage. Staying single lets you fuck women in their prime for as long as you got shekels and a working dick. You can't get love and companionship from women anyway–get a pet if you seek those things.

She looks like she got the herpes.

lol video

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THIS. Cunts have life on easy street and still, somehow they always manage to fuck it up.

Another vid of wahmen getting rekt by Wall-chan for some of you naive fags wanting a gf and getting married. Watch them before white knights and the matriarchy get jewtube to take it down for it makes wahmen look bad.


Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb

Dunning-Kruger effect.

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You never will have sex with a womyn unless you pay

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I would have done her, would you ?…. then again she is dead so it is irrelevant.

JJ is jewish you know that ?.


What are you talking about. She's fair game now!

Truer words were never spoken.
Everybody pays. Over and over.

Why are they so scared of REAL NEWS?

Gotta to say would love to have reached an epic climax at the summit with the lil lady. Any male mocking her etc. should kys now. Losers all.

Fuck off, cunt. It's always funny when thots die while acting like thots.

the big glasses help cover her monkey face while her body distracts from it. sad to see a healthy girl that likely mates exclusively with her own race go, but atleast shes not white.

These faggots are f list dude.

Only people who cant get laid go out of their way to 'celebrate' the death of a woman who dared take pictures of herself.


I don't like when women die; death is a release from suffering and that's too good for women. I like them suffering, humiliated and going through extreme hardships by their own actions—in other words, Schadenfreude.

I found a cool schadenfreude song for you misogynistic sadists.

It's almost like doing stupid dangerous things all the time for attention will catch up with you eventually.


You like anime which is favored by over a billion people, shut the fuck up, you are just as normal as anyone else no matter how long you hide in your room

Seems like bad advice from a miserable person

Hahahahahahahahhahahaha what a faggot, its so obvious you want to fuck men

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You roasties are the ones killing the white race.

You white knighting niggers should know and understand by now that it’s not really the death of females that we’re celebrating when these things happen but rather the celebration is actually about the degenerate tendency leading to death which in this case was the woman’s attention whoring look at me narcissistic attitude.

We celebrate the behavior leading to death because it proves our point that women shouldn’t act this way.

This is great news. Bad people dying is a great thing. Good people are filled with compassion and want a free, healthy, expanding world for all. Bad people disrupt good people so they can't fix problems. Bad people do this because they are evil psychopaths and think you can rise to the top by having a massive ego. Good people realize that actions have consequences. Bad people think they will never be held accountable.

If you participate in social media you know exactly what ritual you are a part of. You are part of a ritual that is saying I am the most important, because of this corporation, and because these people at the bottom of my pyramid scheme want to kiss my feet for a chance at the top. You are interrupting natural socialization which is the ONLY way society can improve, to say LOOK AT ME!!! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU SAY I HAVE X NAME THEREFORE Y!


Its actually betta white males that are. Women have no control over themselves, you do. Its your fault for not being able to handle a white woman

No wonder you are single. You know how women act yet as a man do nothing to stop it. Pitiful

everyone knows that's what your mother is

this post reeks of semites

Welcome to Zig Forums now GTFO.

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even more so with shitskins

A 36 year old in a bikini? Yuck!

t. ugly feminist

Nigger, you faggots know women are emotional creatures that are easily manipulated by the herd yet you dont bother to step in. Its white mens fault white women are going nuts. Muslim women are kept in check, why the fuck cant you do it? Get off your fat ass you fucking faggot


Very good, celebrating dead thots with one bump

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Don't pretend your faggotty traitor soyboy nu-male sorry libtard SJW ass wouldn't call the cops on myself or any man here if you saw us laying the law down on some dumb bitch over her whore like behavior.

The society faggots like you have enabled the Jew's to craft only affords men such as myself one of two possible recoures to combat it's ill effects.

1. Laugh loudly at the clown show going on.

2. Go full DOTR mode and end up in a house by myself (since the majority of the white race are cuckolded faggots like you and wouldn't stand by me) riddled with bullets and my corpse burned to a cinder by 250 or more cowardly ZOG pigs backed by an attack helicoper ontop of their already superior numbers, weapons and armor ala Robert Matthews.

For now I choose laughter, scumbag.

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You're as delusional as you are gay

Betta white male afraid of authority by his own admission, sad


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What does that user pretending not to be a nu male have to do with you being one? I mean, wow.

Wow, three responses in so short a time!

Triggered cuck/soyboy is triggered!!

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Im glad you took the time to read what I wrote, I hope it sticks in your craw and grows roots. Its faggots like you, too weak and afraid to dominate a woman and have a child. You spit in the face of your entire bloodline by making the conscious choice not to procreate. The only thing you are doing is ensuring people like you dont exist in the future and at this point its looking like that is a good thing.

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Oops, sorry I dropped this here accidentally! Haha my bad

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No, thanx. You go do that. I support bringing back child marriages so young girls can be shaped into proper wives and mothers—their primary purpose for existing. You woudn't support this though because you're a feminist roastie.

Nice job following the herd faggot.

Everyone is slagging this guy off but he gets mad pussy for defending women online.

The only ones who should be wearing bikinis are women 14 and under

My wife is 6 months old, bro

"the truth hurts"

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