Based retards chant "Build that wall" and "Go back to your own country" to Native Americans

Students in 'MAGA' hats taunt indigenous elder in Washington, tell them,"Go back to your own country."

A Native American who was seen in online video being taunted outside the Lincoln Memorial said Sunday he felt compelled to get between two groups with his ceremonial drum to defuse a confrontation.

Nathan Phillips said in an interview with The Associated Press that he was trying to keep peace between some Kentucky high school students and a black religious group that was also on the National Mall on Friday. The students were participating in the March for Life, which drew thousands of anti-abortion protesters, and Phillips was attending the Indigenous Peoples March happening the same day.

Other videos also showed members of the religious group, who appear to be affiliated with the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, yelling disparaging and profane insults at the students, who taunt them in return. Video also shows the Native Americans being insulted by the small religious group as well.

In later footage, one teen stands directly in front of and stares at Phillips, an elder in Omaha, as he sang an intertribal song, Native American media reported.

Marcus Frejo, a member of the Pawnee and Seminole tribes who is also known as Chief Quese Imc, said he had been a part of the march and was among a small group of people remaining after the rally when the boisterous students began chanting slogans such as "make America great" and then began doing the haka, a traditional Maori dance. In a phone interview, Frejo told the AP he felt they were mocking the dance.

During the incident, Phillips said he heard people chanting "Build that wall" or yelling at native americans, "Go back to your own country."

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's not just an old native american man but he's also a vietnam vet

Conservatives only care about veterans if they're white.

People on social media have already found out this kids name, where he plans to go to college and his major. If his school does expel anyone, I bet he's first to go.

The kids did nothing, the drummer went to them started banging is shit in front of the kids ear and somehow the kid is a racist??

It's bait mate.


Full video shows that it was the white boys who were being harassed. They were waiting for a bus from the event they were at, and got harassed for their clothing and facial expressions. I shit you not. Some drunk hillbilly named Nathan Phillips, who larps as a savage indian, got in these kids face, and was backed up by a vicious horde of blacks who larp as jews, and whites who larp as muh-oppressed.

This is just sad. You shills need to step up your game. Still waiting to hear from your manager.

No shit for brains bigot scum

watch this video

A small group of blacks for Israel started calling the white boys crackers and incest hillbillies

The white kid asked his teacher to chant back and shout the racist stuff the backs were saying

The native american elder and viet vet who was there for a native american parade started chanting a peace chant to calm things down

teacher said ok

True, but then that white punk in the maga hat started disrespecting the old injun vet

Ex spell his ass

So you're going to ignore the video where his surrounded because the cameraman did a 360 sweep to show school kids and MAGA hats from every side?

The argument being made in defense of the kids is that the Native American wasn't surrounded, and they use the footage of him approach the group as their proof. The overall footage proves that while he approached the group, he was indeed surrounded by them later, which the video linked proves.

Being impartial, both sides are embellishing to try and claim they were the victim and the truth is in the middle. Where the Native American was surrounded by the school kids, but only after he approached them.

I watched a video from the Black Hebrews that were infront of MAGA kids screaming at everyone. If anyone should get in trouble for this situation it should be those 5 black Israel’s as they call themselves. They are definitely a hate group! The kids in the MAGA hats were about to get the full rant from the crazy carrying sticks screaming whitey is the devil when the native Americans stepped in to calm the situation. I don’t think it was thought through fully by the native America gentleman . And the kids did nothing wrong but be kids . Watch the full video that I did and you will agree! The 5 black men should go to jail for disrupting the peace!

The media has finally realized that they fucked up and are running back this story HARD

They've finally realized that they're going to get their asses sued off, and distancing themselves from this story may be the only thing that can save them.

Y'all retards who went "UGH HE'S WHITE SO EVIL" must feel pretty fucking dumb right now.

You literally let someone who has a history of starting shit with students and schools for publicity take a shit in your head, and you just flushed it down into your brain like it was truth.

Partial video footage of students from a Catholic high school allegedly harassing a Native American veteran after the anti-abortion March for Life rally in Washington, D.C., over the weekend quickly went viral, provoking widespread condemnation of the kids on social media. Various media figures and Twitter users called for them to be doxed, shamed, or otherwise punished, and school administrators said they would consider expulsion.

But the rest of the video—nearly two hours of additional footage showing what happened before and after the encounter—adds important context that strongly contradicts the media's narrative.

Far from engaging in racially motivated harassment, the group of mostly white, MAGA-hat-wearing male teenagers remained relatively calm and restrained despite being subjected to incessant racist, homophobic, and bigoted verbal abuse by members of the bizarre religious sect Black Hebrew Israelites, who were lurking nearby. The BHI has existed since the late 19th century, and is best describes as a black nationalist cult movement; its members believe they are descendants of the ancient Israelites, and often express condemnation of white people, Christians, and gays. DC-area Black Hebrews are known to spout particularly vile bigotry.

Phillips put himself between the teens and the black nationalists, chanting and drumming as he marched straight into the middle of the group of young people. What followed was several minutes of confusion: The teens couldn't quite decide whether Phillips was on their side or not, but tentatively joined in his chanting. It's not at all clear this was intended as an act of mockery rather than solidarity.

One student did not get out of Phillips way as he marched, and gave the man a hard stare and a smile that many have described as creepy. This moment received the most media coverage: The teen has been called the product of a "hate factory" and likened to a school shooter, segregation-era racist, and member of the Ku Klux Klan. I have no idea what he was thinking, but portraying this as an example of obvious, racially-motivated hate is a stretch. Maybe he simply had no idea why this man was drumming in his face, and couldn't quite figure out the best response? It bears repeating that Phillips approached him, not the other way around.

And that's all there is to it. Phillips walked away after several minutes, the Black Hebrew Israelites continued to insult the crowd, and nothing else happened.

The Leftist activists and their friendly media that framed these students and manufactured a narrative out of this performance will never apologize and never admit they were wrong.

Like "I can see Russia from my house", "Mission Accomplished", or "Hands up don't shoot", it will live forever in the minds of the ignorant that believe. Because we already know they think it's more important to believe the right things than it is to be factually correct.

Why are you posting things disproved days ago?

Why indeed? In a feeble effort to control the narrative on 8ch of all places…….LOL

Thanks for admitting the niggers started it.

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You're narrative has already failed. Better luck next time

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I think I just solved the problem.

Keep spreading that misinformation, shekelberg.

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A friendly reminder that the Vikings made it here first Mongols.

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A friendly reminder that the Vikings made it here first Mongols.

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We need to destroy his life so he stops being afraid of going for the high score.


He's a paid crisis actor…

Native American "Harassed" By MAGA Kids Exposed As Outrage-Culture Grifter

"Phillips is not simply a random Native man who was accosted by “racist” MAGA-hat wearing teens, as the mainstream press has reported. He is connected to leftist activists who donate large sums to leftist causes.

The Native Youth Alliance appears to be a standalone entity. However, as BigLeaguePolitics' Patrick Howley points out, the larger well-funded Native Youth Leadership Alliance - which told us that it is not associated with Phillips - is currently promoting Phillips’ fundraising campaign stemming from the incident with the Catholic teens. The Native Youth Leadership Alliance (NYLA) is a non-profit organization that is funded by the same far-left power players who are often involved in bankrolling leftist causes. The organization’s funding partners include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Social Justice Fund Northwest.
And now, he is personally fundraising off the mainstream media's misdeeds…"

Learn how to analyze data with critical analysis. Now you know why we have an Electoral College; to prevent retards like you and your kind from voting this country into another Venezuela.


Didn't the whole video get leaked exposing what REALLY happened?

He's not a vet. His story was a fabrication as proven since he stated that he went over in 1972, when the last marines went over in 1971.

Fake and gay. Your narrative has already been btfo. Even on the recent Toe Rogan show they were able to uncuck themsevles to see the true narrative at play which surprised me to see.

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Yeah it did, I watched both videos.

Video 1 - Short video taken from a random watcher from the view of the protesters. Showing the elder pounding a drum in a kids face wearing a MAGA hat. Clearing seeing him walk up to the kid and get in his face while he stands his ground.

Video 2 - 1hr 34mins that totally destroys the media narrative. Witnessing the kids being harassed. Dozens are victim to hate speech and none of it comes from a white face. Black Isrealites attempt a confrontation but it's expelled by a elder man pounding a drum who then HARASSES THE 16 YR OLD KID.


Yep they started it and pretty much destroyed the narrative. However, the media won't redact shit. The kids life has already been tainted.

Celebrities are calling to assault an underage child.

Dem Politicians are approving of witch hunt politics.

Media is using Twitter and Facebook to spin to narrative as much as possible to make them look as if they didn't know the full story.

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Op is faggot .

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That Indian is a libtard faggot.

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How about we start doxing journalists who report fake news. Anybody who ran this story deserves whatever happens to them. Here's another link for you, OP. Is ABC7's news team bios. /baph/ should have an individual thread for each of these fucking journalist scum. Family, friends, children, even their fucking household pets deserve to get doxed. These people should be held accountable for their actions.

die hate mongering bigot scum

Yea, if my shit took a shit, it would still stink less than you, your soul is full of hell maggots ypu h8ful foul miasma

gee user. Iwas only larping!

another instance of anti semetic media

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Lawyer for Covington Catholic HS Families Threatens Lawsuits Against Media Unless They Retract False Stories

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Friend, this is not "truth in th emiddle" the statement they made is they "mobbed him". When really they just gathered around for a spectacle. That's kinda fucking different.

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t. salty slow kike

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Well, well, well. This is one kikey kike if I've ever seen one.

Glad he got doxed.

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ITT: anti-Trumptards crying out "TRUMP IS A SRUPID, BAD AND FAT ORANGE MAN"

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Nick Sandmann

1444 Shirepeak Way
Independence KY 41051-7425


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This sort of passive-aggressive stare down is a fairly typical Jewish trick.

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How did that turn out for you?
Yeah, you went on revenge raids and took scalps.
Unless the elders belonged to another tribe, in which case you scalped them
Unless they belonged to another tribe, in which case you scalped them

No jews ? Faggot.

Covered under most of the categories, tbh.

This shit is allowed, but I can't find a single dox of the drum nigger? Sorry guys but I'm fairly sure 8ch is compromised.

Only white veterans are worth caring about though.

This is complete bullshit. Aside from that, 20,000 or so years ago there were no such things as either Vikings or Mongols. The genetic/racial differences between ancient northern peoples on one side of what is now Russia or the other was nil.

This map is extremely disingenuous. A great number of the red counties have tiny populations. There are medium-sized cities all over the place with more people than the entire fucking state of Wyoming. Though I suppose if you wanted to imply that a large number of goddamned corn fields voted for Trump, you made your point.

Here's a more correct one for your consideration, adjusted for actual voters. Makes it easier for retards to visualize.

Attached: Cartogram.png (1032x887, 738.2K)

Yes, eusocialized humans vote Democrat, which is unsurprising.

but not freedom from consequence

D&C is the reason why (((they))) are in charge. Don't be a fool.

There's a reason there's more than one party in free societies. People are not united.

Keep this cute little quip in mind when your time comes.

I'm mocking the left you goofball

You really are an idiot.

helicopters cant come soon enough for pathogens like yourself

There is a difference between mocking and parroting. Learn it.

On second thought, perhaps I am being a bit too harsh. My apologies.

No. Fuck you.

This kid reminds me of that fucking clown from Pandemonium. Fucking exact look alike.

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The kid has black person toothgap but the savage is a member of a conquered race. I say they’re even and no need to jiggle the handle any longer. Resolve the disagreement through one to one combat and the winner gets to paint a mustache on the loser.


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Trump Will Meet With Covington Kids Who Were Bullied By Leftist Propagandist Media

no one cares about veterans, faggot

Xonotic vs ChaosEsque:Anthology, Which to chose. A debate on OpenSource FPS's

Ayyo. Before you make a big mistake in choosing a project or sum shit you gotta be feeling the ways of the both the people. You feel me?

M'fcking Xonotic and dis bullshit is diffrens.

Xonotic devs deeply respect women and their rights and privileges.

Dis Bullshit devs hate women's rights and have been harranging FLOSS femininists fo like a decade. (Citation: )

Xonotic Developers contribute to society by working real jobs.

Dis Bullshit is a pack of fucking NEETs who say dey ain't workin fo no enemy.

Xonotic Programmers are attracted to real Women.

Dis BULLSHIT faggots want to take little girls as brides.

Xonotic Men respect and uphold modern ethical understandings and beliefs.

DIS BULLSHIT NEET FUCKS worship the war god of the jews and cite "deuteronomy" as reason why raping young female children into marraige is "awwwite" (Example: "Deuteronomy 22, 28-29,hebrew, see na'ar, tahpas bla bla bla bla" – These words are all spam-filtered on for a reason)

Xonotic Paragons have a correct work:life:hobby balance and deeply love real women.

Dis_Bullshit neet faggots do not work, do not life, they just program the videogame and make maps for it. They hate women and like little girls (and we all know that little girls are basically boys).

Choose wisely for you will be judged by the company you keep.

If you want to get fired from your job: fine: shack up with mikeeeusa and the faggot neets of Dis Bullshit and their mountain of shit. You know: if you like pedophiles and guns so much. Also the neet assholes added disgusting things like working torture chambers into the game. Do you honestly want to be associated with that?


Some things to consider:

Chaos-Esque Anthology has little things coded in over the years like:
Bullet Deceleration in Water (along with trails) (thus you can use water for cover like in real life)
Blood splatter on walls when bullets pass through players (noticed Unreal 97 had this, and Xonotic didn't, so it was coded in).
and various other little niggling details that were noticed as absent and programmed in over the years.

It also has big things like the tons of added weapons, and all the rest that has allready been mentioned.

Xonotic itself could be prone to puritanism: one of the devs wanted to strip out all the player models and replace them with only robots so it is "less violent" (don't think they did it, but it was discussed).
Chaos-Esque doesn't entertain such thoughts.

Xonotic has code churn from time to time when a dev decides to refactor everything in the "right way". Samual did this once, and later some new guys refactored the whole thing again.
Chaos-Esque does not do this. It refines the codebase it has. The machine doesn't care how asthetic ones quakec dialect appears to humans.
(Rewriting codebases for no reason can reintroduce long banished bugs).

You can think of Xonotic as american-christianity: subject to bouts of shakerism and other fads,
while Chaos-Esque Anthology is more listening to the voices of antiquity.

Chaos-Esque Anthology believes in slow, steady, methodical advancement. Like a large gear biting into whatever it is biting into.
Xonotic is more of a … talk about things… some bouts of revolutionary change… some iconoclasm… and churn in developers.

Chaos-Esque Anthology has one developer. Who listens to no one, who no one talks to.

One of these projects makes more progress than the other.

Now, on the otherhand: Xonotic has a … (close eyes, savor the moment, breathe in, breathe out)…
Xonotic has a Community.

You can go to Xonotic. You can approach it. You can Talk to it.
There are people you can say hey what is up, how be ist.
You can talk about new features you want, discuss enacting them, have arguments about it.

You cannot do this with Chaos-Esque. I mean, you can talk to a wall.
On the other hand, whatever feature you want in your heart… it has a good chance of simply appearing in Chaos-Esque.
The development model is: force of will. You will it. That desire is tranferred to the heart of the developer. He has the desire to suddenly implement a new feature. That feature is willed into existance.
Many people scoff at this development model saying that it lacks _Communication_, however Chaos-Esque has 185 weapons and Xonotic has 18. Many people go on the Xonotic forum, make a feature request… and unbeknonst to them Chaos-Esque has had this thing for many years (they will never know).

Note: Xonotic (and ofcourse Chaos-Esque) has a way of seperating game types. You could do ./xonotic-executable -game vanilla, and ./xonotic-chaos-esque executable -game chaos

Oh… and play game



Life comes at you fast, don't it OP

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Ooof, this thread han't aged well!

MAGA kids mocking dude

Oh wow, thats soooooooo racist, forget all the death threats about shooting up and burning down the school and killing the kids over it. Uh huh.




Well THIS post didn't age well did it?


He's still a vet. Nice try though.

How many times does this stupid narrative need to be disproved? Watch the full video and not the out of context clips the media keeps feeding you and it's plain to see how much of a fucking liar he is.

Settle down spaz.



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Except he's fucking not
Bottom of the page is a correction that says he never went to vietnam.

It does say he's a vet though. Keep pushing this narrative though, it looks good on you.

I never said he was never in the army faggot. You are the one pushing the claim that he went to vietnam to drum up unearned sympathy.