Real estate agent shot dead while trying to evict tenants

A Utah real estate agent was allegedly gunned down by tenants he was trying to evict — and his body was found inside a crawl space in the apartment, according to a report.

David Stokoe, a dad of four, had gone to the Salt Lake City home Thursday after letting his renters know they needed to be out by 6 p.m., according to the Salt Lake Tribune. His body was found the next day.

One of the tenants, Manuel Velasquez, told police he got into a fight with Stokoe on Thursday evening because the landlord kicked the door and put him into a “very serious” chokehold, court documents obtained by the paper say.

Velasquez, 31, told cops that while he was being subdued, he grabbed a handgun inside the fannypack he was wearing and shot Stokoe multiple times.

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Fuck me what did he think was going to happen?

Fair Housing Act

The 1968 Fair Housing Act is a federal act in the United States intended to protect the buyer or renter of a dwelling from seller or landlord discrimination. Its primary prohibition makes it unlawful to refuse to sell, rent to, or negotiate with any person because of that person's inclusion in a protected class.

this (((face))) has more to tell

dindu nuffin?

Rest in peace but lol. You need to send the muscle for this kind of shit.

So what you're saying is the federal government of the United States of America is the true, culpable nigger?

Whites are literally second class citizens.

I woulda shot the capitalist pig too

>(((Hart-Celler))) act passes

Thanks boomers.

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He looks like a yid but it doesn't seem likely they sent one of the chosen ones for that kind of job. Probably another /goodgoy/ dying in the service of schlomo.

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I'll admit my prejudice was expecting the tenants to be niggers but it turns out they're filthy beaners. I'll never be racist again.

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Housing court takes their sweet time but eventually the sheriff shows up and does the evicting.


You're a degenerate if you shoot someone over a fistfight anyways.
Seriously doubt that man was afraid for his life for a second.

Everything was fine until 1985 you fags came along and sucked Jew cock.

>>(((Hart-Celler))) act passes
And they promised it wouldn't drastically change the demographics of the US.

Typical boomer, selling your children off to the jews so you can live it up. Fuck you son, I got mine, right?

His nose gave him away.

Outlaw fanny packs.

Jew from New York attempts to steal children in Utah gets lead instead, makes news in New York.

Retard, Boomers didn’t do this. They would have been 20, max. This was the group before that also downsized everyone in the 80s. Aka da jews that flooded in during the 20s through 40s.

Literally looks like a goblin from harry potter without makeup

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Its called lying
Its that easy. Never do business with people outside your race.

They obviously lied since they hid the body. If they were assaulted they wouldn't have hid the body.

He looks like angel from that show angel but when hes mad. I might be thinking buffy but whatever you get it.

You can still refuse to rent to someone with a criminal conviction. That should weed out 99% of them.

Knew someone who used to rent out to people and I got all sorts of horror stories. My favorite was the one where he rented to some Pakis. The downstairs neighbors were complaining about leaking in their ceiling. Turns out the Pakis had covered the floor of their non-linoleum living room with a hefty layer of soil and were trying to make an indoor farm or something. The entire floor had to be ripped out and replaced because of all of the water damage. He does not rent to Pakis anymore.

They're trying to ban that too. Blue cesspools already passing "Ban the Box" asking if you've committed a felony on hiring applications.

Half this fucking country would shoot someone over a bag of chips, mate.

And in several states they are allowed to do under "self-defense".

Probly wore a cross like the other hypocrite schizos, because the Bible was definitely about how you should ignore the homeless or use usury to profit off of them. Wearing some button down shirt and tie like some little drone bitch and sitting in an office choose which employees to layoff so your rapist son in college can get chipotle delivered 7 times a week instead of 6 is definitely what Jewsus Kikestickberg told everyone to do . "Treat others the way you want to be treated, so order them around like they are an animal. They probly won't do it back to you though because you are following advice from a literal schizo jew who talks to bushes, so go fuck with people's shit and just pretend you have the highest morals and nobody will ever question you. If you want you can become a priest and rape kids too! Once in the church you can take money donated to the poor and buy a brand new SUV!" - Faggot Christ

Bump real news.

The fact he hid the body and moved it up into the attic indicates it wasn't an accident. I'm just confused what these people thought would happen shooting a dude who is just evicting them. It's not like they'll be allowed to say in the house after they find the body.

Wow people who already have everything they need to survive for their entire life and then scheme to enslave people who don't have anything are innocent and dindu nuffin landlords are definitely not Irish!

Note how the kike always redirects culpability to the corpse, regardless of circumstance or actors involved.
A reminder to the gullible who read kike-posta like this, is that an estate agent works for an agency, hence the name, and do not choose who lives where.

Naaww man I deedent do nathing, dees ese come heerr and try to keeel me maaan so i fuckin keeeel him maan fucking pendejo anglo puta beeeetch maaan.

Better check farmville.

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The backlash will be Namaste.

this face looks like a torn up shoe box.

Bye bye rabbi

If whites are second class citizens then shitskins are third-class citizens

Plus it was a jew. Winning all over the place. He should bury his body though and not admit it, but whatever, another latino added to crime statistics, win for us.

Literally happened

Beware Landlords, Nigger moms will try and rent Your place using her credentials but will put their Black nigger Male into that apartment.
4% 52-65% of crime is commited by Black Males.
Do not rent to Nigger Males.

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this made me pic related

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spic assassins like to brag, if you believe that they will remain quiet then you are truly showing how naive you really are.

Do what the Russians do, sedate the tenants with fentanyl gas, then they're easy to evict.

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pretty sure they meant crawlspace as in under the house, not the attic

shot in the back 3 times, too. and his mom and wife hid the body/cleaned it up lol. stupid mexican

Every single time I hear blacks trying to get into Slav States the end result is always the same. Niggers get the Shit beaten out of them.

Im an ex Russian Jew.
I used to work at a Kosher place and What I have witnessed are mostly Anoying Jewish Woman with anoying sounding voices and a HELL of a lot of Whores who love to fuck Niggers like Even white girls cannot compete at the levels of fuckery.
Like they are suposto be the conservitives… Like half of Jew woman are WHORES… This is What I saw.

I was Young and I found better work, but I worked for Pizza Hut on the side…. the Best looking Jew Girl on the east side of Cleveland was fucking a short little Black guy Who worked in Dominos across the Street, He would always come in with leftover Pizza on the weekends and trade for our leftover canceled orders…

Jew Bitches are beyond repair… Maybe this is why the Chosen ones secretly want to destroy the people of light.

Lol, let this be a lesson to other real estate agents

bumping real news

shills did their best to derail this, good news thread nonetheless

bumping TRUE NEWS

actual news