They’re Coming For YOUR Money

BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1 |

Every so often throughout history, the peasants grab their pitchforks and come for the elite. It happens when the wealth gap grows too extreme… when people feel like they are getting left behind, with no opportunity to advance.

Central banks around the world have printed trillions of dollars over last decade, and pushed interest rates to zero, and sometimes below. And all of that stimulus went directly into the pockets of the wealthy.

Since 2009, the world’s billionaires more than DOUBLED their combined wealth. All the billionaires in the world had $3.4 trillion in 2009. By 2017, they amassed $8.9 trillion.

Mark Zuckerberg multiplied his wealth almost 20 times over, from $3 billion in 2009, to over $58 billion in 2019.

$8.9 trillion is a massive, almost incomprehensible amount of wealth.

For the last ten years, we’ve seen a huge asset price inflation in everything from the stock market, to bonds and real estate, and even fine art and wine.

But if you’re a wage earner without assets, you’ve been left out. Wages and median household wealth have stagnated.

And this is a global issue…

The combined wealth of the poorest half of the world–3.8 billion people–fell by 11% just last year, according to Oxfam, a group working to alleviate poverty.

The New York Times claims the richest 8 people on the planet have more wealth than the poorest 3.8 billion.

And Forbes says the 3 richest Americans have as much wealth as the poorest half of the country’s population.

People feel trapped, like they have no path to prosperity. They see money thrown around by the government, and the rich. They see stocks and real estate boom… but where is theirs?

Meanwhile a tiny group got embarrassingly rich.

I’m not trying to sound like some radical, left-wing, social justice warrior. I just know that throughout history, whenever the wealth gap gets large enough, everything falls apart.

Sometimes that happens through legislation and sometimes it happens through violence. People demand that their politicians forcefully redistribute the wealth. And the politicians, always hungry for more power, are happy to step up to the plate.
[NOTE these are the same politicians who bailed out the major banks when their corrupt fraudulent mortgage bond market collapsed in 2008! They helped make these billionaires get richer off America's expense already!]

We’re starting to see this in America today.
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Last week we talked about New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s speech in which he said: “Brothers and sisters, there’s plenty of money in the world. There’s plenty of money in this city. It’s just in the wrong hands.”

What he meant was that the people who earned the money shouldn’t get to keep it.

Then there’s the new star of Congress, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. She supports hiking income taxes up to 70%, providing free medical care, free college, a chicken in every pot and a unicorn in every garage.

And, of course, she blames capitalism for everything wrong with the United States… and says “it will not always exist in the world.”

Ray Dalio, manager of Bridgewater, the world’s largest hedge fund, is hobnobbing with the global elite at a Swiss ski resort in Davos. He says that among the attendees, the ideas of this 29-year-old freshman Congresswoman are actually taking root.

Unfortunately, the public likes what it hears.

According to Gallup, 51% of 18-29 year olds view socialism favorably.

Only 45% view capitalism positively. That’s down from 68% in the same age group just a few years ago.

And membership in the Democratic Socialists of America has swelled 7x just in the last two years.

Their candidates are certainly crowding the 2020 primary.

All of these candidates want to take your money and redistribute it to the people who keep them in power. It is SO obvious what is going to happen next.

There will be more government spending that they can’t afford. More bureaucracy, more central planning…

As de Blasio said, he thinks people have a socialistic impulse which makes them want the government “to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it, what the rent will be.”

And unfortunately the statistics are supporting this view.

These are the new socialist candidates for the presidency who all promise to take your money and do with it what they see fit.

But here’s the thing, none of this stuff works. Central planning doesn’t work. Bureaucracy doesn’t work.

It drags everyone down, and lifts up only the politically connected. We’ve seen it a million times before, across the world, throughout history.

Unfortunately, it seems like the trend of American socialism is picking up steam.

These Presidential candidates (along with a large chunk of American voters) are determined to turn America into yet another failed experiment in socialism.

glad most of my money ain't in a bank account

Damn those old white guys, right?

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thank God they can't take your $700 a month SSI benefits

or did they raise your monthly benefits to $720 ?

are they including national socialists in their poll?

This whole notion is retarded and disempowers people to improve their lives. It tells them that others are responsible for their misery and that with sufficient giveaways their poverty will be reduced.

the curse of the lottery hasn't been renamed the "the blessing of the lottery" yet, and for good reason. Poor people fail to manage the resources they have, and drool at the idea they're not responsible for their misery - and this is why socialism is growing in popularity, because people are gullible greedy idiots

The stupid is growing fast

Show me a single lottery winner that turned his winnings into more money, then you can prove the case that socialism is not stupid, and the notion of "privilege based wealth" has merit.

You can't, because they don't exist. People that win the lottery end up worse than before they won the jackpot.

all the ones we can track lose it all within 7 years

Exactly what will happen in this case too. The socialist politicians/pigs will hoard all that tax revenue and enrich themselves and blow it all.

The poor won't get a fucking dime of that. Always whats happens. Always.

OP is a commie

OP fuck off to
>>>Zig Forums

Because nobody ever taught them how to handle money. Capitalism only tells you how magical it is to have it and that you should spend as much as possible. Who in this day and age warns you about credit cards, fiat money, taking loans, signing subscriptions, investment gambling etc?

Talk about economic inequality and infinity loses its shit

Nope. Read the WHOLE article. Not just a few lines. The commies are the ones that are going to steal YOUR wealth and CLAIM they are taking it from the rich, only to enrich THEMSELVES with your money. Its a warning about communism coming into America.

In a nutshell:

the politicians made these (((fat cats))) rich from their fraud.
the (((fat cats))) get blamed for it all, but not the corrupt politicians.
the goyim beg corrupt politicians to steal from the (((fat cats))) and give their wealth back to them
the corrupt politicians steal from the goyim and then enrich themselves
now you have two classes: rich banksters and rich politicians one one class, the poor goyim.

Socialism/Communism is a guaranteed way to hell, making everyone equally poor

Capitalism has failed because it is easily manipulated

But what about National Socialism? If the Jews hate it so very much and have worked for decades to burry it behind the holohoax, it must be amazing. Hitler got rid of the kike bankers, created a national currency valued by the strength of the German workforce instead of gold, and rebuilt the nation and military to a world superpower in a few years. Also, arrested Lord Rothschild

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As long as there is productive domestic industry, some level of fair economic competition and consumer choice (a true free market), and the government ONLY was used to crack down on mobsters and criminals like central banking kikery I'd be ALL FOR National Socialism.



Let's make it then! Arbeit macht frei! Get rid of these kikes along with their nigger and spic minions!

Not advising violence but stock up on arms and ammo. 7.62x39 is effective and widely available. If violence lands on your street, take out the commies and ZOG pig cops. If there is chaos and murder around every corner, it won't fucking matter at that point.

Link up with fellow whites and show them the way of national socialism. Form a right wing death squad.

It sounds like a wet dream, and the system wants organized chaos to bring in their solution to prevent an uncontrolled revolution, but it could fucking happen. Always be prepared to make a difference. Tyranny can't be beaten without violence. It is a sad fact of history at this point.

Everything was fine in this country until the jews got involved.

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Sounds like bullshit when world poverty is at an all-time low.

Believe me, user, I have been preparing for that day for quite a while now.

I wish Commiefornia would seceed already, and all the tranny faggot leftists would just go live there

Most Zig Forums preps for this kind of event, we typically call it "SHTF" (shit hit the fan), "WOOL" (without order or law) or "TEOTWAWKI" (the end of the world as we know it)…. and yes, we know the commies are enemies and so are these politicians and central banking kikes too.

She isnt going to get the money for her plans from taxes. She said she plans to borrow 5 billion from the federal reserve.