Court Ruling Confirms Gardasil Vaccine Killed People, Where Is The Outcry?

May God bless the Tarsell family, who fought the U.S. government eight long years to validate a medical burden of proof that the Gardasil vaccine killed their daughter. The Tarsell’s 21-year-old daughter Christina Richelle “died from an arrhythmia induced by an autoimmune response” to Gardasil, an HPV vaccine that she received only days before her death.

The final ruling has been confirmed by the Department of Health and Human Services: Merck’s Gardasil vaccine causes autoimmune problems that cause sudden debilitation and/or death. If the young girl had been gunned down by a madman with an AR-15, then there’d be national headlines and a march on Washington. Since this young woman was “shot” to death by a vaccine, the whole story gets swept under the rug.

Never mind that the Gardasil vaccine is responsible for ending the lives of 271 young women to date, according to over 57,520 adverse event reports obtained from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. If 271 young people died in a school shooting, the news coverage would be nonstop in support of gun bans. How about a ban on Gardasil – a real modern day assault weapon?

The Tarsell’s case was initially taken up by the Vaccine Court, which is a payout system that was set up to compensate families for vaccine damage. Vaccine makers pay an excise tax to this system for every vaccine they sell. This money (cost of doing business) is used to pay out damages to select families who can medically prove they were damaged by a vaccine. This system protects vaccine makers from being sued in a true court of law, ensuring that vaccines will continue to be manufactured for the “good of all.”

At first, the Special Master from the Vaccine Court said that Ms. Tarsell did not persuasively establish “a basic proposition of her claim, that Christina did not experience an arrhythmia until after the first dose of the HPV vaccine.” The Special Master declared that “without this foundation, Ms. Tarsell’s claim cannot stand.” The Special Master did not assess the medical records provided by the Tarsell’s. These records proved that Christina’s arrhythmia was not present until after the Gardasil vaccine. The Special Master instead based his decision on the possibility that Christina’s arrhythmia could have been present before it was detected, even though her medical records told otherwise. Even though the arrhythmia was prevalent following Gardasil, the Special Master claimed her arrhythmia was from an “unknown” source.

The Tarsel’s took their case directly to the Department of Health and Human Services and after eight years of fighting, they received a 22-page ruling by Judge Mary Ellen Coster Williams. The ruling declared that the Special Master’s approach for analyzing the case “placed an overly onerous burden of proof.”

Therefore Judge Williams declared:

Petitioner’s motion for review is GRANTED. The Special Master’s decision denying compensation is VACATED, and the case is REMANDED to the Special Master for further proceedings consistent with this decision…

After eight years of fighting for justice, the Tarsell’s finally received this judgment from Special Master Christian J. Morgan:

The Court’s Opinion and Order required additional consideration consistent with the legal principles articulated by the Court for analyzing the evidence in this tragic case about a woman, Christina Tarsell, who died much too young. Under the approach dictated by the Court, Ms. Tarsell is entitled to compensation. The parties should anticipate that a separate order regarding damages will issue shortly. Pursuant to Vaccine Rule 28.1(a), the Clerk’s Office is instructed to notify the Court of this ruling.

Now that a court has confirmed that Gardasil vaccine kills people, where is the national media coverage? Where is the public outcry?

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inb4 this gets slid to all hell

Pick. Only. Juan.

I guess white knights worship authority more than they do women.

I call taking a vaccine Russian roulette because at this point of time, you don't know if it will end up helping or harming you. It can do one or the other. To me, its not really worth the risk. But everyone has their own opinion but most of all, we should be free to choose what is best for ourselves.

they're trying

If you have no known allergies and have not previously had a life threatening reaction to a vaccine, the odds of it hurting you are incredibly small. Even if you factor in the deaths (all of which are allergic reactions) the chance you die from any of these diseases is larger than a reaction to the vaccine with only a few exceptions (but in those cases you would alreadt know if you are at risk of reacting before getting the injection). This is an issue of freedom and government interference into the lives of individuals. I have no idea why you are losing your minds over vaccines being deadly, but not peanuts, nuts, wheat, soy, dairy and seafood. It makes you sound crazy because it lacks any sort of perspective. Just focus on personal freedoms and you will grt a lot more support.

You know what? It is a personal freedom to choose what you put into your own body, and that includes vaccines or drugs. Even though you might not like what others do, they have the freedom to do what they feel is right with their own bodies. As well as the freedom to question something if people are dying from it too. So it really is a freedom issue, because tyrants who want to force this upon us have made this into a freedom issue.

George Washington inoculated a battalion of men against small pox. He took needles and collected pus from infected individuals, he then used them to inoculate his men. A few died but most lived and developed an immunity. The theory is sound. It works, these companies are adding things that dont need to be

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There are aditives in vaccines to get a stronger imune response. Pharmaceutical firms may use more aditives and less antigen because antigens are expensive to produce. These aditive induced imune response is less specific and may risk trigerring autoimmune reactions.

Neurotoxins actually DAMAGE the immune system. And that is what they lace into vaccines today. Its party due to an agenda I've alerted you anons about multiple times, and will continue to be ignored. UN Agenda 21 1992. Look it up.


More like the lives of countless unborn children have been saved.

That's the most fucking retarded spread mind control zombie bullshit I've ever heard of

Vaccines are used for mind control. It's a cybernetic fungus.

Argue that

Those died. Watch the YT videos to watch what happened to the ones that survive. Not good either.

This thread shall never get slid as long as I am still taking a break from bouncing shit off the firmament.

I did not ask to be alerted, nor do I want to. Not really interested in looking up your archives or whatever either.
I can't believe you got Mega shut down too, Killcen. Shame on you. You've been a bad boy.

The elite get different vaccines offered for their purchase and use than the average serf does.

Those archives are mirrored elsewhere if anyone wants them. They've been around for a few years, anyone who wanted them has them already. I'll share them on torrent if I have to someday.

And you can simply do a search on Agenda 21, here's one that might surprise you:

10 bucks she already had HPV the fuckin whore

Out of how many? What's the over/under on this?

Well, considering the fact that the vaccine cannot be proven to have prevented anything for anybody or proven to have done anything positive for anybody; yet it has been proven to have caused 271 deaths, I would say that is a net negative.
It's kind of like how believing in an after-death-life that turns out all hunky-dory as long as you pledge your allegiance to a magical sky-fairy (who supposedly once lived and died for you because you are a piece of shit) has absolutely no effect whatsoever on what happens after death, has no apparent positive aspects benefitting life (more than having no belief systems at all), yet has been proven to have extremely negative effects on all living beings for millenia – but you should still believe, otherwise you will burn in hell forever after you die because, remember, you were born a piece of shit and will always be a piece of shit unless you do exactly what the powers-that-be tell you to do and be a good little goy..
Kind of like that.

At first I thought your analogy was way off base and irrelevant.
Now I see.
It is like that. Exactly like that.
Fear is a great method to control other people's behavior.

Fear is survival instinct. Cattle tend to lack that goyim.

1 dead for ever 100,000 with no vag herpes or cancer

Worth it

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Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure, Johnny.

Insurance payed off to get rid of the parents

No cause and effect proved

Antivaxers exploit the grief of these parents and their understandable desire to find a cause for their child’s demise to demonize HPV vaccinations as dangerous and deadly.

The temporal relationship between vaccination and death is questionable, and she had had two shots before the third shot blamed for her death. She developed an unknown illness and died suddenly. Her parents did further “investigation” and concluded that it must have been the Gardasil.

that's not why natural selection did its job, poindexter

Since 1988, when the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) began, more than 16,000 claims have been considered and a whopping $3.18 billion have been awarded to families alleging some kind of harm from vaccines. That sounds awfully damning, and in this case, unlike in so many other cases, the anti-vaccine crowd isn’t just making stuff up. The numbers are real and the federal government is the first to admit it.

But the anti-vaxxers are utterly wrong in their interpretation of what the numbers mean. And in fact, the numbers prove that vaccines are as safe as the medical community says they are. Understanding why that’s so means going beyond the tired alarmism and looking at the facts.

In order to ensure that vaccines would be as affordable and available as possible, Congress thus created the VICP, establishing a trust fund for awards financed by an excise tax of 75 cents on every vaccine administered. Under the program, cases are adjudicated on a no-fault basis, with attorneys for the government and attorneys for the families arguing before one of eight special masters. The goal is to settle the matter as quickly and fairly as possible, though petitioners (the no-fault system avoids the word “plaintiffs”) who are unhappy with the special master’s ruling are free to take their case to the traditional civil court system.

The standard the petitioners must meet to recover any award is a comparatively low one—the “preponderance of the evidence” rule of civil law, rather than the “beyond a reasonable doubt” requirement of the criminal court system. In practice, that standard has been even more liberally construed in the vaccine court than it is in ordinary civil court, a fact that generally benefits the petitioners. More frequently still, things don’t go that far. In 80% of all cases brought since 2006, the parties settle, meaning that
the petitioner recovers an award with no determination being made about whether the vaccine even caused the claimed harm.

Even without blame being established, the billions the government has handed over in payouts since the VICP was created does seem to suggest that a whole lot of people are being harmed. But that is not the case. From 2006 to 2014, approximately 2.5 billion doses of vaccines were administered in the U.S. In that time, a total of just 2,976 claims were adjudicated by the special masters and only 1,876 of those received compensation. Divide that number by the vaccine dose total and you get less than a one in a million risk of harm. Going all the way back to 1988—before the flu vaccine became part of the recommended schedule of vaccines—a total of 16,038 claims have been adjudicated and 4,150 have been compensated, bringing the total payouts up to the $3.18 billion figure.\

Go back to spouting Sandy hook conspiracy shit, fool

that's your level

You are sick in the head. ANY Rational parent who's son or daughter just died would want to find out why.

Ah yes, Time…the last uncorrupted bastion of truth.

Can your Lord get better treatment please? I'm going to get rid of you if I don't. I'm done with what you have to teach me.

Its a vaccine only women get
Why should I care if some thots die

God is going to kill you.

The vaccine people. He got a memo you were blaming disease on Him.

He's complaining about how you weaponized slightly inconvenient diseases into making everyone autistic and then blaming it on him.

This is just a small issue on God's list of grievance.

user doubts Time. Believes shit post that doesn't understand that remand means try again with ruling one way or another on the facts.

hpv vaccines dont actually reduce the risk of hpv virus. its also an STD that can cause cancer. they push vaccines on everyone; kids, virgins, married women, etc without any regard for sexual history.

so what youre really trying to say is
eat the biggest dick you can find you filthy kike.

Oh it gets worse…. they actually are pushing BOYS to take this vaccine…. yah, its that ridiculous and you know when they are pushing Gardasil on boys then there IS a nefarious agenda going on.

But people will still ignore it and thats why I'm losing all hope and faith for this hellhole we call a world.

You retard - they are forcing girls and boys to get hpv shot in schools now

What's with all the "God" shit ITT?
Why is this user the only one that 'gets' it?

Having worked in a slaughterhouse, I can assure you that is not true. Cattle can be controlled through fear the same as any other animal. They do experience fear, and they correlate their actions in response to said fear.

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Autoimmune disorders don't come from a bottle. It's an inborn genetic trait that exists in some people like a ticking time-bomb, just waiting for something to trigger it. This is like saying that if she'd been born with a fucked heart valve, and went for a jog that caused it to fail and she died, that therefore exercise must be bad for everyone. It's asinine.

No it hasn't. According to courts, it has been attributed to the death of JUST THIS ONE. The other cases have not been proven yet, so they're irrelevant.

Exactly. They need to stop adding shit like mercury.

It's surprisingly true (or at lest it works - dunno the history on this particular story). Though our method today (in terms of what they're doing right) has one important touchup - by putting a much weaker form of the virus into someone and letting the body kill it the rest of the immune system adapts to it and can kill a not so weak form of it. I first heard about in middle school when they were talking about people in history trying to treat polio and using a weakened form to give the immune system some practice. It seemed to work (a large majority of times). The problem now is all the crazy shit they add it it to increase refrigeration time and save a buck.