ICANN to decide on creating .ss tld for South Sudan despite neo nazi links

The internet will make space for South Sudan this month, with plans to create a new top-level domain for the world's newest nation.

There's only one catch: the new country-code TLD is .ss, which is formally listed as a hate symbol thanks to its use by the Nazi party's Schutzstaffel (or SS) in the 1920s through to the 1940s.

The SS maintained the police state of Nazi Germany and was responsible, among other things, for the genocidal killing of six million Jews in the Holocaust and millions of socialists, homosexuals, Roma, Russians, and anyone else Hitler's regime took a dislike to. Its leaders were found guilty of war crimes as well as crimes against humanity, and many were hanged in the aftermath of the Second World War.

As such the "SS" symbol is a powerful reminder of the very worst atrocities carried out by the Nazis, and, unfortunately, maintains current relevance thanks to having been adopted by white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

On the flipside, South Sudan was formed in 2011 when it broke away from Sudan following an independence vote that was supported by nearly 99 per cent of the affected populace.

As part of the process of becoming a new nation, ministers started asking the relevant international organizations for their own identifier: including its own international telephone extension (+211) and two-letter country abbreviation.

The new government formally asked the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to give it the .ss two-letter abbreviation, saying at the time that it had been told that there was an association with the Nazis in Europe but had applied for it anyway. Presumably as an African nation, they weren't all that bothered by a 70-year-old European problem.

But despite being formally given the .ss identifier by the ISO back in August 2011, nearly eight years later it has still not been added to the internet. That may be about to change however with the board of the body in charge of the internet's domain name system, US-based ICANN, including "Delegation of the .SS (South Sudan) country-code top-level domain" on its agenda for a meeting on January 27.

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< 1488.ss
has a certain ring to it tbh.

Fucking right. Will you be the first to have a .ss domain?

Wow it says SS on the end, anudah shoah. If anything these cunts are doing it on purpose to maintain the brainwashing about muh lolocoast.

dailystormer.ss come on fag anglin, make it happen.

Anglin is a gay nigger and is probably sleeping. Some other enterprising faggot will snatch it up before he even entertains the thought.

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Reminder that the word "Schutz" stands for protection, and that Hitler created the Schutzstaffel to protect himself, his party, his followers and every citizen that was brutally attacked by communist thugs, who would attack anyone who dares to speak up against jewish crimes and the resulting exploitation of the citizens…just like it happens in the US today. So much for hate.

Yeah right. Anyway did you know that it was jewish commands that led to the plans to starve the Germans to death, while knowingly sacrificing the jewish prisoners in Germany's prison camps to starvation, sickness and death. Remember all the pictures of skeleton kikes? Starved by their own brethren for Israel.
That would be the so called shabbos goys aka race traitors who do the dirty jewish deeds in return for power or because of blackmail. You know, like modern day Macron in France.
Child molesting, disease carrying, perversion spreading, sexuality corrupting sodomites like we can see ravaging our societies today.
Gypsies aka nomadic criminal scum who always robs, rapes and spread violence and poverty, while never following laws or authority. How could Hitler not leave these parasites roaming around freely, while he tried to establish order, rebuild a corrupt civilization and fortified a nation against outside aggressors.

The correct term would be bolsheviks, the jewish monster brigade, who later on massacred up to a hundred million real Russians in the most abhorrent ways. Don't forget that that the real Russians were fighting alongside Hitlers men against the bolsheviks who enslaved their country.

Yeah, like backstabbers, race traitors, greedy thieves, useless politicians, corrupted intellectuals, the communist scum who doesn't wanted to participate etc.

Found guilty in a kangaroo court, and murdered after being viciously tortured and forced to lie by bolshevik jews and US military jews bribing their way into commandeering positions after the fighting was already over. Just to be present for the torturing.

Macron isn't a socialist, he's a neocon

Until 2016 macron was a senior member of the French socialist party.
The only reason he left is because of a corruption scandal ruined the parties reputation.

When he got in to power he immediately put in place socialist policies like crazy high taxes.

Well, time to make waffen.ss.

This. At the time the kike elites(Rothschilds) didn't care about any jew that was unwilling to move to Palestine.

Calling dibs on waffen.ss


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I am ready to register pi.ss


Whatchya sliden'?

Nothing worth a damn.

A letter twice is racist? Right. How very meaningful. Surely this won't continue to erode the utility and importance of "racism" until the term no longer matters at all.


I will buy the "North American Zionist Insults(NAZI.SS) domain for a lifetime just to watch kikes kvetch at muh memez.


Just because of people making sites like the one in post below

Could'nt ss domain registrars make a little bit of filtering against the most controversial site names, at least to avoid endless flame wars?


A little bit of cleanup gonna be needed on this domain, soon.

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This will be funnier than that time Schillinger though of asking Adebisi's help in Oz.

Dont you mean Shanudah Shoah?