Native American Who Lied Claiming ‘Harassment’ From School Children Has Violent Criminal Record

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Nathan Phillips, the Native American man who falsely accused Covington Catholic High School students of ‘harassment‘, has a violent criminal record.

According to public records, Phillips, 63, has a history of assault, escaping prison, and several alcohol-related crimes. reports:

Phillips, who was 19 at the time, was “charged with escaping from the Nebraska Penal Complex where he was confined May 3,” according to a May 9, 1974, article in the Lincoln Star. The court approved a bond of $500 and set a preliminary hearing for May 14.

He pleaded guilty to assault on June 19, 1974, and was fined $200. In addition, he was charged with underage possession of alcohol in 1972, 1973, and 1975, as well as negligent driving. A destruction of property charge against him was dropped in August 1973, but Phillips was sentenced to one year probation for a related charge of alcohol possession by a minor. In December 1978, he was charged with driving without a license.

Phillips also appears to have misrepresented his military service in the U.S. Marines. In April, he was quoted by Vogue as saying: “You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role.”

In fact, Phillips spent most of his time in the Marines as a refrigerator technician after initially being an anti-tank missileman for four months. Phillips, then named “Stanard,” was not deployed outside the U.S. and never saw combat, according to the Marine Corps.

Military records provided to the Washington Examiner show that Phillips served in the Marine Corps Reserve between 1972 to 1976 and held the rank of private, E-1, on April 18, 1975. According to records obtained by former Navy SEAL Don Shipley, Phillips was listed as Absent Without Leave (AWOL) three times.

The Lakota People’s Law Project, some of whose members participated in the Indigenous Peoples’ March with Phillips and later encountered the Covington students who had taken part in the March for Life, described Phillips as a Vietnam veteran.

That was incorrect, but Phillips himself appeared not to have claimed he was in Vietnam, repeatedly describing himself in interviews as a “Vietnam times veteran.” In 2000, however, he described himself to the Washington Post as having been “a Marine Corps infantryman,” without mentioning that for the vast majority of his service he had been a refrigerator technician.

Phillips did not respond to questions about his military record discrepancies or his criminal record.

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Fake news BTFO.

I did some shit in the 70s too. Did my time back then. Hope it doesn't come back to haunt me now! Seems a little far back to be dredging up old historical records of misconduct, when it's obvious he's a lying sack of shit right fucking now! Isn't that enough? Who cares about his past?

Something tells me that CNN and the NYT will not be reporting this.

Woah native Americunts really are cunts.
I guess chief shitting bull has spent his entire life overcompensating for not being seen as a proper native american by his own tribe.

Its just like when i came home from Iraq and everyone would tell me about their cousin/brother/sister etc who was in the coast guard/air force/marines/ national guard etc and how they were "SNIPERS" over in iraq or afghanistan. Americans are such lying scum.

Oh wow…..maybe its just some attention whores who think this will make you feel better about having to go to war? I don't know but you are right, thats very deceptive to lie like that.

In my opinion we should've had you guys back in America, helping protect our own borders, not fighting for ZOG.

has a history of assault, escaping prison, and several alcohol-related crimes.

This is normal for any 1st nations person with the ingrained bigotry from bigot scum such as your self user.

I know you want to Make this a better planet, so die

So he was in the military?

Op turns out to be even bigger lying bigot scum

reserves finishing with an e1. he didn't see combat, he didn't leave stateside. how can you be a combat infantry man on base? he doesn't have a CIB.

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He was a vet during the 70's

Try to read a factual statement straight.

Alex Jones lied about Sandy Hook to make money

He really is scum

I was only trying to get your goat by calling you bigot scum

But unlike Jones, you really believe the Sandy Hook false flag story
This makes you a genuine tin foil hat wearer in my view

Not as bad as Jones, but this one view of yours make al your other views suspect

prove those kids died

Two wongs dont make a white.

Keep in mind, as you LIKELY never listed to Jones fully unedited, he only interviewed people studying what happened at Sandy Hook. He never made a solid conclusion, it was who he hosted on his show who did.

And also Alex had 11+ lawsuits over it for about 2 years, he was FORCED to say he was "sorry" because they would have shut him down over it! Yah, thats real nice of you assholes, real tough guys, you fucking Stalinist oppressive bootlicking commies.

what does Alexander Joneson have to with this guy
he was a vietnam veteran combat vet when he never left stateside?
step up you bait game, vlad.

I see the thread's topic being deliberately diverted. Wonder why?

We all know the corporate media spews propaganda for leftist agendas. They are not credible anymore. I for one, will not be posting from those sources either.

Fuck off shareblue.

B-but you can clearly see the kid in a MAGA hat smirking at him! A MAGA hat for god's sake! I can't even right now! I'm literally shaking!

Keep Boycotting anti white anything.
The Small ones have begun to crack ((Huffpost))

I'm a Marine. We don't have any "rangers" and I'm 95% sure we never did.

CIB's (and Rangers) are Army only

Who gives a fuck about your view?

Still more active duty than McCain.

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All I read was "Violent Criminal Record"
Would he be considered black or white if he rapes a woman?

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Nick Sandmann

1444 Shirepeak Way
Independence KY 41051-7425


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I think I'll send him some money. Maybe a gun too, so he can defend himself against you punks.

Underage possession of alcohol, driving without a license, being fined $200, all in the early 1970s somehow equals a “violent criminal record.“

He was guilty of violent toxic misogyny.

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Ya, telling parents of dead 5 yr olds tha tit never happened, tha t they are liars

Now, you sir, are bigot scum

Well I wonder why the media would create such lies?

Maybe agenda perhaps?

Those are the most undeserved quints I have ever seen.

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It's not his fault that you will never amount to anything more than a potato fryer, queer.

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THIS. That kid did nothing - absolutely nothing wrong. Even the media was FORCED to apologize to the students. But noooooo, these radical leftists cannot and will not admit they were wrong. They have to hurt innocent people to delude themselves into feeling happy and powerful.

I wonder who else did that throughout human history?

On that note, if I were the parents of these children, I'd be organizing class action defamation lawsuits and I'd be investing in some armed protection and re-enforcing all the doors of the home to make the kick-proof. I'd even be buying a gun and some ammo for that boy and take him to shooting practice, ASAP.

This dox is the gift that keeps on giving, I'll have to dox more of those kids.

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Covington Catholic High School

1600 Dixie Hwy, Park Hills, KY 41011
(859) 491-2247

Please do not phone in any bomb threats.

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More breaking news this evening at the usual time.

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Why, because you are an asshole?

Submitted that bomb threat as a global report.

There is another thread about how he is solely responsible for wiping out an entire protected species:



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This is nothing.



entirety of leftist msm is just what you described, mong, and is like that 100% of the time.
also sandy hook is Indeed shady as fuck.
between crisis actor who break character constantly and the amount of incoherent garbage, this was almost as sloppy as 9/11

fuck niggers

he is a general lowlife scumbag piece of lying shit. Fake news liberals/leftists look like the evil filth they are yet again.

native American
He's not European.