Police State Loving Communist Michael Bloomberg Does Not Support Marijuana Legalization

As he considers a 2020 run for the Democratic presidential nomination, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is continuing to defend his controversial positions on several issues. Speaking yesterday at the United States Naval Academy's 2019 Leadership Conference in Annapolis, Maryland, Bloomberg explained why he opposes marijuana legalization and still believes "stop and frisk" was a good idea.

Bloomberg's stances aren't anything new. But they're a good reminder that, as Reason's Scott Shackford argued in October, the possible presidential candidate is no lover of liberty.

For one thing, Bloomberg remains vociferously opposed to weed, appearing to tie drug overdose deaths to marijuana legalization. "Last year, in 2017, 72,000 Americans OD'd on drugs," he said, according to CNN's Donald Judd. "In 2018, more people than that are ODing on drugs, have OD'd on drugs, and today incidentally, we are trying to legalize another addictive narcotic, which is perhaps the stupidest thing we've ever done," he declared, presumably talking about marijuana. "We've got to fight that," Bloomberg added.

According to Bloomberg, marijuana is a deadly narcotic like herion or morphine.


Bloomberg was likely referencing Centers for Disease Control statistics showing that 72,000 people died of drug overdoses in 2017. But it's hard to see how that relates to marijuana legalization. As I pointed out in December, the Drug Enforcement Agency did not report any deaths from marijuana in 2017.

Moreover, numerous studies (six of which Reason's C.J. Ciaramella rounded up last February), show that opioid addiction does not start with marijuana. For more on the "gateway drug" myth, you can read Jacob Sullum's comprehensive dive into the subject here.

But Bloomberg has long been ignorant when it comes to weed. In 2013, he called medical marijuana "one of the greatest hoaxes of all time," despite endless evidence to the contrary.

Thousands of those arrests came courtesy of another controversial stance that Bloomberg defended yesterday: stop and frisk. Under that program, police would detain and search citizens based on a reasonable suspicion they were armed.

Stop and frisk was also unconstitutional — police shouldn't be able to stop people without probable cause. And as a federal judge ruled in 2013, the program affected mostly innocent people and minorities. "Nearly 90 percent of the people stopped are released without the officer finding any basis for a summons or arrest," wrote then-Judge Shira Scheindlin of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, according to The New York Times.

Bloomberg, meanwhile, said yesterday that "we certainly did not pick somebody by race." Rather, police "went to a place where there was somebody that had been murdered…and that's where you looked for kids who might have a gun." Of course, that's hardly good enough justification to stop and pat down tens of thousands of innocent people.


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Ironic that he's an icon for many of these leftists, at the same time Jew York is a total mafia-run police state, known for record crime rates and mass incarceration….. and yet people cannot even defend themselves from thugs (which pretty much run roughshod over the streets).

How "liberal."

Would I like to move to Jew York?

My state got fucking REKT when our kids started injecting the marijuanas.

I don't support smoking weed either but is this bait?

Cabalorado or bust!

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This story is irrelevant. Bloomberg is a non-issue

Bloomberg doesn't support Mary Jane because it lets people have control of their lives that he can't influence and legalization would cut into his profits from the justice department.

Taxes are literally the only reason anything is illegal, because it's either too hard to tax it or the state makes more from having it be illegal.

it's called a joke. are you high?

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Zig Forums is starting a break away Jewish Nazi civilization where they're going call people who join names and speak jewish while wearing Nazi swastikas. They're going to grow food and weed and fuck smelly hippie chicks in the wild outdoors of the Pacific Northwest. They don't care if weed is legal because they are going to live by the law of the land.
But hey it's got to be better than lefty's fucking each other up the ass right.

So basically they want to be authentic National Socialists? The Nazi Party was always jewish.

10-15 NatSocs in the middle of nowhere calling each other "Jew", "Kike" and the rest of those names they call people sitting around the camp fire with no internet or phone service will be hilarious. Give em a few weeks and they'll be down to just a few due to killing each other off for supplies. There's no candy out there or crack cocaine so they really won't last very long.

Indeed. Leave the innocent people alone and just frisk the niggers.

Farming is a difficult but rewarding life. Somehow I think they’re just in it for tge indiscriminate killing.

Yeah, they're blood thirsty. I can see em sneaking out of the forest at night killing people at home, stealing their food, using their internet to post some hate then sneaking back into the forest.

Pretty much.

But hey look at the bright side, we can sneak out there in the forest and hunt them for entertainment and nobody would even know.

Sneak out there and kill a few, steal their weed crop and bring it back to town and sell it then repeat seasonally to keep them in balance.

this thread is a prime example of why people need weed just so they don't blow their brains out due to all the bullshit constantly being around them.

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Speaking of weed Roger Stone likes weed, Nixon, and Heshe Vitality from Infowars and he put a nice picture on his back so lefty's will have something to look at while fucking him up the ass.

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Go ahead and try thinking the bull shit theater stuff going down is anything more than a scam.

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Roger Stone the credible commentator on Infowars and Trumps buddy, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha………………………………………………

just one more reason why every single leftist on the planet should be crammed into the ovens.

drug addicts cant be right wing.

maby CNN finally decided to get on board with wacky Alex Jones gay frogs story. it's a double bluff. lol.
Hillary Clinton's Emails and information is worth millions of dollars. every hacker that knows how the game works wants it. you can sell this stuff to multiple nations. they should of known better but they don't. they are easy targets and rather then being shut out they are protected.

99.99% are good.



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them's hurtful words

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But consumption itself is OK. just don't get addicted

So both far rights and lefts hate personal liberty

Freedom = complacency.

The demos should never guide the ship of state and the demos should never be allowed the freedom to self-destruct. Humanity is a hive.

Both parties in America are corrupted to the core, so yes.

Very little left is common sense middle ground and rational anymore.

You are an idiot. We don't live in the ussr where the state is the economy and the government decides where money goes. Politicians act in their own self interest not in the interests of the state, because the state isn't what dictates their reelection and pay (They could vote to increase pay, but the optics are bad). It depends entirely on the donor class. Everything they do is to either secure reelection or increase profits/security of the donor class. Marijuana is illegal because it competes with tobacco and alchohol.

I don't get it. Are you trying to say legalization is rightwing?

Well in a way politicians DO profit from making things illegal because of lobbyists who work for the 'Prison Industrial Complex'. Its not just outsourcing that kills jobs, its these guys that profit from providing slave wage prison labor to corrupt corporations. Remember Bill and Brett in the movie "Maximum Overdrive" working for the gas station manager? Think of it like that, lots of money is saved in the industries due to prison slave labor. And some of these guys either work or do a lot of hard time, so they choose to work.