Trump Turns On Fox News: ‘Even Less Understanding... Than Fake News CNN & NBC’

President Trump

Billionaire investor says he'd back primary challenger to Trump: report
Trump donates 0,000 from salary to alcoholism research
How the government will reopen
on Sunday blasted a pair of Fox News reporters over their coverage of the border wall negotiations, claiming that they have "less understanding" than journalists at "fake news CNN & NBC."

"Never thought I’d say this but I think [John Roberts] and [Gillian Turner] have even less understanding of the Wall negotiations than the folks at FAKE NEWS CNN & NBC!" Trump tweeted, referring to two of the news network's top correspondents.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They reported the news inaccurately so he called them out on it. Not particularly newsworthy

Oh wait it's a shill

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wtf I love reddit now

I know a few HARDCORE Trump fanatics in real life.

oddly, they have all recently lost the wind in their sails, and they've each recently told me that they now realize that they were fooled by Trump, that they feel like he's a coward and a liar, that he's incompetent, that he caved in on the wall, that his campaign promise of making Mexico pay was all bullshit, etc. etc. etc.

In fact, just last night i was talking with one of these friends, and he told me that he now realizes Trump won't win in 2020. He's already looking for another candidate.

All of these guys have told me that the 'improved economy' thing is actually a bunch of bullshit, and they've all told me that they are convinced the upcoming recession will be the reason why Trump loses.

I have to admit………..

For the past couple years, these political novices were SO cocky and self-assured, that it's been a real pleasure watching their spirits become deflated….

fuck them

one other thing:

last night, one of them told me that
he finally realized how stupid he felt
for using Trump's idiotic 'fake news'
mantra, because as he put it, "Trump
Only Says Fake News When It Tells
The Truth About How He's a Terrible

FAKE NEWS = Trump saying his 'poll numbers are so high', because in all actuality his poll numbers have never been lower.

"I will make Mexico pay for the wall"

after being elected, he never mentions the wall again for two years.

Dec. 2018 the Mueller Investigation is about to wrap up, and knowing he is going to be charged criminally, he suddenly mentions the wall again.

"I will make the tax payers pay for the wall"

"I will punish everybody if i dont get to bill the taxpayers for the wall"

"I will own the shutdown"

"I blame you for the shutdown!"

"I will not cave in"

"okay, i caved in"

master negotiator

only a retard could find conflict in this situation.

I R O N I C :

hillary clinton is thinking about running again.
and if she does, she will probably win…..

Because Trump did NOT win the popular vote.
Hillary got more votes than him……………………

and Trump has disillusioned
so many of his own voter base
that he would lose to hillary
if she ran against him again

lol @ most of America wants the wall

No…… No they actually DON'T
you're easily fooled, aren't you ?


the electoral college voted Trump in.

but if you are counting actual voters, Trump lost

……and he's done such a bizarre creepy job
of mishandling his term, that if he ran
against Hillary again, he would lose……

only a retard would pretend that they voted for Trump hoping that he would end up failing on his campaign promise of making Mexico pay for the wall, try to bill the U.S. taxpayers, throw a temper tantrum, shutdown the government to look like a tough guy, then finally cave in like a wimp, demonstrating that he has NO negotiating skills whatsoever, and has no control over anything.

do you ALWAYS support losers,
or was Trump the only one ?

If little old lady Nancy Pelosi beat Trump's ass

then he wouldn't stand a chance against Hillary again

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Trump has ALWAYS been a creepy douchebag illiterate idiot.

ive hated his guts since the 80s……………….

i hate him as a human. his 'politics' mean nothing.

but recently, even his most ardent supporters have become mysteriously silent as they've slowly become aware that he is a complete fucking moron, a terrible 'businessman', and is completely incapable of negotiating jack fucking shit.

This. Samefag shill ITT doing his usual unpaid work. 60% of the country is fine with a wall. Not sure how this helps the Democrats in any way for 2020

Last night, one of my 'trumptard' real-life friends told me that he recently discovered that Trump has been violating federal laws regarding the stock market.

Honestly, i wasnt even really paying attention to the details of what he was saying, so i can't even tell you exactly what laws he said Trump was breaking.

(because i don't care)

the only thing i cared abput or paid attention to was how DISILLUSIONED my friend had become, how he said that Trump is nothing lokr the wau he thought Trump would be, and that he now realizes Trump will likely lose in 2020.

I thought it was funny watching his support fade

He used to be a fervent Trump supporter
but last night, he was ridiculing Trump

He was saying "Trumpty Dumpty wanted a wall. Trumpty Dumpty doesn't have balls"

lol @ your arbitrary unconfirmed 60% assertion

Who is wasting everyone's time with these completely unsurprising boomer analytics?

We all know how you think, you've been running Everything poorly for 30 years and now that you're finally on your way out, all you geriatrics do is drone on about your pathetic propaganda religion. You can save it, i already skimmed the wapo comments section a few years ago.

I believe you, Johnny. You can stop.

I remember he said in a prior post hr would kill someone if he found out they voted Trump. Such an obvious liar

obviously, you're unaware that Trump never actually wanted a wall.

The entire 'wall' mantra was developed by his advisors, as a way of reminding him to mention immigration because he kept forgetting talking points.

They said Trump followed their advice and mentioned a 'wall', and the stupid blue collar overweight racist white trash idiots at the Trump Rallies cheered when he said it, so the caveman started repeating it.

thats how it became a 'campaign promise'.

there's already 700 miles of wall…
and they've found more than 300 tunnels
dug underneath that 700 miles of wall

sorry about that, Hawking

Multiple polls have between a 55 and 80 percent margin of people being fine with a wall, especially if a compromise is involved that allowed immigration reform to legal immigration. The Democrats had a shot to write this and they passed it up. If the next thing they do for 2 years is obstruct, they will not win 2020

spotted the inexperienced bitter child

Please explain in a long and retardedly formatted post why he shut down the government for it. I won't read the post I just like wasting your time and you can't resist

I couldnt care less about 'democrats' or 'republicans'

those are imaginary concepts.

and fyi trump WAS a democrat
he's certainly not a republican

So what you expect to achieve exactly?

Ill keep it succinct:

to distract from the recent flurry of arrests and possible upcoming criminal charges against him

So why is it not shut down anymore

I don't intend on 'acheiving' anything

because he has no negotiation skills

So why do you post here if you have nothing to say? It's meaningless then

Commie from leftypol here. I want the wall. Seriously the only people who have actually thought it through and don't want the wall are libertarians, illegals, farmers/restaurants/construction contractors, and people too dumb for critical thinking.

LOL not that as funny

I was actually laughing so hard that I mistyped

Libertarian here. Liberal doesn't mean absence of law. I want the wall too

There's too much commie SJW nonsense and wishful thinking in this thread. No Trump supporters in their right minds believe anything the media and his detractors say about him. Currently, the fake media's only real job and goal is to demoralise the President's support base.

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Good For You !!…..

I hope you get good at holding your breath

'Fake News'

'Fake News'

'Fake News'

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You have zero support here kid

The Problem With Trump Idiots:

Because they are so inexperienced, they lack the perspective required to realize that even if Trump did build a wall, it wouldn't change anything, and we would have wasted all of that time and money when we should have been fixing our own problems that we created…

Illegal immigrants are NOT our biggest problem

in fact, in order of importance, illegal immigration is way down at the bottom of the list.

WE are our problem

Unlike you, I've never been a follower, nor have I ever sought the 'support' of other people.

Trust me, I have such a low opinion of your type, that I would rather eat a pile of dogshit than to have your approval.

if you 'supported' my opinions, that would mean I was a douchebag just like you, and I would probably contemplate suicide.

Then I support you

RE: support

you misspelled 'try to hide my animosity over the fact that you have decades of real life experience, while i have sat her in front of my anime & video games, unable to accomplish jack shit out of my fear of failure, which is also the reason i can't get a girlfriend'

"Squawk!! Fake News!!"

"Squawk!! Fake News!!"

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No I honestly support you. You have the right to speak. And your ideas make sense. We really have to look at ourselves since we really are they problem. I have no I'll will towards you

We have EVERYTHING to lose right now

This is no longer the age of blind excess

The rest of the world is watching, and hoping we continue to fail, because they have grown to hate our guts.

The Communist Manifesto states that they would destroy America from within, while that's exactly what we've been doing to ourselves.

We have been dumbed down to a point where we allowed this to happen to ourselves, and illegal immigrants had nothing to do with it.

We are lazy and self-entitled, barely able to speak one language fluently….

Hell… Even in horrid third world Nations the average person can speak seven, eight, maybe nine languages fluently.

We are at the bottom of the list for education. We're at the bottom of the list for everything. Illegal immigrants didn't make us stupid… We did it to ourselves…

We have become a nation of bumbling idiotic obese WWE fans, thinking we are superior for some mysterious reason…

We are in a downward spiral, and it hasn't stopped in the past 2 years, in fact it's actually expedited.

We have so many things to work on in our own backyard, and the entire wall conversation is a waste of time and a distraction from the real problems at hand.

I worry about the future for my children in this country, and some undocumented Mexicans are not on my list of fears regarding my kids and their future.

Trump appealed to the lowest common denominator…..

And in the past few months I have noticed a marked difference in the level of support I see my friends engage in, when a mere 8 months ago, they were all cocky and self-assured.

Trump is one of the most embarrassing human beings I've ever seen in my life.

If Trump had done an amazing job as president, I would wholeheartedly support him… But he hasn't… In fact, I think he might be the most embarrassing president I've ever seen in my life…

I've never seen America at each other's throats like this before… Division is not what's going to get America back on its feet…

Instead of solving problems, we are spinning in circles lashing out at each other common getting absolutely nothing accomplished whatsoever.

If Hillary Clinton had been elected, I would be bitching and complaining about her right now… I would never have voted for Hillary Clinton in a million years, because I hate her fucking guts….

If Hillary had been elected, right now you would be reading me insult her and ridicule her…..

But she wasn't elected….

And the man who was elected is an ass clown

He's a moron

He's illiterate….
(let me repeat that so it can sink in)

We have an illiterate president….

He thinks like a caveman, and is NOT capable of higher thought… HE CAN BARELY READ OR WRITE!!!!!

He's also a shitty businessman, whose only proven track record is that of losing billions of dollars in ridiculous stupid business decisions….

He's got no negotiating skills whatsoever.

That's why they hired Tony Schwartz to write 'the art of the deal' for him. Trump never wrote a single word of that book, and Tony Schwartz was hired to fabricate a personality for Trump, to make it appear as if he was a genius negotiator and a brilliant businessman.

Hes neither.

He's white trash…. his father was a disgusting slumlord piece of shit, and his grandfather was quite literally a pimp.

a PIMP…. his grandfather was a fucking pimp (literally) just like a god damn nigger.

You're totally right. Look up his father and how he swindled property in the 1940s.

This exactly. Keep posting what you post you have my support

How the mighty have fallen.
I am surprised that the great and mighty Johnny Neptune is willing to hang his hat on such a piss-poorly written article as this:
I know he sucks Ariana Huffington's cock, but supporting this article, or OP, or this thread, is an absolute travesty!
I do not wish to be bored with childish political argumentations today. I wish to derail and bring Chaos and Disorder into peoples' lives today.

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( I never even read the article )

And I am derailing and creating chaos

but yeah, im bored too

I just randomly picked this thread
but i wont be here long………..
I'm about to bounce to another thread

any suggestions?

(and i actually DID have some real life trump supporters indicate that they have lost their support for him recently, and had a friend tell me last night that they are positive he wont win again)

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Oh, and by the way…..

i think you're a fucking genius !!

…. I have no problem openly admitting that I admire the hell out of you, I respect you completely, and I look up to you in every way….

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Having fun where you're at, maybe?
Take it All the Way?

Same back at you, so fuck this petty politics shit. Niggers gonna argue about this shit until the cows come home – or at least until they realize they are the cows, and the chickens already dun went home to roost!
I'm just here to plant a seed. Maybe roll an apple in the ballroom now and again..

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What's going on in here?
Is this the Eris thread?

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Yep…. I didn't see any threads worth a damn, so i just decided to take a stinky shit in THIS urinal.

politics bore me to death, but I figured what the fuck, I might as well piss some people off one way or another…

I don't really have the motivation right now to create my own interesting thread and break up the monotony in this shithole.

Wendy left for work a little while ago, and my appointments today don't begin for a couple more hours, so I'm just laying here watching the cats play games and jump around.

I know it's redundant, but I really don't care. I could sit and stare in amazement at cats until the day I die, and it never gets old to me Perry.. I'm amazed at how smart they are, as if they can read your mind oh, and I'm convinced that's exactly what they're doing.

Their physical abilities are dumbfounding. These three have been sleeping from the dresser to the fucking mantelpiece, onto the bed, doing gymnastic flips in the air and bolting out the bedroom and down the hallway to play in the rest of the house….

If I had a religion, it would be cats.

I'm fascinated with them

That illustration is beautiful…. Brilliant!

Speech-to-text is frustrating sometimes, in particular when it comes to having to actually verbalize your punctuation

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we are working on placing Sexy in the appropriate foster home.

but the human has to be one in a million
we are trying to find just the right person
it cant be just 'anybody'

Sexy will rip someone to shreds

we are confident that we will succeed

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You were just starting to scare me that you might have started to give a shit about the petty machinations of these here humans. Disgusting creatures, all of them. Some of their women are ok; and, yes, cats are almost divine.
Busy today, but will toss apples in here now and then randomly, for no apparent rhyme or reason whatsoever.

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thats either an amazing photo, or an exquisite example of retouch. Either way i am mesmerized.

The ONLY intetaction i seek with the human species is summed up in my email address


and confrontationalism

Yeah. Having trouble finding better ones without actually looking. I had never seen that one before and figured it was perfect placement.
There's a lot of "art"out there.

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I believe it's an actual photo.
Snagged it off this guy's website:
Here's the original.

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One of my 'robot' programmer friends (one of the hackers that got busted, and they were offered a deal by the FBI to teach them) has one of THE MOST spectacular collections of photorealistic cgi of women, mainly pseudo-fantasy, a lot of futuristic high tech, and although ive seen a shitload of really good 3D art, i have never seen such a large amount of the very best examples on earth….

I have sat at his house scrolling through them for hours, and each one was better than the next.

I forgot to spoiler!
That's art, though, mod!

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fucken saved

in the eye of the beholder

When i was a teenager back in the 70s, the transcendental meditation movement became very mainstream. I actually enrolled at a center in Buckhead, the section of atlanta where i lived.

I found it quite interesting, but to be candid, i found Brown Sassafras MDA to have much greater efficacy.

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you fucking ASSHOLE !!

i had debated whether or not to put Jim's fat fucking pigface on it

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rock on

*holds two butane lighters above my head*


This song actually IS good……

its one that you decided to hate 40 years ago, but its really fucking good, especially towards the end

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Fuck your thread, dude

Well, at least the article was well written!

So what's the solution for 2020; Trump has Pence run in his stead or we end up with a lame duck Democrat presidency (Beta O'Rourke) for four years until Republicans revisit their priorities?

seriously, though….

im not trying to be a dick, and
its really nothing personal……

but your thread is shit !
Im going to take off for a while and
take care of some business

when i come back, i expect this thread
to be gone, and you will have gone outside
and accomplished something………….

do NOT disappoint me

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i voted for Trump but at this point i would vote for an egg salad sandwich in 2020

As a Libertarian I was originally against the wall at first but seeing how badly shills and Democrats don't want it makes me think it might actually stem demographic changes the neo liberals have been pushing so hard for.

you literally just bored Rocket and Sputnik to sleep

great going, asswipe !!

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If indeed that is the case, gotta find someone who will build it. Trump is just too compromised to get it done.